SOCIETY NEWS length scales, including nanowires, hier- Preview: 2010 Materials archical and composite materials, group- IV semiconductor nanostructures, aero- Research Society gels and aerogel-inspired materials, ERURQDQGERURQFRPSRXQGVDUWL¿FLDOO\ Fall Meeting & Exhibit DOLJQHGFU\VWDOOLQHWKLQ¿OPVDQGQDQR- Hynes Convention Center and structures, and group-VIII inorganic Sheraton Boston Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts materials, with applications in electronic, Meeting: November 29–December 3 optoelectronic, nanophotonics, energy, Exhibit: November 30–December 2 and sensing devices. www.mrs.org/F10 Materials for Energy covers re- search related to magnetocalorics and magnetic cooling and novel fuel cell ma- terials and concepts as well as advanced Li batteries; polymer-based materials as 2010 t FALL MEETING Meeting Chairs nanocomposites, nanostructures, and smart materials; transparent conducting oxides; and thermoelectric materials for power generation and cooling. Biological and Environmental Ap- plications of Materials centers on syn- thesis, assembly, and applications of bio- logical and bioinspired materials with a focus on the forefront of bio-mineraliza- Ana Claudia Arias Robert F. Cook Clemens Heske Shu Yang tion and biomimetics; multiscale mechan- Palo Alto Research National Institute University of University of Center of Standards and Nevada, Las Vegas Pennsylvania ics; materials synthesis and assembly for Technology imaging, sensing, and therapeutics; and applications to nanobiotechnology and he Materials Research Society will research applied to photonics, electron- their health and environmental safety. Thold its 2010 Fall Meeting at the ics, displays, photovoltaics, and bioelec- Materials Exploration focuses on in Hynes Convention Center and the Shera- tronics. Materials such as organic semi- situ characterization approaches using ton Boston Hotel in Boston, Mass., No- conductors, diamond, rare-earths, advanced imaging and scattering tech- vember 29–December 3, 2010. The meet- transition metals, doped nitrides, oxides, niques, synchrotron radiation, and methods ing will include a technical program, liquid crystals, and organic–inorganic to study the structure–property relation of tutorials, a plenary session, an awards composites are included in the program. HYROYLQJWKLQ¿OPVQRYHOGHYHORSPHQWV ceremony, an equipment exhibit, poster Challenges in large-scale processing of in scanning probe micro scopy, materials sessions, a career center, funding semi- emerging materials or printable devices, issues in art and archaeology, and materials nars, and other special activities. Sympo- as well as low-temperature processing education and outreach from kindergarten sium proceedings will be published on and reliability, will be addressed. to graduate school. the MRS Web site, where they will be Materials for Infrastructure and In addition to the technical sympo- available free online to MRS members. Mechanical Applications addresses re- sia, Symposium X will feature lunchtime The increasingly cross-disciplinary search on materials for mechanical ap- lectures aimed at a broad audience to worldwide activity on materials research plications at all length scales, including provide meeting attendees with an over- culminates every year in the MRS Fall advanced intermetallic alloys, new steel view of leading-edge topics. Speakers Meetings. Symposium organizers from designs, bulk metallic glasses, ceramic, include John Rogers of the University of around the world have created a program metal and composite materials for nucle- Illinois at Urbana/Champaign presenting of 49 symposia that addresses leading- ar power applications, behavior at micro- a talk on materials and mechanics for edge research and captures the extraor- and nanoscales and in harsh environ- bio-integrated electronics and Eberhard dinary progress in materials science and ments, microelectromechanical systems, Umbach of Karlsruhe Institute of Tech- technology, featuring an exciting mix of and harnessing instabilities in soft materi- nology, on new concepts for energy re- well-established and popular topics. The als. search in Germany and Europe. Sympo- symposia are organized into the follow- Materials Processing and Device sium X will open on Monday with a ing six clusters. Fabrication focuses on synthesis, fab- special panel presentation about the Materials for Information Process- rication, assembly, and integration of a NOVA series, Making Stuff—a four-part ing covers fundamentals on materials broad range of materials at different PBS prime-time television series devel- 804 MRS BULLETIN VOLUME 35 OCTOBER 2010 www.mrs.org/bulletin SOCIETY NEWS oped in cooperation with MRS. The Don’t Miss these SUPER SUNDAY events at the panel will include David Pogue, the se- 2010 MRS Fall Meeting t Sunday, November 28 ries host and an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News. 7 TUTORIAL SESSIONS—FREE to meeting attendees Poster sessions, an integral feature of Running throughout the day, the tutorials offer a variety of topics to MRS meetings, will be held during the complement the scientific sessions. Subjects range from polymer- evenings. The meeting chairs will award based nanocomposites, to microfluidics and optical biosensing, to magnetic cooling machines and their potential for energy efficiency, the best posters during each session with and so much more! prizes of up to $500. Winning posters will be displayed prominently through- WOMEN’S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP— COAChing Strong Women in the Art of Strategic Persuasion out the week. This Workshop will focus on the fundamentals of responsible negotiations and conflict resolution. Attendees will use self- Special sessions and events examination to discover personal negotiating styles and develop The Plenary Session will be held in the alternatives to agreement that build self-confidence and enhance preparation. Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Boston Hotel on Nov. 29, 6:30 p.m., at which MASTERING SCIENCE PRESENTATIONS WORKSHOP— Christopher P.J. Barty of Lawrence FREE to meeting attendees Learn how to choose the very best communication tools to take your Livermore National Laboratory will scientific presentations to the next level—and to successfully present a talk on “Creating Star Power communicate the results both to peers and to the general public. on Earth—The Path to Fusion at the Na- MAKING STUFF DAY AT THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE: tional Ignition Facility.” Explorations in Materials Science and Engineering The Awards Ceremony will convene A day of professional development in education outreach is being on Wednesday, Dec. 1, in the Grand Ball- planned at the Museum of Science, Boston. Enjoy materials science room of the Sheraton Boston Hotel, at demonstrations, hands-on activities, and special stage performances ... and at the same time learn about some of the challenges, which the Von Hippel Award, Turnbull strategies and resources behind creating effective and creative Lectureship, MRS Medal, and Graduate education outreach programs for the general public. A public Student Awards will be presented. The presentation by David Pogue, host of Making Stuff, the new NOVA ceremony will be followed by the Von series on materials, is also on tap for the afternoon. Hippel Award address by L. Eric Cross FRED KAVLI DISTINGUISHED LECTURESHIP IN of The Pennsylvania State University on NANOSCIENCE—FREE to meeting attendees “Flexoelectric Composites—The Cutting World-renowned nanoscience expert Charles Lieber, Harvard University, will present his Kavli lecture at 7PM in the Sheraton Hotel, Edge for New Lead-Free Piezoceramics.” Grand Ballroom. David D. Awschalom of the Univer- sity of California, Santa Barbara, is the For more information on SUPER SUNDAY events, visit recipient of the David Turnbull Lec- www.mrs.org/f10_supersunday SUPER SUNDAY tureship. He will present his lecture, “Semiconductor Spintronics and Quan- tum Information Processing,” on Tues- day, Nov. 30 at 5:15 p.m. in the Grand tinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience, clude Mastering Science Presenta- Ballroom of the Sheraton Boston Hotel. will present the award talk at 7:00 p.m. tions, by Greta Zenner Peterson, who is MRS Medalist Walter A. de Heer The Women in Materials Science education director of the MRSEC at the of Georgia Institute of Technology will and Engineering Breakfast will feature University of Wisconsin, Madison and present the award talk on Thursday, Dec. Jennifer Stancil, executive director of chair of the MRS NISE Subcommittee; 2 in Symposium X, on epitaxial gra- Educational Partnerships at WQED, and the NSF Broader Impacts, by Sue phene for 21st-century electronics. Pittsburgh, on the topic of girls in science, Whitsett, the Einstein Distinguished A number of exciting events will take technology, engineering, and mathemat- Educator Fellow with the NSF Division place on SUPER SUNDAY, Nov. 28. ics: inspiring the next generation of sci- of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. Events include tutorials (plus one tutor- entists. Government agency seminars Jennifer Larese, the outreach coordi- ial on Monday afternoon), professional will be held, including representatives nator for NOVA, will present a talk on development including the Women’s from the National Science Foundation how to host Science Cafes. Professional Development Workshop, (NSF), the Department of Energy, and the In addition, a Science as Art compe- and Making Stuff Education and Out- National Institutes of Health, which will tition will be held. The competition is reach activities
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