Thunderword Thursday June 4,1992 Page 7 Cartoons Doint Campus beautification out differences came early this year- v a year. “We want to get out of cut,there arc no immediate staff Writsf the chemical as- of it,”she plansforexpansionotimpmve- said ment of buildings and gnrunds. in hearing When Dr. Laura E. Leadgardener,DavtKnss, Future plans include changing -IS, dmOf administra- hasavarietyofnsponsibilities flowersfromarmualstopercn- tion at Highline Community MI duties. One of his job is nials, and making a master de- College, first came to HCC, helping to select €lowers and velopmentplanforthepunds. there was not a lot of color to decidingwhere they’ll be The He says! She hews! and She says! He hears! cartoons the campus. ‘‘We have abeau- planted. Flowers are selected were printed in order to show how men and women hear tifillenvironment,andIwanted according to their coloring, ‘‘It’s like working differently. Like itormt there am differences between womento enhance it,”she said. About durability, and their resistance for a family and men! And one of the differences has to do with intetpre- a year and a‘half ago, more to disease and drought, he said. here.” tationofwhattheopposittsexhasqaid. Dothetwosexesreally flowers started appearing. “I Also, anysuggestions from listen to what one another is saying or do they sincerelyspeak want peopleto be proud of this faculty, students, staff, and - William Smith a different language? campus and enjoy it.” clubsand organizations are According to Deborah Tarmen, who WE, “How to Close HCCencompasses87acres, welcome. Flowers maybe do; SinceMarch 1988, William the CommunicationGAP Betwen Menand Women,”“women about 50 of which are ‘culti- Smith has worked as a hll- and men typically talk differently when they are trying to vated. Tomaintainthegrounds time gardener. He has almost achieve the Sameend. And they often walk away fiom a and add flowers takes money. two years of formal study in conversation having‘heard’ very different interactions.”’ The ament budget of approxi- the discipline of Horticulture. Tannen also states that women and men have different mately $loO,OOOhas already As a special project for a cam- conversational styles. Understanding the differences betweenbeen cutthis year. Stan Shaw, pus tour in 1988, Smith com- women’s and men’sstyles makes it possible to ease the directorofplantoperationsand piled a tour guide. The guide frustrationthat results when others don’t understand what theymaintenance, expects the new listed the common and Latin mean. grounds’ budget taking effect names of 96 varieties of mes, Perhaps in order for both sexes to make sure they are Wig July 1 tobecutbysevento 10 shrubs, and ground covem. He heard correctly, they could try this exercise. Ask the other percent. With limited re- said that he enjoys allthe people person to repeat back what you just said. If it isn’t what you sources, Shawsaid thefirstpri- he works with, and he respects were trying to convey, say itagain. Now have theother person ority isto maintainthe grounds. the appreciation people have repeat it. Continue doingthis until you have a clear message. He said that more flowers were forthe work that has been done. Clearcommunicationcould lead to abetterunderstanding able to be added because ev- “Ws like working for a family of one another,which in turn may be the mad to more prosper- eryone in the maintenance, here,” he said. ous relationships. custodial, and grounds depart- Kirk Bysheim works part nated by anyone and will be time on thegrounds crew. routedthroughproperchanneh. Some of his duties include “We’re all dedi? HCC currentlybuys flowers mowinglawns, picking weeds, cated to the from the Bel-R Greenhouse in and pruning flower beds. The nurtures success Burien. Kress said that by the correct way to pruneis to pull campus.” end of summer quarter, HCC carefully on the flower so you Stan Shaw ut?Claflin entrepreneurialendeavors. - will have its own greenhouse donotbreakthestem,Bysheim Senior Reporter Gradwohl. characterizes completed. , said. Whathe enjoys most today’s entrepreneumas“high- ments pitched in to help. HCC voluntarily restricted about his work, he said, is be- Professor Richard energy,achievement-directed, “We’re all dedicatedto the water usage last year. HCC ing able tosee how itbeautifies Gradwohl refers to modem en- organized individuals who campus,” Shaw said. buys its water from water dis- everything. treplleneurship as an American_ don’t know the words ‘no’, Keepingthelawnsand trees trict number 75, and is in com- HCC conducts tours for phenomenon; a free of pests is a major task. pliance with all regulations. civic clubs and organizations free-wheeling, ‘won’t’,” He Chris Brixey, buildings and Lawns are not watered, Brixey that may wish to visit the cam- aggressive in- grounds supervisor, isincharge said, and flower beds are wa- pus and tour the grounds. As novationthathe of three full-time and two part- tered as needed. Watering is part of their horticulture pro- has been teach- commitment timegmundsemployees. HCC donewithahand-heldhosewith gram, South Seattle Commu- ing at Highline and self-reli- contractswithalocalcompany a pressure cut-off nozzle. How nity College visitsthe campus Community to have the lawns, trees, and often this is done “depends on twice a year to identify the dif- College for 20 shrubs fertilized regularly. A Mother Nature,” Kress said. ferent plants, mes, and flow- years, pesticide companysprays once With an impending budget ers growing here. “I even taughtentre- preneurship when it wasn’t mentsthat Food courier service was embracing existing compts jumpblindinto something ani “3 . popular,” eventually lead not Krehnke’sownconcept. It and improving on them into flyby theseat of yourpants ar Gradwohlwas said. first developed in 1989 successful, profitable busi- over. There’s just too muc: a waiting list to get into’these Nick Krehnke, a former and has grown into acompeti- nesse~. competition; too much risk, classes. That was not always . HCCsndent,hastumedanidea thoughGfadwohladmim Gtadwohl said. the CaSe? and his group devel- that the 90’s willbeen hasGradwohl In Business 155 - Entre- oped in Oradwohl’sbetheeraof entre- member of HCC’s facult: preneurship/Small Business class into apreneurship, cettified for he 24teachin: years; Management, students form business that had its astill believesthat courses in salesmanship pupsandbrainstomfeasible grand opening this businemidearnust marketing and personal fi business ventures. They re- week, Knthnke’sbusi- be analyzed com- nance as well as entrepre search,thesc ideas tborwghly; ness, Restaurant all with pletely neurship. In toaddition hi devising aplan of acdon, mar- Ranger, is a food COU- , available methods educational career, he CUI ketingphs,amlcustornerp der tbat delivers mesls ofcustsmerprofd- rently operates four busi files, talringhtoddcnrsion from selected ~~taut~u~to failure. This is another as~W@,&ngwithstatistical,mu- nesses and writesarticles o ~Of~COSWbyWaufd~he8 and bushmes in the of hdwohl’~phirosophy of ket,andprPductresear&. marketingmanagement i counter if thtac wereactual PcdcrolWayuca. modem entneprencu-p - days wkn you can various trademagazines. * Page 8 ThunderwordThursday June 4,1992 Features Graduates are looking forward to a variety of endeavors Some students will be taking the summer off while others will be continuing on with school Ellen Houcahton Dean of Instruction, puts to- I really like the atmosphere zt in Communication Broadcast- around snobby people.BCC is Staff Writer gethera study of students Highlinemorethanhighschool. ing, but since itisn’t going to be more likehigh school than graduating with an Associate offered anymore Iguess I’llgo Highline is.” of Arts, Associate in Applied to CWU. After I turn 21, I’m Ben Pauk 20: “My only Graduation is coming Junc Science and Associatein Gcn- going to take a trip to Reno, summerplansaretotakeamath 12 at Highline Community eral Studies. Nevada to gamble.” class, then I’m going to the College, bringing with it dif- According to a study of Allison Fox, 20: “I’m go- University of Washington in - ” 1990 HCC graduates, 827 stu- ing to WWU to major in Edu- dents graduated and of those, cation. This summer I’m go- 369 went on to continue their ing to be working two jobs and education. There were 504 probably just look for stuff for working students and 87 look- my apartment.,’ ing for employment. Bmnzell Miller, 20: “Ihave Chris Brown, 23: “Ihave two more classes this summer Photo by Matt Winnis two more classes to take during to take then I’m going to the Ben Pauk plans majoring summerquarter, then I will on University of Utah to play in Psych and Chem. transfer toThe EvergreenState football. I’llbe running a lot College and major in film.’’ I also like the age diversity a this summer and looking for a Sue Cain, 28: “I’m taking lot, it makes itmore interesting pair of shoes.” Photo by Matt McGinnis Photo by Matt McGinnis the summer off from work to in the classroom.” Vanessa Monroe, 20: “I Angle Cassidy will be at- Sue Cain looks forward to help my mother and gct ready Heidi Ebel: “Ihave onemore have one class left this summer taking the summer off. tending WWU. for next fall. I’m going to class inthe fall to take, thenI’m and will then be attending ferent things fordifferent Central Washington University going to CWU to major in Law WWU where I will major in the fall to major in Psychology people. School, work, andfun to major in Education.” and Justice. This summer I’m Marketing, but I also like the or Chemistry.” lies ahead for 1992 HCC Angie Cassidy, 20: “I’m going to work,and maybe take environment, that’swhy Itook Jodi Sorensen, 20: “Iwill graduates. going to Western Washington a trip to PuertoVallerta, diving lessons. Icame toHigh- be leaving for Utah this sum- Each year the HCC Job Universityto persuea Bachelor Mexico.’, line because Ididn’t want to go mer with Miller and work for a Referral Office, in cooperation of Arts in Journalism.
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