,. College lor Girls? Weath., Forecast Should girls go to colletle even tftough they plan SALE P.rtly cloudy through tonltht, with the possibility ta settl. clown into carMr hOUHWive.? Anociated of lCattered show.rs .nd thunderstonnL Sopte­ Press writ.r Dorothy Roe reports that .ducaton wh.t cooler temperatures expectwd. The evtIeek have som. ",plicit answ.n for the qualtion. 5M • for E.... r Sun.y I. for .unny .111 ••• and ft)ild pa,e 4. ~~ . owan ONERS Serving The State University of Iowtl tlnd the People of Iowa Cit" temper.turn. ~blisbed lD \e68 ABSOClated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto - Herald Tribune New. ServIce Lealled Wire Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday. April 16, 1960 9680 Regents Up SUI ~e . es.. ,20 Per Year Father 'Followed Conditions'- ' --~----------------------------------- Hancher Blames Hike '. Massive Hunt for On Unexpected Costs DES 101 ES - ' SUI student fees were raised $10 per'sem­ • ester by the Board of Regents Friday. The increase takes effect June 14. Summer session fees were also n\iseq $10. French Kidnappers Liberal arts students from Iowa who now pay $110 per sem­ ester will pay $120. Non-resident liberal arts students will pay PARIS (AP) - The safe re­ family said Eric's father, Ro­ was report.d to have said: "The $260 instead of $250. turn of little Eric P ugeot freed land Peug.ot, paid off the kid· c;hild will be given back to you In requesting the fee hikes. SUI Field House and the Iowa Sta. napers Thursday in used bills tonight. You will receive a phon. officials said the raise, which is French police Friday for a dium. The estimated $23,000 cost - not In gold as lOme had spec· call between 11 p.m. and mid· expected to yield SUI about $154,- of these two projects will be paid broad hunt for his kidnapers, ulated - .nd that th. agr.ed night. I will indicate to you the 000 more annually from fees, is from athletic department funds. reported now well· heeled with ransom was I.ss than that or· spot where the child can be needed because of extra operating SUI was also authorized to ne· iginally demanded. found." expenses which could not have gotiate a reimbursable contract ransom money. Published reports were that kid· KED The kidnapers kept their word been anticipated and Cor which for repair of roads In various mar· Roadblocks ringed P,u-is. napers' asking pl'ice for Eric's - but look one final precaution. there is no emergency fund . rled student housing areas at a . Soecial agents kept watch on safe return was $100,000 in French They did not release the child at Iowa State Univ.rsity stu.nts cost of $3,600. SUI will be reim· will also pay more, beginning [ francs. the exact spot thllt had bcen in· bursed for this work by the State traffic at airports and frontier The newspaper France·Soir reo Sept. 1. Their 1M. will be raised dicated. Highway Commission, which is points for suspects in the abduc· ported Peugeot said in an inter. by $7 per quarter. Police were deluged with lips, now responsible for construction tion of the 4·year·ol~ heir to a SUI President Virgil M. Hancher view: "To get them to give Eric but said they had little concrete and maintenance of roads in Iowa's French automobile empire from back to us, [ scrupulously follow. information. A published report explained the largest item of ad· .th e children'S playground of a ed the conditions of the kidnapers. ditional expense this biennium had state institutions . that two men and a woman had The Regents approved widening country club Tuesday. I had to have confidence in them. been arrested for lhe kidnaping been $94,000 in additional social Eric was restored to his wealthy They asked me to bring the ran. security payments which SUl is of Highway 218 where it passes turned out to be a hoax. througb SUI lands. family after he was found on the som to a precise place. T did it. Eric was let out of the kidnap· making to the federal government sid.edwalk near a Paris bar early Later there was nothing to do but ers' car not far from his parent's for faculty and staff members. F rr ay. wait." apartment. Some 56 hours earlier The bill which raised the per· Contrads* * Given* A sourc. close to hIS wealthy In a transatlantic telephone in. a dark·haired man had grabbed centage of wages which an e'mploy· I terview with the New York Post him at the country club. er must pay (rom two and one·half For 2 Additions Peugeot declared "I had no A passerby found Ihe crying to three per cent was passed by child and took him to a bar, where Congress last July and took effect ContlJ'acts for construction and 01 ef s k y Name d Ch.~:c~~d to pay the ransom," he police were called. January 1. 1960, The Congressional other work involVed in additions said. While Eric played happily in action came several months after to two Stale University of Iowa the P.ugeot .partment with th. I the [owa Assembly had appropri· buildings and two utility improve­ "It was a personal agr•• m.nt I 'n' ductor of and I am the only one to know new toys his family and well ' ated operating funds to SUI for the ment projects wcre awarded by CO 1959-60 of what happened. wishers had given him. .uthor· biennium, the budget for the Board Regents. "No police were in the way. I Ities pushed a maniv. hunt for Easter Joy for Girls and Boys which had included expected social The Viggo M. Jensen Construc· asked the police to slay out - it .t I.ast two m.n who are known Th. great religious events of the year have special young New York.r maku friends with an Easter security payments of only two and tion Co. of Iowa City was awarded ·c estra one· half per cent. a $44.095 gencral constructiorl con- SU I 0 r h was the only way for me . to have b.en involved. mlNlning for children al well as adults. Easter, with bunny against a backdrllP of lII;es in a park. "In my opinion, of course, it At the request of the Peugeot Hancller said the extra money tNlCt {or the five-story addition • Lb. 49~ its tradition of the bunny bringing basketsful of -AP Wriephoto I. got good results." family, they had not interfered would also h.lp SUI mMt in· which will be buill 00 the nooth end DES MOINES - One of the na· joy for girls and boys, is no ",ception. Here a tion's outstanding young cellists, In two letters received from the with the father's effort of nego­ creaslng/y'ltiff competition for of the west wing of the present .. kidnapers, one at the time of the faculty. Ol1emistry Building. The 1959 Legis- Paul Olefsky, has been named con· tiate Eric's return. • ductor of the SUI Symphony Or· abduction, and the other by mail "We first of all considered the "We're short of money to meet lature appropriated $828,400 for the • Lb. Celebrate Resurrection 01 Christ- I tl\e compelitive situation," he said, addition. OOTer contracts awarded , 49' chestra. Thursday morning, a method of human si~e of this affair before The appointment, which will be· contact was fixed. the police side," said Albert Gillet, "and we're having great difficulty in connection with the Chemistcy come effective Sept. 1, was ap­ A password was given . chief of the first mobile police in keeping our staff." addition inc1ude: plumbing, heating proved by the State Board of Re· Late Thursday morning, the kid· brigade. "Now we are doing ev· Hancher said the increased in· and ventilating - Ryan Plumbing • Lb. gents Friday. In addition to his napers were reported to have tele· erything we can to find as soon com/! will enable SUI to meet in· and Heating Co., Davenport, $130,­ 79' Nation's Easter ,Rites Vary dividual emergency situations in· 900' eleotrk:al _ Acme Electric duties all Symphony conductor, phoned Peugeot and set a meeting as possible the kidnapers of little Olefsky will serve as an ' associate place on a street near the Arch Eric. The investigation could be volving the recruitment of ne.w Co.: Cedar Rapids. $35,222; and 79 professor in the SUI Department of Triumph. long." By The Associated Pr.ss out<1oor service will be held. And cadets will hold torchliihts to light faculty members, and to retam' elevator _ Otis Elevator Co., St. S.Lb. Can of Music. When Peugeot went to the meet· The boy has said that he was in Baltimore's Memorial Stadium thc way (or pilgrims who make the present key faculty members, Louis, m,no. $3 Worshipers wiU gather in UJC thousands will also meet at sun· Easter climb. Sponsors claim the He explained SUI would ordin· For genl.'!'al conslructim of Olersky will succeed Charles ing, in accordance with instruc.­ held in a ground floor apartment an tions, he carried a briefcase con· not far from tbe club where hc hadow of mountain·top crosses rise. event is the oldest of its kind, first arily meet these needs from funds addition to the UniveMlty Library Gigante, who has conducted the and in f1ower·bedecked arenas SUI Symphohy Orchestra since taining the money. was kidnaped. On a New Hamp hire pioo·toppe<i slarting in 1909.
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