Directory of services to help Alcoholics Anonymous Mental health including eating 028 9035 1222 Helping someone who is thinking about suicide improve mental health and distress and anxiety support Carlisle House (residential services) 1 – Approach the person and ask emotional wellbeing Action Mental Health New Horizons 028 9032 8308 Show you care, ask if they are thinking about suicide. Northern area 2019 028 9442 8081 Substance misuse treatment centre. 2 – Listen, give support Support, training and employment opportunities www.carlislehouse.org Let them explain their feelings. Tell them you have to for people coping with mental illness. take any threats seriously. Addiction NI Aware 3 – Get help 028 9066 4434 Tell them you will support them to find help. Get professional Belfast 028 9035 7820 12/18 Drug and alcohol intervention and support services help straight away. Call 999 in a crisis. Remove potential Derry 028 7126 0602 for adults and family members - specific support means of suicide and don’t leave them alone. available for offenders and those aged 55+. NI charity providing support and information for www.addictionni.com those affected by depression. Child Death helpline Gamblers Anonymous Urgent help and support www.aware-ni.org 0800 282 986 (freephone) Support Mail Service: [email protected] 028 9024 9185 Emergency services 0808 800 6019 (free for mobiles) Beat eating disorders www.belfastga.co.uk 999 or 112 Miscarriage Association Police, ambulance service, fire and rescue service, • Adult helpline 0808 801 0677 (freephone) Northlands Centre, Derry 019 2420 0799 coastguard. • Studentline 0808 801 0811 (freephone) 028 7131 3232 077 1123 3802 [email protected] • Youthline 0808 801 0711 (freephone) Websites for further information www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk Community Rescue Service. www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk www.want2stop.info NI Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society GP out of hours services, Dalriada www.drugsandalcoholni.info Urgent care 028 2566 3500 Inspire (formerly NIAMH) www.talktofrank.com (SANDS) 077 4099 3450 Lifeline 028 9032 8474 Local support, including housing schemes, home www.sandsni.org 0808 808 8000 support, advocacy services, information services Abuse NHSCT bereaved by suicide service Deaf and hard of hearing – Textphone users can and education. call Lifeline on 18001 0808 808 8000 www.inspirewellbeing.org 24 Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence 028 9441 3544 24 hour support for those in distress or despair. MindWise Helpline Samaritans helpline 028 9446 0873 0808 802 1414 Freephone 116 123 Currently offers a wide range of support services Text support to 07797 805 839 Listening ear to those in distress. from locations throughout Northern Ireland. Sexual health Open to all women and men affected by domestic www.mindwisenv.org Social services out of hours arrangements or sexual violence. The helpline is managed by the Positive Life 028 9504 9999 Women’s Aid Federation NI. NHSCT eating disorder service 028 9024 9268 [email protected] Action on Hearing Loss 028 9441 3307 www.womensaidni.org Confidential helpline 0800 137 437 0808 808 0123 This service also has a voluntary support group Providing support services, advice and signposting 0808 808 9000 (Textphone) called Stamp ED. Both services are available 9am National Association for People Abused – 5pm Monday to Friday. to people living with and affected by HIV. Support for deaf people. in Childhood (NAPAC) www.positivelifeni.com 0808 801 0331 PRAXIS Care Common Youth (formerly Brook) 028 9023 4555 www.napac.org.uk • Coleraine 028 7034 2178 Praxis provides care to adults and children with Nexus NI GP referral only services learning disabilities, mental health issues and • Belfast 028 9032 8866 • Northern and Western area 028 7126 0566 Access to these services is through consultation dementia. Free confidential advice on sex and contraception with a GP who can make a referral if it is felt SANELINE • Belfast, South Eastern and for young people aged under 25 years. to be appropriate and with your permission (in Southern 028 9032 6803 [email protected] some instances a social worker, mental health 0300 304 7000 Advice and confidential support and counselling www.commonyouth.com practitioner or other professional such as a For anyone coping with mental illness. Helpline for those who have been sexually abused. teacher or health visitor can make a referral): Family Planning Association from 6pm – 11pm. The Rowan - Regional Sexual Assault 0345 122 8687 Self-Harm Intervention Project (SHIP) Threshold (supported housing) Referral Centre Confidential information, advice and support on Community based psychological intervention and 028 9087 1313 24 hour freephone helpline 0800 389 4424 support service for people who self-harm. NHSCT aspects of sexual health and family planning. Offers residential therapeutic communities and and GP referral only service. Support and services for anyone who has been www.fpa.org.uk/ other services to people in Northern Ireland. sexually abused, assaulted or raped. Service provided by Zest: www.zestni.org www.threshold-services.co.uk www.therowan.net Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinics Community addiction service • Causeway Hospital 028 7034 6028 HSC information on mental health PSNI non-emergency reporting number provides assessment and treatment for people conditions, treatments and medications • Royal Victoria Hospital 028 9063 4050 aged 18 years or over who are experiencing 101 (24/7 service) Belfast (appointment line www.choiceandmedication/hscni/ problems with alcohol, drugs and other substances. Victim Support NI 8.15-11.15am) For information on more services Community mental health teams (CMHTs) 028 9024 3133 www.sexualhealthni.info and support: are multi-professional teams that provide Relationship Resource Centre, assessment, treatment and support services to www.mindingyourhead.info Emotional support for victims of crime. people experiencing mental health problems. There www.familysupportni.gov.uk www.victimsupportni.com Carrickfergus are teams working in each council area within the www.llttf.com (Living Life to the Full) 028 9332 9997 Northern Health and Social Care Trust. In emergency Women’s Aid Federation NI situations, a crisis response service will link with out Helpline 0808 802 1414 (24/7 service) Offers support and education with family life, of hours GPs or the emergency department (ED). sexual health and crisis pregnancy. Our services • Causeway Coast and Glens 028 7035 6573 include: sexual health information appointments; Community outreach Alcohol, drugs, smoking • Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, online and telephone support; educational provides a service for people with severe and Larne and Newtownabbey 028 2563 2136 lessons and programmes; specialised children’s enduring mental health problems who require and gambling counselling; young people’s counselling; adult intensive support in the community. • Mid Ulster 028 8676 9300 counselling. Addiction services (Adult) The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Support and advice for women who have suffered www.therelationshipresourcecentre.co.uk 028 2531 7160 or are suffering from domestic abuse. Service (CAMHS) • For advice and support for alcohol and non-injecting www.womensaidni.org provides specialist multi-professional support in the drug use. community for children and young people aged up The Men’s Advisory Project (MAP) Sexual orientation and 028 2531 7162 to 17 years experiencing mental health problems. 028 9024 1929 or 028 7116 0001 • For advice and support for injecting drug use. gender identity The dementia service Specialised support for any man who has been a provides assessment, support and treatment for Start 360 victim of domestic abuse. LGBT Switchboard people in a range of settings who have dementia. 028 2568 9306 www.mapni.co.uk 0808 8000 390 The service also links with a number of voluntary and community organisations that provide support Information, guidance and advice for young people. LGBT Northern Ireland and respite in the community for the patient and www.start360.org www.lgbtni.org their carers. ASCERT/Start360 Bereavement Transgender support services Hospital services 0800 2545 123 Inpatient and outpatient treatment is provided for Cruse Bereavement Care www.transgenderni.com Community based services for young people those who have severe mental health problems • Cruse Northern Area 028 2766 6686 Cara-Friend requiring intensive treatment that cannot be who are identified as having substance misuse provided in the community setting. difficulties. • Cruse helpline 0808 808 1677 028 9089 0202 www.ascert.biz Older people’s mental health teams Cruse offers information, support and advice to Provides information and support to the lesbian, Extern anyone affected by death. gay, bisexual and transsexual community. provide assessment, treatment and support www.cruse.org.uk www.cara-friend.org.uk services to people experiencing mental health 028 2565 4012 problems and who are over the age of 65 years. Step 2 service: therapeutic work for individuals Young people: www.hopeagain.org.uk Cara-Friend LGBTQ+ Youth 18+ who are misusing drugs and alcohol, and a Barnardo’s child bereavement service 028 9089 0202 Rehabilitation programmes support service for their family members. are linked to a range of mental health services, Advice line 028 9066 8333 Low threshold: harm reduction services for people HERE NI supporting people who are coping with, and who are chaotically misusing substances. www.barnardos.org.uk
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