The. ILLI. NOIS WESLEYAN Vol. 69 Bloomington, Illinois, Friday, May 10, 1963 No. 29 D.L. Canfield Honor Grads Approved Honors Convo. May 17, Carole Zapel, French. Faculty Names Five Students who wish to work for To Lecture special departmental honors must ISNU's Bone To Speak be nominated in May of their jun- For Recognition ior year to the faculty by the de- On Dialects By DEAN LOWMAN Leadership awards will be given partment head. The student must Dr. D. Lincoln Canfield will visit Honors Convocation will be held to Blue Key and Egas members. At a faculty meeting May 6 five have a 3.0 accumulative grade the campus Monday, May 13, Friday, May 17, at 10:00 a.m. in Membership of these groups will members of the senior class were point average and a 3.5 in his ma- to speak on English dialects and the Memorial Gym as announced be listed and those who have approved to graduate with special jor field. Spanish customs. He will deliver by Linda Fosnaugh, Ohairman of joined during the past year will be honors. Students receiving honors The honors program continues two lectures; the first, at 10 a.m., the Convocations Commission. introduced. Mention will be given are Mary Humm, political science; through the senior year and upon in McPherson Hall, entitled "Eng- The program will be highlighted to the individual in each class with Steve Foster, history; Lana Lam- completion is evaluated by a com- lish As She Is Spoke," and will be with an address by Dr. Robert G. the highest grade point average. bert, history; Marilea White, so- mittee consisting of the depart- given in English. The second, "La Bone, President of Illinois State The Dean's List for last semester ciology; and Jane Marks, English. mental head, the instructor under Rubrica Espanola," in Spanish, Normal University. It was the task is to be printed on the program. Five juniors were also nominated whose supervision the s t u d e nt will be given at 4 p.m. Locations of the sponsoring group, Phi Kappa The Honors Convocation is a and approved to enter the honors worked, and a faculty m e m b e r of the lectures will be announced curePhi, juniorthe speaker. honorary The society, honors to will se- yearlyyearly event andand inin thethe words ofof program for next year. These are from another department. Recom- at a later date. cure the speaker. The honors will Dr. Bertholf its purpose is "to pue ist Dick Higgs, philosophy; Char Mach, mendations are then made to the Head of the Department of Lan- be given to members of Phi KappaDr thos English; Sheldon Nicol, chemistry; faculty concerning departmental guages and Linguistics at the Uni- Phi, as well as to other honorary honor those who have attained the Maynard Sherwin, chemistry; and honors. versity of Rochester, N. Y., Dr. fraternities on campus. A m o n g highest rank scholastically. An ath- Canfield is at present visiting pro- these are the art, Delta Phi Delta; letic banquet is held for those who fessor at the University of Illinois. journalism, Gamma Upsilon; busi- have done well in sports, but this During his many years of re- ness, Alpha Kappa Psi; dramatics, is our only chance to honor those Green Medallion To Initiate search in the dialectical variations Theta Alpha Phi; and the music who have maintained a high grade Green M e d a 11 io n, sophomore The students selected are: Tyra of American Spanish, he has trav- fraternities, average." honor society, will initiate twenty- Armentrout, Ginger Baskett, Lynne eled extensively throughout South nine new members Thursday, May Boal, Albert Carnine, Everett Cline, and Central America, Mexico, and POETRY... Linda Clicquennoi, Sue Clikeman, 16. Each year present members of Spain and also written numerous Splish, Splash, Joan Dennis, Claudia Eberle, Dar- articles and books on the subject. the society select new members lene Ebert, Jane Feiertag, Don I Was from the sophomore class. He has lectured and taught in Takin' Greene, Jeanne Hays, Susan Herrz, Legler To Speak Basic criteria for membership many South American universities Jane Ann Horenberger, Kathy and has also ben a consultant for are a 2.5 cumulative grade aierage, Klontz, Jon Merritt, Carroll Mites, A Bath... participation in campus activities, the U.S. Office of Education. Many On New Book Amy Nishijima, Bonnie Price, Phil- a the- general attitude expressed, and of his lectures on Spanish linguis- The time-honored test of ip Polito, Denny Redding, Gary was put character and leadership qualities. tics and Hispanic culture have ory, "Will it hold water" Schall, Peg Snyder, Carol Thomp- been broadcast over T.V. and ra- to examination last Wednesday Mr. Philip Legler of the Eng- lish department will read Thus the purpose is to encourage son, John Weistart, Jean Wenberg, dio. when Franklin hall held their first and comment on school participation, scholarship, Fredrica Wieneke, Beverly Wink- annual supervised water fight. exerpts from his forth- and co-operation. ler. Dr. Richard Stegner, who was at coming book, A Change of View, next Wednesday the affair in the capacity of a sort eveping, May 15. Register Now! of chaperon, was given an inside He will discuss a number of poems PMA Jazz Concert May 17 Students who have not yet pre- view of the conflict when two or that will appear in the book to be published by the University of Ne- The Phi registered with their counselors three water-happy students lifted Mu Alpha jazz band will heard. The voices to be featured braska should do so before May 20. Pre- and carried the previously digni- Press. The publishers have submitted present its annual spring jazz con- will be those of John Waddell, registration blanks and counseling fied professor to the water hose, his manuscript for the 1963 Lamont Poetry Prize cert Friday evening, May 17, in Bob Vyverberg, and Sharon Smith envelopes may be picked up at the there at the field 'house, and awarded who is to sing a special number. by the Academy who is to sing a special number. registrar's office. The s t u d e n t drenched him. of American Poets. Presser Hall auditorium. The con- .- Admission for this concert will should then meet with his or her Dr. Stegner took the dousing, Mr. Legler's poetry hs appeared cert will start at 7:30 p.m. so that be 75c tickets may be purchased in advisor to complete a trial study along with several other water at- in such magazines as The Western other campus events that evening advance from any Phi Mu or at the sheet, return the counseling enve- tacks with a smiling face and the Review, Prairie Schooner, Epos, may be attended. Along with the door the night of the performance. lope to 'the registrar's office, and comment, "Boy, am I glad I didn't New Mexico Quarterly, P o et r y big band sound, the progressive This will be a one night perform- arrange an appointment for regis- wear any good clothes!" (Chicago), and in the Random quintet and Dixieland band will be ance only. tration in September. All in all, the affair (lasted about House anthology Midland. His book an hour and a half, with sixty or reviews and criticisms have also seventy Wesleyan; students get- appeared in a number of periodi- ting their "Spring Bath." cals. Mrs. M.Bass Chosen Mother Of Day Sunday "It's a good outlet," said Dr. This summer Mr. Legler will During the annual Mothers' Day Stegner. spend several days as a guest lec- turer at New Mexico .Highlands festivities last Sunday, mothers of University, where he will partici- IWU students were entertained at Caps And Gowns pate in several panel discussions a musir.cle givn hv Phi Mu Alnha_ i on literature. A number of songs were sung by Here For Seniors The poetry reading, open to the the chapter c h o r u s e s, including public this Wednesday evening, "Adoramus Te," "Hail Sinfonia," Seniors may pick up their caps will be held in Memorial Center in and "Sweetheart Song." and gowns Monday, May 13 the main lounge beginning at 8 Carol Easton, Pat Bass, and through Thursday, May 16 on the p.m. Marion Lundvall, all members of second floor of Memorial Center Orchesis, presented two interpre- opposite the Student Senate office. ON THE INSIDE tive dances, "Lamb of God" and Hours will be from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 4 each day. January "Shenandoah," after which the Editorial jazz band played. graduates may pick up their caps and gowns the day of graduation. Student Senate A "Sing Along With Ken (Axel- The green hoods may be pur- son)" session followed and the au- chased for $5.00 and the tassels Charles Martel... dience joined in such old favorites for 60c. as "Memories," "Smile," and Caps and gowns must be returned Front Row Center "Moonlight Bay." Dr. Pearson gave to the Main Lounge of Memorial Harry's page 6 Jan Anderson, Mother's Day Chairman, presents a bouquet of flow- a poetry reading entitled "Prayer Center the day of graduation or a ers to Mrs. M. B. Bass, IWU's Mother of the Day. Mrs. Bass and a for My Daughter" by William But- bill will be sent to the student's Sports 7,8 host of other moms visited the campus last weekend. ler Yeates. home. THE ARGILS--Friday, May 10, 1963 Page 2 Where Is Our Letters: Grass, Grads, Grumbles somewhat lower than those paid Censured Could Be Wirtz to men.
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