•• S i ! * -t*. {- I b -JL. ••i;T • :>'•£ , : ?bf, ' ' v | ‘ '< ■"., ,fr: iv ,~fc' '■!>!••* * ; ,* ► * V:' ■■■* ■ f''^ i ■ r * % p 4 .• /“ • » k « » * * » » » : i m r / » « r r ^ , A AVAV.VAVAWAV * f \ * > >. ..v m 1;:.*..«** % t ■ _ j t -v-‘ V. VTr i” nV**« v* THE COMMUNITY CRIER * Plymouth Store Now Open Mon., Thurs., & Fri. 9—9 PM R e d C r o s s a S h o e * M o n t h JT Pictured are just a few of the many new f l fall styles from our "Camaro” // , $ 2 5 00 Camel & large selection of "Lola” n ; In Navy $ 0 0 0 0 9 K I H G & Amber * «■ Ln^ j. <» >* + * m n; E* i "Hot Spot” $ 0 1 0 0 In Amber & &W Navy "Lancer” In Green, $0000 Rust & Navy fcO 'M New today is a carc-frcc style of living that begs for € sporty fashions. Wc meet these demands with contem­ , u porary casyals. Active, easy shoes that are in tune with < < // ii, r» , the times . right at home in city parks or country vales. Today's the day to give your sporting life a i s . - X & Vk . ft'| ; style lift, comfortably! k mte m ** i /M <JT•<» •, ■ 'Vi ...m wmt m S ' "Rugby" "Artigo” y s K, 1 9 # 0 0 I* Black, Rust In Black, Amber £ 0 BtNavy & Navy Kid. • Northville, 15-3 E. Main •Brighton, Brighton Mall Open ’til 9 p.m. Daily in Brighton • Plymouth, 322 S. Main #South Lyon, 131 E. Lake Mon., Thun. A Fri. in Northville Abo in Elkhart, Scottsdale, South Bend A Indianapolis, Indiana Mon., Thun. A Fri. in Plymouth *R ed Cross Shoes sr* noteffiliated with The American Red Cross Fridays til 9 in South Lyon > » T » T ▼ T * ’ * > fc * 4 .U ftlfc iV.AV .5? &V THE COMMUNITY CRIER________^_________________________________________ Plymouth Fall Festival ‘7s Fall Festival offers IN THE OLD VILLAGE ITS four days of fine food f ill’s (JH arkrt 584 STARKWEATHER Whether your palate delights in chicken or sauerkraut, fish or ribs PLYMOUTH or pancakes, you’ll find fare to suit your taste during Plymouth’s Fall 453-5040 Festival. Kellogg Park becomes Rhineland Park Thursday when Plymouth W e have delicious sandw iches to carry Business and Professional Women serve up portions of knackwurst, bratwurst, potato salad, rolls and sauerkraut while the German dancers out every day MO and band entertain. Hot dogs will be available for those who don’t like the authentic German fare. Special dining continues on Friday, with the Lion’s Club’s annual W e have Beer & W ine to take out. fish dinner. Fresh Icelandic perch, french fries, cole slaw, rolls and butter, soft drinks and coffee will be served from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. next to the Penn Theater. Tickets at $2.75 ( $1.75 for Senior citi­ W e have G roceries-M eats-Party Snaeks- zens dining between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.) D elicatessen On Saturday, the Kiwanis Club will once again serve pancakes in the Masonic Temple, this year from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The menu will include pancakes, sausage pnd milk or coffee. Tickets are $1.75 in advance and $2 at the door. The Plymouth Jaycees’ annual beef ribs dinner will once again overlap with the Kiwanians pancakes, enabling visitors to dine 615 Mill St. downtown from breakfast through dinner, the Jaycees will -serve two J j m u M i G ifu Old Village beef ribs per dinner, an ear of corn, roll and butter, cole slaw, coffee or (corner of Spring) milk and ice cream from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets are $3.25, Plym outh Sunday’s Rotary club chicken barbecue caps off four days of Fall Festival dining. Some 16^000 dinners are expected to be served between 4 5 9 -3 4 1 0 noon and 6 p.m. Tickets are $3 and are available in advance from 464 - 2010 Plymouth Rotarians or Sunday at one of the club’s two new ticket booths which will be stationed in Kellogg Park. Voters: sign up in K ellogg Plymouth and Canton residents may register to vote during the Fall Festival. Each day of the celebration, Sept. 4 - 7, the League of Women Voters will operate a voter registration table in Kellogg Park. Registered voters will be eligible to vote in school, state and national elections. Area newcomers and persons who have just turned 18 are encouraged to register. registration table will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday night from 6-8 pjn., and Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. The League will also sponsor a games booth for children attending the festival. THE COMMUNITY CRIER Plymouth Fall F o th i ‘75 Now Open Doily 10 AM 349-3181 to 8PM Daily THE BIGGEST FEAST OF ALL, The Rotary Club’s chicken barbecue, will be held Sunday during Fall Festival from noon to 6 p.m. in Kellogg Park. Tickets are available for $3 in advance from Plymouth Rotarians or Sunday at one of their two new ticket booths. (Crier photo by Robert Cameron.) 7 1 4 QLD BASELINE ROAD 1 Blk. S. of 8 m i Rd. 6 BlksE.of Sheldon PLYMOUTH AREA LARGE PARKING LOT IN FRONT OF CLEANERS The O asis G olf Center Drive In Window Discount on Cash and Carry 39500 Five Mile Rd. * A Iterations * Repairing (Haggerty at the Bridge) *m inor Repairs Free WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING IN OUR MODERN PLANT “Family Fun for Everyone 99 3 Hr. Service on Request Quality Cleaning & Service Our First Consideration ♦18 Hole Par 3 Golf Course ♦Miniature Golf Pick—up & D elivery - ♦Driving Range MEMBER OF INTERNATIONAL FABRIC INSTITUTE....... Gould Cleaners 3 PUTT 212 S. M ain * / 2 blk. S. of C hurch, Plym outh Top o f the Tee P r o S h o p ♦Complete Pro line REFRIGERATED FUR STORAGE VAULT fiL 3*4343 C ocktail Lounge of Golf Equipment •Hot and Cold ‘Lessons Refreshments Custom Designed D raperies Com plete Interior D ecorating for DRAPERY * SLIPCOVERS ♦ UPHOLSTERY Desserts Top of the Cone F a b r i c s (right next door) Bedspreads * Decorative Pillows ♦ Wallpaper Drapery Fixtures * Woven Wood Shades Venetian Blinds * Lamps ♦ Carpeting ♦ Shades “The World’s Best Soft Ice Cream 99 Cadillac Drapery Company 127 South Main Street Plymouth, Michigan 453-5470 THE COMMUNITY CRIER Plymouth Fall Festival 75 Entering our Grand Prize Drawing Free Checking. It m eans w hat it says, FILL OUT AND ENTER... IT'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN TWO LIONS SEASON TICKETS FREE! , is as simple as filling out that and it can save the average family N am e ..................... ............. coupon over there, and stopping by $26 a year. Or, if you’d rather, we’ll A d d re ss - First National Bank of Plymouth tell-you how a regular savings City Zip any time during the Fall Festival account can earn the highest net Phone No . ....... until noon, Septem ber 7. Then, after return anyw here, and about a whole ALL SET? NOW JUST DROP THIS IN THE BOX AT THE FIRST you’ve dropped your entry off, w e’ll be flock of friendly services from car NATIONAL BANK OF PLYMOUTH, 489 SOUTH MAIN STREET. DRAWING TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 DURING happy to tell you more about loans to travelers checks. So stop in. THE CHICKEN DINNER ON THE SQUARE! (You don t have to be No-Strings-Attached, Absolutely And good luck! there to win, but be there!) FIRST NATIONAL BANK .OFPIYMOUTH ^ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation •» »#»■ j ; fa *• THE COMMUNITY CBifp n jm o m t k M FtHni *7S AAUW An AAUW media committee created tne video .ape wun me netp ot the Ply. A first at this, the 16th annual Fall Festival, will be the premiere of a docu­ mouth-Salem^High School television staff and students, t«le«s«>n facdlt.es a, the mentary video film of the Plymouth-Canton community, its past and its people. high school. f h media committee’s study of the poten- A video tape produced by the Plymouth Branch of the American Association The for «h* p^ymouth-Canton area. Through their study, the group of University Women (AAUW) as a Bicentennial salute to the Plymouth-Canton ‘“ '" i “ b I ,™ citizens ditTnot understand how coble TV could be used as a me- area will be shown to the public for the first time during Fall Festival. dhfm"f« »lw r2. educational and civic communication, os well as commercial The 30-minute black and white television production, entitled “Heritage, Happenings, Hopes,” will be shown on TV monitors in the Dunning Hough Library programming^ Nancy Beets, audio-visual coordinator for the Wayne - on'each of the four festival days. Oakland F ed ^ted Library System, AAUW decided to produce a tape showing Admamon is free, and continuous showings are scheduled in two-hour blocks Oakland reaer themselves to public service programming. at the following taues * Thursday, Sept. 4, 7 9 ^)»m*, Fraday , Sept. 5, 7 to 9 p.m. COm^ n?x.stmg v Sion at the high school provided , natural vehicle for Saturday, Sept. 6, 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.; and Sunday, Sept. 7, 2 to 4 p.m. / he tape and added another dimension to the project - - the Using the historical heritage of the community as a Bicentennial background producing th P sIu(!ents in a dynamic learning experience, the "real theme, the tape will present a visual portrait of a growing; moving community.
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