HERALD COOKING SCHOOL OPENS TOMORROW, STATE THEATER, 9:45 A, ing the meeting, refreshments will REBEKAHS TO MEET be served by Mrs. Lillian Tedford AVERAGE OAILT CIBCIHLATION CATHOLIC WOMEN and her committee. Noble Grand If You Are Particular About Food— THE WEATHER 'J, Marion Straughan announces that a for the month of February, 1885 Foreenat of 1). S. Weather Buieau. ]C«mbM «ft J<dm Uatb«r chap- ON MONDAY NIGHT full degree rehearsal will be held Spring Means New Curtains Hartford t*r, Order of Dellolay, wni attend MEET TOMORROW tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at DINE A T ebuieli ta a body tomorrow. They The regular meeting of Sunset Odd Fellowrs hall. The guard team j For, Many Homes Fair mad not quite oo cold tonight: will Uatea to a aennon by Rev. 5 , 4 8 6 Rebekah Lodge will be held Monday is asked to meet at 3:30 o'clock. Memher of tha Audit Tneoday eloody with rising tempera­ C Homer Olana, paetor of the •“ uaecleanlng and overlook your old window Bureau et OIrcnhitlono ture; fata Tneoday night. North Methodist church. Memheis evening at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows CAVEY'S GRILL that are probably cracked and tom and aaturated with lEtif ntng ralb are asked to meet at Depot Square Open Session of Gibbons Miss Rita O’Leary of Elm street hall. A degree will be conferred on is spending the week-end in New “Where good food and good taste are inseparable” at 10:15 tomorrow momlnK. a class of candidates for the first York City. She is registered at l;he An Excellent Place To Dine and Dance! f (ClaariSed Adverttatag oa Page 14.) Assembly to Be Held at time by the new officers. Follow­ Hotel Theresa. When It Cornea To a Matter of Replacing Them— VOL. UV., NO. 143. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE rUKEB CENTi N»««de Brothers of STS Mala Give A Thought To street have secured the contfact for Try Our Seven Course alterations to the officers' quarters SL James’s HalL in the state armory which constate SUNDAY DINNER 7$c of rearranging' partitions and erect­ RICE QUALITY SHADES These Back Hitler’s Defiance of Versailles Pact ing new partitions, cbapges in the At a meeting of Gibbons Assem­ FOLLOW THE CROWD AND HAVE SOME FUN SPECIAL LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS DAILY Pot On HOLD-FAST AU Metal Rollers COOKING SCHOOL beating arrangements and installa­ bly. Catholic Ladles of Columbus, AT THE Sold In Manchester by tion of electrical fixtures. The sub 50c EUROPE MAKES MOVE held last evening final arrange­ contracts for mlllwork has been Also A La Carte Serviee awarded to the Hartford Builders ments were made for the open WM. H. DAVIS Finish Co.. Hartford: the electrical meeting which will be held in St. Piel’s Pielsner and Croft Ale On Tap 825 Center Street OPENS TOMORROW work to Raymond Hagedom, Qlen- James’ School hall, tomorrow after­ SILVER GRILL TeL 818* wood street: the heating to Joseph noon at 2:30 o'clock. ^ 1 Rice Shades are washable. Sec our Unfilled Duck Shade TO FIND OUT MOTIVE Pohlman and the painting to Law­ Mrs. Lillian Mahoney, general And As a Special Feature Also which you can put In the tub and launder. Rice Shades Include a rence Converse. chairlady of the meeting reported full line of opaque and Holland styles. Annoal Free Home Econom­ that her various committees had —TONIGHT— PIEL’S BOCK BEER PREDICT m Bertha and Edward MIssell of perfected their plans and that a TOe Hold-Faat guaranteed roUer is of all-meUl conatrucUon- Hartford have bought a six-room capacity crowd was expected. SCHLITZ BEER WUI not warp, cannot got out of alignment. No tacks or tools ics Lectures Sponsored bouse on Nott street, Wethersfield, Mrs. Louise Murphy, as chairman Italian Swiss Colony Wines needed to put up a curtain. OVER PENSION, FOR REICH ARMY PLAN owned by the Manchester Building of the. Program Committee, report­ by The Herald to Be Held and Loan association. The transfer ed that In addition to the speaking A tten d an ce was 'arranged by the Arthur A. program already arranged, a very Knofla agency. fine musical program would be pre­ Tuesday, Wednesday, RACING BUIS Reich Dictator Annoimces sented In which local and out of Forget-Me-Not Circle, Junior town artists will participate. P rize Thursday and Friday Hitler *s Act Described That Germany Is Restor- Kings Daughters, will meet at the The following is a Hat of the gen­ Velvet—LocaJ 2125 Assembly Leaders ■ Not So I home of the leader. Miss D. L. Ly- eral committee: Chairlady, Mrs. One Box of Hollywood Chocolates for the Lucky Lady. dall. 22 Hudson street, at 3 o’clock Lillian Mahoney. Program Commit­ A Good Prize for the Lucky Man, Too. Weavers, Fixers, Twisters and All Others Mornings in State Theater As Serious by Pittman { ing Her Conscript Service this afternoon. , tee, chairlady, Mrs. Louise Murphy, Certam That the Measures assistants, Mrs. Alice Buckley, Mrs. Everyone Has An Equal Chance To Win I Employed In Velvet Weaving Department Alice Allison, Mrs. Mary Morlarty; Who are members of Local 2125—a meeting will be held — Many Prizes to Be I in Violation of Versailles AH members of St. Mary's Voung Invitation Committee, chairlady. Music By Will Be Passed — Mach Washington,' March 18,— (AP)—,f- keeping in close touch with de­ People's Fellowship planning to go Miss Mary Boyle, asslntants, Mias Shortly after Chairman Pittman, of : velopments. to Bristol are requested to meet at Beatrice Sweeney, Miss Mary Shea. Given Away — Doors I Treaty— London Sends the Senate foreign relations commit- I The American attitude was de­ the parish bouse at i o'clock and Miss Bessie 'Tynan; Decoration Odd Fellows Hall Opposition. scribed as one of "watchf-jl wait­ bring their old clothes for the box CommIttM, chairlady, Mrs. Agnes MOONLIGHT tee had describe<l Germany’s plans • that IS to he sent to Virginia. Sunday Afternoon, March 17, At 2 O’Clock Open Daily at 8 a. m. ing" on the sidelines. I Note to Berlin— France Messier, assistants, Mrs. Ella Wood- to Increase her military strength as i Hull, Davis and other State De­ house, Mrs. Josephine Leary, Mrs. All Are Requested To Be Present! Hartford, March 18— (AP) '— "very serious”, Secretary Hull today partment officials were keenly inter­ ,Jt'inner.s at the weekly radio ama­ Florence Turcotte. Mrs. Belle Zim­ Those who weeks ago forecast that SERENADERS It’s Not Too Late To Women of Manchester and the vi­ colled Norman H. Davis, President ested in press dispatches from Lon­ Looks to Her Defenses. teur contest at the State theater merman, Mrs. Bridget Taylor: Re- the 1935 General Assembly would don reporting that Great Britain, fresiiment Committee, chairlady, cinity will be again welcomed to the Roosevelt's European observer, into last night were Joseph Oiraitls of SCHLITZ, NARRAGANSETT AND RED FOX go down in the books as one of the after consulting with Italy and Manchester and Edwin Gordon of Mrs. Helen Gorman, assistants, Mrs. State theater tomorrow aa the an­ consultation. Francis Shea, Mrs. Mary Higgins, "flghtingest" In Connecticut history France, had dispatched a note on BUXLETIN. -Mansfield, both vocalists. Others BOCK BEER ON DRAUGHT Try Some Of That Good nual Herald Cooking School gets Davis was expected to go to the the subject to Berlin That and Sir who appeared Included Josephine Mrs. Nellie Barrett, Mrs. Irene found new material today in the old White House later in the day to dis­ Plaza of Broad Brook, Rose Scell, Shea, Mrs. Mary Humphrey. Your Most Vital Protection under way. The sessions this year John Simons' statement that Great London, March 18.—(AP)— As An Automobile Owner Your Most Vital Protection Is age pension and horse racing bills cuss with the President the general Britain might seek consultations Sergi SavitskI, Eddie and Hattie will be held In the State theater to support their prediction. European situation and especially Great Britain tonight proteated Lee, Robert Hull, Mildred Hoffner, starting at 9:45 a. m. and will con­ with the United States were receiv­ The eve of the expected House Germany’s deflanct of the military ed here however, in discreet alienee. to Germany against the forma­ Joseph Lovett and Francis Barry, Automobile Liability Insurance tinue four days, Tuesday, Wednes­ fight over the measure to legalize With his bold announcement of the immediate conscription of 500,000 men to provide Germany with a ail of Manchester. NO SLATE standing army comparable to that of neighbormg powers. Chancellor Adolf Hitler ended the subterfuges clauses of the Versailles Treaty. I Commenting on the decision of tion of a conscript army as an­ day, Thursday Bind Friday. Doors pari-mutuel betting on races found .AETNA-IZE! Broadest possible coverage. Reasonable Rates. under which militarization of the Third Reich was being conducted. Above he Is shown (on the platform Davis, who represented the Unit- ' the Hitler government to Increoae nounced Saturday by Relcho- will be open at 8 o’clock for the con­ virtually no one wiUlng to make o ed States at recent disarmament Coast to Coast Service. Unquestioned financial strength. No venience of those who arrive early. definite prediction on tbo outcome ol in left foreground), reviewing 50,000 massed members of the famous labor corps, whose drilling with shovels its armed forces to an estimated tuehrer Hitler aa "calctilated Members of the Company "G" as. Setback Tonight contingent llablUty. won Boldicriy admiration. Conscription may impress these already-trained men into the new army.
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