November 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1683 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF Today, we gather in the old Hall, joined by Tom was so proud to represent the people THE HONORABLE THOMAS S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, Speakers, and so of the Fifth Congressional District for 30 FOLEY, FIFTH DISTRICT OF many of our colleagues and diplomats that years. He always thought this was his most WASHINGTON, SPEAKER OF THE Tom served with and to reminisce about this important responsibility. man’s service and a toast to his life. It was a great honor for me that Tom U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- Welcome, and thank you all for being here. Foley supported me in my campaign to Con- TIVES (The Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, S.J., gress in 1976. I was then privileged to work Chaplain of the United States House of Rep- with him and to receive his support as a HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER resentatives) Member of the House, and I will always Reverend Conroy: God of Heaven and thank him for being such a good mentor. OF OHIO Earth, the work of Your hands is made We will always remember the legacy of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES known in Your bountiful creation and in the Tom Foley. He believed in the Congress, and Monday, November 18, 2013 lives of those who faithfully live in Your he believed that this institution could grace. produce positive results for the American Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, the Honorable Today we especially remember the life and people. Thomas S. Foley, former Speaker of the work of Tom Foley, son of the very proud His loving wife, Heather, supported him House of Representatives, died on October city of Spokane. His commitment to fur- throughout his career and took wonderful 18, 2013. The House took several steps to thering education in his own district, Wash- care of him during his long illness. honor the former Speaker. Following House ington’s Fifth, is testified to by the Ralph May God bless you, Heather, and the entire Foley family. tradition, the Speaker’s chair on the rostrum and Helen Higgins Foley Library at Gonzaga University, his alma mater. It is named in (The Honorable Jim McDermott, United was draped in black and the Speaker’s gavel honor of his parents, who clearly did some- States House of Representatives, Seventh rested on a black pillow. Outside the House thing right in raising such a son. District of Washington) chamber, Speaker Foley’s official portrait in Tom Foley was a modest man whose im- Mr. McDermott: Good afternoon. I am Jim the Speaker’s Lobby was draped in black. On pact on the public weal beyond his district McDermott. I am a House Member from October 22, 2013, the House adopted House far exceeded any projection of ego strength. Washington’s Seventh Congressional Dis- Resolution 383, expressing the condolences of May we all be inspired by his example to be trict, which is mostly Seattle. I knew Tom the House upon his death. On October 29, men and women impelled to improve the Foley for more than 40 years, and through- lives and prospects of our fellow citizens out that time, he was a wonderful friend and 2013, a memorial service was held in Statuary while eschewing any honor or glory for our- a sage mentor. Hall celebrating the life of Speaker Foley. The selves, and as he did, do our part to increase In 1971, when I was a freshman State legis- following is a transcript of those proceedings: understanding and respect across cultural di- lator, he took me out to dinner in Seattle (The Honorable JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker vides. and suggested I run for Congress. I was of the United States House of Representa- Be present with us this day, O God, as we pleased by his regard for my career, but I tives) mark his life and remember his legacy. Bless knew better since I was a freshman legis- Speaker Boehner: Ladies and gentlemen, this gathering and comfort us as we comfort lator. So I rejected it and ran for Governor. let us begin today by acknowledging a great one another in remembering a great Amer- I got creamed. Tom never said a word. friend of this institution, Mrs. Heather ican and a genuinely good man. Chastened, I returned to the legislature, Foley. Amen. determined to learn as much as I could about (Applause.) (The Honorable Norman Dicks, United the realities of governing effectively and the Speaker Boehner: Mrs. Foley, thank you States House of Representatives, Sixth Dis- challenges of the legislative role. for giving us this chance to try to express trict of Washington, 1977–2013) When I finally ran for Congress in 1988, the depth of gratitude that we owe to Tom. Mr. Dicks: Tom Foley was my friend, men- Tom was the majority leader of the House. An English poet once wrote, ‘‘The noblest tor, and colleague in the House of Represent- As I arrived for my first term in 1989, Tom work of God is an honest man.’’ Well, Tom atives. was about to become Speaker. I know now Foley was that and more. A leader grounded I first met Tom Foley at the University of that he was about to become the last Speak- in decency, in principle, he brought honor to Washington Law School in 1965 during his er of the whole House. He believed that the himself, to his family, and to this House. He freshman term. He was a brilliant young Speaker was the Speaker for the whole did all these things a public servant should man with a warm and friendly smile. It was House, and he lived that to his very core. do and, frankly, did many of them better his intellect and love for this country that Today many will note Tom’s devotion to than the rest. Ask any of his peers and they made him an outstanding leader. the House of Representatives and his learned will tell you this, especially those who didn’t He served as chairman of the House Agri- knowledge of the history of this organiza- share his politics. culture Committee and worked hard on the tion. Sitting down with Tom and letting him Listen to Bob Dole, who around the time farm bill and food stamp legislation. Bring- tell stories, you learned enormous amounts. Tom became Speaker called him ‘‘a man of ing these two issues together allowed Chair- He appreciated the role of the House in our total integrity.’’ Or ask Alan Simpson, who man Foley to build support in the House for balanced structure of government. He knew said, ‘‘Tom can tell you to go to Hell and both. well the challenge of maintaining that frag- make you feel good about going there.’’ And Tom believed in, and practiced, civility ile balance. Henry Hyde, as fierce a conservative as they and bipartisanship. His view was that, after So when he assumed the Speakership, he come, who said of the man, ‘‘I wish he were the elections were over, Democrats and Re- brought to it a scholar’s depth of under- a Republican.’’ publicans should work together to deal with standing and a disciple’s passion. He led the There’s also this from President George the national legislative agenda. House with fairness and comity, a style of H.W. Bush, ‘‘Tom Foley represented the very Seeing Tom Foley’s strong leadership leadership we haven’t seen—we recently have best in public service and our political sys- qualities and belief in getting things done for looked for it—but we have not seen what tem.’’ One class act tipping his hat to an- the American people, Speaker O’Neill ap- Tom was able to do with both sides. other. pointed Tom to be the majority whip. He was Tom understood that the House could not Yes, the span of Tom’s service and his then unanimously elected to be our majority perform its constitutional function without record is impressive, as is the sequence of his leader and then our Speaker in 1989. evenhandedness and respected the role of the rise: Ag Committee chairman, majority As Speaker, Tom worked closely with Bob minority. Tom was a Democrat, no question whip, majority leader, and Speaker. Michel, the Republican leader from 1989 to about it. He was very clear about why he was But it was his sense of fairness, his port-n- 1995. They remained great friends after they a Democrat. He believed in the legitimacy a-storm bearing, that will always stand out left Congress. Later, President Clinton and the value of government. He knew that for me. It’s how he held this institution to- named Speaker Foley to be our Ambassador government’s duty was to improve the lives gether at a very difficult time, and it’s why to Japan. of Americans, and he saw it as a noble obli- those who come after us, who seek to know As a staffer to Senator Warren T. Magnu- gation and worthy of one’s very best efforts what it means when we use that phrase, son, I worked with Tom on the Spokane at any time. ‘‘man of the House,’’ or just what it means to World’s Fair in 1974. This project created When he became Speaker, he abandoned leave something behind, should look up the dramatic change for Spokane, the largest none of these principles. He added to them a name Thomas S. Foley. city in the Fifth District.
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