Place your order NOW. Allow two to four weeks for delivery. Calendars are packed 150 to a carton . .. sorry, we cannot accept orders for less than a carton. QUANTITIES AND PRICES Within the United States Please ship 150 to 1050 copies ... 17c each These ore to arrive (dote) ........... We agree to remit the full amount for 1200 to 2550 copies ... 16c each calendars m 30 days ofter our sole, scheduled to toke place from 2700 to 5100 copies .•. 15c each 5250 to 10050 copies ... 14c each to ..... ....... We hove permission from our council 0; our lone troop com­ 10200 to 25050 copies ... 13c each mittee 0 to hold a Calendar Sole. Rem •ranee must accompany lone troop orders. 25,200 and over . .... 12c each Outside the continental United States Payment of$ Is enclosed. (Including Alaska and Hawaii) Each calendar ....... 20c prepaid Nome·-------------------------------------------------------- Shippin9 Addre>L------------------------------------------- No)'t Unwld <ol ........ • cannot be returnea. Speak your mind Roundup Slie teas there! The leader enjo~·~ her Hower~ .md hC'r film on TV birds, her pot-holder~ and ht•r cer.unil',, Savann,th, Gt>orgia and remembers that she bt'<".tmc involved in It m.1~ mtere't the n 1der, of the LEADER them bec,\uSt' at some time the S('OUting to kno" ho" tht \,,ttional Or~anization program called for them. S ome lime ago you circled September 2 t mme mto hein!!. I !..now and I am the onlv The leader remembers the pl.1ce\ ~he Ill your elate hook and probably wrote the li\ in~ per,on "ho dul", lno\\. · has visited with the troop and the , ·aried legend "viewing part~." W dl. thr. date i' I "a' the l':X<·t·utivt Sl·crctar\' of the people who h.tve shared thdr ~lm~ .md almo't upon us .... Savmmah Girl St·ouh (or Guides, then hobbies. She could never h.tvc t•ncro.tclll'd On .\fonclay night. St:pteml)('r 2-1. an called I. 'tarh.'<l J,, \fr,, Lm\ in \larch 1912 on their privacy for her,eJf, but bc.·,.m,e hour-long docwnentar\ film on the 1962 in Savannah. Gt.Orgia. I was the third secre­ the girls were intere'ited ,he .i'l..t·d, .md Girl Scout Senior Routi'dup will be presented t.uy ''hen .\Irs, Low a'iked me to be the ex­ always met a warm re!>pon!>t'. over the CBS network from coast to coa~t. l'l'uti\ e 'euct.1n ,It ';35.00 a month. I Her child hiL~ some bizarre phast• in Thl· titlE' is "The Road to Button Bay." could not t.tl..t' ;1p the \\Ork until October growing up and she remember., tftat otlwr \\'c hope that from 9:00 to 10:00 I'.'f. 5, 191::!. Thert• \H"rc about sh.ty girls girls in other troops went tluough !>uch a E;htern Time and 8:00 to 9:00 1'. '\1. Central th<·n. without <111}' handbool or equipment of phase, and she is not unduly concerned. Tiuw (in other time zones, please l'cmsult any kiud. only the Boy Scout handbook. I The leader sees and feels the Sl'Outs' re­ vour CBS station) three and one-half million pnJiecl tlw work to~t·lher until .\Irs. Low sponse to tl1e inspiration of the idcah of ;nemlwrs of the Girl Scout family will ~ather returned to Savannah (she had bet·n in Eng­ Scouting until it is almost a concrete thing; round their television sets to S('e what land) in the spriug of Hll3. tltis is a joyous experience that only the promises to be one of the most t•xciting Sht d1angl'd the !1lll\1(' to Girl Scouts, lender can know. ~hows of this or any other television season. just so, .md iu \lay HH3. sitting in the These are some of the "unexpected Work on the color mo\'ie• began si\ little building of th~: S.tvnnnah Girl Scouts, dividends" 1 have thou~ht of as I washed months before Roundup. In February 1962. she told me she \\,IS going to make the or­ dishes or sorted laundry. 1 t~:rtuinly did a l'Hilleramnn and producer-director fie\\ !!anization national, and just so again, she not go into Sl'Outing for what ( l'Ould get, out to Topeka. Kansas, from Xew York, '' antl·d me to go \\ ith her to \\ nshington as but I did trv to inYest tn\ time wi~elv in .tnd ~tarted shooting. They got footn,gc on '\,ttiun,ll 1wud.ln. I did not want to go, "growth stock." 1\fy "unexpel'tcd dh'idt•~<h" the wrr fmt meeting of the patrol 'ell:'<'ted ,1., I lo\l'd tlw foc,tl work and the girls, were the best of all. to be featured in the movie, and on the hut I fin.1lh- t'Omt'ntt·d. .md in ;1 week's -:\vt•rv \I<:Connt·ll Hood t'lt·etion of the patrol leader. time, .\lr,. Lm', with her maid and her dog, · ( \fr,, D.ln Hood) From that time on. the ubiquitous and I tlt•partt><l for tht' (.lpital dty. c.mwra, followed the girls into their homes. :\I r,, Lo\\ rc·nt£·d nn office m the \ lun­ Cover girl Wt'nt out on d.ltes ''ith them. acl'Ompanied sey Building. bought some furnihtrc. and them to Brcmnie me<>tin~s wherE' they work­ .\lidclleton, Connecticut hired a derl... '>ht· \\ t•nt to En~land, and l t'd •h Program Aide,. did not 'cc lwr ··~·tin until September in Congratulatioru to the Gn~.~ter \.tl.mt.t Girl -\s Roundup time dre\\ nearer, the '\t•" Yorl. I to()l actual l·harge of the of. Scout Council for producing the beguil­ c.unt•r,b recorded the girls taking t11eir pre­ fice, .1t ') 100 .1 month. I wa~-beside, ing epitome of a luppy Girl Scout, shO\\ n Roundup training and giving tasting tea; to :\ational Senet.trv-typist, treasurer for on the <.'On-r of tlte June LEAD.c.R. She is a hdp rai>e money to meet Roundup expem<''i. awhile. field workt·r, ,md office bov. I tremendous te~timonial to tlw fine vonth of They ;~ct"Ompanied the !,>iris on the long formed several troops. did son1t· pubficity onr organization. ' train trip from Topeka, a trip which took tlw work for the newspapers, held rallies, one -Ruth B. Genu,m patrol to Cliicago. Fort Huron, Toronto. and picnic .mel madl· my fir.,t public speech. (.\Irs. Jame!> A. German) \lontreal beforE' they reached their cll•stin.l• I kepl lht' \\Ork until June, H.ll4, when \lidcllesex Area Girl Seoul Council lion, Button Bay State Park, Vennont. .\!is, Cora \Jt•al succeeded lllt' as l'\ational Onc·c at Roundup, the patrol was photo­ S~:cret.1ry. She held tlw office for two years, Keep it simple! gnlplwtl doing what come~ naturally at and then the organization was moved to Roundup. They were "shot" setting up :\ew York City, "here it has remained ever .\lanhattan Bt:acll, Cali fomia camp, knot:king together the necessary furni­ since. :\fay I really "speak my mind"? It b ,trti­ ture, hauling supplies from the commissary, -Edith D. John;ton des like your February one, "Brownie cooking, doing their "kapers." The camera 'International Set.' " that l'.luse~ .1 shortage eaught them making friends. performing "Unexpected dividends" of St"Out leaders. It's n clever project, their demonstrations, "swapping a token but far too much work for a Brownie leader. with a tall· well-spoken," attending a forum, \latthe\\S, 1\:orth Carolina . Imagine yourself getting illl that \'isiting the \'illlage Green, going to church. Your m.tga.due j, interesting and helpful. e((Uipment together. or the telephoning in­ .mel good compall\ at the second-cup-of volved in asking somcone ebe to do it. R oundup. in all its excitement and variet) coffee limt" '' lll'u tht• hntht·hold has settled I would like to read .1bout le.ldt'rs and fun. \\'ill he brought into the living dm\ n for a momt·nt. "Unexpected dividends who plan projl:'<'ts that tl1e girls can do room> of million~ of -\meriean famili<:~. of Scoulinq" i' ,1 phrase that has often themselveS-\\ithout c.11ling upon fathers \\'e hope you \\ill encourage a~ man~ come to m~ mind at 'uch period,. to paint boxe~ and mothers to go to the f.unilil'' in your c:omnnmit~ a' pos~iblt• to For example, the le.tder may Jo,,e eontact library for them. I'm sure there art: otht:r !>ee tl1h fihn, for it will make meaningful '' ith 'ome of tht• troop mcmbers in a leaders who would like to hear about the to them the spirit of Girl St.'Outin~. But &m't r.tpicll) changing community, but there leader who found her5elf totally unprepart:d expect to see all the scenes we have men­ t"OIIlc' ,1 time, as it did to me, when ;he as the Brownie~ were coming in the door .tt tioned: the camera recorded fortv times the for le.1ms th.tt tlu.' b;mk tdlt•r h a fomler meeting time ( unforgivablt-. but it hap­ amount of footage nl>eded for an ·hour sho\\. Sl'Out. the ~ron·r\ wift• and the ladv .1t the pens). Two of the Brownies were abst·nt The network sho\\ \\ill be ~pomored h) phone offite .ue parents of Sco{lb, the because of illness, so Ute troop decided to General Foods Corporation, which will waitre-s .md tlw -.alesl,tdv in tlw nf'arby city make ~crapbooks for them.
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