■ JULY 1991 there is peace; CONTEMPORARY NAZARENE © Copyright 1973, 1983 Steve lI] rights res SONGWRITERS Herald of Holiness CHURCH OF THE N AZ A R E N E Volume 80, Number 7 FEATURE ARTICLES JULY 1991 12 19 Inside front cover Enjoying the Contemporary Lofty Branches (a poem) Process Nazarene N e il C. F it z g e r a l d E r n ie M c N a u g h t Songwriters 37 Peace Pact (a poem) E. R u t h G l o v e r PERSONAL EXPERIENCE FEATURE 13 2 The God Factor Soaring like an D e l H a u g Eagle M a r il y n L. C h r is t m o r e SPECIAL REPORT 46 Christian Holiness Association CONTINUING Celebrates Wesley COLUMNS Bicentennial W e s l e y T r a c y 5 General Superintendent’s Viewpoint W il l ia m J. P r in c e 7 Into the Word R o g e r L. H a h n DEPARTMENTS 9 Observer at Large 6 Editor’s Choice W . E. M c C u m b e r M a r k G r a h a m 10 Rhythms of the Spirit 8 The Readers Write M o r r is A. W e ig e l t 14- 17, 41-43 News 11 When You Pray E. D e e F r e e b o r n M a r k G r a h a m T o m F e l d e r 38 In a Woman’s Voice 35 Evangelists’ Slates R e b e c c a L a ir d 36 Nazarene Roots 40 Close to Home S t a n I n g e r s o l T o m F e l d e r THE GOD FACTOR BY DEL HAUG want to thank you for tions concerning their general to better understand why they those books you gave health, and they were then shown had decided to bypass the mar­ Nancy and me. They to individual examination rooms. riage route. Neither had a church changed our lives!” con­ As I proceeded with the phys­ background. Their home lives tinued the earnest young icals, in the back of my mind I seemed to have been average, Iman, who had introduced him­ was searching for wisdom as to without any major trauma. Nei­ self to me as George. George what to say that might influence ther had had sexual relationships who? Where had I met him? their relationship. Although I with others, and a high degree of When was it? I searched fran­ could not affirm their decision to commitment to each other was tically through the files of my live together outside of marriage, evident. memory trying to remember our I knew that I could not impose George told me that they had earlier meeting. Responding to my values on them. Nor could I seen too much hurt resulting my puzzled expression, he de­ judge them for making a decision from failed marriages, and he did scribed our first meeting six years based on standards different from not want to have that happen. He previously. At last, the correct my own. Any preaching would be felt that it might be less hurtful if memory file was located, and I a definite turnoff. Might it be there was no formal commitment opened it to relive that encounter. other than their mutual commit­ I had been in the midst of a ment to live together in love. moderately harried afternoon of Nancy felt that it was not a piece family practice when I first met “We don’t need a of paper that made a relationship Nancy and George. They had work but the determination of two asked to see me together first, piece of paper people to stick together. She said and then separately, and the re­ they did not need legal sanction for ceptionist had made the appro­ to make our this, since they were committed to priate bookings. relationship work.” each other. She could see no ben­ After introductions, George in­ efit to going through a ceremony formed me, “Nancy and I have in order to obtain a piece of paper decided to live together. We don’t that would in no way hold their re­ plan to marry, but we thought possible to sow some seeds that lationship together if things should that we should have medical would stimulate them to think subsequently become difficult. checkups before we move in to­ further about their feelings for As we talked, I thought of the gether.” each other? books Letters to Karen and Let­ Live-in arrangements had be­ They were both healthy, and a ters to Phillip, by Charles Shedd. come very common, but I had short while later we were sitting Occasionally, I had passed these never had a couple seek my ad­ together again in my office. I be­ books on to newly married cou­ vice before actually moving in to­ gan by affirming them in their ples, confident that their contents gether. I knew that it was not my concern for each other, and I told would prove helpful. When our role to give a moral lecture on the them I appreciated their concern time was up, I pulled the two sanctity of marriage and the evils that they would not bring any booklets from my desk and of­ of adultery. How could I best help physical health problems into fered them to Nancy and George, them? I asked a few other ques­ their life together. I probed a little and said something like, “I’m 2 H erald of Holiness Herald of Holiness July 1991 - Whole No. 3545 -Vol. 80, No. 7 EDITOR Wesley D. Tracy MANAGING EDITOR Mark Graham ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Judith Perry DIRECTOR DIVISION OF COMMUNICATIONS Paul Skiles GENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS Eugene L. Stowe Jerald D. Johnson John A. Knight Raymond W. Hurn William J. Prince Donald D. Owens Bible quotations in this issue: Unidentified quotations are from the KJV. Quotations from the following translations are used by permission: (NIV) From The Holy Bible, New Inter­ national Version, copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. (RSV) From the Revised Standard Ver­ sion o f the Bible, copyrighted 1946, “We don't plan to marry, but we thought we 1952, © 1971, 1973.' should have medical checkups before we move in Art Credits: Inside front cover: D. Jea- nene Tiner, page 3: Edward Ostendorf, together page 22: Cover reproduction from The Rock-A-Bye Collection, Vol. 1. Used by permission o f Someday Baby, Inc. very impressed with the depth of helpful, and that you will find your feeling and commitment to fulfillment as your love for each each other. I can sense that you other grows.” sincerely want your love to grow, Our time was up. George and Herald of Holiness (USPS 241-440) is and I appreciate your openness Nancy left the clinic. A few weeks published monthly by the NAZARENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2923 Troost about your decision not to marry. later, I moved away from town to Ave, Kansas City, MO 64109. Editorial While 1 personally believe that a different area and never saw offices at 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, love can best grow within the for­ them again. MO 64131. Address all correspondence concerning subscriptions to Nazarene mal commitment of marriage, I Now, six years later, I had just Publishing House, RO. Box 419527, want to wish you the very best in completed a return visit to that Kansas City, MO 64141. Copyright your relationship. These books town and was in the tiny airport 1991 by Nazarene Publishing House. POSTMASTER: Please send change of were written by a Christian, but waiting for my departure flight address to Herald o f Holiness, RO. Box the advice in them is helpful to when George and I met by 419527, Kansas City, MO 64141. SUB­ anyone who wishes to see their chance. “How did those two SCRIPTION PRICE: $9.00 per year. Second-class postage paid in Kansas love grow. I hope and pray that books change your lives?” I City, Mo. Litho in U.S.A. you will find some of the ideas asked, anxious to learn more. July 1 9 9 1 3 “W hen Nancy and I left your ir h e a r t! office that day, we finished mov­ je c ia ls ! ing into my apartment. Later that same day, we started reading the books you had given us. We Take advantage talked a lot about what we read, because some of the ideas were of this quite new to us. In the following SPECIAL DISCOUNT days, our concepts of the mean­ ing of commitment began to change. The books spoke of a Adults Special Christian aspect of love, and we had never thought about any con­ Revival in the Land— 38 gospel arrange­ ments by recording great Mosie Lister. This nection between religion and upbeat production will fast become a listen­ love. The following Sunday, we ing favorite in your music collection. decided to go to church together. That was the first time we had We've Come, O Lord— A treasury of cho­ ever done that.” ral worship arranged by Joseph Linn. Hymns, scripture/praise songs, and contemporary fa­ Glancing at the clock, George vorites are featured. realized that it was almost my de­ parture time, so he hurried on, “I Regular retail price: $20.96 can see now that God was work­ Special offer: $ 12.98 HHMU-923 Plus packaging ing in our lives and opening our In addition to this special offer, each cassette package contains a $ 1.00 eyes so that we could see that we off coupon on the purchase of additional music listed inside! h ad been m issing o u t on the Call 1-800-877-0700 ‘God factor.’ A few weeks later, we invited Jesus to be Lord of to take advantage of this special offer.
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