THEA Publication MAINE of the Forest Ecology W NetworkOODS “In wildness is the preserva- tion of the world.” Henry David Thoreau Volume Eight Number Two • Late Summer 2005 Free WHOSE WATER IS IT? “Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river Voice in the Wilderness - page 2 has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then S H2 for ME - page 3 you will find that money cannot be eaten.” An Act to Preserve Maine’s Drinking Water Supply - page 4 Cree Indian Proverb Groundwater in Maine: A Basic Introduction - page 6 A Glossary of Water Terms - page 6 Forest Ecology Network Nestlé Goons Disrupt Signature Collection Drive- page 7 P.O. Box 2218 NON-PROFIT ORG. The Range Pond Water Contract - page 8 US POSTAGE PAID Augusta, ME 04338 AUGUSTA, ME Nestlé in Fryeburg - page 8 http://www.powerlink.net/fen PERMIT NO. 75 Nestlé’s Plans for Kingfield - page 9 [email protected] Who Owns the Earth’s Water? - page 10 Bad to the Last Drop - page 12 Five Reasons Not to Drink Bottled Water - page 13 Nestlé - Corporate Criminal - page 15 A Voice in the Wilderness by Jonathan Carter WHOSE WATER IS IT? Water is something that most of us take for granted. We volunteers, were collecting signatures on the Water Ini- simply turn on the tap and out fl ows this “blue gold”. tiative. This Water Initiative would establish sustainabil- Maine is covered with lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. ity standards to protect our aquifers and require Nestlé to This abundance has lulled us into a sense of compla- pay part of their huge profi ts into a dividend trust owned cency. And yet, even Ben Franklin understood the issue by the people of Maine. Nestlé has spent hundreds of when he wrote, “no one knows the true value of water thousands of dollars fi ghting the Water Initiative - in until the well runs dry.” courts, in the legislature, and by employing slick poll- sters and media sharks. Freshwater is scarce on the planet. Freshwater makes WE SHOULD BE up about 3% of all the wa- OUTRAGED! The ter on the earth. Two thirds Water Initiative needs of this water is locked up to be placed on the in ice at the poles - leaving ballot and I am ask- only 1% available for all ing you in the next living things. Humans have several weeks to help polluted so many sources out. The H2S for ME of freshwater it is to Campaign needs more estimated that only 0.5% signatures and they is potable. In fact, one in only have until Sep- six people on the planet, tember 23rd . Please or a billion people in total, get involved and help P. O. Box 2218 photo by Janet LeClair do not have local access to collect a few signa- Augusta, ME 04338 drinkable water. And yet, tures. It is always easy Phone: 207-628-6404 I can go down to Sandy FEN director Jonathan Carter in a Plum Creek clearcut to assume the other Fax: 207-628-5741 north of Flagstaff Lake. Stream which borders my person will do it, but Email: [email protected] property and dip my cup just remember that the for a cool drink during other person is prob- http://www.powerlink.net/fen these hot summer days. ably saying the same thing. Taking personal responsibil- ity for getting 5, 10, 30 or more signatures will put the Jonathan Carter Nestlé and the rest of the international water cartel know campaign over the top. So once again, PLEASE HELP. that control of scarce water resources means great prof- Executive Director its. From Bolivia to Maine, the water cartel is attempt- ing to privatize water. The oil wars of today will be the ______________________________________ water wars of tomorrow. Clean water is a universal human right. Mikhail THE MAINE WOODS Gorbachev A decade ago, Nestlé, the largest bottler of water in Paul Donahue the world, arrived in Maine when it purchased Poland At risk is the public ownership of water resources, Springs. Nestlé has made Maine a prime target for water Editor public sector water services, and the authority ownership. They are currently mining 500 million gal- of governments to regulate corporate activity for lons a year from Maine and have drawn up plans to take environmental, conservation or public health rea- hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of gallons more. sons. Comments of Canadian trade lawyer Steven Contributors I suspect that their long term business plan includes Shrubman in his legal opinion on GATS (General Jonathan Carter tankering water to drought stricken parts of the globe or Agreement on Trade in Services). using pipelines to transport it to various water-deprived Paul Donahue regions in the United States. Bridie McGreavy Over pumping of groundwater in many of the world’s important grain-growing regions will be David McMillan Maine has laws which protect surface waters and es- an increasing problem” about 1,000 tons of water Tom Standage tablish public ownership. Groundwater does not enjoy are needed to produce a ton of grain.…as coun- Jim Wilfong such protection even though the water underground has tries press against the limits of available water unbroken connectivity with surface water. Pumping between now and 2015, the possibility of confl ict aquifers has a direct effect on surface waters by reduc- will increase. ing water fl ow into lakes, streams, and wetlands. This Central Intelligence Agency Report, December Special Thanks can result in signifi cant ecological damage to fauna and 2000 Teresa Wood fl ora. Reduced water levels can not only shrink avail- able habitat, but result in higher water temperatures and reduced oxygen levels. Over-pumping aquifers can also cause blockage through siltation and the redirec- tion of water fl ow. It can also cause the “pulling in” and HE AINE OODS “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integ- T M W concentration of contaminates which can pollute the is printed on 100% recycled, 90% post-con- rity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It underground water source. sumer, non-bleached waste paper (news- is wrong when it tends otherwise.” print). The cover stock is 20% recycled Aldo Leopold Whose water is it? It is our water! Nestlé must be paper. stopped from stealing it. Nestlé has pursued a course in Maine of political infl uence pedaling and trampling citizen rights. Last November, they sent out “goons” to the polling place where citizens, including many FEN Cover photograph by Jonathan Carter. THE MAINE WOODS - LATE SUMMER 2005 PAGE 2 the expense of Maine resources, this legislation encour- to the people of Maine. I believe that Maine people see H2S for ME ages growth of our economy and sound management of their clean water as a human right and not just a tradable by Jim Wilfong one of our most important natural resources – water. commodity. H S for ME Last year, I was privileged to form H2S for ME and to Citizens have invested their hard earned money, publicly From Caribou to York, volunteers for 2 have start an initiative petition drive in Maine concerning the and privately, in cleaning up Maine’s water for more been working hard collecting signatures for the refer- future of the state’s ground water. I asked the question at than 35 years. The citizens of Maine deserve an appro- endum and educating small groups of opinion leaders the time, “Whose water is it?” I continue to ask it today. priate return on that investment. This initiative delivers about the water. From farmers, teachers, small business It is clear to me that Maine people believe they own to the citizens of Maine a return on their extensive in- owners to senior citizens. We now have over 35,000 cer- the water. It is clear to me that they do with limitations. vestment in clean water. Think about it – this legislation tified signatures. We need 20,000 more. It has not been The next important question is, “Who will control the will provide a business development boost for the return- easy. We didn’t think it would be. Nestlé and their allies groundwater of Maine?” It is clear to me that Maine ing veteran, the struggling farmer, or the entrepreneur have nearly unlimited people and financial resources people think they control the groundwater. It is also clear while ensuring a sufficient quantity of premium drinking to defeat us. They have already reported having spent to me that they do not. water for all Maine people, both for today and the future. hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have worked with volunteers and have made do with under $6,000. We Charging a twenty- have until the end of September to collect the necessary cent per gallon signatures. We need more volunteers! extraction fee and investing this money Water is our most important natural resource. The public in the Maine Water needs to protect it and to control it. Our water should not Dividend Trust can be owned or controlled by large, multi-national corpora- return real dividends tions. It is not intelligent public policy. It is against the to the people of best interests of Maine citizens. For more information, Maine. No longer will please take a look at our web-site- www.h2oforme.com. small business owners If you think that we are working for the right cause, with great ideas be hen I sincerely ask for your help. Nestlé and the other forced to leave Maine members of the water cartel will fight us hard to win.
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