Diocese Buys Two j Pan Horse Grazing Madison Tracts . I In Matawan Borough Regional High School, J Residents Complain - jChurch, School, Uses | Of Nuisance On Are Not Confirmed Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth County Press Association I New Brunswick Ave. The Roman Catholic Diocesc 86th YEAR — 34th WEEK Sinplf* fnnv Swpn Horses are loo common In lhe of Trenton was disclosed at the MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1955 Oingie ^opy aeven lentS.Nc,w Brunswick Ave. area these Madison Township Committee , — • — j days to please the residents meeting Monday to have pur­ Notice ' Bank To Stav Put there. A dozen persons appenr- chased two tracts of land In Lhe NO BETTER WORDS TO DESCRIBE "G3GTHERHOOD" I nanit 1 o otay rut | ed al lhe MlUnwnn Bo,.ollBh township, thr; 40-acre Weston Appeal To Be Taken ! ; Staikos Pleas To Due to illnoss in Iho mechani­ j Joseph Baier. president ol thc j Council meeting Tuesday to f a r m on Bnnvntovn Rd.. and a cal dcnarimoni of this newspaper, j Farmers and Merchants Nation- ! voice objection to the keeping larger nrea. in the Ernslon sec­ it w as im possible to sot all Iho On Ellis Verdict I , al Bank, of Matawan, denied Iasi j of two horses by Andrew Mcr- tion from Iho Keiidall-Contincn- | Attempted Kidnap news lhat was senl in for Tho night that the bank expected to j win, 293 New Brunswick Ave. ■ Co.. of South River. The M ataw an Journal this wcolc. Wo erect a new banking house in the Mrs. Charles Bozza and. Mrs. fa tte r t r a c t to ta ls 103 a c r e s . regret that lhe columns of ’ ! Owner’s Attorney Says j J Saves Self From Graver near future. .He eslimaled it ] Frank Mowbray were the Mayor Walter Jurman said Cheesequake, Browntown and $48,705 Land Award ! | Charges; Prosecutor would be "several years" at least Lite Lracl in Ernston was sold Morganville news had to be omit* before any change in a new bank­ j spokesmen for the complaining ted/ in addition lo the many so. : In Holmdel Inadequate! ■ fur Ihe erection of a Callioltc | Favors Acceptance ing structure would be made. j group. They wanted to know , ci°l iter's. ar*H thn school news, Church and parochial school. He did confirm lhat th? bank ' wliat could be done to make Mr. • If at all possible, we will attempt Appeal will be taken from a 1 | Anthony Staikos, 31, of Wil­ There was no official knowledge was the owner ol !h-? Margaret 1 Merwin get rid of tlie horses. 1 lo use this nows in the next is* decision of condemnation com- j low Ave., Matawan, saved him­ Terhune Estate property at thc , Mayor SpaffOl'd VV. Schanck told of the purpose lor which lhe I sue. but we are sure our roactcrs mlssioners Monday awarding1 self from trial on the charges southw est co rn er of M ain St, them there was nothing In the Weston lracl had been acquir­ ; will understand that in the Mar. Mrs. Phyllis Todd Ellis $48,105 i carrying a possible death pen­ and Ravine Dr. and this was lhe ed’, bin il was believed it might 3 issue, current news will bnve I health ordinance which prohib­ fo r 62.5 acres off Holmdel Rd, j alty of kidnapping nnd de­ presumed site of any new bank­ be for a regional parochial high j first preference. ited keeping horses; only pigs on Deep Cut Hill, Holmdel; manding ransom for kidnapping ing building lhal would be erect, school for tin; Matawiin-Ke.vport cd. l and goats were prohibited. As Township. The land was taken j by pleading no defense Friday Jto horses, so long as the Mer- ■'Jtadison Township-Snyrevillc a- Mr. Baier disclosed that bids by the New Jersey Highway Au- ; to the lesser charge of nttempt- i-c!\. Tiie mayor acknowledged were being jpuqht on demolishing wins were not maintaining a thority for Garden State Park- ; j ed kidnapping. He will be sen­ tills was a report, nol confirm­ Increase Police the large two-storv__________ ____framejUvery house stable or horsc-bonrdlng way purposes, according to ! tenced Mar. 4, The crime car-’ ed by a church source. t al the Site to save’ tax” costs Tnd |ljlac0' there was no discernible Ralph S. Heuser, of Matawan, i l'les a maximum penalty of 30 upkeep. The bank contracted i violation, according to tlie niay- A reliable source last night Force In Madison attorney for the owner. ! I years in prison to buv the site’ last spring but | or. cautioned that, tlie purchase of This figure was not far from ; ; Staikos had been scheduled to the actual francaiion was delay i . Mrs. Bozza declared the resl­ tlie land had been in anticipa­ Patrolmen, Desk Clerk, the. Authority’s offer of 544,274 1 i stand trial yesterday 011 a two- ed until fall, the bank president j dents considered the horses a tion of future needs and there staled. In negotiating for the property.! 'nuisance. She added the only was no official decision yet for To Be Added; Reject | county indictment of kidnapping By the testimony of her ap-} ! and demanding $100,000 ransom - ! times she knew manure had its use. • ! Dog Pound Application praisci's, Paul Stryker, of Holm­ i from the parents of the victim, j been removed in the seven To Ituilfl F.ight-Itoom .School del, and Joseph B. Langan, of weeks the horses had been there Several new police officers ; J o e l K a tz , 16, of Y o n k e r s , N , Y. Recreation Group ,.The mayor also disclosed the Union Beach, a valuation of at w a s 011 two occasions when John and one or two men for night iThc alleged abduction took kendall-Contincntal Co. was go-! least $1400 per acre had been ! place Jan. 7. Muller. plumbing inspector, desk duty will be added to the ing lo build an eight-room school1 put on the property, which carted it away to oblige ihe Madison Township Police force i Monmouth County * Prosecu­ Named By Mayor on ils tract and present this ] would mean the owner was hold­ neighbors. Mrs. Mowbray In- because of the sharply rising tor J. Victor Carton appeared building to the township. The! in g th e C2.5 a c r e s for n o t less slsted the horses had knocked population trend ln the munici­ ! Friday before County Judge Five Members Listed; m a y o r d isc lo sed it to bo. a con-i than $81,500. • R p, _ • | down a fence and come into her pality, Committeeman James ; John C. Giordano, with Staikos dition made by thc planning! Hearings were conducted Feb. D o n d l l l g - ror e x t e n d i n g 1 backyard and were a menncc Robbins, chairman of the police i and the latter's court-appoint- board before the map for ths: 10-14 in F r e e h o ld a n d la s t T h u r s ­ committee, announced at tiie ! ed attorneys, and recommended Sewers In Prospect !t0 a child i)la>'lnB- GOO-liomesite development would day the commissioners made an J File Written Complaint meeting of1 the Madison Town­ | the pica be accepted. Slnlkos lie approved. Thc map was of-! 'inspection of ‘‘comparables" in Mayor Spafford W. Schanck The mayor told them a' -writ- ship Committee Monday. New School Physician Named For Matawan; I waived grand jury action and fered Tor approval to thc town-i the area. They then studied thc named tfte borough rbcrcatioh jten complaint should be filed Mr. Robbins said applications ! trial by Jury by his plea to thc ship committee. | testimony and thcirS^wn find­ commission at Tuesday's coun- ^wil11 llle inspector citing the ba- for, botli posts from qualified j lesser charge. Wiliiam Kerr, president of the ings for three days and made Teacher Demands Place Back On Faculty cil meeting. Members and their isis of ll'e horses being a nuls- persons are now being receiv­ j Certain Medical Angles uuvnship boar^ of education,! their decision. It was returned terms of office are: William ance. Mrs. Bozza asked If a ed. Annual reports of the po­ voiced strong objection. He .to Superior Court Judge Frank j In making his recommenda- Bader, one year; Charles M an-! building permit could be rcfus- lice department were submit­ Dr. Gesswein Resigns; Dr. Cooper Is Appointed T. Lloyd, jr. |tion,-Mr. Carton said he hnd devillc two years: David Mar-ied. as she quoted, "The stable called attention to a letter writ­ ted by Mr. Robbins. He point­ Mrs. Wolverton Insists Board Adhere To Date Set ten by the board asking that the Commission Members j“run down every possible angle tin, three years: Jnmes Haus­ Is only a packing box without* ed out that only the last half of Members of tlie commission For Termination Of Leave, Body Declines To Act | of the cftse,” and had conferred er. four years, Anthony Nuc­ windows." The mayor observ­ governing body and the plan­ 1354 w a s r e p r e s e n te d ln th e r e ­ were Sherman A. Mnnning, Red I several times 'With the defend- cio. five years. ed that as the structure wns al- ning board refrain from approv­ ports, because when he took of­ ing any more subdivision maps Bank attorney; William Bryan.
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