P1 THE DAILY TEXAN Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900 Freshman golfer shooting lows POP INDEX 222.7577 As much as we love to hate, practically unheard of, sending you can’t hate our capacity to love Longhorns to new heights LIFE&ARTS PAGE 10 SPORTS PAGE 6 to see the latest specials! >> Breaking news, blogs and more: www.dailytexanonline.com @thedailytexan facebook.com/dailytexan Friday, November 18, 2011 Phishing WEEKEND scams scare FRIDAY UT faculty “Dirty Martini & the New By Jillian Bliss Burlesque” Daily Texan Staff Screening The number of phishing scams Spiderhouse Cafe (29th St. within UT computer systems has Ballroom) will host a screening risen since previous months, but of the award-winning campus security officers are do- documentary film at 8 p.m. ing what they can to make sure and 10:30 p.m. Burlesque members of the UT community performances to follow. The don’t get hooked. show is 21+ and tickets range “Phishing” describes a form from $15-20. of hacking which uses a “bait and lure” technique. Hackers, hiding under the guise of email La Luna Negra addresses, websites and screen Chicago’s Luna Negra Dance names appearing to be official, Theatre will be performing phish for confidential infor- tonight at the Bass Concert mation pertaining to comput- Hall from 8-10 p.m., delivering er users, such as account pass- richly textured and highly words. The UT Information original contemporary dance Security Office sent an email in a distinctive style blending Lin Zagorski | Daily Texan Staff Nov. 3 describing phishing at- the discipline of ballet with the tempts which targeted 17 UT fiery energy of Latin and Afro- When nature decides it’s time to drop trou, consider our list of the best stalls on the way faculty and staff members dur- Caribbean forms and rhythms. ing the month of October. Ac- By Jillian Bliss & Nick Hadjigeorge Whatever the reason for one’s visit, a feature stands out on campus as were built during the 1930s, in- cording to the email, the num- Caven Lacrosse Daily Texan Staff Daily Texan staffers have compiled it is more commonly found at ne- cluding Waggener Hall, built in ber of attempts had risen from a list of the top 10 most interesting glected gas stations. 1931. The building is home to the just two in September. Center opening Sometimes the “urge to go” on-campus bathrooms. 2. The 10th floor men’s bath- Classics Department and several Chief Information Security Of- Attend the official reopening comes when one may be in an un- 1. Jogging through campus and room in the stairwell of Robert “classic” bathrooms reflecting the ficer Cam Beasley said the Uni- and dedicaiton ceremony of the known area of campus, standing need to make a pit-stop? Hom- Lee Moore Hall offers a handy vintage ’30s style. Rumors floated versity has developed techniques Caven Lacrosse & Sports Center outside a building never before en- er Rainey Hall offers restrooms hangout for students sick of liv- online of a secret tunnel once ex- to ward off phishers, but those at Clark Field at 3:00 p.m. The tered but which hopefully has de- with convenient exterior entry ing with roommates, as it provides isting in the women’s bathroom behind the attacks are constantly eent is open to the public. cent facilities. Sometimes, perhaps so runners can avoid sweating lockers and a small shower. The on the third floor, although the door learning new methods to keep up after finding issues with long lines through the halls in search of re- bathroom’s location in the stair- leading to it no longer exists. The with security systems. Graduate or crossing paths with a former lief. Whether the original archi- well creates convenient (and hid- men’s bathroom also lacks urinals. “There have been a few target- roommate from hell, one may want tects meant the exterior entry for den) access between classes. Student Potluck to switch up their pit stop routine. this purpose is debatable, but such 3. Several buildings on campus POTTY continues on PAGE 2 PHISH continues on PAGE 2 The Graduate Student Assembly is hosting a potluck night of food and games with fellow graduate students. The potluck will start at 7 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the SAC. Bring a recipe Ultimatum could Tobacco-users to be encouraged card with your dish! mean no Formula 1 to move away from bus stops SATURDAY Texas Socialist racetrack in Austin Conference The Austin branch of the By Jody Serrano to get Circuit of the Americas to Daily Texan Staff International Socialist Organization fund the track for Formula 1. will be holding a day-long According to “The Telegraph,” conference on the relevance Plans for Austin’s Formula 1 a London-based paper, Eccle- of Marxism to current issues. racetrack have met some unex- stone said the halt in construc- Registration is $5 to $20 at 11:30 pected turbulence this week, and tion resulted from stalled nego- a.m. in MEZ 1.306. http://on.fb.me/ Formula 1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone tiations over whether Circuit of tWDFiA for more information. released an ultimatum to the com- the Americas would pay up-front pany building the track Thursday: for the cost of bringing the race to Sign the contract by the end of next Austin next year. week or say goodbye to the U.S. “Everything was signed and Today in history Grand Prix for 2012. sealed, but we kept putting things Circuit of the Americas, the off like the dates, various letters of In 1307 company building the Formula 1 credit and things that should have William Tell shoots an apple off track, halted construction on the been sent, but nothing ever hap- his son’s head to spare both of South Austin racetrack Monday. pened,” Ecclestone said. their lives. Circuit of the Americas claimed In a press conference on Thurs- Formula 1 had failed to provide day, Hellmund said the financing a contract assuring that the U.S. of the project was not his role at all. Grand Prix will be held at the track He said his role in everything was in 2012, according to the compa- to be chairman of the Grand Prix, Thomas Allison | Daily Texan Staff ny’s press release. a position he hasn’t been paid for Rebecca Jinks smokes a cigarette while waiting for her bus outside the Hancock Center HEB Tavo Hellmund, CEO of the pro- in the last couple of months. Hell- Thursday afternoon. Capitol Metro announced that it will discourage smoking within fifteen feet motion company Full Throttle Pro- mund said the main issue lay with of bus stops starting next month. ductions, has known Ecclestone Circuit of the Americas. since he was young, according to “The likelihood of actual- the Circuit of the Americas web- ly making a deal happen is now our riders,” Nyren said. McKewen said. site. Hellmund originally won the only 50 percent,” Hellmund said. By Megan Strickland Quote to note Daily Texan Staff Nyren said riders should note McKewen said Capital Metro contract from Formula 1 to bring Capital Metro is not asking people couldn’t cover the $230,000 need- the race to Austin, and proceeded RACECAR continues on PAGE 2 “I know people roll The Capital Metropolitan Trans- to quit smoking altogether, but in- ed to purchase and install signage ‘ portation Authority will begin ask- stead to quit smoking when in the until funding became available their eyes‘ and snicker ing riders to keep any tobacco use vicinity of non-smoking riders. through money the city of Aus- about those creepy at least 15 feet away from their bus “We’re not asking people not tin received through the national stops beginning next month. to smoke,” Nyren said. “We’re Communities Putting Prevention Twilight Moms. But New signage designating all 2700 just asking them to smoke a rea- to Work program. McKewen said have you helped a of Capital Metro bus stops in Aus- sonable distance away from the the program began as part of the tin, including 150 at UT, as tobacco bus stop and be considerate to American Recovery and Reinvest- soldier today or raised free zones will be installed after the fellow riders.” ment Act of 2009. The only cave- money for a children’s board of directors secured funding Capital Metro spokeswoman Er- at is that Capital Metro must install and voted Wednesday to instate a ica McKewen said the company all signage by February, she said. cancer research ban, said Michael Nyren, Capital had wanted to institute the smok- McKewen said Capital Met- group? And taken Metro risk management director. ing ban at bus stops for two years, ro does not currently have the re- While the new signs will impose after surveys conducted by the De- sources to enforce the policy, how- three kids to school.” a voluntary ban on all tobacco, partment of Health and Human ever she believes the signage will Nyren said the ban primarily tar- Services and Capital Metro indi- reduce smoking, based on a pilot — Candace Wheeler gets smokers. cated bus riders and Travis Coun- project instituted in June. The pilot Austin Twilight “When we say tobacco free, we’re ty residents support the ban. project installed signs at some Cap- Elisabeth Dillon | Daily Texan Staff referring to all forms of tobacco, “Overwhelmingly the com- ital Metro stops, including all UT Moms member Work stopped Tuesday at the construction site of a new Formula One but the main purpose is to reduce munity and our riders support- track in Del Valle.
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