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To view more samplers click here www.gould.com.au www.archivecdbooks.com.au · The widest range of Australian, English, · Over 1600 rare Australian and New Zealand Irish, Scottish and European resources books on fully searchable CD-ROM · 11000 products to help with your research · Over 3000 worldwide · A complete range of Genealogy software · Including: Government and Police 5000 data CDs from numerous countries gazettes, Electoral Rolls, Post Office and Specialist Directories, War records, Regional Subscribe to our weekly email newsletter histories etc. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK www.unlockthepast.com.au · Promoting History, Genealogy and Heritage in Australia and New Zealand · A major events resource · regional and major roadshows, seminars, conferences, expos · A major go-to site for resources www.familyphotobook.com.au · free information and content, www.worldvitalrecords.com.au newsletters and blogs, speaker · Free software download to create biographies, topic details · 50 million Australasian records professional looking personal photo books, · Includes a team of expert speakers, writers, · 1 billion records world wide calendars and more organisations and commercial partners · low subscriptions · FREE content daily and some permanently This sampler file includes the title page and various sample pages from this volume. This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. Victoria Police Gazette 1869 Ref. AU7103-1869 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Griffith University Library http://www.gu.edu.au/ NOTE: This CD includes 50 of the 52 issues for 1869. Please contact Archive CD Books Australia if you own or know of any copies of the Victoria Police Gazette 1869 that may be available to complete the year. Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2006 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au VICTORIA POLICE GAZETTE. PUBLISHER BY AUTHORITY. No. 1.] THURSDAY , JANUARY 7. [1869. STOLEN from the person of William Murphy , in Spencer street, MURDER,, ETC. Melbourne , on the morning of the 2nd instant , a silver open- See Government G azette , 31st December, 1868, p. 2521. faced watch , by Thompson , Belfast.-6th January, 1869. BODY OF A CHILD FOUND IN A WATER-HOLE STOLEN from John Burrowes , at Ballarat West, on the evening, NEAR DUNOLLY. of the 26th December , a silver open -faced geneva watch, flowered TWENTY-FIVE TO FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. back, No. 326 on inner case , brass albert guard and oval gold locket attached .- 6th January, 1869. WHEREAS on Sunday the 22nd of November last, the Body of a fully developed Male Child was found in a water-hole near Dunoll y, Maryborough district, its coverings consisting of a piece of old calico, a bag of the Victoria Sugar Company, and a HOUSEBREAKING AND STEALING FROM piece of new canvas : And whereas the said child was proved to DWELLING -HOUSES. have been born alive : Notice is hereby given that a Reward of Twenty-five pounds will be paid by the Government for such See Police Gazette, 17th December, 1868, p. 446. information as will lead to a conviction in this case for conceal- THE property stolen from Patrick Casey has been recovered, ment of birth; such reward to be increased to Fifty pounds in and Bartholemew Mahoney arrested by the Blackwood police case of a conviction for infanticide. for the theft.-4th January, 1869. J. McCULLOCH, Chief Secretary. THE dwelling of Thomas Williams,- Albert street, Brunswick, Chief Secretary's Office, was visited at 9.30 p.m. on the 28th December by two armed Melbourne, 30th December, 1868. men, who tied up complainant's wife and took away £300. The first man was 5 feet 10 inches high, dark complexion and hair, long dark beard and whiskers; wore rough dark coat, black vest and trousers, and black wideawake, and carried a pistol. The second man was 5 feet 8 inches high, stout build, short stiff INCENDIARISM. reddish beard and whiskers, no moustache; wore faded light ON the 25th December, 3 stacks of wheat containing 1200 or sac-coat, light-colored wide-ribbed tweed trousers, and black 1300 bushels;; half a mile of fencing, and 220 acres of grass were wideawake. Both are supposed to be English.-4th January, malicio sJstroyed by fire at Top Plains, Stratford, Gipps- 1869. land. h s Seely, the owner, offers £50 on conviction of the incendiary.-6t'.1 January, 1869. STOLEN from the dwelling of Thomas Adair, Barker's Creek, Castlemaine district, on the night of the 24th December, 10 large ON the evening of the 24th December, 4 paddocks on Bushy table-spoons, 12 dessert-spoons, 6 tea-spoons, 6 egg-spoons, 10 Park station, Stratford, Gippsland, and about 400 acres of grass large and 17 small forks, a soup-ladle, and 2 sauce-ladles, all plain were maliciously destroyed by fire. Charles Henderson, on electro-plated; 12 fruit-knives with plated blades and carved behalf of the owner George Butchart, offers £50.on conviction ivory handles, 2 small silver salt-spoons with man's head and of the incendiary.-6th January, 1869. sword for crest, a silver butter-knife, a polished cedar box about 24 inches by 12, 6 high, with lock and key, partitioned and lined with green }baize ; and a pair of old wellington boots, the strap on the left one torn, hole over the left heel.-4th January, 1869. HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND STEALING FROM STOLEN from the dwelling of John T. Hewitt, Beechworth, on THE PERSON. the 25th December, a child's black cloth silk jacket, a tweed mixture pair of trousers and a vest, a light white summer coat, STOLEN from the person of William Davis, Spring Creek, a black silk mantle with brown tassels, a silk velvet cloak, 3 black Mclvor district, on the night of the 2nd instant, a £5 N.S.W. silk jackets, a black silk skirt formerly flowered, the flowers Bank note, No. 0774; four £5 notes, Nos. supposed 241731, removed; a black scarf-shawl with deep mixture border, a plain 165236, 202561, and 196949; and a £5 note, No. unknown; all of black-and-brown shawl with one corner rounded, a red-and- the same bank.-6th January, 1869. black plaid shawl, 2 white shirts, a night-shirt, a drab woollen shirt, an album containing cartes-de-visite, and some sardines A WARRANT is expected against an Englishman, name unknown, and wax matches.-4th January, 1869. for stealing from John Walker, at Ballarat East, on the 3rd in- stant, a silver open-faced lever watch, No. 3229 by Brush and STOLEN from Ellen Meaney, Post Office Hotel, Pentridge, on McDonnell, Sydney. The offender is aged 25, 5 At 7 or 8 inches the 26th December, a black silk dress, the body detached and high, fair complexion; wore white holland coat, light trousers, trimmed with black silk beads, skirt and sleeves lined with black and dark round hat. He is supposed to be still about Ballarat.- crinoline and bound with black velvet, small rent in the skirt; 6th January, 1869. a print skirt with green and white stripes and lavender flowers; a drab wincey jacket trimmed with blue ribbon ; and a dark- STOLEN from the person of Thomas Fitzsimon, in Post Office grey paletot bound with black velvet, three black buttons on place, Melbourne, on the evening of the 29th December, a silver each side. Suspicion against Leonard Badham, a Yankee, aged open-faced geneva watch, silver dial, old gold albert chain about 35, 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, medium build, fresh com- attached.-6th January, 1869. plexion, rather small dark piercing eyes, long dark hair, beard, whiskers, and moustache, unshaved, dirty look, long features, STOLEN from William E. Scantlebury, while asleep at Camp- high cheek-bones, rather small looking head, forehead slightly bell's Creek, Castlemaine district, before daylight on the 25th receding, long and pointed chin, small hands, taper fingers, smart December, a silver open-faced lever watch, No. 24397, English and active gait ; wore loose dark monkey-jacket, light tweed gold albert chain attached.-6th January, 1869. trousers, and white billycock bat with black band. He is sup- posed to have gone to Melbourne.-4th January, 1869. LOST on the 23rd November, in the bush near Woodend, by James F.
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