REPORT RESUMES ED 014 480 TE 000 082 GUIDE TO TEACHING READING AND LITERATURE,KINDERGARTEN GRADE SIX. BY- WARWICK, EUNICE AND OTHERS MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, WIS. PUB DATE 64 EDRS PRICE MF -$0.50 HC -$4.44 109P. DESCRIPTORS- *CURRICULUM GUIDES, *ELEMENTARY GRADES,*ENGLISH INSTRUCTION, *LITERATURE PROGRAMS, *READING PROGRAMS,READING READINESS, READING SKILLS, READING COMPREHENSION, WORD RECOGNITION, ORAL. READING, STUDY SKILLS, INTERPRETIVESKILLS, MADISON, WISCONSIN THE MADISON, WISCONSIN, CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR THE TEACHING OF READING AND LITERATURE IN KINDERGARTENTHROUGH GRADE SIX IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS. PART 1 CONTAINSTHE MADISON POINT OF VIEW CONCERNING READING ANDLITERATURE IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, AND PROVIDES FLOW CHARTS TO HELPTHE TEACHER PERCEIVE THE TOTAL READING AND LITERATUREPROGRAM. GRADE -LEVEL EXPECTANCIES IN THE TEACHING OF READINGARE LISTED FOR THE AREAS OF WORD RECOGNITION,COMPREHENSION, ORAL READING, AND STUDY SKILLS. READING EXPECTANCIES FOR INTERPRETIVE SKILLS ARE ADDED FOR GRADES FOUR THROUGHSIX. FOR THE TEACHING OF LITERATURE, GRADE -LEVELEXPECTANCIES ARE LISTED FOR THE AREAS OF LITERATURE AIMS, TYPES,AND .ACTIVITIES. PART 2 INDICATES MORE SPECIFICEXPECTANCIES FOR EACH GRADE LEVEL IN THE TEACHING OF READING ANDLITERATURE. IN ADDITION, LISTS OF SUGGESTED MATERIALS FORTEACHING LITERATURE - -ONE EACH FOR GRADES KINDERGARTEN AND ONE,FOR TWO AND THREE, FOR FOUR AND FIVE, AND FOR SIX AND ADVANCED PUPILS- -ARE FROVIDED. FART 3 INCLUDES SUGGESTEDACTIVITIES FOR DEVELOPING READING READINESS IN KINDERGARTEN, AFLOW CHART INDICATING FIVELEVELS OF RATING THE QUALITY OF A READING INSTRUCTION PROGRAM, SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES FOR ENRICHING THE LITERATURE PROGRAM, A LIST OF THENEWBERY AND CALDECOTT AWARD BOOKS, AND A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYOF REFERENCES FOR THE TEACHER. THIS GUIDE IS A COMPANION TO "GUIDE TO TEACHING LANGUAGE ARTS, LISTENING -- SPEAKING -- WRITING." (SEE TE 000 083.) IT IS RECOMMENDED BY THE NCTE COMMITTEE TO REVIEWCURRICULUM GUIDES, AND IS NOTED IN "ANNOTATED LIST OFRECOMMENDED ELEMENTARY AND, SECONDARY CURRICULUM GUIDES IN ENGLISH,1967." (SEE TE 000 140.) IT IS ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, P.O. BOX 2189, MADISON, WISCONSIN 53701, FOR 83.00. (MM) ( D MARTEN. Prepared byof thethe MadisonReadint and Public Literature Schocils Committees U.S. DEPARTMENTOFFICEOF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION& WELFARE THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRODUCED fadeesKINDERGARTEN%Adam,POSITIONSTATEDPERSON DO OR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILYORIGINATINGREPRESENTReadeaf IT.EXACTLYOFFICIAL-POINTSGRADE ASOFFICE RECEIVEDOF VIEW OFawl EDUCATION ORFROMOPINIONS THE ZeteitateeteSIX Prepared byof the ReadingMadison andPublic Literature Schools Committees ICOTTO d f#2, The MadisonCurriculvmMadison, Public Department Wisconsin Schools1964 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACEFOREWORD Page PART TheI -- INTRODUCTION MadisonLiteratureReading Point of View 61 PART KindergartenFlowII -- EXPECTANCIES ChartsLiteratureReading BY GRADE LEVEL 159 SuggestedLiteratureReading List for Teaching Literature (Kindergarten and Grade One). 232119 Grade TwoOneLiteratureReading .... .333127 Grade FourThreeLiteratureReadingSuggested List for Teaching Literature (Grade Two and Grade Three) 48433936 Grade FiveReadingSuggestedLiterature List for Teaching Literature (Grade Four and Grade Five) 63595651 Grade SixReadingLiteratureSuggested List for Teaching Literature (Grade Six and Advanced Pupils).. 79767168 PART IIIReading -- RESOURCESFiveDefinitionSuggested levels ofActivitiesFOR of Terms kating TEACHERS forthe Developing Quality of aReading Reading Readiness Instruction in ProgramKindergarten (Flow Chart). 898785 BibliographySelectedLiterature BibliographyNewberySUggested and Activities ofCaldecott Teacher for Award ReferencesEnriching Books. the Program in Literature 1031009993 tocriticalcommittees aid Theyou evaluation. Guidein of helping Madison to Teaching ourI amteacherschildren sureReading you listed grow will and below. findinrecognizes Literature,their many abilityThisrefreshingFOREWORD its guide Kindergarten-Grade toresponsibilityread is ideassubmitted and andin theirfor an to making abundanceyou appreciationSix,teachers has reading beenof forsourceof preparedat literature. useany andmaterialslevel by the aA appreciationmodernmayhelpedsatisfyingschool develop isthrough reading to experience, teach havealasting literature and achildren maximum literature enjoymentone to fortodevelopread, chanceprogramwhich of since literature athe forsensitivity child readingdevelopment. ifhas it to isbeenis ideas ataught necessary adequatelyTheand correctly.primary idealstool prepared, and responsibilityfor Our to all theirsuccess learning.and own within ofinheritage. theteachingChildrenwhich elementary skills Childrenthe are total and listenlanguage Weintelligently arts are willgrateful be anddetermined to critically, all members byand how ofto wellthespeak staff we and arewho writeable contributed clearly,to develop toaccurately, ROBERTthisin children guide. and D. the GILBERTSeffectively.ability to read and ELEMENTARY READING ANDLITERATURE COMMITTEESSuperintendent READINGH.Mrs.Dorothy Ralph Eunice COMMITTEE Blotz Allen Warwick, Chairman Mrs. HelenRandaJolante NicholsonRice Richards CHILDRENMrs.Lillian EuniceVirginiaEileen Simonson, 'S LITERATURE AngleWarwick, Bell Co-Chairman Chairman COMMITTEERaeMrs.Helen Carol AnneGyneth Rudolph Rocca Schneider Schmale Mrs.Hada WilmaEveKatherineKathryne Ellinger Ferrill Ferris ClaytonCroft EvelynDorothyOliveLillianPatricia Sprecher Simonson RuleSchulz AgnesMrs.LoraKay Christie DickLizetta Clary Goodman Mrs.NancyBeulah LoisHelen Westby Waugh Simonson Villemonte 9 MarilynMrs. FernHelen Fetter Kissinger Geisler JeanetteDelores WirzYQung MarianMrs.Carol Sally Krieg Helmenstein Hamburg JoanCONSULTANTS Wulff RobertMrs.MembersDayle Mildred MillerLindholm of the Lavine subcommittee who preparedArthurA.CONSULTANTS Kermit this H. guide. Mennes Frater Mrs.Betty MarianMcMahan Pfaeffle ArthurMargaret H. Moss Mennes PREFACE WithoutHelpAll their the was willingnessteachers also derived of toreading offer from suggestions, andcurriculum literature materialsthe in gnidethe Madison previouslycould not elementary haveprepared been schools in written. the Madison have had PublicopportunitiesSchools, to and contribute from current to the trends development expressedof in thistextbooks, guide. sequencefromcourses oneThis of schoolto study,guide the teaching toandprovides another,professional of a basicreadingallocations framework literature. and of literature.suggestedfor the The teaching expectancies, guide of recommends reading learning and experiences, procedures,literature. bibliography,Inand a growing materials school and of instructiona philosophysystem, where should ofinstruction.students help to frequentlygive scope transferand From1. teachers'grammarIn the worksheets Madison and usage, point and discussions,writing, of view therespellingthe are following andeight handwriting. major generalizationsdivisions The ofeight canthe divisions languagebe made: arearts:taught developmental as situationsreading, arise; theyliterature, are correlated listening,with speaking, vari- 2.ousphysical,Readingto read. units, Thusis mental,or a highlythey reading areemotional, complex taught andliterature directly.mental and social process contributedevelopmentby whichto the childrenwholesome of the child.get all-aroundthoughts Many andfromdevelopment varied printedexperiencessymbols. of thea child. nextGrowth help in to an layin orderly reading the foundation pattern is related at for his tolearning ownthe rate. readingteacher poor whose should reading mustskills reading learn enjoy musthabits, level to beliterature read and islearned low criticallydevelop should so in shesequence. poor in becan order givenattitudes inspire toAhelpevaluate childthe toward as children. soonprogresses information, reading as possible, fromand literature. toone otherwise solve reading problems, they level may to or becometomake discouraged sound judgments. by repeated failures, This 2.1.guide:givesin the theinformationreading Madison program, aspoint to reading ofexperimentation view and concerning child indevelopment; whatreadingis good time methods, literature,allotment, materials, the and philosophy evaluation grouping, of ofteachingthe the readingplace literature, of program. oral reading,an evaluation the place of the of phonicsliterature U readingvariousandflowscope time charts and listsapproaches allotments sequence and in both expectancies to poetrytofor meet reduce all and thereading by overlapping prose,problems grade activities.filmslevels, of and individualand togaps filmstrips,helpin thethedifferences. teacherlearning and extensive determine experiences learning the of total children.abilitiesreading and and experiences. literature experience. We extend our thanks to the committee, thechairmen, consultants and all teachers who assistedin theARTHURCurriculum preparation H. Consultant MENNES of this guide. INTRODUCTION TheReading Madison Point of View threeTYPES distinctA OF balanced READING types reading of reading: program at all grade levels includes guidance in thatWHATmost reading common ReadingIS READING? is adefinition,has process been ofdefined and securing one in with many the whichauthor's different most meaning ways. educators Perhapsfrom agree, the the printed is turalbasicof basic aspects comprehensionDevelopmental reading of our skills, language. skills,reading such andas is Thisword-recognition
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