Eastern Illinois University The Keep May 2011 5-19-2011 Daily Eastern News: May 19, 2011 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_may Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: May 19, 2011" (2011). May. 3. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2011_may/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2011 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in May by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Tell the tr11th and don't be afraid." Stabbing still under Burke happy after investigation OVC tournament Page 3 Page 8 SUMMER CITY COUNCIL Hedwig Haus I approved to come to Charleston House restricted to just five residents, three full-time staff members By Jennifer Brown Administration Editor The Charleston Ciry Council approved the proclamation to bring Hedwig H:tus, locat­ ed at 227 Jackson Ave. in Charleston inro the Charleston community. Michael Menger, treasurer of Hedwig Haus ofHospitality, says their intent is to provide safe shelter for those women and children who come from abusive environmems. "We want to give them a home as they transi­ tion to the nex:t stage of their life," Menger said. "This will be our first home and we'll see what our r~ources allow us to do." JORDAN BONER I THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Menger said if Hedwig Haus of Hospirali­ Cheyenne Ashmore (Right), a junior at Charleston High School, flips a burger w hile Tony Rieck, a junior accounting major, sets up cheese and ry is successful, then another house would be condiments for the burger on Wednesday at Joey's Place. Joey's Place is changing their hours this summer because of t he smaller number of acquired through rhe same process. students on campus. They have decided to follow the Catholic Worker model, which was first founded by Dor­ othy Day in the mid-l930s. Hedwig H;~us of Hospirality has chosen ro Restaurants to have small changes model their institution from the Catholic Work­ er Movement because of their commitment to By Alesha Bailey non-violence and prayer and humility. Carnp11s Editor "We felt the Catholic Worker model fit into "If we start slowing down earlier than usual, then the: community." Mc:rz.ger said. The lack of srudenrs this summer The city council approved the proclamation may not have a drastic influence on we'll adjust our hours, but we always start out after the zoning board made restrictions for only how local restaurants operate. summer with the same hours and then adjust as five individuals ro live in rbe house. However, some restaurants may Mayor John lnyart said there were neighbor­ have ro alter thcir business hours. needed." hood concerns about the Hedwig Haus to the zon­ Ashli Crowe, barista from Jack­ Ashli Crow, barisw at Jackson Avenue Coffee ing board. son Avenue Coffee, said the hours "There was also those in favor of it," lnyart will be changed with the duration said. "Without limitations, it made some peo­ of the summer Tuesday, Open Mic Nighr on Joey's Place will sdll deliver &om Christine Franklin, a worker ple uncomfortable about bow many would live ~If we start slowing down earli­ Thursday, and then a band or per­ 10 a.m. w1rillO p.m., according to from Georgie Boy's, said Lhc work­ in the house." er than usual, rhen we'll adjusr our formance on Sarurday night," a worker &om Joey's Place ers do nor know whether or nor Jnyan said the proclamation will be man­ hours, but we always start our the Crowe said. ''Whar we change is we just short­ any hours will be shortened since ageable and the council agreed with the zoning summer with the same hours and While Jackson Avenue Coffee en our hours a quarter 'til ten, and the restaurant is new. board's recommendations. • then adjust as needed." Crowe said. will keep the same hours unless we'll be closed on Sunday." be said. Franklin said the food that will "It's a conditional use thar permit that goes Crowe said the entertainment otherwise needed, Joey's Place will Other restaurants may not have be served will be the most impor­ with Lhe house," lnyarr said. "There were nolic­ schedule during the summer usual­ anticipate less business and imple­ shortened hours for the summer, tant thing for the restaurant this es in rhe paper so people would know whar was ly does not change. ment 3 slight change in hours im­ bur changes in food options may summer. gong on in their neighborhood.'' "We still have Blues Night on mediately. occur. RESTAURANTS, page 5 HEDWIG, page 5 STATE BUDGET ill. budget cuts bring howls of protest at Capitol By The Associated Press olem and Protective Association, said of income tax money rhar goes ro lo­ doesn •r lose money because of a new Three different budget proposals ar a nc:ws conference. cal government. federal tax break for businesses. l11e are on the table in Springfield, where SPRINGFIELD- Union mem­ "Don't cut home care! Don't cut Some groups, however, did offer group sayr that would save $600 mil­ officials face a deficit that could top bers chanted, mayors complained and pensions!" chanted hundreds of mem­ ideas to red uce the budget cuts that lion. $9 b iU ion in the coming years. All nursing home workers delivered peti­ bers of the Service Employees Interna­ stare officials are considering. Illinois income taxes are based on include cuts to some programs, but tions Wednesday in hopes of gening tional Union. The Responsible Budget Coali­ federal law. When federal government Gov. Pat Q uinn's p roposal would lllinois officials ro reverse course on While interest groups were quick to tion pointed to a practice of automat­ grants a tax break - in this case, let­ produce the k-ast pain - for instance, proposed budgt't cuts. speak out against cuts, they often fell ically sending money to certain spe­ ting businesses claim years of equip­ by "decoupling" from the federal tax AU those groups and more roamed silent when asked for alternatives. cial funds wirhou r any review. They ment depreciation all at once- it change ro save Illinois $600 milllon. rhe stare Capitol to argue that the Cur waste, some said. O thers said said some of those funds suppon pro­ automatically reduces Illinois reve­ T he version backed by Senate money they gtr from state govern­ that's not their problem- it's the job grams, such as tou rism p romotion nues. Democrats would cut about $1 bil­ ment is viral and must not be re­ of stare officials. and horse-breec:ling, that are "dear­ "These steps ... could be used to lion more than Quinn's, while a duced. "It's their budget. They need to bal­ ly of lower priority" than human ser­ protect funding for human servic­ House plan backed by borh Demo­ "It's a very simple equation. Less ance that budget," said Mayor Gerald vices. es and orher vital programs that are crats and Republicans would cut $2 money equals less safet y," Sean Bennett of Palos Hills, who was op­ The coalition also calls for Illi­ again subject co proposals for devas­ billion beyond Quinn's. Smoot, direcror of the Police Benc:v- posing any reduction in the amount nois to change its tax laws so the state tating cuts," the coalition says. BUDGET, page 5 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011 2 OENNEWS COM NO. 76, VOLUME 96 EIU weather TODAY FRIDAY ~u what's on tap TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Mostly Cloudy Thund~ erstorms High: 73 High: 79 All clay IHSA Girb' Track All day IHSA Girla' Track Alt day IHSA Gids' Track Low: 57 Low: 65 Htgh schools from around the High !>thools from around rhe High $Chools from ,around the state wUI come to O 'Bnen Fidd ro state will come to O'Brien Fidd to sure: will come: to O'Bnen Ftdd to compete in track and field events". compete in track and fidd events. compete in track and fidd events. EASTEARN NEWS Ifyou u·anr to add w thr 111p. •Tell the truth and d on't b e afraid. • pkast' t'-mail Jmnn1J11kslt@!gm4il. ctmt oua/J 581-7942 Cont.Kt rf,.,., twve comcuons or bps. plrb c. 217·581·7942 217·581·2923 Pflnted Alttntlon postmastotr by E•>tt<n llllnol, u~ SMol ecldreu clwnges to: onsoyt ~a..clrwcyded~. n..O.uly wtem ~ 11112 Bua.a<d lUll. ~nlllinol\~ty IN THE NEXT ISSUE ~ @ Chlllt>ton,IL 61920 !dltorLIIIIOiird lliSA Girls' Thack HOPE Rwnmage sale Edttor InCh~-------: AI~ McName. -------------DENeicOgmolll.com Look for an in-depth article covering the HOPE, a local r~ourcc cc:nter for victims MaMgl"9 Ed•tor ··-----------Jonl•nBoner events this weekend ac the IHSA Girls' Track of domestic violence. is having a rummage sale DEN~~ilcom state meet. Thursday through Saturday. ~Edltor----'-------~Sturt..on t DEN~ com Look for an in-depth article on it in Tuo­ IMwsStaif day's edition. Actrvlt,.. EdltCH .Ashley ~!Rten Admlnlsmuon Ed•tCH Jennirer Brown campus Ednor Aleslw S.Uy Photo Ed•tor-·--·---..---·---·Audmy Sa~r Sport, Editor -Joe 1.onc.1 Asslsuont Photo £drtor Karolina Smck We're gunna win state Adv.tiJ1"9 Stldf ~~ Joel AMid f'romo(IQM~ Nlcolas ~ Ad Dtii9n Manag« Brittney F...,ts FIKUitJ AciYIMn Edltorill Ad-.ser Lo~Bumlwm Photo ~ er.. n Poult~• OENHews.corn Adviser an Murley Pubh....., John Ry.n lklslneu~ Betsy~ PrtSJ~ Torn Rob.rts Production Staff Night Ch~ Altx M<Ha.-.- ~ad Oe>19ner/Onhne production Jordan B~r COf!Y Ed•to~lgnen/Onl.,., Pfoduct"'"----A~I,.
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