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Canada Peripheral Visions: Postcolonial Images of Africa in the fiction of Margaret Laurence, Audrey Thomas, and Dave Godfrey by Kerry Vincent Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia August, 1994 (C) Copyright by Kerry Vincent, 1994 National Library Bibliotheque nationale ••I of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A0N4 K1A0N4 Your lilt Voire releience Our lilt Noire rMtenc* THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE, PRETER, DISTRIBUER SELL COPIES OF HIS/HER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN ANY FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKING THIS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOIT AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. 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ISBN 0-612-05239-7 Canada Name K.ftfru V/^CgAA . — Dissertation Abstracts International is arranged by broad, general subject categories Please select the one subject which most nearly describes the content of your dissertation Enter the corresponding four-digit code in the spaces provided j^vjuJ* O 3 UMI SUBJECT TERM SUBJECT CODE Subject Categories THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS Psychology 0525 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND Ancient 0579 Archilecturo 0729 Reading 053 5 THEOLOGY Medieval 0581 Religious 0527 Modern 0582 Art Hislor> 0377 0714 Philosophy 0422 Cinema 0900 Sciences Religion Black 0328 Secondary 0533 African 0331 Dance 0378 0534 General 0318 Fine Arts 0357 Social Sciences 0340 Biblical Studies 0321 Asia, Australia and Oceania 0332 information Science 0723 Sociology of nsoo Clergv 0319 Canad jn 0334 Journalism 0391 History of 0320 Libraiy Science 0399 ) ) Philosophy of 0322 Mass Communications 0708 Theology 0469 Music 0413 i Speech Communication 0459 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0405 Botany 0309 Chemotherapy 0992 Petroleum 0765 Physics Sanitary and Municipal 0554 Cell 0379 Dentistry 0567 General 0605 Ecology 0329 0350 System Science 0790 Education Acoustics 0986 Geotechnology Entomology 0353 0769 Astronomy and 0428 Hospital Management 1 "796 Gonohcs 0369 Human Development 0758 /w/w limnology 0793 Immunology 0982 795 Microbiology 0410 Medicine and Surgery 0564 Atomic . w 4o > ?94 Molecular 0307 Mental Health 0347 Electronics and Electricity 0607 Nouroscience 0317 Nursing 0569 Elementary Particles and PSYCHOLOGY General 0621 Oceanography 0416 Nutrition 0570 High Energy 0798 Physiology 0433 Obstetrics and Gynecology 0380 Behavioral 0384 Fluidand Plasma 0759 Clinical Radiation 0821 Occupational Health ana Molecular 0609 0622 Veterinary Science 0778 Therapy 0354 Developmental 0620 Nuclear 0610 Experimental Zoology 0472 Ophthalmology 0381 0623 Biophysics Optics 0752 Industrial Radiation 0756 0624 General 0786 Pathology 0571 Personality 0625 Medical 0760 Pharmacology 0419 Solid State 0611 Physiological Pharmacy 0572 Statistics 0463 0989 Physical Therapy 0382 Psychobiology 0349 EARTH SCIENCES Public Health 0573 Applied Sciences Psychometncs 0632 Biogeochemistry 0425 Radiology 0574 Applied Mechanics 0346 Social 0451 Geochemistry 0996 Recreation 0575 Computer Science 0984 Table of Contents Table of Contents iv Abstract v Acknowledgement s vi Introduction 1 Chapter 1: Patterns of Paradox: Margaret Laurence's African Experience 22 i. Decoding the Hieroglyphics: Naming and Meaning in The Prophet's Camel Bell 22 ii. "The Intolerable Wrestle with Names and Meanings" 54 iii. Intermediators and the Splic Self 78 Chapter 2: African Configurations: Audrey- Thomas's African Fiction 104 i. The Problem of Writing About Others 104 ii. Imprisoned in the Cultural Compound 136 iii. The Dark Continent of Women 147 iv. Out of the Compound and into the Myth of Africa 173 v. "Tropenkollered" in the Text 193 Chapter 3: Dave Godfrey's Deforming Vision 219 i. Contested Realities 219 ii. The Question of Authority 252 iii. The Proverb and the Law 259 iv. Impermeable Man, Penetrated Woman 275 v. Camera Obscura 280 Conclusion 301 Bibliography 313 iv Abstract Africanist discourse has so distorted Africa that its reality is perceived only to the extent that it conforms to what has been previously written about the continent. This discourse has largely been constructed by countries with colonialist or imperialist interests, but the global impact of its
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