' 1 , ■ »t«t« fljBtorfoH s 6c.: MO H. Jalla Oa»ls Dp . 817Q6 IVIonlan!) '35 , ^ BCom' S T . S t a n f o r d ' o . T 2 0 S..iVIiss, ■ ; t o O k ljo iK o m a 2 3 ISU ',i ■ S..€feegi»nv; ■ 'W aah..'^.: - : lf> Wyoming 16 OlelVI^iss ■ 1 4 Colorado l i Oregon I 4^'- ' EICEAi;: UTEP 'A -Siatk ■ -27 Notn; Danic' '2 4 ^ ^ Syracuse 24 “Itiaho — -fialitornla- - € S U t : M i s s t j n r r TPemrSiT''^-: 7' - M i g h t C - l > r I * a J e (i)ctail^Po(?«’2 ' r ( ) - - . - - Wtndill-iftrorrU • Magic Valley’s Hom e Newspaper Gootiing H nijtfm on 53A 2S.^5 ' vol. dl7,NO. 161 TW IN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, O CTO BW IB, 1976 TWENTY CENTS m i t i o n . JQilO. At.LG US)J(ElJCER_ connlrii's nro going tQ.rccoGni7o Utc world wo’tl communiohto TImeB>NewB Editor ncdChlhn.lt’sUicrc.U’soncof wUh precious few.” POCATELLO — no(Jo«nltlbn tlio blRgcst fcountrles In the DurlnR th e e x c lu siv e in- of Red Cl)ina by Uio United world. It ims n tliird of the tcrviow. Senator awrch was ^ U s is Inovitablo and would people in Die world. nskod for his opinions on tlw bio 0 realisUc stop for this notion Lot’s be fchh.stic, I Uiink o U f Pt'esldent NLx'oa% .sponsored to tJikc, Son. Frnnk Qnupch «nld attitude and foreign policy has crime bills ond Uio.tumdown of in- on oxclusivo interview .suffered /ronn lock of renUsm. the President’s pence proposals •Prldaj^.ev^nirfg:----- ^------------------ -TI>0-GanadianB-ar»^ur-friondi8, •• by North Vti Tlic Senator was in Pocotcllo wo know tlmt. Tlielr basic In- On crimo: to sponk flt n dinner sponsored tereflt Is identical to our own. "I ll'ink those m easures were by the Idaho Environmental We luivc no better friends In the necessary in the main. I believe Council honorin({ Cccll Andrus. world than the Conadlons. them to be Hood- . iidldarft^or- ■ .-Wcall k^owj^ow aorlous.thts govfemor. us sometliing," Senator Clmrch crime pt'oblemlioa tiecomFanT His views on Red Chino were said. He continued: tljis is an issue that doesn't expressed during his discu^ioh • i Uiink the time will c o m e ' separaU DemocroU from of a question put to him by this whon the Unllwl States will RoRUbHcnns or nopubllcnni ’^ Timea-News wrltw concerning _____________have rclollonj with______ Rod____ Chinn____ from Demi^oU. I hope thm ,JillJhought4..rclatlvcno-ncd3isni33v<r:rnfllnial»rrclatlon5-^ith-the9fr-blll9-«nd-addli Canada. naturnl for ai to mnlntain properly Kjuip tho pollco lorcos “This recognition of Red rclollona with all ijovernments. In our cities and our.aUitB police P)ina lias been aniicipated for We do that wheUier wo approve foroo» o(- tho country, that wo sometime," the Senator said. o( Uie uovernment or dlsap- will continue Ui make proaress “ Negotiations hove gone on in prove o( it. If' wo only main-- ^on the crim e problem." ■Sweden for Uie past 20 months. tained rclalion a w ith th ose , On iMOee proposal: inevitable. Other ^'ovemmonls wo npprovod la “I cjtpcclod the North Viet « reacUon.Umaybetlu)taficr20 E m p h a S lS years of;wnr the WHemeftBrtho— -------- = ------------------- RUflpicion «nd tho hatred Is.ao SEN; nUMCXHURCIUriyei home g United Front, great that there is no formula dhtner honoring Cecil Andrwi In PoeateUo FrWay ev e S S fr la that wo can agree upon ond tlmt exclusive Interview with the Ttni«hNew«, the Senatev em retsed there Is no bnxls for n negotiated hli vlewfuon miHEntttoa e( Red Chins by Can»d«».. tb« peace (hal tluiy'wbilld'ucccpt or Preside^** bmk laTthi* O itnM i l^thtr PtmkW r AhdrusBacked thut wo ^would find acceptable. p«^e« pr«|Mulf^ Ndrih;.Vleiil«^ ^ • ’ ByO A (G U S)K ELK ER Democratic ticket In hfs^llfe but Times-News Editor w**® supporUng POCATELLO _ Sen. Prank' Arolrus because o( his con- Church has called for tho. , election: of-OjcU Andrus as Amoiw other speakers wore ihol»isoranrocitbociiii5cpii^‘= ^ ^ ''? 5 f^ ^ united political fronf must le servallon roprismtinrv^ formed to aRreo on a common Gorald Joyno, pres dent of tta course of action to save the Waho Environmental .Council, White Clouds from opeii-pit S' J™!'/"' »' Contcmpiation... fnlnjng. Pocatello. Senator Church was iUllGirr SUN, blue sides and golden leaves • JivlaUon In the p atu m nl nippy n W a and m ild S r f ' F l J l d a ^ X e ^ " .'° * '' ~nukr~oQtiimn~Bfienioaiu~plcaunt'aod'thi8 spon.sored by tho Idalu E n- Iii liis hard hlttin# address young man choce to spend some time In Twin Vlronmontal Council- and " Senator ChSrch said that An^ ^ Falls City Park hiitklnK to tlie luo. WUh litUe enjoy belofi outdoor. ( UPI) honoring Andrus. Idahb's senior drus jvould :*‘put the public ---------- - T““ Senator said united' support of interest above any private - ------------ thc-^statelsj^CongccssionaL4ntcrcatT-not-onIy-in-lhe-Wblt’ delegation has been achieved Clouds, but throughout Idaho.' but that support from the "To permit open-plt mining In ear prcflont.._govcrnor "has been ..th e WlUte, Clpuds would b e-to lacking.” demonstrate how lowly .we- An overflow crowd attond.od value tho quality of our en* the 115 u plate banquet which vironment. Y«rt day after day . .also, saw 'Jaok- Hemingway, we Iwar all kinds of improbable Kctchum, nortmvest field editor arguments advanced on behalf for Field and Str^m and state of such a mine. ■ chairm an T ir tho Con^ , . By BONNIE BAIRD J0N E 9- said, •■but it seems-campus- or m- the uowntown- servationi.ts for^ S . K mtaSg to“ com m ittee. Tlmes>NewaSUff Writer there are two separate mo. Inadequate fac litics supported Many librnry patrons fnTSvfn speakers. He. called for tho of combining .College of •by tijc■ same taxpayers when• wc “allsFalls aroaro retiredretired Dorsonspersons whowho electionelection ofof thethe DemocraticDemocratic much of which wlU be taken out Southern Idaho and Twin Falls coqld'hove one ' outstanding walk to the library and thus candidate '‘bee«uso ho un­ of the slate, iji strangely to bo preferred to the perpetual public library facilities into one ' library program by combining would be. homporea • by one derstands .ccmservntlon." large library were advanced funds and fpcillties.” located north of tho city. College Henrdngway, son of tho late return to Idaho, were we to It’s T h is W a y ... preserve this magnlflcont Poeatello. Prinelpa^ speaker nl th« gatfieriBi today....................... by Mayor -Frank Feldt-- w„ „„i,i tu« students might bo hampered by Ernest Hemingway, said that mountain range for recreatloii CECIL ANDRUS, DemocraUc candidate fer w u Sen. PVank Chnreb H w is speOMwed by |U . man. loc"affiarX Sen‘?ti.ll'lS use," Senator Church said. • Ooveroor of Idaho, whispers something In hlK Xd»bo EnvlrenmenUI C e ^ and abetU m i;i don’t know that it would Uirsting at the scam s and more h?nnpiiiihrt\rvn»:!h>»rflii«D<» i * ......................... wlfeV ear dttri^ a dinner Ifl his honor at paid. ■ pUte to attend. ............ Andrus spoke only briefly at bulldhw space i.ne«lod. ^ ^ “ G oorfm g' ■ 0 tho dinner but a t a prior p ress , "When you have a good and panded ■ regional library conference he yros critical of tlio ambitious person in charge of a .program cduld moot the needs. f Z i f l O suit filed agalhfll Amalgamated facility there is 'bound to be At the ppcsent tUne, he said, ■ \ixon Plugs Ticket Sugar Cg., In Twin Falls on growth,growth' and I think this is what there appears to be good , charges of■ pollution.pollui MNCASTER, Pa'. (Urt) presidential party walked from minority today aiy) It is » t is happening to our library. We cooperation'; between CSI and "Ul's treat all the people of Nlxon’respon« to a Air Force One to a hangar going to be a majority In the have had good librarians now tho city librprians. Wounded Idaho equally.,:’ And™ said In n,|„orTOck-throwlnifS¥Uodo where NIiioK spoke and de- future. i . r . ^ and in Uie past and we have There aro'ftomfr &00 students QOODINO — A yoim g response to a quesUon on he u(„cenity ch.;nlini) by dared '‘that the war in "P™' "T" .'about... .............................................. roaclvod capacity in our atthocollegowhoUveoutiildoof“ ■ ----------- -- -Qooding gitilrl who w a s o c subject. .' Tim, suit w m fl^ed „ „ „ trip Vietnam is coming to an end." with yoiir vote on E 3^ ep Day pi'csont, facilities," the mayov tho dty of t«hi Falla who have cidentally sliot in the chestheat .against Amalgamoted. Why .s.tu^ y by asking Americans ---------------- --------------------------------------, said. • never been charged for llferary_Saturday___ ailetn o o n — waswa»— wasfl'l-Hi-iilm il»r;^t-^tled--i5-js3Sr his antagonlsta wiUi came out of the crowd'and you VMW U right." 7 -FBtthman sold no has not services at the T\^_ bIoUs reported in ‘.‘guarded concon- - n.K.inngalnat.1 .liimniM?"Slmplot? a Repibilcan voto in Novem-^ landed harmlejjy on the At Tet«rbor«, N. J .. the como-uiv-witK-a-aolutlon to th e -4HibUclJbl9lrv aiifaougktbare is.. dlUonl—Saturdiay-ijnreaing^ a t berr-'-r- ninwiV-.-NeM wa»- clow problen^ of where a library a $13 annual teb'for out of city Magic. rValley i-^Menurial The fitone throwing oceurred Nl«on-»ho wehMngly did not the a u d l^ .hy « should Im located - on the CSI re^dents, he said, • ■ Hospital In Twin Falls.
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