the “ItUndercurrent was as if an underground stream flowed through the country and broke out in sudden springs that shot to the surface at random, in unpredictable places.” Ayn Rand April 2005 Volume 1, Issue 1 the-undercurrent.com The Liberal Slantby Rebecca on Knapp the Liberal War ny American who has in a difficult ground war when Wouldnʼt a liberal president by the fact that it takes a stand. glanced at a newspaper in they could have simply leveled be lauded for this step towards Ultimately, the liberals do not theA past two years knows that cities first and asked questions democracy? hate the liberal Iraq War merely the liberals are unhappy about later. They struck only govern- The most revealing accusa- because of the morality of self- George W. Bushʼs war in Iraq. ment and military targets. They tion, though, came in a campus interest to which Bush pays Editorials continue to cite cleanly decapitated the regime, publication, Yaleʼs Daily News, lip-service, or even his loudly our failure to discover weap- removing a reviled dictator who which declares Bushʼs whole pronounced Christian ethic, but ons of mass destruction, as well had spent decades opposing mul- project defunct because: “Hon- because he proclaims a morality as the greater hostility and more ticulturalism, environmentalism, est support of the spread of de- period, and does so proudly. advanced nuclear capabilities of abortion, and womenʼs suffrage mocracy, freedom and free mar- This is the target at which all Iran and North Korea, as evidence (as well as terrorizing and tortur- kets would mean the decline of of their equivocations and prag- that the invasion of Iraq was moti- ing his own people). Americaʼs own super-power pre- matism are aimed. In the face of vated by economic interests. Bush proceeded, not to with- eminence.” Here, a college stu- moral certainty, the left doesnʼt Liberals accuse Donald draw from Iraq and to leave it in dent is willing to state baldly the care how liberal the presidentʼs Rumsfeld of turning a blind eye turmoil as liberals erroneously real issue: no matter how many war becomes—it cares only to to torture and of signing condo- predicted, but to pump billions people America helps, no mat- undermine his conviction, sub- lence letters with an automatic of dollars into its economic in- ter how many liberal ideals Bush ordinate his America to the will pen. They see Condoleeza Riceʼs frastructure and to encourage upholds, if America is not taking of the United Nations, and ef- shrugging off problems in the the Iraqi people to engage in actions that will lead to its own face any inclinations he might rest of the world as grounds for democratic elections. Al-Jaaf- decline—to the presidentʼs head have to act independently to de- skepticism about the adminis- ari, the top-contender for Prime on a pike, the stock market in fend an America that he honest- trationʼs intent. They ask, “Does Minister, announced to report- shambles, and Americaʼs cities ly seems to love. Bush plan to invade all or any of ers his intention to employ Is- reduced to rubble—then Ameri- The liberals cling to petty the sources of authoritarian re- lam as “the official religion of ca is morally in the wrong. potshots in the face of a war gimes from North Korea to Zim- the country, and one of the main If America had fought an fought clearly in accordance babwe?” (Harvard Crimson) sources of legislation.” Bush did identical war in Zimbabwe with liberal ideals. It can only be The left is severely criti- not object: like a true liberal, he against Robert Mugabe, the left because they do not care about cal of our efforts in Iraq. Yet if showed himself to be willing to would be, if not thrilled, at least those ideals, but merely about Maureen Dowd were to write a accept the results of democratic not hysterical. If troops had sunk tearing down all ideals as such. handbook called “How to Fight elections unconditionally. themselves into Rwanda to end Their op-eds are not written to a War According to Liberal Prin- Still the liberals are dissatis- ethnic cleansing—fine. Such champion a positive vision of ciples,” Bush could comfortably fied. They are unimpressed by wars could not be interpreted as the good, but to reduce all such sleep with it under his pillow. the democratic elections, choos- selfish or self-righteous. George visions to rubble. Bush didnʼt carpet bomb Iraq, ing instead to pick at the nega- Bush could not stand behind a Liberals need to find a posi- confiscate its oil, and declare it tive details. Yes, yes, says a New podium and proclaim proudly to tive moral compass if they want the 51st state. Though he went York Times column called “When the world that Americaʼs safety to make a meaningful contribu- into Iraq against grumbling from Camels Fly,” there was indeed a was secured by the removal of tion to American politics. They the United Nations, heʼs certain- democratic election in Iraq, “But Robert Mugabe. should pick up the mantle that ly doing his best to make up for we have to be very sober about But those on the far left, the conservatives have long since it now with his good-will tour of what is ahead....The walls of au- who would decry even our hy- abandoned: principled, secular Europe to “change the ugly at- tocracy will not collapse with just pothetical Zimbabwe War, give individualism. mosphere” (New York Times). one good push.” Another article away the deeper motives of the On its face, the war in Iraq guardedly points out that, after all, liberals. They see any action that Rebecca Knapp is a junior at was a liberal dream come true. “most Sunni Muslims, at the urg- America takes as “cultural impe- the University of Chicago. She is American forces carefully avoid- ing of their leaders, did not vote.” rialism”—as an assertion of what studying classics and plans to go ed civilian casualties, engaging Why the lack of optimism? it believes to be right—merely to law school. Inside Welcome to The Appeal of Ayn Rand The Undercurrent ......... p. 2 by Onkar Ghate The “Hate Crimes” Bandwagon .................... p. 3 ebruary 2nd marked the hun- teachers have requested over now,” the refrain goes, “but wait dredth anniversary of the 130,000 copies of Anthem and until youʼre older. Youʼll discov- 21 Fun Things birthF of one of Americaʼs most The Fountainhead to use in their er that life is not like that.” To Do During controversial and inspiring writ- classrooms. They know that stu- But when one actually con- Confession ..................... p. 3 ers, Ayn Rand. dents respond to her stories and siders the essence of what Rand The Academic “Rights” She continues to be wildly heroes as to few other books. teaches, the accusation that her Smokescreen .................. p. 4 popular among the young: some It remains, however, all too philosophy is childish over-sim- The Humor That Is 14,000 high school students per common for a young person to plification stands as condem- American Idol ............... p. 7 year submit entries to essay con- be told that his interest in Ayn nation not of her ideas but of tests on her novels and, in the Rand is a stage he will soon grow the adult world from which the Speakers, Meetings, past two years alone, high school out of. “Itʼs fine to believe in that (continued on page 2) Events ............................. p. 8 2 Welcome to The Undercurrent By Gena Gorlin elcome to the The Under- sands of readers to live purpose- depicting heroes who achieve is no wonder, since most even- current. Before we begin, ful, fulfilling lives in pursuit of their ambitions was a thing of the tually “crack” under the pressure letW us tell you what we are not. We their most ambitious dreams. past; the New York Sun sarcasti- of their sex drives or the tight- are not a political journal (though Her novels, most famously cally accused her novels of “epic ness of their wallets. politics will be discussed); we are The Fountainhead and Atlas implausibility.” The Christian ethic has giv- not a humor magazine (though Shrugged, present the dramat- But as Onkar Ghate elo- en values a bad name. The reli- we have every intention of being, ic stories of men and women quently addresses in “The Ap- gionistsʼ philosophy, which has at times, knee-slappingly funny); who erected their own earthly peal of Ayn Rand” (printed be- monopolized the field of moral we are not a literary publication paradise by holding fast to their low), Ayn Randʼs idealism is not values for ages, is as alive and (though rest assured, arts and cul- moral principles. naïve; she offers a vision that kicking as ever: in the oppo- ture will get plenty of coverage). But her heroes do not re- is achievable and real, and she nents of life-saving stem cell re- Our aim is deeper and more basic semble the usual “moral types” presents the principles one must search; in those who would ban than all these. We aim to intro- in literature: they are not chaste follow in order to achieve it. The homosexuality on the grounds duce you to a practical philoso- “Christ figures” who die for a modern world finds this moral that “the Bible says so;” and phy—one that could radically noble cause or hopelessly delud- idealism impossible to live up to in those who raise up as heroes alter politics, culture, and every ed Don Quixote types who live because it is jaded by two war- the soldiers who “die for free- avenue of your life.
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