Fhe Courier-Gazette. ROCKLAND (JAZKTTK ESTABLISHED 1H40. I TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANORl ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. £be $)rcss is tbc ^rcbimcbcan $fbcr that globes tbe iStorlb at <£too Dollars a $car (SINGLE COPIES PRICE FITE CENTS. V o l. 8.—N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, M AINE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1889. N umber 32. EDITORIAL CHAT. died of wounds, G officer', 128 men; died of fllouflTtyfJ Vie w K /o use, disease In prison, etc., 4 olficers, 243 men. NEWS SKETCHES. Job and Repair Shop. With berries and sugar phenomenally high FIGHTING REGIMENTS Total enrollment, 1,586. CAMDEN, MAINE, TIN AND SHEETlRON WORK. Maine preserve closets will be unusually NINETEENTH MAINE VOU'NTF.EItS. Stories of Happenings In All Quarters empty this winter. OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER. I have taken part of the store occupied by Was recruited in the counties of Knox, of the Globe. W. 8. W right & Co. and shall he pleased to Waldo, Kennebec and Sagadahoc. The field receive a call from the people who may Allen, the New York defaulter, has been in- This honpe if, now open to receive partice, and want the services of a workman in the tin Interesting Statistics of Conflicts and officers had already serveil witn honorable dis­ the traveling public. W FIne Bay, Harbor and work line. I will give my pe rsonal atten­ dieted. Unless he’s a very young man he'll he tinction in other Maine regiments. Matters That Will Not Bear Condensing. Mountain acenery, Beautiful Drives, Good Boating, tion to ail orders for Tin and Sheet Iron dead of old age before his trial is completed. It arrived at Washington, August 29, 1862, Work. Furnaces and stoves repaired. Lin- J Losses in the Great Rebellion Some passengers Ity the Honolulu steamer Bathing and Fishing. Superior Table. ♦♦♦Will ings furnished and repairs promptly made having been recruited, organized and equipped at San Francisco gave interesting accounts of receive partita after one day’s notice. on cook and parlor stoves. Water pipes Tbe Republicans will contest seventeen scats looked after and repaired. Second-hand within four weeks. It was conspicuously en­ scenes at the recent battle at Honolulu. The Stoves bought and sold. in the next House of Representatives, and 20,- gaged at Gettysburg, where it lost 29 killed, day was won by a base hall pitcher, (who uti­ F. 0. MARTIN, Proprietor, 000 pages of testimony have already been 166 wounded, and 4 missing; a total of 199, lized his skill by throwing dynamite bombs JONATHAN CROCKETT, printed. Government pays. out of 440 present, all told. Entered the cam­ into the bungalow that formed the headquarters Of Regiments Which Went from this paign of 1864 with 22 officers and 468 men; los­ of the insurgents, nnd brought them to terms ■The St. Andrews, N. B., military muster ing at the Wilderness, 22 killed, 130 wounded, quicker than rifle or cannon shots. The blue­ developed many cases of typhoid fever. We Portion of Maine. and 6 missing. Tbe recruits left in the field by jacket kept up a disastrous tiring all day, and WATCHES- hope that at the coming Augusta encampment the Fourth Maine were transferred to the it was finally decided to throw dynamite on the Of all Kinde, Sty lea and Prices. proper sanitary measures will be taken. Nineteenth in June, 1804; there were 277 of bungalow. Bombs were quickly made, but it them, nominally, hut only 57 of them actually was found that there were no guns to fire them Tbe Goldon Rod carriage in the Kebo Valley Which TendstoGive Us Some Idea joined. It was a long throw and in their dilemma the Among the officers of this regiment in this Club's floral parade, at Bar Harbor, attracted of the Magnitude of the Conflict King’s guards secured the services of Henry ■JEWELRY 45c. vicinity are Capt. Edgar A. Burpee and Ger- the most attention. The Golden Rod is the Woodhouse, pitcher of the Honolulu baseball In Great Variety and New Patterns. national flower by the natural fitness of things. sbom F. Burgess. club. Killed and mortally wounded, 3 officers, 189 Woodhouse took up his position in the Cony wentyf/V E e s Tom Reed’s chances for the speakership are men; died of disease etc., 2 officers and 182 foAj T - C^ And What It Cost Vs for Peace, Island building, just across a narrow lane, and said to be brightening. Tom is all right unless men. Total enrollment, 1,441. SILVER WARE---- overlooking the bungalow. No attack was ex­ his two leading opponents and their followers Gentle Peace. In the Lateat Styles find Nobby Designs, TWENTIETH MAINE VOLVNTEERS pected from that quarter, nnd there was noth­ W e H a v e T a k e s T h e A c escy F o b unite and put him in a pocket. He has the A very interesting publication, particularly could not well he other than a good regiment, ing to disturb tbe bomb thrower. Woodhou so lead now. to old soldiers, is that entitled “ Regimental under the tuition and lead of such colonels as stood for a few moments with a bomb in his Losses in American Civil War," by Lt. Col. M. M. CENTH^ER, Ames, Chamberlain and Spear. Chamberlain Ltnnd, as though he were in the box waiting President Harrison visited Maine nt an oppor­ William F. Fox of Albany, N. Y, Through tune time, when business is brisk and the coun­ and his men did much to save the day at for a batsman. He had to throw over a the kindness of Gen. J. P. Cilley we are en­ Gettysburg, by their prompt and plucky action to bouse to reach the bungalow, which he 416 Main Street. Cobb’s Soaps! try looks its finest. He can but take away abled to give our readers tbe following facts at Little Round Top. Holding the extreme could not see. The first bomb went sailing with him the most pleasing remembrance of the therefrom concerning the record of the various left on that field, they repulsed a well-nigh suc­ over the wall, made a down curve and struck best state in the Union. regiments in which our people are especially They are composed of the choicest cessful attempt o f the enemy to turn that liank the bungalow, about a foot from tbejroof and a interested: C. H. Nelson prophecies that his speedy on episode which forms a conspicuous feature terrible yell followed. The bomb reached them .......... BEFORE YOU GET A ........... materials and are highly commended stallion will trot between 2.12 and 2.13, basing rtllST MAINE HEAVY ARTILLERY. in the history of that battle. Their loss at and hurt a number of insurgents. Woodhouse Total enrollment, 2,202; killed, 423, 19.2 per by everyone who lias given them a it upon his speed for the half miles at Builalo. Gettysburg was 29 killed and 9G wounded; at coolly picked out another bomb. Then he took Nelson colts, of which there are several in this cent; total of killed and wounded, 1283; died the Wilderness, where the regiment was hotly a step back and made another half turn, and DINNER OR TEA SET trial. section, are increasing in^value. of disease in Confederate prisons, 21; battles, engaged May 5th and 6th, a loss of 13 killed, sent it whizzing. It landed on the roof of tbe Fredericksburg Pike, Va., North Anna, Va., 82 wounded, and 16 missing. About 200 re­ bungalow, smashed a hole that four men conld ..........Be sure and see the........... The Toilet^Soap is carefully medi- The sawdust game of the up river Kennebec Topotomy, Va., Petersburg Assault, June 1G cruits were received in 1864; in June,1864, there have dropped through, and scattered old iron and 17, Petersburg Assault, June IS, Jerusalem were only about 275 muskets for duty, lt was among the rebels, until they thought they were icated and delicately perfumed. It mills is troubling the Bath Independent. Keep refuse out of the river, says the Indepen­ Road, Va., Siege of Petersburg, Deep Bottom, engaged nt Five Forks, with a heavy percent­ in a boiler explosion. The base hall pitcher New Stock Pattern heals Chapped Hands, cures Eczema, dent. It kills the fishing, blocks up the chan­ Va., Weldon Railroad, Boydton Road, Va., age of loss, and was skirmishing under (ire was too much for the rebels. He threw one nels, ruins wharf privileges, and should be Hatcher’s Run, March 25, 1863, Sailor’s Creek, when the surrender took place at Appomattox. more bomb, and Wilcox came out and sur­ W hich I aell separately or in Beta, at the and all Skin Diseases. Best soap stopped. Va., Picket Line 2, Place Unknown 3, present After the war closed, the rolls were swelled by rendered. also at Cold Harbor, Vaughn Road, Farmville accessions from disbanded regiments. INTO THE WATER. for babies, and so pleasant in the Springvale in this state has the promise of and Appomattox. Killed and mortally wounded, 9 officers and another big shoe-factory, (one to employ 800 Of the 2047 regiments in the Union Army the 138 men; died of disease, etc., 1 officer and 145 mouth it is highly prized for the The Successful Launch of a Handsome ioston 5 and 10c Store, operatives. The shoe factory plums seem to be First Maine Heavy Artillery sustained the men. Total enrollment, 1.621. New Schooner at Belfast. dropping everywhere except in Rockland. greatest loss in battle. Not only was the num­ Teeth.
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