TCCAY'S UGHTING-UP TIME TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Sunrise: 5.14 a.m.—Sunset: 7.18 p.m. Lighting-up time: 7.48 p.m. MORNING — Cloudy, but mainly Bale of road: Fine KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT AFTERNOON — ditto 2% iUrpl (fetft and (EoUmtH INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 18—NO. 124 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1933 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM HIGH NAMES DISCLOSED IN MORGAN BANK PROBE BRITAIN BAULKS AT U.S. DEFINL MORGAN EXPLAINS PAY­ HAMILTON CORPORATION EMPIRE DAY AT CAVENDISH MENT OF BRITISH TAXES SCHOOL THEY SAY Mayoralty Election Today TION OF "AGGRESSOR" That the excitement today is the High Officials Named in U. S. Mrs. T. M. Dill and Mrs. E. B. mayoralty election. Polling will take place today at Gray, the representatives of the * * * Senate Investigation the City Hall from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. America Scans New British Trade Treaties—As­ I.O.D.E. visited Cavendish School That according to the prophets for the election of a Mayor to suc­ on the 23rd inst and expressed their both candidates wUl get in. WASHINGTON, May 26—(CP)-- ceed A. W. Bluck, Esq., who re­ pleasure at the performance givem cension Day Observed in England—Chinese * * * J. P. Morgan, whose banking com­ cently resigned the office after by the children. pany are undergoing a Senate in­ twenty years service. That the idea of depositing £50 Press Ask Price of Peace—Children Meet Members of the Senior School was precautionary. vestigation, explaining why they The two candidates are Sir Henry performed "Sir Francis Drake" » * * Cruel Death—Lost Airline Ship paid income tax in Great Britain Watlington and Joseph S. Vallis. written by R. F. Heath, Pat Carr during the last two years and paid both of whom are strongly sup­ That even candidates never know ably portraying Sir Francis, and what legal rulings will be. Found—More Deaths in English no tax in the United States said ported, and it is expected the well supported by Graeme Skinner, * * * that the British tax was paid on a voting will be very even. Arthur Monkman, Gordon Joslin, Railway Accident—Gandhi That the next excitement will be statutory basis which includes taxes At the last mayoralty election in Richard Johnson, Danford Lewis, the opening of Parliament, on rental values of property but January the result was Bluck 103, and Ronald Skinner, as Douthty, Low But Will Live-West * * * does not include capital gains and Vallis 58, and at this municipal Capt. Wynter, Tom Moore, Capts. Indians Defeat losses. He said he had paid £7,000 election, Mr. Vallis lost his seat as Collett and Paull and Ship's Boy. That a short but important ses­ yearly since 1930 but had paid no sion is expected. Alderman, the voting being: "The Druid's Prophecy" compos­ W * w Hampshire American taxes because his losses ed by the Headmaster, based on had been greater than this gain's E. H. Trimingham. That the election of Speaker will 109 "Boadicca," was given by the furnish interest. during the last two years. E. E. Walker 102 Senior and Middle School. Miss * * * George Whitney Morgan, a part­ S. P. Eve 93 Brenda Morris playing the part of AMERICAN CONGRESS FROWNS ON SIL­ That the state of tbe Treasury ner, said that he had made $889,- J. S. Vallis 78 "Boadicea" in a winning manner, 000 on a single transaction in tne Chest will provide material for VER AT 16 TO 1 RATIO OO the Misses Anna and Alice Harrison debate. stock of the Johns-Manville Com­ making charming Princesses, while * * * pany, but denied that he had pro­ BELMONT MANAGEMENT AP­ Skiner, Monkman and Lewis fited by his knowledge as a director strikingly performed the sacred That a loan is predicted in spite of BRITAIN OPPOSES RIGID ENGLAND CELEBRATES ASCEN­ PRECIATES FIRE BRIGADE the strenuous opposition of the of that Company. Senator Mc- DEFINITION OF SION DAY AT HOME roles. The Colonies were taken by old school. "AGGRESSOR" Adoo stated that he was not a The Hamilton Fire Department the following girls. Miss M. Turner * * * preferred customer, and that he "Canada" MissB. Ray "Australia," LONDON, May 26.—(CP)—Ascen­ is to be congratulated on their That the lover of a gamble believes GENEVA, May 26. (CP)—Great sion Day brought France and Bel­ had lost $2,565 on three purchases prompt response to a small fire in Miss Doris da Silva "South Africa," Miss Grace Souza "New Zealand," a Derby sweepstake could raise Britain opposed any hard and fast gium the greatest invasion of from the Morgan house. one of the cottages on Belmont Miss E. Alves "Newfoundland," enough revenue to avoid extra definition of "aggressor nation" French war veterans since theNor- DEMANDS RECALL OF DAVIS Manor Golf Links. The alarm was Miss Rose Ray "Rhodesia," Gordon taxation. at yesterday's session of the Dis­ man Conquest. They paraded In the Senate, Senator Robinson, sent in by Belmont Manor at 6.45 Joslin performing two parts—TJlric * * * armament Conference, concending Whitehall to the Cenotaph. Trains on Wednesday morning. In fifteen Republican, from Indiana, demand­ tne Druid's Messenger and Irish That it is estimated that £10.000 that such a definition would only be carried great throngs of tourists ed that Norman Davis be recalled minutes the department was on Free State. Master George Russell leaves the Colony annuaUy in to London. Before the financial a trap for the innocent, and not a as United States spokesman at the spot, with hose reels out. One was the Prologist. sweepstakes. protection for the guilty. crisis, the British used Ascension Geneva, and declared that Secre­ of the outer rooms in a vacant * * * Captain Anthony Eden, express­ Day as a Continental holiday, bat tary of the Treasury William Wood- house was the seat of the trouble. 00 That if a £100 comes back there is ing the British view, said that any since the suspension of the gold in's usefulness had ended. Evid­ Due to the well organised depart­ great rejoicing. inelastic definition of "aggressor standard the tide has turned. ence has shown that Davis had bor­ ment the fire was quickly quelled. "ORDERS ARE ORDERS" * * w nation" was unjustifiable. Nor­ Boatloads of surpliccd choirboys rowed from the Morgan Company, The management of Belmont That the calendar for the next man Davis, speaking for the United and top-hatted elders vigorously and Woodin had been a favoured Manor appreciates the speed and The rehearsals for the amusing Assizes looks like being lengthy. States, stated his regret that Japan beat "Father Thames" with willow customer who was offered stocks thoroughness with which the fire play are now well under way and * * * proposes to remove from the pro­ wands as the clergy, wardens and below the market price. Senator department came to their rescue, the production promises to be a That the presentation of a pair of jected treaty any mention of the choristers of St. Clements perform­ Tydings retorted that a man who and wishes to thank them publicly. great success. white gloves has yet to be made. London-Washington naval agree­ ed ancient Ascension-tide ceremony attacks an Ambassador abroad, —oo The cast is a strong one contain­ * * * ments. Japan desires a naval ra­ of beating the Parish bounds. The when that Ambassador is doing a ing names of many well-known That perhaps this will come after tion more advantageous than the ceremonies culminated with a lunch signally good work, is attacking TUBERCULIN TESTING players. Subject to possible minor lighted roads and reformatory. present five-five-three proportion. at the Savoy Hotel. humanity. Senator Robinson in­ alterations the characters will be * * * * * * sisted that Norman Davis should On Tuesday, May 30, Dr. C. J. taken by the following players. That J. P. Morgan has become a BIMETALLISM NOT FAVOURED GANDHI WEAKENING BUT NOT be recalled because the public had Cooper will tuberculin test cattle Lieut. Marriott, Private George 'Mudian. BY U.S. CONGRESS IN DANGER lost confidence in him. in the district between the Flatts Carpenter; Private Slee. Fred Giles; * # * James Roosevelt, son of President and the Western boundary of De- Private Goffin, Bandsman Raymond That that is to say he doesn't pay WASHINGTON, May 26. (CP)— POONA, India May 26.—(CP)— Roosevelt, in a prepared address vorrehire. Any non-registered cat­ Cooner; Captain Harper, Sergeant any income tax. The Foreign Affairs Committee of Gandhi grows rapidly weaker now said that J. P. Morgan and partners tle owners who may wish to have Don Evans; Lieut. Broke, Sergeant the House of Representatives that he has reached the 16th day had in no way violated the letter their cows tuberculin tested wiU Charles GUI; Lieut. Merrivale, Ar­ 00 tabled a resolution requesting the of his three week's fast, but eight of the law, and had acted strictly please communicate with Dr. Coop­ chibald Talbot; Veronica Bellamy, Nina Daniells; Constance Ellis, American delegation to the World doctors announced that he would within their legal rights. The er before 6 p.m. on Monday. Adah Spurling; Fifi Delamere, Economic Conference to work for probably survive the ordeal. investiagtion, he said, was not oo Beatrice Trimingham; Capt, and CUSTOMS HOUSE bimetallism, with silver at a 16 to * * # intended to persecute but to awaken 1 ratio. the public to the inequalities of Qr. Mr. Ledger, C.Q.M.S. Charles U.S. SENATE PASS BILL TO PRE­ ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Chislett; Ed. Waggermeyer, Arthur * * * "this law," evidently referring to VENT FINANCIAL EMERGEN­ Cooper; Wanda Paluka, Evie Spurl­ U.S.
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