Curtiss Cook — Reprising His 105-Year-Old Compton Woman Role in Season Three of Show- Celebrates her Birthday in Style time’s ‘The Chi’ (See page B-2) (See page C-1) VOL. LXXXVI NO. 25, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2020 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 L.A.’s first Latina Council president has spent her entire life fighting for a higher quality of life for communities of color and those often excluded and underserved. And neither COVID-19 or attacks from the Police Union will detract her from her mission. BY DANNY J. BAKEWELL, Jr. people sleeping on the Executive Editor streets, under and over freeways and through- Councilwoman Nury out the city. Then, there Martinez became president was the COVID-19 pan- of the Los Angeles City demic, which the entire Council in January of 2020. nation was unprepared Becoming the first Latina for, and the federal gov- City Councilwoman to ernment’s slow response serve in this position in the only perpetuated an al- history of the City. Need- ready critical disease that less to say, there was no is debilitating Los An- way that the newly elected geles. The fallout from madam president could COVID-19 forced busi- have foreseen all of the nesses throughout the city unprecedented events that to close, bringing about would rock the city and the record unemployment, nation when she took on the putting an overwhelming historic position. strain on our medical sys- Under Martinez’ presi- tem and virtually bringing dency, she has been instru- the Los Angeles economy mental in helping the city to a screeching halt. cope with and navigate In May of 2020, the through the tragic death nation also witnessed the of Lakers superstar, Kobe brutal murder of George Bryant. She is also leading Floyd in Minnesota, a efforts to bring resolution public killing that out- to an unparalleled homeless raged the world and lead crisis in Los Angles, while thousands, if not millions challenged by a court or- of people, to the streets der limiting how and what PHOTO E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS / LA SENTINEL all over the world, calling the city can do to address Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez stands in the John Ferraro Council Chamber located in Los Angeles the thousands of homeless City Hall. {See MARTINEZ A-10} Juneteenth—An American Holiday for Freedom Kendrick Lamar, Mayor Aja Brown march in Compton’s largest protest against police brutality in modern history. BY JASMYNE A. CANNICK Special to the Sentinel At the time, the $12.3-million contract with the city of Compton was the most expensive among the 41 cities patrolled by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. Led by then- Mayor Omar Bradley, the BY BERTRAM KELLER slavery in all 50 states. five-member City council Contributing Writer Many Americans voted 4-to-1 in July 2000 to share the misconception disband the Compton Po- June 19, celebrated as that President Abraham lice Department in hopes “Juneteenth,” a special mo- Lincoln freed the slaves of getting a handle on the ment in American history, with the Emancipation high homicide rate that had our nation’s second Inde- Proclamation of January gripped the city and kept pendence Day. A day that 1, 1863. However, Pres. residents indoors in fear of established a progressive Lincoln’s proclamation PHOTO BY DAMION LOWE step for human rights, and {See COMPTON A-10} Compton Mayor Aja Brown marches in Compton against police brutality Jun 7, 2020. commemorates the end of {See JUNETEENTH A-14} The Struggle, As Well As Protest, Continues BY THANDISIZWE CHIMURENGA trees in public spaces. Contributing Writer Twenty-seven-year- old Rayshard Brooks was Calls to #defundthepolice fatally shot June 12 in At- have become the rallying lanta by now former po- cry of a majority of protests lice officer Garrett Rolfe, against the Memorial Day a six-year veteran of the death of George Floyd by department. Brooks had fallen asleep in his car in a Wendy’s parking lot. Police were called and Screenshot YAKOOZA/INSTAGRAM Brooks failed a sobriety Dr. Melina Abdullah, co-founder and organizer of Black Rep. Karen Bass and L.A. City Councilmember Marqueece test. Video from the event Lives Matter-LA Harris Dawson shows Brooks talking calmly with officers and cers after attempting to use ing from trees, as well as police in Minneapolis, Min- tors, including the taking of obeying their instructions it on one of them. He is then one in Manhattan and one nesota. The protests, which signs and banners, spewing while taking the sobriety shot in the back twice and in Houston, Texas. have been ongoing in sev- racist vitriol and physical as- test. falls to the ground. Twenty-four-year-old eral cities across the U.S. saults. Once the determination Demonstrations were Robert Fuller was found since that time, have also Most disturbingly, police is made to place him under held in the city and the Wen- dead near City Hall in created a backlash amongst have continued to use dead- arrest Brooks attempts to dy’s restaurant where Brooks Palmdale, approximately many Whites. Numerous ly force in questionable cir- escape from the custody was killed was burned to the 60 miles north of Los stories and viral videos have cumstances and, ominously, of the officers who even- ground. Protestors also shut Angeles, on June 10. shown White individuals, as of this writing, the bod- tually use a taser on him. down a nearby freeway. On May 31, 38-year old males and females, harass- ies of three Black men have Brooks can be seen run- In two California towns, www.lasentinel.net ing and assaulting protes- been found hanging from ning away from the offi- Black men were found hang- {See STRUGGLE A-10} A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 2020 Black Lives Matter Founder Finds Hope in Global Protests Over George Floyd’s Murder BY GAIL BERKLEY have to work “to remove is something many organi- Special to California Black the negatives we’ve inter- zations have been doing Media Partners From The nalized about ourselves.” for many years,” she said. San Francisco Sun Reporter “For people who are “It’s really about get- not Black, there’s also ting a handle on how we’re For Black Lives Matter work to do.” She said it’s spending our money.” She co-founder Alicia Garza, not only about changing cited the fact that educa- the widespread global the rules, but also about a tion funds have been cut, protests and activism that culture shift. “That’s what the postal service is near followed the murder of I think we’re seeing now. bankrupt, and thousands of George Floyd, an unarmed It’s going to take all of us homeless are living on the Black man, by Minnesota staying committed.” streets. police have been hearten- She said the millions “We’re using police to ing — and they make her joining protests following deal with homeless. You feel hopeful for the future. the murders of George don’t send a nurse to deal At the same time, she said, Floyd, Ahmaud Auberry with a drug cartel.” “It’s bittersweet that it and Breonna Taylor were “We did the largest sur- takes someone being mur- sparked by “a powder keg vey of Black America in dered on camera to get to waiting to happen.” 2018 - The Black Census the point of conversation “People are mad about Project. The overwhelm- that we’re in.” a lot of stuff. We’re all ten- ing majority said in the “I was horrified,” der right now. It’s an elec- past six months they’d had Garza said of viewing the tion year. We find our- a negative experience with video of Floyd’s life being selves in a global pandem- the police.” taken by a White police ic. The lack of human She said what she sup- officer with his knee on touch… and being able to ports is “limiting the size, Floyd’s neck. “Every time gather. Because of that we scope and role police play a Black person is murdered also have the expansion of in our communities. by police there is some- an economic crisis. Not Police also need conse- thing disturbing about it.” only are people trying to quences when harm is She added, in this case, FILE PHOTO stay healthy, they’re trying enacted. Police unions are “Just the callousness of it; Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza to pay their bills.” a huge, huge issue. They and him calling for his “What we can all agree block transparency for mother. There’s just so on is that policing is not officers.” much in there that’s horri- it and to have been a small na Gomez’ Instagram last She said it’s important serving the people that Speaking of another fying. It’s just a brutal part of it.” She is heartened week. It was awesome.” to change the people who they’re supposed to serve. campaign that’s getting reminder of how Black that people are awakening. She said people are really are making the rules and When we’re afraid of the national attention Project lives don’t matter in this Garza said she is also hungry for information. those who aren’t enforcing police that’s not serving.
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