TiWSjiP*.""" If"- t;;: ; 1 £ ".'.•i."f '•^^. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 070 695 071 Ii^2 Cornell University Library ^^ The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924070695071 RECORDS PLYMOUTH COLONY. MISCELLANEOUS HECOEDS. 1633—1689. RECOEDS OF THE COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH NEW ENGLAND. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. EDITED BY NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, M.D., MEMBER OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON, ETC. MISCELLANEOUS HECORDS. 1633-1689. BOSTON: FROM THE PRESS OF WILLIAM WHITE, PRINTER TO THE COJIMONWEALTH. 18 5 7. ^ELL UNIVERSITY \LIBRARY EEMARKS. rpHE miscellaneous records appertaining to the Plymouth Colony, -^ originally forming part of the contents of several volumes, have been printed collectively, and are comprised in this volume. The earliest marriages on record in the colony wUl be found entered among the Court Orders. All the births, marriages, and deaths which were returned for record anterior to the year 1647, with the above-mentioned exception, have been lost by the decay of the first part of the original volume in which they were recorded at Plymouth. The Treasurers' Accounts commence in 1658 and terminate in 1686, when the government of the colony was usurped by Andros. They are preserved in very good order, in connection with certain miscellaneous records, and are in the handwriting of many different persons. The lists of freemen, taken at various times, and of those who were able to bear arms in the year 1643, are among the interesting records preserved in this volume. Complete indexes have been prepared for the printed volume, to take the place of those in the original volumes, which were compara- tively useless on account of their want of minuteness. N. B. S. December, 1857. MAEKS AND CONTRACTIONS. ~ A Dash (or straight line) over a letter indicates the omission of the letter following the one marked. A Curved Line ~ indicates the omission of one or more letters next to the one marked. A Superior Letter indicates the omission of contiguous letters, either pre- ceding or following it. A Caret ^ indicates an omission in the original record. A Cross X indicates a lost or unintelligible word. All doubtful words supplied the editor are included between brackets, by [ ]. Some redundancies in the original record are printed in Italics. Some interlineations, that occur in the original record, are put between parallels, || ||. Some words and paragraphs, which have been cancelled in the original record, * are put between + . Several characters have special significations, namely : — @, — annum, anno. 0, — mo, month. a, an, am, curia, curiam, — par, por, — pt, part ption, por- — — p, ; a, — matrate, magistrate. tion. fe, ber, per, — pson, person, — — numb, number ; Eott, p, — Kobert. p, — pro, — pporoon, proportion. c, — ci, ti, — accon, action. g>, — pre, — ^sent, present, CO, — tio, — jurisdiccon, jurisdiction. q,, — qstion, q^uestion. 6, — ere, cer, — a6s, acres. ^, — es^, esq^uire. d, — dd, delivered. f, — Apr, April. e, — Trer, Treasurer. s, — s, session ; sd, said. e, — committe, committee, s, — ser, — svants, servants. neuter. g, — gfilal, general ; Georg, George, 1, — ter, — neu?, h, — chr, charter. ?, — cap?, captain. uer, seSal, seueral. 1, — begig, beginig, beginning. xi, — — 1, — ire, letter. u, — abou, aboue, above. m, — mm, mn, — coihittee, commit- ?, — ver, — se?al, several. tee, w, — wn, when. them y", then y', their m, — recomdacon, recommendation, y% the ; y", ; ; ; y^, this y', that. ml, — mer, — formlly, formerly, ; vilibus. ni, — month. 3, — us, — vilibs, aiio, anno, — es, et, — statut^, statutes. n, — nn, — Pen, Penn ; ^ n, — Dni, Domini, ^6, &(3, &C'', — et csetera. vizj, — videlicet, namely. fi), — ner, — manfi), manner, full point. o, — on, — mentio, mention. ./ — (V) CONTENTS. FAQB MISCELLANEOUS EECOEDS, 3 TREASUEY ACCOUNTS, 93 LISTS OF FEEEMEN AND OTHEES, 173 INDEX, 311 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS. 1683-1689 PLYMOUTH RECORDS. MISCELLANEOUS EECOEDS OF TKE COLONY OF NEW PLYMOUTH IN *NEW ENGLAND. [The following pages contain the records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, and Burials, in the several towns of the Colony of New Plymouth, as they were returned by the respective town clerks. The first portion of the manuscript part having been lost, and the first page of what remains being in a tattered condition, the original record commences in a fragmentary manner. The handwriting in the original is that of Secretary Morton. The pages of the manuscript volume are noted in the printed copy by an asterisk in the text, and by Arabic figures in the margin.] BIRTHS, MAREIAGES, DEATHS, AND BURIALS. *x X X X twentyeth of Nouember. [*!.] X X buried the tenth of Febrewary. Zebx xeman buried the 23'* of March. 1647- Yarmouth Regester of the Beirth of theire Children. yakmouth. SUSANNA MILLER, daughter of M' John Miller, was born the 2<'°'"i of May. Elizabeth Hedge, daughter of M' Wiliam Hedge, was born the twenty one of May. Samuell Matthews, the sonn of James Matthews, was born the first of May. Jonathan Hallot, the sonn of Andrew Hallott, was born the twentyeth of Nouember. Ruth Tayler, the daughter of Richard Tayler, was born the 29*'^ of July. Mary Rider, the daughter of Samuell Ryder, was born the sixt of September. Sara Hull, the daughter of Trustrum Hull, was born the 18* of October. Beniamin Staare, the sonn of Tho Staare, was born the sixt of Febrewary. X Darby, the sonn of John Darby, was born the last of Febrewary. Josepth, the sonn of Wiliam Nicherson, born the 10 month, 1647. (3) PLYMOUTH COLONY RECORDS. yaemouth. 1647- Yarmouth Regesterfor Marriages and Burialls. Hugh Tilby died the twenty eight of January, buried the day foUoing. Henry Wilden maried to Eedx x the twenty fift of January. Sara Hull, the x x died x x X X X X Winter, x x x was born on x x x Pltmotjth. [1647. Plymouth Register of Births.'] L 4.] ^HO Hanna Smith, the son daughter of Richard Smith, being *f I & & JL twines, were born on the twenty third of Aprell. Lidia Barnes, the daughter of John Barnes, was born on the twenty fourth of Aprell. Samuell Wood, the sonn of Henery Wood, was born the twenty fift of May. Hanna Glase, the daughter of James Glase, was born the g"™"! of June. Ann Sturtivant, the daughter of Samuell Sturtivant, was born the 4"^ of June. Lidia Bartlet, the daughter of Robert Bartlet, was born on the 8* of June. Rebekah Billington, the daughter of Francis Billington, was born on the S"" of June. Abigaill Church, the daughter of Richard Church, was born on the Hanna Eedy, the daughter of Samuell Eedy, was born on the twenty third of June. Elizabeth Chipman, the daughter of John Chipman, was born on the 24*1' of June. Hester Willet, the daughter of M'^ Tho Willet, was born on the sixt of July. Sara Howard, the daughter of John Heward, was born on the twentyeth day of August. Thomas Paddy, the sonn of M"^ Wiliam Paddy, was born the sixt of September. X X sonn of Wiliam Hoskins, was born the last day of November. XXX John Tompson, x x x BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. j X Eener, the daughter of M' x Rener, was born the Pltmooth. 26* of December. [*5.] Seth Pope, the sonn of Tho Pope, was born on the 13"^ of January. Elizabeth Cook, the daughter of Jakob Cook, was born on the IS'" of January. Samuell & Elizabeth Watson, being twines, the sonn & daughter of Gorg "Watson, were born the 18"" of January. Ephraim Morton, the sonn of Ephraim Morton, was born on the 27*^ of January. Isaak Doty, the sonn of Edward Doty, was born on the 8"> of Febrewary. Isaak Cushman, the sonn of the Elder Cushman, was born the S"' of Febrewary. ISIary Atkins, the daughter of Henery Atkins, was born the IS'*' of March. Elizabeth Faunce, the daughter of John Faunae, was born the twenty third of March. 1648. Plym Regester of Manages ^ Burialls. Elizabeth Spooner, the wife of Wiliam Spooner, died the twenty eight of ApreU. John Wood, the sonn of Steuen x x x x Tho Smith, the sonn of Richard Smith, x x x , Hanna Glase, the daughter of James Glase, died the 15* of June. John Young was mafied vnto x x the 13* of December. M' Beniamin Vermayes mafied vnto M"^ Mercy Bradford the one and twentyeth of December. John Barnes, the sonn of John Barnes, died the twenty fift of December. John Smith, JunT, of Plym, was mafied vnto Deborah Howland, the 4* of January. John Tompson, the sonn of John Tompson, died the eleventh of Febrewary. *1648. Sandwidg Regester of the Beirths of their Children. sandwich. [*6.] X Boatfish borne the 27* of March. Mary Willis was born the 14* of Aprell. Bathshenah SkifFe born the twenty one of Aprell. 5 PLYMOUTH COLONY RECOKDS. Sand-wioh. Meriam Wood was born the S**" of May. Ezra Bourne was born the 12"^ of May. Micaell Blackwell was born the first of June. Caleb Allen was born the 27* of June. Patience Butler was born the 14*'' of August. Susanna Turner was born the 28"^ of September. Debora Wing was born the tenth of October. Nathaneell Fish was born the 37"^ of Nouember. Hester Allen was born the 8"^ of December. Sara Wright was born the eleuenth of Febrewary. Benet EUes was born the 2T^^ of Febrewary. A sonn of Peeter Wright still born, the 16"' of December. 1648. Sanawidg Regester for Manages 8f Burials.
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