[).() !,I f_R C3 ,l, 0 R EF'"_I ._ '¥.... c: ' U ,.. No, fa. El q 11-1:2. EstimatesA ) for the year ending 31st March 1972 CLASS VI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Presented by Command 0/ Her Majesty Ordered by Tbe House of Commons to be printed 19th March 1971 LONDON HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE £ I. I s. Od. [£1 ,05] net 302-VI , CLASS VI ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES page I. Department of the Environment . 4 2. Scottish Office (Central Services) . • 15 3. Scottish Development Department • 18 4. Welsh Office . 28 5. Civil Accommodation Services, &c., United Kingdom 38 6. Civil Accommodation Services, &c., Overseas 51 7. Defence Accommodation Services, &c. • 54 8. Housing, England • 58 • • 63 9. Housing, Scotland • 10. Housing, \Vales • • 67 71 11. Transport Industries • • • • 12. Transport Services . • • 75 13. Roads, &c., England 78 14. Roads and Transport Services, Scotland 99 15. Roads and Transport Services, \Vales • I I I J 6. Local Government and Development . 120 17. Rate Support Grants to Local Revenues, England and Wales 128 18. Rate Support Grants to Local Revenues, Scotland 131 19. Department of the Environment (Research) 134 I Treasury Chambers MAURICE MACMILLAN I 19th Ala"h 1971 302-VI (IJ8f>S7149926) �--------- I ____________________________________ SUMMARY 1971-72, Class VI � CLASS VI. ENVIRONMENTAL " STATEMENT OF THE GROSS AND NET ESTIMATES - 1970-71 TOlal Uumllf�· VOle S(R\ ICE No. .\ppro­ Appro­ Grou pmlUonJ Gro�� prlauon� In AId In AId I Deputmenl t)f the (n�lron- men! 10t.259,000 32,9Of>, 000 71,353,000 114,978,000 32,643,360 112,J 14, 64(j Oitlee (Cenlr.ll , Sc:oni5h Su- 3,OS8,OOO 40.000 3.042,000 3,I3!.,OOO '"� 46,000 3,036.000 J Sc:otu�h DndL)pmenl Depart- ment 102,510 37,506,000 37,608,530 102,530 37,506,000 17,60iJ.5JO , 17,99�,OOO 177.000 17,818.000 17.997.000 "'dsh Offi'l: 177.000 17,820,000 , CI'I' Accommod,lIlOn Scnices, 121 ,61 �.030 14,596,530 107,018.500 &.c., United ",",dom 127,304,UO 1S.969.5�0 111,335,300 CI�II • Ao:omml)dJIIOn Sc:nlca, 9,570,000 570,000 &I;:" O\'Cf\C,/'I 11.700,000 10,210,000 710,000 9,500,000 7 Ocrence Au:ommodlllon Ser- \ICes . .le 170.950.000 0,41)0,000 157.460,000 172,520.000 13,060,000 159,460.000 8 Housing, (n,land 195,181.000 652.000 194.529,000 19'1",101,000 194,834,000 :m,ooo , lIoWolna, s';Qtl,lnd 45.611,000 161,000 45.520,000 45,681,000 161.000 45,520,000 10 HOUSIn&:, Wulc:) 10,118,000 )4,000 9,984,000 10,171,000 1 134,000 10,037.000 11 Trlnsport Indu\trlb 149,759,039 67,500 149,691,539 H,174,443 6UOO 1S4,I06,94) I 12 Tr;lnsport Sc:r\Jces 37,910,551 14,500 37,896,057 37,911,557 14.500 37,898,051 IJ Roads, &'c" (n,IJnt! 305,826,000 1,650,000 304,176,000 360 1'1,000 1088,000 .HII,065,000 " Roads and TrJnspOrt Services, Scotland 44,474,910 164,910 44,310,000 44,474,910 164.910 44,310,000 I " Ro.. cb ..nd TfJn5port Scr,;cu, Wale$ 20,181,000 20,000 20,161.000 21,180,000 25,000 21,161,000 16 Local Govt'rnmt'nt nO Oc\clop'l"leOl 214,050,000 653,000 213,40),000 214,128,000 217,140 11 \,910,860 17 Rate Support Or"n!! to Local Revenue'!, Ena1and and Wales 1,765.508,000 1,765,508,000 1,883,)88,000 1,883,388,000 18 R.Ht' Support Or.. nts to Local Rt'�tnu", Sc:o!land 106,1193.000 106,893,000 222,521,000 222,522,000 " �panment or thc En�'lfon' men! (Rcw:arch) 7,975,000 1,566,000 6,409,000 8,751,000 1,726,000 7,031,000 TOTAl. £! 3,468,649,066 67,270,970 3,401,1711,096 13,681,659,270 67,1133,470 3,613,825,800 • AdJus!ed ror transren S Mcmorandum on tbe Eltim .. 1971-72, N(If":-AII ratu or pay IIrc Nlltionllll fJtu unless o!berwise mdn:.. ted. .... tcs j VI-2 , SUMMARY 1 971 -72, Class VI -- ����--------------------------------------����==� \Tll SERVICES , FOR 1971-72, AND COf\lPARISONS WITH 1970-71 - 1971-72 E.Ulmalcs Estimates, 1971 72 compared \O,lh vou: Accounl�d for by Appro­ Onginal Estimates Total El;umalcJ No. Gross prlatlons 1970--71 197G-71 in Aid Incrca§c Decrease Incrca�e DccrcaJit 116,865,000 31,645,000 85,210,000 ",867,000 2,885,360 Department of the En"tonmcnt 1 3,640,000 28,000 3,612,000 S70,OOO 526,000 Scolush Olf,cc , 41,075,6)0 83,630 <10,992,000 3,486,000 3,486,000 Sl::OIIlSh Dc>'clopmcnl DcpUlmcnt ) 19,318,000 176,000 19,142,000 1,324,000 1,322,000 \\ elsh Office , 141,311,020 16,481,020 124,8\0,000 17,811,500 13,494,700 Department of the 1:.,,,ITfmmcnt , 11 "'QO,OOO 790,000 11,000,000 2,300.000 1,500,000 �pa rtmcnl or the EnVironment 6 ,J86,OOO 13.486,000 119,900,000 22,440,000 20,440000 I 'j J DcplIrlmcnl of the E""lrO.,m�nl 7 231,081,000 '16.000 lJO,6M,OOO 36,136,000 ]5,831,000 Dcparlm�nt of the E""lronmen, • 50.2]4.'00 14J.5OO 50,091,000 4,571,000 4,571,000 Scolh$h Dc��lopmcrll D<pan�' • 12.049,000 .�OOO 11,967,000 1,983,000 1.930,000 10 \\ ebb Offi(:e 144,395,000 9J,OOO 144,302,000 5,J89,.519 9,804,94) D�artment or the .,\uonm�nt 11 36,009,000 14,000 35,995,000 1,901,OH 1,903,051 fk artrTI�llt of the l.n\lronm�nt " 329,llJ,OOO 2.071,000 327,OnOOO 21,876.000 31,01J,OOO Dc r1menl of tne l:n\ltonmen! Il 50,322,300 198,300 50,124,000 S,814,OOO 5,81',000 Scollish De��lopm�nl Department " 23,77�,OOO 25,000 23,747,000 3,586,000 2,S86,OOO Webh omu " 217,240,000 ))7,000 216,903,000 3,500,000 2,992,140 Department of the En�lJ'onment 16 2,012,599,000 2,On,599,000 267,091,000 149,211,000 Del,afunen, or the 'nVlrortment 17 252,082,000 252,082,000 45,189,000 29,560,000 Scottish De�elopmenl Department 18 9,705,000 1,480,000 8,225,000 ! 1,816,000 1,194,000 Dcpanmenl of tbe I EnvlTonmenl I' 3,9I5,997,4SO 67,549,450 3,848,448,000 I ""7,069,904 234,622,200 1 • VI-3 (138657 149926) --------�------------------------------------- . 1971-72, Class 1 DEPARTMENT OF TIlE ENVIRONMENT VI. (I) DEPARTMENT Of THE ENVIRON 1ENT I. ESTIMATE of Ihe amount required in Ihe year ending 31 March 1972 for Ihe salaries and expenses of the Department of the Environment. and certain Tribunals Commissions, Committees, &c. and for e'<pendlturc on the collection of motor \elllcle duties, &c. and the registration of motor \ ehides in Great Britain. Eight)-fhe million (nO hundred and tnent) thousand pounds (£RS.220.000) £ Net lotal of Estimate . • 85.220.000 Allocaled in VOle on Accounl (He 143) • • 29,944,000 Balance to complete 55.276.000 Note: In the Vote on Account, prior to re-organisation of Votes. the provision on account of thiS Estimate included prm ision for services no\\ borne on Class VI. Votes 16 and 19. The orig11lai Vote on Account provision of £I J2,0-t4.000 has been apportioned het\\cen those Vot\!S and this one. 11. Subheads under \\hich thiS Vote will be accounted for by the Departmenl of the environment, and additional detail. 1970 71 1971-7:! £ HEADQUARTERS AND £ £ REG IONAL OFfiCES A.1. SA LAIUES. 91.603,000 &1.". 92.200,000 48.925 (1) Mmister:!o • 48,115 Nos. Nos. 1970-71 1971-72 I Secretary of SIaH: (£11.500) 1 Minister (2 al £8,500 and 31 3 £7.625) 3 4 PJ.rhamentary Secrclary (0.750) 4 78.554,075 (2) $Iaff . 77,551,875 I. St'p Appendix 13.000.000 (3) Consultants. fees. &c. ' .... 600.000 'ncludlng £131,000 for services of Metrorolitan IJohcein Hyde P.lrk. 8,876,675 A.2. GENERAL AD,\UA'lSTRATIYE EXPENSES 9,570.000 4.207,500 (1) rra\e1hng, &c. 4,285.000 2,501.200 (2) Postal and lelecommUnlCalion;, 5efvices 2,855.000 463.400 (3) Cleaning servico 504.500· 1.704,575 (4) Miscellaneous • 1.9�5.500 Including £13,500 for allowances anJ c\pcnses of Gentlemen-at-Arms and Yeoman of the Guard . 55 (I:lInlnl on 197()..71). • Indu\les "rO\j'h)n ror ,"\lullri,1 �uff(as VI-4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1971-72, 1 -....:J Class VI, 1970--71 1971-72 TRIBUNALS. COM�IISSIONS. £ COMi\IITTEES. &c. £ £ 1,600,400 B.l. SALARIES, &c. I.IJ.IO.OOO Sl'l' Appendl"( 11. 332,925 B.2. GENERAL AOi\U1\1STRATlVE EXPE�SES 310.000 116,400 (I) Travelling. &c., and subsistence 138,200 39.750 (2) POSI Office scn ices .
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