2 “Regeneration is what you can change. What you can make different for all the people Context because it is for the better” George Stalley age 9 “The plan is good because we can change the way (the) big boys behave and there are going to be more things for them to do” Rhyanna age 8 “I think it will make the Island better “Things are not very good at the moment because it’s going to be easier to get to because people are building new things and school, more people are going to want jobs some teenagers are writing all over stuff. We and there will be more jobs, the roads are need some hospitals and doctors nearer to going to be changed” us. It will affect my future by more houses Devon Dumont age 9 being built and I would like to live near my mum and dad so I wouldn’t have to go a long way to visit them” Matthew Neal age 9 Context Queenborough Swale Caradon Works site Coal wash wharf Rushenden Neatscourt Marshes Railway A249 Swale Crossing Aerial photo of the masterplan area and context 18 The Place Analysis: The Place The Isle of Sheppey sits within the context of the 7KDPHV*DWHZD\DQGPDMRUFKDQJHLQ1RUWK Kent. It has a strong character resulting from a YDULHW\RIIDFWRUVEXWLQSDUWLFXODULVRODWLRQKLVWRU\ DQGODQGVFDSHKDYHEHHQPDMRULQÁXHQFHVRQ the place today. Sheppey is located in north Kent with the Thames Estuary to the north, the River Medway to the west and the Swale separating the island from the mainland to the south and west. The LVODQG LV DFFHVVHG IURP WKH VRXWK E\ URDG RQ The Thames Gateway - WKH $ DQG E\ UDLO IURP 6LWWLQJERXUQH 7KH Kent Context $ KDV EHHQ XSJUDGHG ZLWK D QHZ EULGJH ´6KHSSH\ &URVVLQJµ DQG GXDO FDUULDJHZD\ crossing to the island. This now provides a fast URDGOLQNEHWZHHQWKH0DQGWKH,VODQG The Isle of Sheppey has a long history of industry DQGPDULWLPHDFWLYLW\ZLWK4XHHQERURXJKEHLQJ the oldest town on the Island and Sheerness KDYLQJRQHRIWKH8.·VPDMRUSRUWV7KLVDFWLYLW\ KDV EHHQ LQ GHFOLQH IRU PDQ\ \HDUV DQG D FRPELQDWLRQ RI SRRU WUDQVSRUW FRQQHFWLRQV and declining employment has resulted in a high degree of deprivation and poor image. 7KLV QHJDWLYH DVSHFW FDQ EH FRXQWHUHG E\ the positive aspects of a rich history, attractive setting and landscape and a great deal of potential which awaits unlocking. The Isle of Sheppey in context 4XHHQERURXJK 5XVKHQGHQ5HJHQHUDWLRQ 1HZ$EULGJH Rushenden Relief Road Swale Ecotourism Study /HDUQLQJ+XE 6LWWLQJERXUQH1RUWKHUQ5HOLHI5RDG 6LWWLQJERXUQH 7RZQ &HQWUH 5HJHQHUDWLRQ 7KH UHJHQHUDWLRQ RI 4XHHQERURXJK 5XVKHQGHQ ZLOO VHW D PDUNHU IRU KLJK TXDOLW\ development and regeneration for the Isle of Sheppey. The Queenborough and Rushenden area. 19 Context - History 4XHHQERURXJK KDV D ULFK KHULWDJH JRLQJ EDFN WR DW OHDVW $' ZKHQ LW ZDV WKH ÀUVW settlement on the island. The history of the place has continued to inform the masterplan and UHJHQHUDWLRQRI4XHHQERURXJK 5XVKHQGHQ (QJOLVKKHULWDJHKDYHFRPSOHWHGDVLJQLÀFDQW VWXG\RIWKHDUHDDQGWKLVLVQRZDYDLODEOHDV D SXEOLVKHG GRFXPHQW &KDQQHO )RXU·V 7LPH Team has completed an archaeological dig on the castle site and the results have informed the study. The Town Council are developing 1769 proposals to use the old school for community use and this is coupled with aspirations to improve the castle site and to interpret it in a ZD\WKDWUHÁHFWVLWVKLVWRU\ 4XHHQERURXJKKDVEHHQWKHVXEMHFWRIJUHDW change over many centuries. This masterplan Queenborough Castle as it might once have represents a coordinated response to changing appeared times focusing on the potential the place offers for regeneration and development for the future. An understanding and interpretation RI WKH DUHD·V KLVWRU\ ZLOO JLYH URRWV WR WKH regeneration project. 1898 1970s The Time Team at Queenborough Castle 20 Context - Land Use Existing Land Use 4XHHQERURXJK 6KHHUQHVV DQG WKH ,VOH RI River Medway Sheppey have land uses that are tied primarily to maritime, industrial and agricultural activities, Sheerness ZLWKWKHODUJHVWODQGDUHDVRFFXSLHGE\JUD]LQJ PDUVKDQGE\VWRUDJHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH3RUW RI 6KHHUQHVV SULPDULO\ FDU VWRUDJH ,QGXVWU\ XQUHODWHG WR PDULWLPH DFWLYLW\ KDV DOVR EHHQ FHQWUDOWRWKHHFRQRP\WKRXJKWKLVKDVEHHQ in decline for some years. Other uses include the sewage treatment plant WR WKH VRXWK RI 5XVKHQGHQ GUHGJLQJ ODQGÀOO DOVR WR WKH VRXWK RI 5XVKHQGHQ DQG PL[HG UHVLGHQWLDODUHDVDW4XHHQERURXJK5XVKHQGHQ Halfway, and Sheerness. There are also areas RI EURZQÀHOG ODQG DQG H[LVWLQJ DQG KLVWRULF Halfway Queenborough industrial activities, where due regard should EH JLYHQ WR WKH SRWHQWLDO IRU FRQWDPLQDWLRQ $GYLFH VKRXOG EH VRXJKW IURP WKH UHOHYDQW ERGLHVWRHQVXUHIXWXUHGHYHORSPHQWVFRQIRUP with any relevant planning policies. The wider context is mainly open agricultural The Swale land, often grazed and with a marshland character. This open landscape is very distinctive and is typical of the island. Rushenden Neatscourt Marshes Water 0XGÁDW Saltmarsh Agricultural land Residential and mixed use Public open space Industrial and distribution %URZQÀHOGGHUHOLFWODQG /DQGÀOO 21 Context Queenborough and Rushenden today Socioeconomic Indicators 7RGD\4XHHQERURXJKDQG5XVKHQGHQSUHVHQWV There are a variety of recognised indicators a mixed physical and social picture. Physically of relative economic and social prosperity. WKH KLVWRULF FHQWUH RI 4XHHQERURXJK DQG Key indicators include economic activity, the surrounding landscape of marshes and employment, wages, education, and health. DJULFXOWXUDOODQGFRQWULEXWHVWRDVWURQJO\GHÀQHG character. Existing industry and the historic 7KH ,QGH[ RI 0XOWLSOH 'HSULYDWLRQ ,0' LV traces and remnants of a worked landscape D PHDVXUH WKDW FRPELQHV VWDWLVWLFV IURP VL[ FRQWULEXWH WR WKLV VWURQJ VHQVH RI FKDUDFWHU ¶GRPDLQV· RI GHSULYDWLRQ EHLQJ LQFRPH although in some cases this is negative where HPSOR\PHQWKHDOWKDQGGLVDELOLW\HGXFDWLRQ there are derelict sites or expanses of cleared housing, and access to services. The IMD EURZQÀHOG ODQG 7KH LPSDFW RI D GHFOLQLQJ LGHQWLÀHVWKH,VOHRI6KHSSH\DVEHLQJWKHPRVW LQGXVWULDOEDVHDQGKLVWRULFDOO\SRRUFRQQHFWLYLW\ deprived part of Swale Borough, which is itself has led to low employment opportunities. In one of the most deprived districts in Kent. The addition some development over the most 4XHHQERURXJKDQG5XVKHQGHQDUHDLVUDQNHG UHFHQWIHZGHFDGHVKDVQRWEHHQRIWKHKLJKHVW the 35th most deprived area out of 8,414 areas TXDOLW\ DQG SHUKDSV UHÁHFWHG SHUFHSWLRQV in the country. This relative level of deprivation of the place as one of low aspirations and DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH ,0' LV FRUURERUDWHG E\ WKH opportunities. 3ULPDU\ &DUH 7UXVW·V RZQ GHSULYDWLRQ SURÀOH ZKLFK LGHQWLÀHV WKH 4XHHQERURXJK ZDUG DV Physical Indicators falling within the 20% most deprived wards in England for child poverty. There are physical manifestations of the changing economic fortunes of the area. One Education achievement is relatively low, with RIWKHPRVWVWULNLQJLVWKHH[LVWHQFHRIVXEVWDQWLDO only 7.3% of the population educated to degree DUHDVRIGHUHOLFWDQGXQGHUXVHGLQGXVWULDOODQG OHYHORUDERYHFRPSDUHGWRIRU6ZDOHDQG EHWZHHQ4XHHQERURXJKDQG5XVKHQGHQ7KHVH IRU(QJODQGDQG:DOHV areas offer no positive use in their current form, and detract from the general environment and For the Rushenden area in particular, it is also amenity of the area. They do however offer a QRWLFHDEOH WKDW WKH KRXVLQJ SURÀOH LV XQXVXDO VLJQLÀFDQWRSSRUWXQLW\LQWHUPVRIWKHLUSRWHQWLDO 7KHUH LV D VLJQLÀFDQW FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI VRFLDO UHXVHIRUQHZGHYHORSPHQW rented housing at Rushenden, which comprises some 43% of the total housing stock, compared Another feature is the extent of land used to an average of 15% across Swale as a whole solely for car storage in connection with the and 14.5% across Kent. The concentration of a SRUW:KLOVWWKHSRUWUHPDLQVDQHVVHQWLDOORFDO VXEVWDQWLDO VWRFN RI VRFLDO KRXVLQJ KDV FOHDUO\ EXVLQHVV DQG D NH\ SDUW RI WKH HFRQRP\ UHVXOWHG LQ DQ HTXLYDOHQW FRQFHQWUDWLRQ RI LWV VWRUDJH UHTXLUHPHQWV DUH H[WHQVLYH EXW persons on lower incomes. generate a relatively low density of employment FRPSDUHGWRPRUHLQWHQVLYHEXVLQHVVXVHV7KH extensive car storage areas also impact on local amenity. 7KHDUHDKDVEHHQVXEMHFWJHQHUDOO\WRUHODWLYHO\ ORZ SURSHUW\ YDOXHV ERWK FRPPHUFLDO DQG UHVLGHQWLDO RZLQJODUJHO\WRLWVUHODWLYHLVRODWLRQ in the past, and this can also lead to a lack of LQYHVWPHQWLQH[LVWLQJEXLOGLQJV 22 Context Queenborough 4XHHQERURXJK·VVHQVHRISODFHGHULYHVODUJHO\ IURP LWV ORQJ KLVWRU\ LQ SDUWLFXODU LWV PDULWLPH KLVWRU\ $ YDULHW\ RI DWWUDFWLYH EXLOGLQJV DQG spaces make strong connections to the Creek and the Swale. The intimate scale of the town DQGLWVKLJKGHQVLW\RIEXLOGLQJPDNHDVWURQJ Queenborough High Street Queenborough Creek and welcome contrast to the expanses of surrounding marshland. The recent English Heritage report goes into a great deal of detail DERXW WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI 4XHHQERURXJK DQGFRQÀUPVLWVLPSRUWDQFH7KLVLVUHLQIRUFHG Historic access to creek E\ WKH IDFW WKDW WKH &UHHNVLGH DUHD RI opposite castle 4XHHQERURXJK LV ZLWKLQ D FRQVHUYDWLRQ DUHD ERXQGDU\ 4XHHQERURXJK &UHHN LV RQH RI LWV most striking assets and is still a working creek. :DWHUSOD\VDQLPSRUWDQWSDUWLQWKHFKDUDFWHU Shops opposite castle Queenborough Creek DQG KLVWRU\ RI 4XHHQERURXJK ZKHWKHU LW EH VDLOLQJDQGQDYLJDWLRQRUWKHFRQWURORIÁRRGLQJ and drainage. Its location is traditionally IDYRXUHG E\ YLVLWLQJ VDLORUV DQG UHJHQHUDWLRQ Queenborough Station and development opportunities will include a positive response to the opportunities that this historic and present use provides. The DGMDFHQWLPDJHVFDSWXUHVRPHRIWKHTXDOLWLHV RI4XHHQERURXJKWRGD\ Queenborough Church Queenborough Park Heritage and character Today, the historic core of the town comprises a handsome High
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