Chair Urges September / Geoff Neale October 2002 Ballot Status To Lead Push Inside National State Chair David DeLamar says the clock is ticking for the Libertarian Party of Libertarian Chair Urges Ballot Status Push .......1 Texas in its effort to retain ballot status. With Geoff Neale To Lead National only weeks to go until the November 5 elec- Libertarian Party.........................1 tion DeLamar says the Libertarian Party Of Party Texas must get active in promoting its candi- Polk County Libertarians Resolve to dates. “I implore all party activists, county Support Indian Casino ..............2 chairs, candidates and SLEC members to pro- Bell County Booth Report ..............2 mote the party and its candidates with all the Geoffrey Neale of Austin was elected New Mail List for State Candidates 2 vigor you can muster in October,” said National Chair of the Libertarian Party at the bi-annual party convention. Mr. Neale is the St. Paul Libertarian Named Mayor DeLamar DeLamar said that party loyalist should past State Chair of Texas having served two Pro Tem.......................................3 not take for granted that ballot status is a terms in office beginning in 1998. He has New LPTexas Website Up and cinch. The party must garner 5% in a state- previously served on the National Commit- Running .......................................3 wide race or 2% in the governors race to re- tee and on the National Bylaws Committee. Houston Pride Parade ......................3 main on the ballot in 2004. Delamar stressed Neale received 45.8% on the first ballot at the Libertarian National Convention in In- How to Get a Letter to the Editor again his call for counties to hold candidate forums, send out news releases and do out- dianapolis, Indiana, defeating Eli Israel Published .....................................4 reach activities to further the objective of (31.2%) and George Phillies (21.6%), both Letters .................................................4 retaining ballot status. DeLamar said Liber- of Massachusetts. Neale’s extensive experi- Indian Casino Protest Report .........5 tarian Party Political Director, Rock Howard, ence with the party spanning over 20 years Libertarian Candidate Spots Poten- is still available to schedule statewide candi- was cited as a key deciding factor in the elec- tion. Mr. Neale also cited the support of his tial Electronic Voting Flaw .......6 dates for appearances by calling 512-453- 5942. wife Nancy Neale and duaghter Marina -- Statewide Libertarian Nominee DeLamar characterized the slate of state- both of whom are active Libertarians. Takes Over Local Race ..............6 wide candidates as “strong” but in need of Mr. Neale’s campaign platform called for Excerpts From the Constitution of promotion. delivering more tools to affiliate parties, can- the Republic of Texas (1836) ...7 “On Nov 6 let us have a clear conscious didates, and activists; and increasing the effi- ciency, responsiveness and accountability of Vicious Backlash ...............................8 that we did everything possible to retain bal- lot status,” stated DeLamar. the national LP office. In addition, Neale said Love Your Neighbor as Yourself..10 To further the goal the SLEC approved he will recruit more candidates and give them The “Two Cultures” Problem with the state party to spend $15,000 on issue ra- professional training; expand the libertarian the Law ......................................11 dio ads in key markets. His says the party can message to a larger electorate; deliver sus- Regarding the “Two Cultures” still take donations and use the money to tainable, quality LP growth at all levels; and provide honest, open, and ethical leadership. Problem with the Law .............12 purchase additional radio ads. DeLamar said that if every Lone Star Liberty supporter would Support Your Local Candidate .....12 send in just $100 that “we could have Around the State .............................14 $100,000 not $15,000Page for 1 targeted radio ads.” Polk County The Libertarian Party opposes laws pro- Submissions Policy and hibiting gambling on both moral and practi- Deadlines Libertarians Resolve cal grounds. “We feel that politicians are - not- the kind of people Americans want to Unsolicited manuscripts and submis- to Support Indian have running their lives,” Kris Overstreet, sions are welcome and will be considered Polk County chairman, said. “When there are for publication in upcoming issues of Lone Casino murderers and rapists walking the streets and Star Liberty. Manuscripts may be submitted From Kris Overstreet, getting early release from prison, it’s silly to via mail, fax or email. Length should be no [email protected] waste time on stopping people from gambling more than 750 words per manuscript. We on an Indian reservation.” reserve the right to edit for clarity and A day after U. S. Federal district judge Judge Hannah’s ruling is based on the length. Submissions are articles, letters to John Hannah, Jr. ruled that the Alabama and fact that the tribe voluntarily submitted to the editor, or information for the AAround Coushatta Tribes of Texas had thirty days to state anti-gambling laws when it applied for the State@ column. Indicate in which close their casino, Libertarians in Polk County Federal recognition under the Native Ameri- category the submission is to be consid- voted their unanimous support of the tribe’s can Restoration Act of 1987. However, since ered. rights to operate a casino on their reserva- then the state has legalized a state lottery and The deadline for a particular issue is tion. parimutuel betting on dog and horse racing. the 25th day of the month, two months “RESOLVED: That we, the Polk “The state government comes into this prior, i.e., for January, the deadline is the County Libertarian Party, hereby reject the case as a raging hypocrite,” Overstreet said. preceding November. ruling of the Federal District Court as con- “The government likes gambling just fine if Late breaking news will be considered trary both to Federal law and to the right of they get a cut of the take.” according to timeliness and relevance. the individual to free usage of private prop- Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, Advertising space is available in a erty; and further resolved, that the Libertar- in presentation of the case, described the variety of formats. ian Party in Polk County shall support the casino as “a common and public nuisance,” Send submissions, article ideas and Alabama and Coushatta tribes in their con- as described by state law. The Libertarians requests for advertising rates to tinued legal and political battles against those see it differently. who would deny them their equal right to “Before the casino, tourism to the reser- Barbara Cunningham, Editor freedom and economic success,” reads the vation was down and unemployment Lone Star Liberty resolution, passed without dissent at the June chronic,” Overstreet said. “Now unemploy- 301 Porter business meeting of the county organization. ment on the casino is all but eliminated. John Caldwell, TX 77836-1825 Cornyn doesn’t care about those 200 jobs, (979) 567-3313 fax though.” [email protected] Among those who voted in favor of the Publications Editor resolution was Michael Carter of Livingston, Barbara Cunningham Texas, Libertarian candidate for Texas State Fax: Senate. Carter represents the only challenge New Mail List for (979) 567-3313 to incumbent Republican Todd Staples. Email: Staples is opposed to gambling on Indian res- State Candidates [email protected] ervations. From Robert Rock Howard, Submissions [email protected] 301 Porter Bell County Booth Caldwell, TX 77836-1825 Report There is a new mail list primarily in- tended for candidates for State Senate, State For information about the Libertartian From Bill Oliver, Representative or Statewide office called Party of Texas or to send contributions, [email protected] TexasStateIssues. This Yahoo Group is for please contact PO Box 56426, Houston, discussion of state issues so that candidates TX 77256-6426 or call 1-800-422-1776 The Libertarian Party of Bell County can talk more intelligently about them at can- worked an OPH Booth at the Real Gun Show didate forums. in the Mayborn convention center in Temple Sign up at Texas on July 13th and 14th. About 1,500 HTTP://GROUPS.YAHOO.COM/GROUP/ people attended the show. Of the 539 indi- TEXASSTATEISSUES/ viduals who took the Quiz, 113 scored Lib- join if you want to participate. ertarian, and 69 of those left contact infor- Lone Star Liberty mation. Vol. 13, Issue 4 The booth was staffed by 6 volunteers Published monthly by from the county organization and by the vet- The Libertarian Party of Texas eran OPHer Clyde Garland. The LPBC ex- PO Box 56426 tends its heart felt thanks to Mr. Garland for Houston, Texas 77256-6426 his efforts. Page 2 Anthony Garcia and my kids, only one of St. Paul Libertarian Houston Pride whom managed to fall out of the van Named Mayor Pro Parade (when it wasn’t moving yet). My standard note to those who don’t Tem From Laura D. Coker-Garcia, think we should be in this “type” of pa- [email protected] rade: there were more than 125 entries in- cluding the Democrats and Greens (no Mark Wilson has been named to serve The rain stopped just in time and the as Mayor Pro Tem by the City Council of St. Republicans this year though), the Mayor Houston Pride Parade was on schedule last and most of City Council, many local ra- Paul, a small community northeast of Dal- night (29 June 2002). las. Mr. Wilson was elected to the position dio stations, many corporations such as Our entry was well received, our can- Shell etc. Not being in such a well-attended by his fellow council members after earning didates got to shake some hands and Guy the council seat in the May 2002 city elec- highly publicized parade would be what McLendon (US Rep.
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