~i • ■ j\: • > ^•U. / *■ V , J W r" ................. XVBKAaa IDAILT OaOULATION T ow n rom u n oii yry «lTw to O. MeOMZr'IiiSrx at B a r tn ^ tor t M r wbtfc m MATn26^ n i M 0 toMpwi «mi la eari^ for •qote> I roitllUDESaiOOL durlac tha paM two vam J j S p e c i a / s f o r 5*841 Boworablo mtitlna araa aeootdadi a f to A u M t uinr aaatouat^ m. PaTalakSJI? [Steto B«w i aC Hodth Eatl- Oixaa. m tes Inenue of 2,?52 Since Dboefor A * a iMpaHgr MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM i«~ . >.d«i|E>«Tl>4ntaMtbfiB«f 1930 Cenaoa. •• ^ W «»ctor X a ICRiimama. VOL.I.VL.NO.85 ; m Faga iK ) *«-«*iW ed to Mm I De- wto) p^ted out the neM of kiyatty MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, ltS7 (TWELVE PAGES) PBICBTBIES ---------- to tbs aattmata o f tbs to t o ecbool and whoto-haarted State Board o f Health the prasaat •tudent cooperathm to aU aettvitlea M id fir Oe WwfavoL ptqpulatioo o f Maaebastar Is 34,7SS, If sueoem Is to ba aehlavad. Thai or aa iacraaaa of SIS over the aatl- •chool orchestra, direetod fey^Wn- F.D.R. TO GIVE fflJACKINGFEAR Orphans Held In Father’s Slayinff JBBlarOaartoCJfae- niatad popolatlaa o f Itaaohester la Uam Haim^ idayad. after whlcbl Hg n n lA r ___ July, 1080. This la an laoreaas o f tt’elack*tt%lnr'kaU. , Kaw aqutpmaat la bow balar add* Tom Iteyss gave t o traaaursr'a ra-1 S,70S over tba yovammaot -oansus port o f the Students' sssnrilsllisi f ad. or wU ba laatanad la tha aaar o f 1080. I f the esUmatad biereaaa TOPGOURTRME haai o f StaataKtoe futoia. la araiy daparUaaat o f tha to loono to ssemtary's re- IS NEW iINGLEr local mate Trada achool. It o f tha populatlea o f Maadiaater port* I BRITAIN, FRANCE RUSH , — .MlB, WlUlam J. contlnuaa untU 1040 aad eompama af Morth tarn atraot Bbo aaaooaoed today by DIractor J. O. Louise Tanisno reviewed world with tbs yovemment oansus Maa- events for 1088 end Tony TOTRIMPOUCY ‘ bjr btr two daugb* BchwiaHan Whoa oo*itainp?^tad dieater wUI have a population la INKIDNAPCASE ImproraaMoU arc eam|4etad, ba excess o f 36,000 In 1040. This would end Lawarance CavoUnl presented aald, tha local achool adll rmak aa mean aa Increase o f 4,880 fai a 10 a musteal duet Melvin Cunningham I wthly aMottnr o f the CHrl oea o f tha laoat llaoly aquippad la year period. described the electrical work done I Strategy Said to Be Is Wait Attonyts to h j A e Mittssn — aHll la aebodulod to tafca tha atata. With laduaby ta aaad of It is weU known to the busineas by Trade school students at t o Itoiadey aftataoon, Jaaoluy mora akOled wotliara ttaaa are arall FLEETS c Beaverstock la •WAR ZON bouses and town ocricials In Man­ i o^doek at tha boadquartera able, TOcaUaeal aducatloo la at chester that them'has been aa la- ivxk ville. The bouse arsti built by I liDTriiliiialaidBisDen Rinsom BefieveA Fres- Imlldiay. Tbe Lead* tamptlay to lin tha daaiaad aac crease la population la Manchester students o f t o local school. — win BMat tba faoow* nearly an trade aehoola hare capa­ duriny the past year and a survey Cordon McBride discussed a iw ■ at T:S0 wnb Un. Loan city amonaiaat, ha rapotad. Have Had Cbice talFel- tnted by htrisioi of Braafard atraat o f the town would show but few eeaUy printed arUcle wtUch. [ Tha laanhlne dapartmeat of tba rents vacant sd a Canadian maq has invented a I Number of Auto Strikers local achool 1a belay Improved the OaMaaa o f Latroba, Pa^ aad An increase o f 4,880 would not be carburetor that makes It possible to kw the Ekctkn Retaras.” Report German Troops; moat I t win have new lathes, tbe first Ume that them has been drive an automobile 160 rnUeo on Imposters hto StuticML Joarah, of Plttsburyb ahaipera aad atnuay machlaea. A ita o f' Dr.r ------ Raipb— —Thrall " an Ihcrease In the town's popualtlon one gallon o f gas. McBride showed Nearing 100,000 Mark Tba youaff jl(-aaw and a mortiaer am be- to this amount in a 10 year period a large scale dmwiny of the inven- I lab added to tba carpentry dapart- but it would be tha- second time. Waahingtoa, Jan. 0.— (A P ) — Tacoma, Wash., Jaa. 0.— (A B )— laI __________Maadiaatar_____ described its principles In ( prealdent RooaeveK's atratmy «” Gatnering In Moi ---- . aoqnalatanraa baro. maat te a n a r aquipmeat Is be­ Since Manchester was incorporated Dr. W. W. Mattson sought today to By ASSOCXATni PRESS ^'leaat 03,840 empioyea idle at 37 lay obtained for the electrical and la 1838 tbe first census mported antering hla sacood administration, D etniA Jan. 0.—'ihe widimread General Motors plants i6etcbsd itbrnaa la tba attoUay boat- ™®*****®^ Dahms recited a poem, I prevent "hijacking" o f the 8te,000 Joaapta baa diaige o f tba draftlay departmenta ^ early was in 1880 when the town was Sources in touch with him under­ nature o f the crippling strlMM tn from New Jeraey to Miasourl arid anaunar It Is eapectad that the yiven a population o f 1,876. The ^Vhst Kind of a Chap," after which ransom demanded by the kidnaper General Motors plants, tbe Asso­ * It of Waniar Broth* t o presentation of awards brought stood today, win be to give t o Su­ o f hla eon CSiarlea, 10, beld for the from Michigan to Georgia. The tba Flttaborgb dla- fcbaal wm ba oomplately re-equip- next ten yearn saw the population I ciated Press Ieame4 today, provides greatest numbers were at DetrolA Emerfencj Orders Isned to British Salors aid ihi pad with- machinery aad other aa- increase t ^ l 0. t o program to a close. preme Court aad bustneae an oppor­ 13th day. The phyaiciaa disclOMd the chief obstacle to agreement on fear to t be might not actually be where 38,073 were out of work, and eeastUas to provido studeats with yaam saw a |[to of tunity to "follow the elecUoa re­ terms for a peace parley between at FUnA. MIeb., where 36JU0 ware Ctrda, Daugbtara tha bast Ibcllltlaa foe 1— their 881 but them was a drop in the turns" and guide his course by tbe deallag with hla son's Mdnaper lb . corporation ai.d the United rines u Warships Concentrate; Fiaice N ib iiM (| | when be iaaerted aa advertiaement idla. ^*d Ua BMotbly ravaetlsa tradaa. period 1880-1800 aa the popi^tlon reaulte. Automobile Works's of America. A group o f smployoa at a Detroit o ^ tacraaaed 74A Bach 10 yearn DAIRY RARN ADDITION UaleM nx>re liberal iaterpreta- la t o Beattie DaUy Times yester­ "This situation," an authuritaUve day Imploring tbe abductor to "tfv e Chevrolet plant , telegraphod Preal-'' Forces ■ Morocco; Rohd Bonhs S trib Bribh lik ta tba K. of Cdubiaomai A o^ler that tba town showed a yaln tloas o f the Ooaatltution are forth­ Source aald after the last uf a aeries dent Roooevelt a request to t he Mt.tnaa w<B follaw tba bonaaaa. w th the census report In 1870 coming and bualneaa atepa up em- me Information ao that I may guard of nearly all-night conferences, "haa D.AK.CH/UTERHERE t h m j ^ been aa Increase o f 030; in STARTED ON EEENETST.I against Impoatem aad hljaekera.” "use all the Influence e f your high Waitar lAolare. dialnBaa. ploymenA enlargement o f legiala- auch a wide acope and ia ao oompU- office" to effect aa "early aetw- bassy ■ Madrid; Haiis Fortify C eib; D efdopi^ , baa raeatvad aa tanltatloa 18M tbs Increase was ilOO. The Blark Down ot tlva powers may be undertaken and Tbe advertisement was addressed cated that numerous dlscuastons are tba laetara at 8t Jaiaaa*a Regnlar $1.00 to "Mable,” aa were four previous mtnt of this atrike” HIMNITIILr SESSION?S5 ^ ®«>w- la 88 Onlyl Imported 18x38** Subatandards budget balandag wfll be deferred. neweasary.” Governor Frank Murphy, seMiig a ftaaaooB at > 0*010011, fj®® •^*K*eoter's population was Store Altcmtioiu niid H"nr I Ladies’ Fabric 'WeO Known Makes of Thle wa. the consensus at to' notes wbieh have appeared in the Aa the deadlock continued strikes » aoipteao of tba Chlldian Jfe'™ o i 10 ,M l aritb an increase in Porch Encloaorea Included in Gloria and Oil Silk Solid Color CannoB newspaper's "personal” column, and as peace-maker, conferred with By A S S O ^ 'n B D PBEBB GERMAN BA! tlba apaakaf win ba lO tbs ten year period of 3,870. eapltol and among White House ad- and shut-downs caused by ahort- ABKNOWOBV Orfard Pbrisk Chapter Mea- New Bniiding Pluu. Vtoora, on the baite o f the two blunt was dgned "Ann." It said: "Mable agea of auppUee and part left at BaitfM d. PVom 1000 to 10 10 them was _ —we are still waiting. AU arrange- (OMrttanad an Page T v a ) Bugles called t o French oolonlala ban Oathar at Mra. Harbart toersaae to populatlcn o f 8,040 but TURKISH TOWELS la e to g Bi Mr. Y^ooeevelt eddreeced of Morooeo to to alert today aa GLOVES FOUNDATION UMBRELLAS to Oongreee this week. maats hava been carried out In ae- o r tba B a «a b 'a H o im Taatardap.
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