Allegheny National Forest Marienville Ranger District North End Roads Analysis Project Report March 2006 Version 1.0 - The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication or program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice or TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write the USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, Washington, DC, 20250-9410 or call (202) 720- 5964 (voice or TDD). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. STANDARD PRODUCT DISCLAIMER The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service. This document is available in large print. Contact the Supervisor’s Officer 1-814-723-5150 Printed/photocopied on Recycled Paper EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Roads Analysis Background The North End Roads Analysis Project (NERAP) Inter-Disciplinary (ID) team, in conjunction with line officers and the public, used a six step process to identify important road related issues, discuss direct and indirect road related impacts, and make recommendations on the desired future characteristics of the road system. Roads analysis is not a decision process nor does it constitute a major federal action. The ID team, however, made recommendations in the NERAP report that may be carried forward in decision documents pertinent to the project area during a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) project. Step 1 – Setting Up the Analysis The North End Roads Analysis scale is project level. It is being completed in conjunction with the North End NEPA project. The NERAP boundary is larger than the North End NEPA project area in order to include roads that may be used for vegetation management that are outside the North End NEPA project boundary. The ID team analyzed the roads within the NERAP cumulative effects boundary – including approximately 55 miles of National Forest System (NFS) roads (also know as Forest Roads), 26 miles of municipal roads, and 76 miles of non-system roads, totalling approximately 158 miles of roads. In addition, the ID team included the analysis of two unroaded areas as designated by the Forest-Wide Roads Analysis Report (FWRAP) (USDA-FS 2003a). Step 2 – Describing the Situation The NERAP area covers approximately 22,062 acres (34.5 square miles) on the Marienville and Bradford Districts of the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) in McKean County in northwestern Pennsylvania. The NERAP area includes 15,896 acres of National Forest ownership in two primary Management Areas (MA): MA 3.0 (13,524 acres) and MA 6.1 (2,372 acres). The remaining 6,166 acres in the project area is non-Forest Service land (private, state, public, etc.) (6,139 acres) or waterways (27 acres). Step 3 – Identifying Management Concerns The ID team identified twelve road related issues concerning the NERAP area. They are as follows: 1) access for deer management/hunting; 2) other wildlife concerns; 3) management of existing road system (i.e., closures, illegal uses); 4) potential impacts to aquatic ecosystems; 5) access for vegetation management; 6)availability and management of pits; 7) road surfacing; 8) recreation; 9) Public Forest Service Roads (PFSR); 10) Oil, Gas and Minerals (OGM) roads; 11) unroaded areas; and 12) safety. Step 4 – Assessing Problems, Benefits and Risks The ID team assessed the various benefits, problems, and risks of the current road system. Resource specialists concentrated on project specific issues. Thus, the ID team referred to the FWRAP throughout Step 4 when a response to the question is typical for the entire forest, not site-specific to the North End Roads Analysis Project. By analyzing the direct and indirect effects of the existing road system, resource specialists made road related recommendations based on their management concerns. North End Roads Analysis Project Report i Step 5 – Describing Opportunities and Setting Priorities The ID team performed a benefit/risk analysis by using existing Geographical Information Systems (GIS) information. These results are illustrated in this section. In addition, resource specialists’ and the public’s site-specific road recommendations are summarized in Table 19 by road number. This table provides a side-by-side comparison of the aforementioned recommendations; consequently, it illustrates resources that are in agreement and disagreement with each other for specific roads. Each recommendation is identified as whether implementing it would require a National Enviromental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis or not. Table 20 summarizes limestone recommendations for NFS roads. In addition, through this analysis, the ID team documented general conclusions about the existing road system. Step 6 – Reporting In addition to the report, the ID team created maps (Appendix A) that thoroughly illustrate the existing road system, as well as potential new roads. Output from the benefit/risk matrix using GIS information is documented in Appendix B. Scatter diagrams of benefit/risk matrix output data in Appendix C help readers compare the benefits/risks associated with existing NFS, municipal, and non-system roads in the project area. North End Roads Analysis Project Report ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................6 Background.............................................................................................................................................................................6 Process ...................................................................................................................................................................................6 Scale of this Analysis..............................................................................................................................................................6 Products ..................................................................................................................................................................................7 STEP 1 – SETTING UP THE ANALYSIS..............................................................................8 Purpose and Products............................................................................................................................................................8 Analysis Description and Objectives......................................................................................................................................8 Interdisciplinary Team and Specialized Support...................................................................................................................9 Information Condition and Needs ........................................................................................................................................10 STEP 2 – DESCRIBING THE SITUATION ........................................................................11 Purpose and Products..........................................................................................................................................................11 Existing Road and Access System Description..................................................................................................................11 Road Uses ........................................................................................................................................................................12 Road Management...........................................................................................................................................................13 Management Areas ..........................................................................................................................................................14 Road Densities..................................................................................................................................................................15 Data Sources ........................................................................................................................................................................16 Data Accuracy.......................................................................................................................................................................17 STEP 3 – IDENTIFYING MANAGEMENT CONCERNS ...............................................18 Purpose and Products..........................................................................................................................................................18 Issue Summaries..................................................................................................................................................................18 Issue 1 – Access for Deer Management/Hunting (seasonal, year-round) ....................................................................18 Issue 2 – Wildlife (aside from deer) .................................................................................................................................18
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