Newsletter of The Friends of The Bancroft Library BANCROFTIANA Number 131 • University of California, Berkeley • Fall 2007 Isabel Allende’s Family Stories Amuse Mark Twain Gala Crowd ark Twain’s spirited sense of hu- work includes 16 books of fiction and Actress Rita Moreno charmed the Mmor was in the air at the Gala on memoir, including Eva Luna, House of audience as Gala Host, demonstrating April 5 as Isabel Allende accepted The the Spirits, Paula, Daughter of Fortune, why she is one of very few performers Bancroft Library’s 2007 Hubert Howe Zorro, and, most recently, Inés of My to win an Oscar—the first Hispanic ac- Bancroft award for her “imaginative re- Soul. tor to win one—an Emmy, a Tony, and creations” of California history. The au- Her works have been translated into a Grammy. dience laughed as she explained that she 27 languages and have sold more than The display cases on view through- was somewhat embarrassed to receive 11 million copies. Ms. Allende’s receipt out the evening set the tone for “Wit, the award from such a distinguished of the award highlights The Bancroft Wine & Wonder,” the theme of the library, because she comes from a family Library’s Latin Americana collection, fund-raising event held at the Bonham of book thieves. She then went on with which includes material on Mexico and and Butterfield’s auction house in San great wit to describe the family’s miscre- Central America from Pre-Columbian Francisco. Tuba and banjo music played ant behavior as the audience listened indigenous civilizations and cultures during the reception while the crowd with amused pleasure. The stories were to the present, including the Spanish viewed the exhibition organized by Lin worthy of Mark Twain. Empire before 1821, folklore, art, Mexi- Salamo with the help of her colleagues Ms. Allende is the 10th recipient can Inquisition documents, and much at the Mark Twain Papers and Project. of the H. H. Bancroft Award, follow- more. Ms. Allende has used Bancroft in Letters, manuscripts, vintage photo- ing last year’s winner, Joan Didion. Her researching her books. Continued on page 8 Mark Twain enthusiasts gathered in San Francisco at Bonhams & Butterfields auction house. Newsletter of The Friends of The Bancroft Library From the Director “The Library is inside.” gies to each collection to determine its efforts in Phase II of the Centennial scope and content, identify preservation Campaign, also continue to work on sig- needs, and estimate the resources neces- nificant projects. The Mark Twain Project, sary to make each collection fully acces- in collaboration with UC Press and the sible to researchers. For the first time we California Digital Library, is planning to will be able to set priorities for process- launch the Mark Twain Project Online in ing these collections on the basis of their October. Eventually this will offer every- physical condition and importance for thing that Mark Twain wrote, includ- ale’s Chief Research Archivist Judith scholarship. We can also use this in- ing his letters. The online materials will YSchiff tells a lovely story about the formation to seek additional grant and include not only the scholarly editions construction of the Sterling Memo- donor funding for the processing for which the project is justly famous but rial Library at Yale during the 1920s. of high-priority collections. also facsimiles of all of the manuscripts on Once, when the library was still in the We have two separate National which those editions are based. The other planning phase, University Librar- Endowment for the Humanities grants major Mark Twain project is his Autobi- ian Andrew Keogh, fearing that the to allow us to stabilize and process our ography, much of which he sealed until magnificent new building would over- photographic collections. Much of 100 years after his death in 1910. shadow the collections, wryly proposed one grant will go for the construction “Bancroft Recovers UC Acquisitions that the following motto be carved over of cold storage units in the renovated of Ancient Papyri” (p. 7), the article from the main entrance: “This is not the Yale building in order to keep sensitive Professor Donald Mastronarde, Director Library. That is inside.” photographic materials at the correct of the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, re- I was reminded of that anecdote temperature and relative humidity. The counts the recovery last summer of more because Bancroft staff have been plan- rest of that grant and the entire second papyri, including what is now the oldest ning our activities once we get back grant will allow us to make a start on piece in the collection. inside our magnificent new building in the huge project of preserving and Finally, the Regional Oral History the Fall of 2008. In fact, we will start processing the 4.6 million prints and Office is currently working on large-scale moving back in as soon as the build- negatives in the photographic archive projects for the Rosie the Riveter World ing is finished, still scheduled for May of the San Francisco Examiner, last year’s War II Home Front National Historical 2008, a process that will take us at least major acquisition. Park, the Port of Oakland, the U.S. Forest three months. Bancroft staff under the A National Historical Records and Service in California, and the evolution leadership of Chief Cataloguer Randy Publications Commission grant will of Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s first Brandt and Archivist Alison Bridger are support the processing of our Spanish HMO (see p. 12). Upcoming but con- hard at work planning the integration of Borderlands collections. These include tingent on funding are similar large-scale collections currently held in the Allston the scholarly papers of former Bancroft oral history projects on the history of Way building, in the campus’s March- director Herbert Bolton and two of his venture capital in the Bay Area, Silicon ant building on San Pablo Avenue, students, Abraham Nasatir and George Valley, and real estate development. Few and in two different locations in the Hammond, who, like his mentor, also activities over the last 50 years have had a Northern Regional Storage Facility in served as Bancroft’s director. All three greater impact on the physical landscape Richmond—a four-dimensional jigsaw of them dedicated their academic ca- of northern California or on the economy puzzle and a logistics nightmare. reers to a study of the border regions of of the state and the nation. But even as that planning is going Mexico and the southwestern portions In the meantime the members of on, we continue to concentrate on ma- of the U.S. under Spanish and Mexican the Centennial Campaign Committee, jor initiatives funded primarily through rule until 1848. Their papers contain chaired by Mac Laetsch, will continue to extramural grants and donations: much unpublished material from Span- seek endowment funding to ensure that The Andrew W. Mellon Founda- ish and Mexican archives that comple- Bancroft’s wonderful staff has the resourc- tion has provided a three-year grant ments Bancroft’s extensive holdings of es it needs to carry out the work that goes for a complete survey of our backlog primary source materials collected by on “inside the library.” of 45,000 linear feet of unprocessed or Hubert Howe Bancroft in the nine- partially processed archival collections. teenth century. —Charles B. Faulhaber A team of four archivists will apply Bancroft’s three research programs, The James D. Hart Director standard archival appraisal methodolo- the current object of our fund-raising The Bancroft Library Page 2 / Fall 2007 Newsletter of The Friends of The Bancroft Library Friends Gather for Sixtieth Annual Meeting he Friends of The Bancroft Library Daphne Taylor-García re- Tmet on Saturday, May 5, 2007, at ceived the Reese Fellowship Adagia Restaurant in Berkeley for lunch Award, established by New Haven and a business meeting to discuss suc- bookseller Bill Reese to encourage cesses of the past year and plans for the research on American bibliography future. and the history of the book in the Craig Walker, Chair of the Coun- Americas. Ms. Taylor-García, a cil, reported on the Friends’ many doctoral candidate in Ethnic Stud- accomplishments during 2006-2007, ies at Cal, will study the relation- including the successful conclusion of ship between printing, colonial the Campaign to Renew The Bancroft expansion, and racial representa- Library and the successful Mark Twain tion in the 16th century, using Wit, Wine & Wonder Gala, held in San Bancroft’s superb collections. Francisco in April (see pp. 8-9). Following the business meet- Three students received the Hill- ing, Professor William B. Taylor, Shumate Book Collecting Prizes for the Muriel McKevitt Sonne Profes- Undergraduates, created to encourage sor of Latin American History, college students to build their own presented a fascinating lecture, libraries. First prize went to Sudev Jay “Trouble with Miracles in The Sheth for his collection on northern Bancroft Library: A Mexican Epi- Indian vocal and percussion music. sode.” The Bancroft Library holds Pieces from Bancroft’s early Latin American collection intrigued Ashley Fiutko received second prize for the largest collection of original Kyle Budenz, a Bancroft student assistant, and Friend Karen her Egyptology collection. Third prize Mexican Inquisition manuscripts Steadman. went to Christopher Montes for his col- in the United States—135 dossiers istrative issues, including some of the lection on modern American military of trials, investigations, and admin- Inquisition’s most significant cases. history. Professor Taylor related the case of a young woman of prominent family in northern Mexico, gravely ill, who FRIENDS COLLECT BANCROFT KEEPSAKES prayed for a miracle to save her life; she vowed that she would become a Each year the Friends of The Bancroft Library publish a Keepsake of a unique nun if God saved her.
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