1 University Archives Vertical Files Updated 10/24/2013 Cabinet 1 Drawer 1: A -- Alumni Assoc. 4-H Club – see: Four-H Club Abraham, Jimmy W. Abrams, Randy Academic Advising Center Academic Affairs (Provost and V.P.) Academic Affairs, Office of Academic Affairs-Deans Retreat Academic Council, 1976- Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures Academic Operating Policies and Procedures Accountancy -- see Accountancy, School of Accountancy, School of Accounting Dept. -- see Accountancy, School of Accreditation -- see also Institutional Self-Study Acock, Basil ACT Scores Adcock, Mitch Administration Administrative Council Administrative Internship Program Admissions and Records Office AEOP (Association of Education Office Personnel) Aerospace Engineering Dept. Affirmative Action Plan Afro-American Plus Club Agribusiness Institute Agricenter Agricultural and Biological Engineering Dept. Agricultural and Extension Education Dept. Agricultural Aviation Board of Mississippi Agricultural Economics Dept. Agricultural Engineering Building Agriculture and Home Economics, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine, Division of Agronomy Dept. 2 AIDS -- see also Student Health Dept. Aiken, D.W. (Durward W.) Ainsworth, Jerald AIR Bully Aircraft Operations Alcohol -- see also Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program (MASEP) Alcohol and Drug Education -- see Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Alford, John A. Allen Hall Allen, Douglas M. Allen, H. E. "Slim" Allen, Harry W. Allen, Matthew W. Allen, Tip H. Alley, Earl Alma Mater -- see Songs Almon, Lois Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Tau Omega Altenkirch, Robert A. Alumni Association, 1911-1979 Alumni Association, 1980- Cabinet 1 Drawer 2: Alumni Cont. -- BAK Alumni Fellows Alumni, General Alumnus of the Year Amburgey, Terry L. American Association of University Professors Ammerman, Gale R. Amos, Neil G. Anderson, Clifford Anderson, E. H. (Edmund H.) Anderson, J.M. Anderson, James H. Anderson, Jesse Anderson, Kelton Anderson, John Aubrey Andrews, G. L. Andrews, W. Baker Andries, J. A. Animal and Dairy Science Circulars 3 Animal and Dairy Science Dept. (Animal and Dairy Science merged 7/1/1991) Animal Husbandry Building -- see Ballew Animal Science or Newell-Grissom Building Animal Research Center Animal Science Dept. -- see Animal and Dairy Sci. Dept. Anthony, W. Stanley Anthropology Dept. (10/90 became Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work) Aquaculture -- see also Cooperative Ext.; MAFES; Veterinary Med., College of, and Arbor Acres Archaeology Dept. Architecture Building Architecture, School of ARF -- see Association of Retired Faculty Arians, Bruce Arner, Dale H. Arner, Dale H. Folders - 2 Arnold Air Society -- see ROTC Arnold, B. L. Arnold, William F. (Bill) Arriete, Nelson Art Dept. Art Exhibitions -- see Briscoe Hall, McComas Hall, Vet. Med., Union, Art Galleries and Art Art Galleries and Museum, General Arts and Sciences, College of Asbestos Removal -- see Physical Plant Ashaari, Z Ashford, James Ashmore, Jim Ashmore, Stephanie K. Asian Studies Center Associate Women Students Association of Education Office Personnel -- see AEOP Association of Retired Faculty Athletics -- see Women’s Athletics, General Athletics Dept., General Auxiliary Services Auxiliary Services Building Averah, T.K. Azlin, W.R. Bagga, H. S. Bailey, Bob (Robert J.) Bailey, John Baker, Donald N. Baker, James 4 Baker, R. S. Cabinet 1 Drawer 3: BAL -- Biographies Cz Ball, Howard Ballard, Michael Ballew Animal Science Building Band Bang, Jimmy Baptist Student Union Building Baquero, Jose A. Barfield, Doug Barge, Laura Barker, James F. Barker, Marvin Barnes and Noble-- see Bookstore Barnes, George K. (Machine Gun Kelly) Barnes, H. M. Barrentine, William L. Baseball – Folder 1 (1966 -1987) Baseball – Folder 2 (1988 - 1999) Baseball – Folder 3 (2000- ) Baseball-College World Series (1971-1990) Baseball-College World Series (2013) Baseball, Schedules etc. Basketball – Folder 1 also see Women’s Basketball Basketball – Folder 2 (1995 - ) Basketball: 1963 Team (NCAA Tournament Controversy) Baskin, Charles C. Baylen, Joseph O. Beal, John M. Bearden Dairy Research Center Bearden, H. Joe Beck, Lee Beckwith, Byron De La Beer -- see Alcohol Behr, Lyell C. Bell, M.R. Bellard, Emory Benford, Dorothy Bennet, Hugh Beta Alpha Psi Bettersworth Auditorium -- see Architecture Building 5 Bettersworth Leadership Lectures Bettersworth, John K. Bhirud, K. M. Binkley, Mark Biochemistry Dept. Biographies Aa-An Biographies Ao-Az Biographies Ba Biographies Bb-Bk Biographies Bl-Bo Biographies Bp-Bt Biographies Bu-Bz Biographies Ca Biographies Cb-Cn Biographies Co Biographies Cp-Cz Cabinet 1 Drawer 4: Biographies D -- Biographies M Biographies Da-De Biographies Df-Dz Biographies E Biographies Fa-Fl Biographies Fm-Fz Biographies Ga-Gq Biographies Gr-Gz Biographies Haa-Hap Biographies Haq-Haz Biographies Hb-He Biographies Hf-Ho Biographies Hp-Hz Biographies I Biographies Ja-Jn Biographies Jo-Jz Biographies Ka-Ke Biographies Kf-Kz Biographies La-Lh Biographies Li-Lz Biographies Ma-Mb Biographies McA-McG Biographies McH-McZ Biographies Md-Me Biographies Mf-Mj 6 Biographies Mk-Mo Biographies Mp-Mz Cabinet 2 Drawer 1: Biographies N -- BM Biographies N Biographies O Biographies Pa-Pe Biographies Pf-Pz Biographies Q Biographies Ra-Ri Biographies Rj-Rz Biographies Sa-Sd Biographies Se Biographies Sf-Sl Biographies Sm-Sn Biographies So-St Biographies Su-Sz Biographies T Biographies U Biographies V Biographies Wa-Wh Biographies Wi Biographies Wj-Wz Biographies X, Y, Z Biological Sciences Dept. Birmingham, Libba Black Awareness Month Black History -- see Black Awareness Month Blackbourn, Joe M. Blackfriars Blair, Paul T. Blessington, Thomas M. Blood Drives Blue Key Honorary Blueprints of Buildings -- see microfilm # NFX LD 3381.M63B58 Reels 1-6 Bluhm, Louis Cabinet 2 Drawer 2: BN -- CAM Board of Trustees, 1955-85 Board of Trustees, 1986- Boll Weevil Research Laboratory -- see Harned Laboratory Bomb Threats 7 Bond, John Book Collecting Contest -- see Arts and Sciences, College of Bookstore -- see also Union Booth, Martha Owens Borazani, A. Borazani, Hamid Bost Extension Building Bost, William M. Bost, William M.-Folder 2 Bouie, Kevin Bouldin, Jerry Bowen, David Bowlin, Leslie Carol Bowser, Paul R. Box (Barry, F.) Educational Psychology Building Box, Barry F. Box, C.O. Boyd, Bob Boyd, Claude E. Boyd, Daniel Boyd, F.J. Boyette, C. Douglas Boykin, Reginald Boyle, John A. Bozone, Billie Bragg, V.W. Brantley, Jeff Branton, S. L. Brazzel, J. R. Bridge, Robert R. Bridges, Phillip Briscoe Hall Museum – see also Art Galleries and Museums Briscoe, Charles F. Bristow, Vance Broadbent, F.E. Broadcast Meteorology Dept. -- see Geosciences Dept Broadhead, Dempsey Brook, Ted S. Brooks, Gladden Brooks, T.J. Broome, Joe R. Brougher, William E. –see also MS VF 8 Brown, Joseph Brown, Lewis R. Brown, Raymond Brown, Richard L. Brown, Rickey Brown, Watson Bruce, R.R. Brunson, M.W. Bryan Athletic Building Bryan, George Bryan, John Bryant, Ellen Bryant, Glen D. Bryant, James A. Bryson, Charles T. Buchanan, Robert F. Buchanan, William M. Buckley, William Budget -- see also Board of Trustees Budget and Planning, Vice President for (formally Finance and Administration) Buildings -- Construction and Renovation Buildings, General Bullard, Marcus Bullard, Steven H. Bulldog 10,000 Bulldog Bash Bulldog Booster Club Bulldog Club -- see Student Bulldog Club Bunch, H. Dean Burkett, Sandra Burlington Achievement Award Burney, Jacob Burnham, Milo Burns, Cameron Burson, Byron L. Business Affairs Business and Economics Research Bureau Business and Industry, College of Business Office Butler Hall Butler, Carl Butler, Elvis 9 Butler, Eugene Butler, Joan Butler, Tait Butler/Williams Alumni Complex Butts, Alfred B. Butts, Anthony Bynum, Nate CAB -- see Campus Activities Board Cafeteria--see Perry Hall Cafeteria Cain, C. E. Caldwell, John T. Calendars Callejas International Center— also see International Services Office Callejas, Rafael L. (Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero) Cameron, Mack Camp, Mason S. Campaign for Mississippi State Campbell, Charles A. Campus Activities Board (CAB) Campus Backbone Computer Network -- see Computing Center (Thomas E. Tramel) Campus Club Campus Crusade Campus Development Committee Cabinet 2 Drawer 3: CAN -- COL Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery Lab -- see Carpenter Hall Cardwell, Joe Care Career Center (Career Services Center) Career Day Carley, Charles T. (alumnus) Carmichael, B. H. Carmody, Jim Carpenter Hall Carpenter, James A. Carpenter, James R. Carpenter, Will D. Carr, Charlie Carskadon, Thomas Carter, Bo Carter, Greg Carter, John 10 Castoria, Bruce CATC--see Martin Center for Technology & Disability Catfish -- see Vet. Med., Aquaculture, and Mississippi Coop Ext. Service Cathey, George Catledge Scholarship/Lecture Catledge, Turner Centennial -- see also History Centennial Sculpture -- see Monuments, Portraits, Memorials, and Landmarks Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Center for Economic Education Center for Government Technology -- see Government Technology Center for Insurance and Loss Control Education-see College of Business and Industry Center for International Security and Strategic Studies Center for Robotics, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence Center for Science, Math, and Technology Central Duplicating -- see Printing Services Chadwick (Wm. D.), Park Chambers, Howard W. Chambers, Janice E. Chapel of Memories Chapin, Bob T. Chataugua -- see Architecture,
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