nutos S' V ^ <1 I^^I" New Adel^^d, e Fest vals Adelaide is the first alliance . ... Fe^t^vat of one city's major arts and cultural I" festivals in the southern hemisphere. , ':^, D^As . , . R^^laide \ Hospital \ . WEEKDAYS AT NOON RAD'^:O , speei^Is FROM OCTOBER 21 I'?\ Government of South Australia RADIO. ADELAIDE. EDU. AUISPECIAL newrah. sag ovau ,.,'_I ~ SA Healtil 01^ FESTIVALS SOUTH ^ICplia*: +6188271148B ADELAIDE w~. kiwil, "d. ide. coin. .u ^!"^_^I, , eto, o to Think ^ "^e, ,e^ ^7^, Connect - Act ^I^, p^to ^, top ^e^. they ^,. through the APARTM GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR WITH SAVINGS OF up To $39,830 Hawke Centre. PLUS ADDITIONAL BENEFITS. Keep up the momentum for 21 st century ideas and ^70^ solutions all year-round. Follow the Hawke Centre'S annual free program live ERGOapartments. coin. au or online. 8366 0222 Register to receive regular program updates and stay across the latest topical issues. * ^;":^;, ~' ' 'Stamp Duty Concession. Housing Construction ';11 0, *' Granland First Home Owners Granl RLA 4552, . co. ., ^;^ hawkecentre. unisa. edu au ^I Uni"wity of L'a South Australia 2013 ADELAIDE FILM FESTIVAL ADELAIDE FESTIVAL OF IDEAS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY 11^;DELAi .^, FIVEaa _.,,,,/^/,^^*^^" ,^,-^;^I^\,. "11^^"-,,,,,,,,. SDUm The Adelaide Festival of Ideas was Initiated In 1999 and is row recognise, SPECIAL BUILD EXPLORE QUESTION CRE TE SPEAKERS CREDITS I CALENDAR I as 31andmark So"th Australian event It pr. vides an opportunity to hear from the EVENTS USEFUL VENUE MAP I brightest minds from around the world and to deepen cur understanding of INFO VENUE INFO diverse issues relevant to all aspects of our lives T he co rice pt h as had a SIg nific a nt Im pacI. O u , c ultu re of joe as Is n ow GelebraLed around the globe. but the Adelai, e Festival of Ideas remains unique remarkable for Its engaged and energised audience The collection of activities within the 2013 Acelaide =estivaioFldeas speaks 75-76 to our need to correct In a meaningful way - to look beyond our dally F1Luais and 73-74 c o rite in plate Ih e r atu re of thin g s o n a p rcfo u n d level. T h e prog rain also b 71n g s 71-72 a so " se of fu n It d raw s c " t h e e nt h u sIasin of at ten, e es to CTC ate a r eng agin g 69 -70 67-= 68 THE HDN JAY WEATHERILL 65- 66 We welcome all a ests. thin Ke r s an d 71es 10 Adelaide to this 57- 64 Pieii*lei of Sculli AUStialia truly Inspiring festiv 55-56 53-49 Dedication Dedication to Paul Davies By Professor Brion Schmidt Astronomer. Australian National U niversity Professor Paul Davies is the Renaissance Davies is a scientist willing to take risks 111 Physicist - working in areas as diverse as with his writings about faith and science fundamental physics. astrophysics. astro generating as much controversy as his research biology. and the search of extra. terrestrial on non-carbon based life forms. Science Is II' ritelligence. His ability to communicate to the about pushing the boundaries. and Davies public is extra-ordinary. being able to deftly efforts at breaking new ground and bringing the When we started the Adelaide Festival of Ideas 14 years ago there was nothing convey complex concepts such as the arrow o world with him are an inspiration to us all like it In Australia. Now there are many Imitators. Clearly there Is an appetite for time and quantum physics deep and civil discussion o1 Ideas and Issues an appetite that Is rot being slake, by media and political debates that run hysterical Iy on the rocket fuel of polling an d Inst ant co in in u niC at 10n ROBERT PHIDDIAM So in our eighth Festival OF Ideas-the first to coincide with the Adelaide F11m OPENING EVENT ~ Festival in the new Spring festive season-we have asked our speakers riot to Ideas Whose Time Has Come: from Cosmology to Cancer .~I 17th October. 18:30 Assoc:ate PIOfessor =11n d e! s U nive rsity respond to the loudest current concerns but to think about what matters more Paul Davies Freemasons Hall. $35-$30 cone Chaii. AFCI AC!,., is o1v CCITT;mitee abiding Iy In their fields. and to discuss the real value of From dark energy to the Higgs boson. from cancer folklore to synthetic biology; great ideas oftenlanguish in obscurity until. decades later. they burst into relevance. World renowned physicist and best-selling author Professor Paul Davies shares some of the more exciting and significant examples IhaL are revolution is ing science today. and asks: what else lies in the dusty storehouse of human ideas that may yer transform our future? CLOSING EVENT Our Poisonous Politics October 17:00 Don Watson Bonython Hall. The University of Adelaide s20-SI5 conc It's easy enough to download a talk in the comfort o1your own lounge room but It takes real dedication to get out and engage with peoole. and that spirit of Has politics turned toxic? Forty three days after the federal election. former political speech participation goes to the heart o1 this festival One of the special privileges of writer. best selling author and the godfather of weasel words. Don Watson assesses Lhe state being part of the A. elaide =estivai of Ideasis witnessing the light bulb moments of play. sharing his views on language and writing. politics and history to examine whether politics that come from bringing together such a Giver $9 bunch of thinkers. Including an s broken orifit'sjust the same old game aud!ence willing to embrace the thoughtful and the controversial Thank you to the Festivals Advisory Cormittee for their advice and One of Australia's most distinguished writers and public inspiration. particularly our chair Robert PhidCian. Thank you also to the AFOl speakers. Watson's best-selling account of his time as team. especially NGil. Tess. Jane and F;one, whose combined energy could power Paul Keating's speechwriter. Recollections of o Bleeding He ort a s mall I own. ar d to c u r exc eedingly jin pre 55ive g u es ts w h o nave give n won several awards. as did his 2008 release Americon Journeys g e ne FC u sly of Ih eir tim e a nC inir d s in Ih e d evelo pin e, t of this p rog rain His most recent book is Bendoble Leornings (2009). a successor We would also like to thank all our sponsors. partners and special friends for to DeoCh Sentence and We OSel Words supocrtirg the 2013 Adelai, e Festival of Ideas Most especially thank you to our Associate Director Heather Robinso" for you u nwave, in g d ed ICatio n, g o0 d h u mou r anC cre at Nity an d ou r C EQ Amah d a D uinie 40 r your flashe s of in s PIratic ". g uiC an ce a n d b rin 91n g Ih e tin any) 18 u g h s BOOK ONLINE adelaldefestlvalo rideas. coin. au OR PHONE 08 7070 0999 The Walkability Imperative Think & Drink 19t to ber. 15:00 Various dates and Limes Bonython Hall, The University of Adelaide. free Festival Club On his first Australian tour Jeff Speck will Check our website for deloils share lessons from the USA to outline the Make sure you hit our Festival Club for 'walkability Imperative'. why we need to your chance to down an intellectual chaser combat urban sprawl and make cities more A Gift that Keeps on Giving with your beverage of choice. Shout your 18th OCLober. 20:00 pedestrian friendly. Using his experience in Bettison Orction favourite astrophysicis. / futurist/ Freemasons Hall. a^^9 one of the most car-obsessed countries in h October. 10:00 filmmaker/ artist/ psychotherapist/ public Bo kings and info format net aiJ/Fire the world. Speck will share the trendsetting Freemasons Hall. free intellectual a beer or get shouty with jestiv Ge. in line and queue for some time for Us experience and how it impacts on Art dealer Sir Rex de Charembac Nan guests and goers. catch a performance or an event that may or may not happen Australia. for better or (mostlyI worse. Kive11 (1898-1977) amassed one of London's panel. Check our website for scheduled Bargain for position. order drinks. eat most significant private collections of happenings and ticket information canapes, dance. mingle and generally This session is proudly presented in material relating to the exploration and engage in the usual accoutrements CSSociotion with the Store Librory of settlement of the Pacific. He never visited associated with conventional entertainment Western AUStrolio, writingWA Grid DPn. Australia yetis one of our most generous. Ringbalin min us the entertainment. largely unknown. benefactors. Nat Williams. th Octobe, . 10:00 Featuring Stephen Sheehan. JO Zealand. the inaugural James and Bettison Treasures SA Museum. free Karen Picker ing and a selection of Adelaide's of the Ideas: Curator at the National Library of Australia. Ringbolin is an jinmersive geo-located most innovative party technicians reflects on Kivell's life. collection and his ternet is Evil. Discuss. multiplatform documentary that tells ctober. 18:00 contin uing legacy. stories of the Murray-Darling through the This evenlis co- presented with the de Town Hall ens of indigenous culture. This launch will Pestivol of Unpopuior Culture 130 cone. Presented by the Bettison ondJomes Foundotion. nclude a brief guided tour of the Ringbalin e web has dissolved borders and River Stories app with screenings of short Resilience rs and made our voices louder than Safety in Clusters Cherchez Ia Femme: Feminism in the Pub f Ims and a Q&A session with director Festival of Unpopular Culture efore.
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