No Other ;! ' a chance when you “■: Part of a'^ewspspei'teso^otoMtij;.? ^ ; ly read as the Want Columns.' TV- ■* Sun Want Ad. You Nutley Son is no exception. If yc ri 'a certainty that your ' :• don't know ’ by experieace.vhoi?. reach the person who can quickly our Want Ads" reach thoir - marks, try one and4c convinced: 1 week, 15c; 3 weeks, 25c 3 weeks, 25c LEGAL PAPER O f THE TOWN OF NUTLEY T- V. N o . 4 1 . NUTLEY, N. J:, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1909. THREB CENTS RER CCPY. Pleaded In Vais for Bertchie. To Start Big Sewer. NUTLEY RIDERS GET TRAGIC According to an Associated Press des­ WOODRUFFS The members of the Passaic Valley patch the pJea for a reprieve made to BODY FOUND Sewage. Commission have asiiiounced TUNNEL )EATfl IN RIVER Governor Fort on Thursday by Mrs. Bert­ that actual work on the Passaic Valley chie, the wife of the Lakewood murderer Seweris to be commenced next Monday, A despatch was received at T he Mot­ L WoedrnK Drowned Off Pal- and former Nutley resident, in behalf of ft will include many, if not all, of the Erie. Patrons'Hay Hew Ura Sig TttBes hi le y Sum office at the time of going to press >arit— Boiy Not Recovered. her husband, was ineffective. Bertchie preliminary details of the vast 'and .com­ : '; : Reaching. City.: : e is to he put to death next week in the that a body had been found in the Hud­ plicated undertaking, and unless the joint /ing to board a barge which carried The promise of the use of the now tun­ .,6 0 0 0 5 :.. State prison, Trenton. Mrs. Bertchie has suit of the Government and New York, a rt of the Newark Police Benefit As- son River near Paliside Park on w hich nels by the patrons of the Erie Railroad made every effort to save her husband, State against New Jersey takes an un- :inlion’s excursion on tbeHudson River a letter was found addressed to "Francis and its branches was fulfilled On Monday. l i e *1 carrying up an appeal last January. She expect turn, ground for tho proposed A FREE st Tuesday, Francis H. Woodruff, 19 At one o’clock in tbe morning the tunnel made her last attempt with the Governor H, Woodruff, Nutley, N. J ," The infor­ sewer system will be broken in about \rs old, of this town, was drowned, be- service was started from both the F.rie in person, and failed. The Governor as­ mation was 'conveyed to his parents three months. > : ; the eyes of several hundred persons and Lackawanna terminals, and hereafter sured her any action on his part would be immediately. *-arge and in the adjacent park. travellers on the Erie system may use ' of New a companion useless, as the Court of Pardons would S t Paul’s Congregational Church. either the uptown or downtown tubes to i VJ>JJ ^1 not grant any commutation of sentence. On Sunday, public service at 11 a. m. reach the city. 7 : - PURE tb-^H ;'0 ,/at the same The edict of the courts would therefore NEAR SHUT-OUT by the Rev. Archibald Black, of Montclair, la the morning rush hours from 8.40 un­ / ine a t about have to be carried out. N_ J. Mr. Black is a brother of Prof. til 9.30 and the evening rush hours from ■ning saying FOR ST. PAUL A. C. Hugh Black of the Union Theological 4.30 to 6.30 trains are run every three Seminary, New York city. Sunday-School minutes. In the ictermedlate hOurs of. the -• / ®n<* might not Normal Increase In RataMes. a t 10 a. m. ' • reaching Pal- Assessor Brown in compliance with the Belleville Will dive Nutley its Third day trains are nia every five minutes, i It adds to the pleasure of both uptown and downtown. Passengers eating candies to Teel tha; the i*°pe ,Jpected to make law on the subject, submitted his books Argument This Afternoon. desiring to go to Twenty-third street arid ■ con/eutions a> e absolutely -pure' i‘I ^ Qttd\ih, Woodruff met to tiie County Board of Taxation on Tues­ AMUSEMENTS. and wholesome. - / .y ■ s,;.vvi'; For eight innings last Saturday the Sixth avenue. New York; are transferred JJ/d, who had agreed day. The Nutley valuations are $1,539,­ . We" sell HUYLER’S fine ®/Vp J . St. Paul A. C., of Orange, could ro t get a without extra charge. : . ‘ ■ • coming season. 460. For the year 1908 the figures were chocolates, bon bons and speci­ run from Nutley. In the ninth inning Hillside Pleasure Park. Through service from the Erie terminal alties. - 1 '' and parted after $4,209,226, The increase in ratables is they made a determined stand, had two Three flights will be made by Aeronaut to Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, :■ ■ These are not only guaran- " Woodruff liad therefore $330,234, which compared with «ntf runs presented to them by Hawkins, who Frank Goodale in bis Strobe] airship at will be given as soon as the additional teed pure as to ingredients b.ut ■ with the intention previous levies is about of a normal char­ ■O'-er, made a bad throw to third, and wound Hillside Pleasure Park tomorrow (Sunday). equipment is received, which, is expected are made in the most sanitary ”<? thfion nor did he know acter. The Nutley rate will be officially surrounding, in a factory in : id up tlie game with four to their credit. Two of these will be In the afternoon and in a very short time. '■;■:■■■ ’ /. '■ ; . V ; °tj his sweetheart. Miss announced in a few days, but there is no which every detail of manu­ The score was 7-4 in Nutley’s favor. the third a t night-. Goodale is operating The trailic through the new tunnels, facture is carried ou with as Crittenden street. New­ likelihood th at there will he any change which were opened oil July 19, has been The moral, if there he one, is that it his ship now better than every before and perfect regard for cleaiiliises^ as v s'. xf It is believed by her from the $2 figured upon by the Town very great, and a large number of com­ is not always wise to reckon on a shut­ as his' engagement at the park ends With can be found iu the most hn- - «sin the spur of the rao- Council. muters and passengers patroniZe: them maculate kitchen. 7 ' V out at the eighth inning. With Carney these Sunday flights, those who have not daily. With the completion of the' Erie ■1}' •merry makers, although Blum in the box the Nutley team put up cut, .the first of the r.ew year, the greater A11 the latest dninties ih feg^he may have told him of a good game. Joiner was on first, Fred seen him fly would do well to take ad­ packages and in bulk. , ; ■ Empty Bam Food For Flames. benefit to this locality - will be realiZed,; 908 Spinning on thitd and Ray Blum guarded vantage of this last chance. A hig act and travellers to or from. Nutley and the ®°^who was said to be affi- An alarm from Box 32, on Tuesday second in his usual good style. Young to tun throughout the whole of next week city will make the journey in half a:; hour. M; afternoon, summoned the fire department was suffering from too much familiarity as a part of tee main. free show is the It is authoritatively stated in connec­ iuff, ia an aeronaut, and with poison ivy and was not playing, to Prospect street, to a blaZing barn own­ high, fancy and fire diving by the Hellk- tion with the tunnel extension that the James Crammond Iny ascensions in the parks although he took the place of Carcoron, Hudson and Manhattan Railway Com­ ed by Mrs. Susan DeVries, on the property vists. This combination ; consists of a KASOffIC jHALL EEAESAGT the visitor’s short stop, when that young pany will have cars running, from New­ , Franklin Ave., cor.'High St. ■ ; launch containing the party formerly occupied by Mr, A. B. Bishop, man had to retire from the game in tbe man and a woman, who execute somer­ ark eastbound without stop within two The cause of the fire is unknown, hut was sixth inning because his foot got in the saults, combination dives and fire dives years, and that a branch will also be con­ who were Woodruff. Durkin, way of Stager’s slashing hit, Jakey Gil­ thought to be due to the carelessness of from a tower 100 feet high to a tank -of structed from the Jersey City teiminal . Peter Frisco, William Reilley man endeared himself to the fraternity to Comtnunipaw. i ^ : v ; some boys in the neighborhood who made by capturing five fly balls during the water. In the fire dive the performers (Dougherty, drew along side of a rendeZvous of the building. Before the : Traffic arrangements will also be made ■ ;. Carried Two loaiUd Gaas, ’ it was struck by the fender of game. At the bat Nutley got ten hits to and water will be all ablaZe. MissHellk- with the Erie and Lackawanna; by which firemen arrived the building collapsed and their opponents three. Oti. complaint M ;J,’ Percy Lfefixn. 'of boat, causing it to ship a large it evidently had been on fire sometime vist is absolutely the only woman in the commuters may use their ferry tickets in; The followingis the score: ' world performing such a stunt.
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