HREill NUMBER 15 SPRING 1987 iniiilrfu-L- i3 irfu Contents The Stemberg Centre for Judaism, The Manor House, 80 East End Road, London N3 2SY Telephone: 01-346 2288 1 Editorial MANI`IA is the Journal of the Sternberg Centre for Judaism at the Manor House 2 HerbertKuhner Waldheim'sAustria and of the Manor House Society. 4 LynneReidBanks Diaryofan lsraeliDrive MANNA is published quarterly. 6 DavidKossoff 'LateGreatpaul' Editor: Rabbi Tony Bayfield Deputy Editor: Rabbi Wllliam Wolff Art Editor: Charles Front Editorial Assistant: Elizabeth Sarah 8 Michael Freedland Howsam Goldwyntookthe bitter and the glitter Editorial Board: Rabbi Colin Eimer, Rabbi Dr. Albert Friedlander, Dr. 10 LionelBIue lnklings Wendy Greengross, Reverend Dr. Isaac Levy; Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Magonet, Rabbi Dow Marmur, Rabbi Dr. John 10 RosemaryHartill Serving GodforBreakfast Rayner, Professor J.B. Segal, Isca Wit- tenber8. 12 JuneRose Barnardo'sJewish connection Views expressed in articles in A4lcr##¢ do not necessarily reflect the view of the Editorial Board. 14 WendyGreengross Jewish Father Little Boy Lost 15 SuNewland Thepassion&ObstinacyofaHero Subscription rate: £6.50 p.a. (four issues) including postage anywhere in the U.K. Abroad: Europe £9.50; Israel, Asia, Americas, Australasia -£13.50. 16 AlomaHalter Amos oz`Mystoriesare nottypical- They just interest me' 19 Alexandrawright ForHeaven'ssake 20 Letters 21 Wi[liamwolff Lastword `\fo:E:oi°fvnegr:e`££Lj£T£::usofw?]ruastnitifio:rat:: other graphic works by Charles Front at the Sternbeng Centre. EDITORIAL SHOW PITY SHUN JUDGEMENT HE JEWISH COMMUN- Alarmingly there are already homosexuals alike` to think very ity is clearly divided on signs that the homosexual com- seriously about how we use sexu- T the subject of homosexu- munity could quickly become ality and highlights the poten- ality. There are many, especially the equivalent of medieval lep- tially dire consequences of using within traditional circles, who ers - or Jews - blamed for the that sexuality selfishly or irres- affirm the legislation of the plague and victimised accord- ponsibly. Torah and insist that sodomy ingly. Such is the power of the Yet there will continue to be and, by extension, any form of drive to scapegoat. Anyone who people who fall victim. Some homosexuality, is an abomina- has ears to hear with must surely will be completely innocent; tion. There are others, including know that AIDS is a disease some will have misused their sex- the writer of this editorial, who which can be transmitted both uality. In either case they will believe that a person's sexual through homosexual and require support and compassion- orientation is a private matter heterosexual intercourse. In ate treatment. There are no and that the real concern of relig- Europe and the USA AIDS may, limits to the obligation of b!.k£# ion and morality should be how for the moment, be most preva- cfeo/I.in, caring for the sick. We a person uses their sexuality - lent amongst homosexuals but in will need to be a well-educated selflessly or selfishly, lovingly or Africa the heterosexual com- and informed community, not exploitatively, responsibly or munity is profoundly affected. turning away or recoiling out of irresponsibly. Just as the identifi- Moreover, the fact that a person misinformed prejudice. We will cation and punishment of the has contracted AIDS says need hospices. We will need stubborn and rebellious son or nothing whatsoever per se about synagogues to act as an extended the death penalty for adultery their morality nor even about family and a real community. We have been removed from the their sexual activity. Babies can must not allow the debate over operative area of Jewish law, so be born with AIDS; husbands or the morality of homosexuality to should the condemnation of wives can contract AIDS in the cloud this need~and this demand. behaviour which is of no-one's course of normal marital rela- There may be no lepers; no Jews concern but the adults them- tions. casting out Jews; no shunning selves. AIDS is already present in the out of fear or mistaken self-pro- The resurgence of discussion Jewish community in Britain. tection. We should urge of all a about homosexuality has been Jews have died and are dying of selfless, loving and responsible brought about by the emergence AIDS. The disease presents us attitude to sexuality. Equally we of AIDS. It is crucial that the with a great challenge. It chal- should urge of all compassion two issues do not get confused. lenges us, heterosexuals and and concern for the sick.. MANNA SPRING 1987 S mu.DH[IM'§ Aus"Ih WHERE NAZI PAST WEAVES IN AND OUT OF THE UGLY PRESENT Herbert Kuhner The selecti,on Of Kurtwaldhei,in as ALustri,an president throws a world spotlight on the country which was Hitler's birthplace - and where his passions and prejudices still inflect an appreciable part Of the population. TJut is what makes modern day ALustria diJ:Jierent f rom West Germany. Here Herbert K]nhaer, an Austrian Jewish writer who went back from the USA to live invienna in 1963 describes the atmosphere in which ALustha today conducts its polidcs. he Socialists and the Con- Hitler when he embarked on an SS over him. The doctor in question servatives are the two major career in the Reich. He did not have had been responsible for the exter- T parties in Austria. There is to apply to regain it. It was handed mination of `mentally retarded' chil- also a mini-sized third force, the so- back to him on a silver platter along dren. After the war, he sat in court called Freedom Party. It was formed with a pension and other benefits. for four decades and decided who after the war to soak up those with a No Jewish emigr6 can boast of such was sane and who was not. Today he Nazi past. Many were swallowed up red carpet treatment with a cabinet lives in `honourable' retirement and by the Socialists and Conservatives, member on hand to do the welcom~ is still called upon to give his profes- who competed for the lion's share. in8. sional views on crime. In 1983 he The present-day Freedom Party is Bruno Kreisky, the long serving returned from a tour of Soviet composed of `liberals' and Chancellor who led the Socialists to psychiatric clinics bubbling with •nationalists'. The nationalist ele- enthusiasm. The Socialists take care power in 1970, is of Jewish birth. He of their own all right, even if they ment is dedicated to upholding the proved to be a good politician in the `purity. of the German language worst possible sense. Kreisky, the were previously IVofz.o#cz/ Socialist. and culture and owes allegiance to Jew, was the first post-war Chancel- Many former Nazis have become the German nation. There are some lor to bring former Nazis into his opponents of totalitarianism and thirty thousand bilingual Croations, cabinet. Kreisky may himself have advocates of democracy. In most twenty thousand bilingual Slove- been a victim of the Third Reich, cases their conversion just hap- nians and a hundred thousand but he was willing to let bygones be pened to coincide with the collapse Gczsfc!;'bcz.rG7., or foreign workers, in bygones. His motto was `If you're of the Third Reich. Indeed, every- Austria. Do these pose a threat to brown, hang around'. His theme thing has been done to integrate the language and culture of seven song waLs ` Brown is the Colour of my these converts into the fabric of pre- million? The largest pre-war minor- Tirue Love's Shirt' . sent-day society, thus enabling them ity, the Jews, has virtually ceased to During the 1975 election cam- to contribute their skills for the `public good'. exist due to Hitler. paign the Socialists were consider- In 1983 the Socialists formed a ing a coalition with the Freedom Winning the Jewish vote in coalition with the Freedom Party. In Party if they failed to maintain their Austria is of minor political impor- 1984, when Walter Reder, the last majority. That would have meant tance. The Jewish community has Nazi war criminal incarcerated in designating their leader Friedrich shrunk from 220,000 to 8,500. But Italy, was released, Friedhelm Peter as Kreisky's Vice Chancellor. the hard-core Nazi vote can easily Frischenschlager, Freedom Party When Simon Wiesenthal came up be estimated. Neo-Nazi Norbert Minister of Defence, flew to Graz with the embarrassing fact that Burger received 141,000 votes when to welcome the old soldier with a Peter's SS Unit had specialized in he ran for the Austrian presidency handshake and .G7-I:jss Gorr!' This extermination, a parliamentary in 1980. That was 3.2°/o of the total was a bone in the throat of some investigating committee was to be vote. Another distinguished Free- Socialists, but others gulped it down set up to investigate -Wiesenthal. dom Party member became Minis- without any trouble. The Conserva- Bruno Kreisky then took over the ter of Justice. He has been quoted tives raised a ruckus in parliament role of Nazi hunter and accused as saying he considers himself to be but smiled wanly when one of the Wiesenthal of having survived the a German Austrian and does not mayors presented Reder with a Holocaust by being a Gestapo feel bound to Austria as a nation, hunting lodge to while away his informer. In other words, open sea- and, furthermore, that he regrets twilight hours. The Catholic Church son was declared on him. the defeat of the armies of the Third got into the act by offering Reder Socialist gulpers aren't new at the Reich.
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