World -Radio, December 13, 1929 0PISmasNumber It WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 13TH, 1929 -04-4:4toe-A-v3.4%-.0.0. vow' Arti 41.Nt:r '0,44510-e410,140447 4S.WitVP. /*V s.", *4, savrts"-o.:04-40teti; "Un Noel Joyeur WITHOUT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE Read what others say about the scientifically designed READY RADIO SELECTIVITY UNIT THE RETAILER THE PUBLIC WIRELESS PRESS Merton Park, London, S.11".19. Mr. L. H. FitzGibbon, A.M.I.R.E Messrs Ready Radio, Mr. Percy Harris. M.1.R.E.. inthe of Fenchurch Radio. Ltd. 159, Borough High St., London, 5..E. s. " Wireless Constructor "- Dear Sirs, We have, during the past few days, given I safely received theUnit, and last your Selectivity Unit a very severe test night I attached it to my " Titan Three" Tested on a set which was particularly on a five valve set three-quarters of a mile and found thatitworked admirably. flat in tuning the Selectivity Unit provided front the London Station. It would I was able to receive 5GB without in- completeeliminationoftheLondon be unfair, we think, to refer to your unit terference front 2LO, and could receive Station over the whole band other than a TWO MODELS as a wave trap pure and simple as we find (Berlin I think it was) two degrees below 5GB withoutinterference fromeither few degrees and enabled several stations LOW WAVEBAND. HIGH WAVEBAND. that its performance is entirely different station. very close to 2L0 to be brought in with- from rll other types, inasmuch as it is possi- I am ever so pleased with the Unit. out the slightest interference from that ble to tone down the actual volume of the Thanking you, station. We were agreeably pleased to From all Dealers and Stores. local station to a reasonable strength and I remain, considerably sharpen the tuning. In fact Yours faithfully, find that the reduction in strength near at three-quarters of a mile from 2LO, it B. E. P. thestationbeing" trapped "teasev- is possible to receive Barcelona and Radio trestle!), small.It is also free from certain Toulouse without the slightestinterfer N.B.-All the original letters quoted defects often found in wavetrap devices. -- ence.-September roth. 1920. can be inspected at our offices. October, 1929. PRICE 20!- COMPLETE FULLY GUARANTEED to cut out interferencefrom ANYstation. "MAGIC" COMPONENTS Every Ready Radio componentillustrated Your Local Dealer cansupplyorobtain belowisapproved for use in all " Magic " them for you within 24 hours should he not circuits, and was specially designed for them. have stocks on hand. Slide Potentiometer Special Anode Feect Special 400 -ohms Slide. (Essential for Short Wave Work)2/9 Differential Reaction Resistor Condenser Wire -wound. Completewith Capacity .00015.. JI holder.Capacity 25,000 ohms...2/5 All Ready Radio products areobtainable fromyour Local Dealer. Telephone No.: Telegrams : Hop 5555 Ready Hop 5555 Private Exchange. London. 159, BOROUGH HIGH STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E.1. ;,,Or*-1%;X::-VeAte,X*01.-,6,-*VA ,mrrw, 'ft- ,0 70 40*:1....0 .4040 40 .011,...*/ AV.W. 4*44.1r DECEMBER 13TH, 1929 WORLD -RADIO 937 vals-00-24rmaQUALM), -vo-kv4ft4ieitztto v;,tor. rlfr Wales Star DuplexUnit. 12 poles. DoubleMag. nets. Double adjustment. WagesSTAR UNIT The success of the Wates Oak Speaker Star Unit is due to its amaz- Double Cone ing superiority of tone and lifelike realism, throughout the whole musical scale. 12'-wr Its special design and per- Chassis Complete Specially designed for use with the Wales Star Duplex fect construction, alliedto Wales Star Unit, with brackets. CompleteSpeaker, with DoubleCone entirely new principlesof !Chassis, inOak .C400 Cabinet scientific reproduction, have MahoganyCabinet 14 6 0 placedithigh above any other reproducer, for PURITY, QUALITY and REALITY. Volume-if it is desired-is majestic! Fully descriptive literature sent free en request. THE SHAFTESBURY RADIO CO. (Dept. W.R.), 184-188, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.C.2. M.O. 938 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 13TH, 1929 There is preserved power put into the big cells of the Lissen battery by the Lissen Secret Process - power which lasts for months and months and months, flowing always steadily, noise. lessly, sustainedly.There is never a trace of ripple in it, never a sign of hum. This Lissen Battery yields the purest form of current known for radio.It keeps speech clear, gives definition to musical notes and by the very purity of its current individual instruments seem " spot lighted " in the way they are made to stand out. Next time ask firmly for a Lissen New Process Battery and take no other.Obtainable at 10,000 radio dealers. PRICES. 60 volt (reads E6) ... 7/11 109 volt (Super power, 22/- 109 volt (reads 196) 12/11 9 volt Grid Bias . 1/6 120 volt . 15/10 4 soh Pocket Battery 5d. each. 36 volt .. 4/6 (4/6 a do7.) 60 volt (Super power) .. .. 13/6 Single Cell Torch Battery . Ed. $ ROAD. ISLEWORTH. MIDDLESEX. Factoriesalsoat LISSEN LIMITED RichmondWORPLE(Surrey),andEdmonton. (ManagingDirector:T.N.COLE.) '/32 WORLD -RADIO Official Foreign and Technical Journal of the B.B.C. Registered at the G.P.O. Vol. IX.No. 229. as a Newspaper. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1929 THREE PENCE (War', Osh.. " ... Winter comes to rule the varied year PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Seeing Without Sight C. G. PHILP Christmas in Jerusalem as I Saw it "Scientific" Christmas Fun RALPH STRANGER Sirdar IKBAL ALI SHAH Christmas Customs and Traditions- A Wanderer Stares into the Camp Fire LOUIS GOLDING Norway, Czechoslovakia, Germany If I Were Dictator.... VERNON BARTLETT Jungle Lure MARIAN ROBERTS A Christmas Trip to Devi's Island Capt. ARTHUR MILLS Glimpses of Egypt C. FALCON To a Wild Rose WILLIAM MACKAY A New Zealand December Morning J. T. CRAWFORD Vitamin "P" ARTHUR COMPTON-RICKETT A Short Wave Adaptor Tuning Coils and Condensers Tall Stor'es MORLEY ROBERTS The Technique of Broadcasting : Choosing Sites for Transmitters Relics of Paganism in Europe J. E. PRYDE-HUGHES L.F. Intervalve Coupling An Efficient Crystal Set Ginger Revisits the Opera JAY COOTE Danish Listeners' Plebiscite 940 WORLD -RADIO DECEMBER 13TH, 1929 Wandering round the city I came upon the Jews' Wailing Place.Superficially, it is nothing Christmas in Jerusalem but a block of stones some fifteen feet long to about five feet high, the celebrated western wall as a Moslem Saw it of the Temple ; but spiritually it seems to have a deep significance to those who clung to it By Sirdar IKBAL ALI SHAH. more fondly than mothers cling to their only children.It was a Friday ; white -bearded men, Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah is the well-known Afghanbeggars, but to receive the " breath of the faith-shaven and shorn youths, women and children, traveller and author whose writings in European ful " after the devout had prayed Thside.Theywept against the stone. A woman cried so and American journals have attracted world-wide might regain their sight thuswise by the " piousbitterly that in another moment I could have attention.His views on various sides of Oriental breath of some accepted one," they thought.joined her.A man selling oil to the mourners life are, therefore, of more than ordinary interest. Sacred pictures from Hebron, glass bracelets there appeared to have passed beyond weeping, WHEN, as a Moslem pilgrim,I drew and olive -wood toy camels they would sell me, and helped others in their prayers. nearer and nearer Jerusalem, a mingled too. Just behind the Moslem quarterIentered feeling of joy and respect came upon Immediately inside the church they bowedthe noble sanctuary of the Dome of the Rock me. The passing crowd then became to melow, many kissed the Stone of Anointing, andby, one of its seven gates.Since Kalif Abdul a living, pulsating pageant of early religion, and they were respectful.In the Rotunda square Melik built the Dome of this edifice and Sultan the holy Dome of the Rock framed in the pillars support a dome-which was then underSalahuddin restored it, the Shrine of the Red sycamore avenue spoke of a different epoch. repair-and although it might be a disappoint-Rock had seen pilgrims from every part of the Giant bells were tolling somewhere, but theirment compared to what one sees in European globe.I reached the building by eight flights clang struck upon my ears in no material tone.cathedrals, it is not exactly masonry that is of of steps. The porticoes stand gracefully in " So this is Al Quds !-Jerusalem the Holy," consequence.The spirit of the place matteredtheir indescribable glory at the top of each. I said, " of which Allah Himself speaks in Histo me. Up on one of the galleries they were Coloured tiles cover the octagonal sides, and the Book ; ". and lifted my hands in prayer ofchanting so beautifully that the accompanimentcupola rises to ro8 feet.The Holy Koran is thanksgiving, for had the Prophet of Meccaof a musical instrument would have killed its inscribedin Arabesque uponit,simplicity not made his night journey from here to the soul.Egyptian Christians, clad in their native blended with magnificence around the Red Celestial Throne ? Rock inside ; chandeliers and lamps There was a nip in the sunlit air that hung in the arches were but of the city, as I walked from shrine material signs of devotion, and pious to shrine,during that Christmas history of my faith was writ large week. Negotiatingitsnarrow on that mass of solid rock, apparent bazaarsswanning withnationals onlytotheeyesofafaithful from Poland to Java, I noticed the There is nothing like it in the world miracle of the town in so far as to a Mosle:...1, unless it be the Shrine -despite twenty-two sieges, which of Mecca.That intensesilence must have destroyed Jerusalem of moved me to tears, the .message of Solomon and of Jesus-this city the Prophet I felt forcibly-all else still occupies its original site since was void ;in the heart of that stone it was first chosen nearly 3,000 years were buried annals of a thousand ago.
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