-- ----- The Yad Vashcm Council 2 The Yad Vashem Council by Kobi Rivlin 113 Candles: 3 • An Interview ....ith Dr. Israel Singer he PubGc Council ofYad Vashem, 150 memberNtrong, includes former members of Kncsset, New Faces at the Research Institute 4·5 retired judges, reserve generals, authors, academics, and dUnkers, many of whom are Holocaust Education 6-7 T survivors. The Council's ranks, under the chairmanship of Professor Szcwach Weiss, have been recently The Torah that Survived Krista1lnacht 8 expanded "~th new members. In order to strengthen ties among members of the Council, in Groundbreaking Ceremony for the addition to conferences, a series of workshops and guided [Ours arc being organized for the councillors. New Historical Museum 9 One such workshop "The School: New Directions and New Approaches to its Educational Activity," took The New Museum Complex 10-11 place in May. Professor Szcwach Weiss says that he intends (0 ha\'e more meetings "~th Council members in order Plundered and Forgonen; 12 to bolster their im'olvement. Yad V>Shem PromoI" R=ni> on Stolen Propeny ••• In Dl=fense ofTruth and Memory: 13 An Interview with Professor Dl=borah Lipstadt Council Members: Mr. Greenstien Jacob Mrs. Rthenski Sosana Art Focus 14-15 Mr. Granatstcin Yechiel MK Prof. Rubenstein Amnon New'S 16--1 7 Mr. Achituv Shlomo Prof. Gutrreund Hanoch Mr. Sanbar Mashe Mrs. A1magor Gila Rabbi Dr. Helfgott·Asaria Zvi Mrs. Schlesinger Jappa Friends Worldwide 18-19 Mr. AmirEli Adv. Hmog Isaac Prof. Schwarz Maier Ne"' Publications and Eve nts 20 Mr. Anolik Benjamin MK Hirchson Avraham Dr. Scban Andre Cover: Model of the New MUJeulII Complex Dr. Arad Yitzhalt Mr. Ioffe Yefim Mrs. Semel NaV3 (See article 0" prllirs 10·} J) Mr. Areav Minachem Dr. lsakova Anna Mrs. Semer Hannah Adv. Artzi Itzak: Mr. Jakob Jakov Prof. Shaki Hai Amer Mr. Atzmon Shmuel Mr. Justman Joshua Mr. Shamir Moshe Prof. Avineri Shlomo Mrs. Kacnig Stolpcr Ua Adv. Shilansky Dov ludge (Ret.) Bach Gabriel General.Res. Adv. Kain Nehemia ~hja- Gm.("".) A&. S<gd !ImpmID Prof. Bacharach Walter Z\; Prof. Katzburg Nathaniel Mr. Silberstein Jacob Rabbi Babhi Doron Eliyahu Mrs. Kiehler Zipi Dr. Singer Israel CWe shaU 1I0r foraa /llIr mtlflies, Prof. Bankier David Rabbi Dr. Klausner C. Joseph Mrs. Solodar Edna We mllU rtlfltlflber mry/rim;; Prof. Bartov Orner Mrs. Klibanski Bronk.a Mr. Stein Simcha Betwrt71 our yrsttrJII]S Illd our tOlNorrm, Mr. Banilai Jacob Prof. Kochavi Arieh Mr. Steiner Nathan "~JlmU tU 1111 ",erlsuri"B lNmd. ~ Prof. Bauer Yehuda Mr. Koll·Ncsher Michael Mr. Sternberg Yitshak (From the I1lIthtlN of the Villlil Ghetto youth) Dr. Bauminger Arieh Mrs. Kriegel Vera Mrs. Sushtcr Miriam The "Yad Vashem 2001~ masterplan, which Judge (Ret. ) Dr. Bcgski Mashe Mr. Lainer Mashe Mr. Teitelbaum Raul includes the construction of the New Museum General.Res. Ben·GaI Yanouch Mrs. Laniado Billie Mr. Testa Moshe Complex, aims to sustain the bond betwten our Prof. Ben·Sasson Menahem Rabbi Lau Israel Meir Rabbi Verdigar Abraham yesterdays and our t~. This bond is refkcted Dr. Ben·Sasson Yona Mr. u ichter Sinai Prof. Volkov Shulamit in our commitment, and that of the generations to Mr. Birnbaum A1isha Mr. Lcket Ych iel Ad\'. Weinshal Sosana come, to ensure Jewish continuity, in all of its Mrs. Bondy Ruth Prof. Levin Dov Dr. Weiss Aharon dimsity.......an existence that was almost eradicated Prof. Breznitz Shlomo Mrs. Muyan Minzberg Klara Mrs. Wernik Giza by the instigators and perpetrators of the Holocaust Mr. Bronich Yehuda Eng. Meirtchak Benjamin Mr. Wexler A. William In this issue we have tried to pfO\ide a glimpse Dr. Carmon Arye Mr. Melamed Avraham Mrs. Wieder Sara of the plans for the New Museum Complex. Also Mr. Cassuto David Mr. Melech Ziv Prof. Wiesel Elie induded, is a special interview with Professor Dr. Chamiel Haim Yitzhak Prof. Michman Dan Mr. Yaare Benjamin Deborah Lipstadt, whose victory in the lawsuit Dr. Chouraqui Andra Dr. Michman Yozcph Dr. Yablonk.a Hanna brought against her by David Irving has been Mr. Cohen Avraham Gcneral.Res.Nativ Mashe Adv. Yahav Yona recorded as an important landmark in the fight Prof. Ddla·Pcrgola Sergio MKNmhDan Prof. Yahil Lani against Holocaust deniers and antisemites of his GeneraLRes. Erez Chaim Mr. Navon Benjamin Prof. Yaven Zvi kind. Dr. Even Eliezer Dr. Netzer Shlomo Dr. Yones Eliyahu Yad Vashem welcomes the new heads of the Mr. Feder Naftali Mr. Offan Menachem Dr. Zameret Zvi International Institute for Holocaust Research, Mr. Fried Arieh M,jo< w.(Rtt.) o,-.c.m.g St,,; M.r. Zcide! Hillel ~ Da\id Bankicrand Proftssor Dan t.iichman, Prof. Friendlaender Saul Prof. Porat Dina Mr. Zclmanovicz Dov both of whom you can read more about in ~New Prof. Gelber Yoov Prof. Poznanski Renee Mr. Zimran Da\id Faces at the Racarch lrutitute." Mrs. Gcva lIana Adv. Pratt Simcha Brtwun Our TerrtrdllJs ~nd Our Tgmomws is Adv. Zyskind Shlomo Mr. Gilead·Goldman Michael Mr. Racine Emmanuel also the title of a new anthology for Holocaust Mr. Gill Zvi Prof. Redlich Shimon memorial ceremonies. Further information about Mr. Givelber Awrham Mr. Rotem Simha Members of the Yad Vashrnt this coUcction and about new projects ofYad Vasbem can be found in this issue. Mr. Golan Sha:mmai Mrs. Rotenberg Yanda Oirtctoratc arc also included as Prof. Goldberg Jacob Mr. Rozcnblat Gad m<mbmofd< CoonciI ('" P'1l' 19) 2 by Lisa Davidson • he first memory Dr. Israel Singer, The Holocaust was always a my open issue back their history. It is about finding out what Secretary General of thc World in Singer's household. ~ parents never ~ happened and telling the truth." Je\.\ish Congress, ChicfNcgotiatOf their Holocaust memoria. They always talked to In the World Jewish Congress, one of Dr. T their young son :iliout their expcricnces in WWll Singer's most important tasks saving Srniet of the World Jewish Restitution was Organization, Member of the Vold.er Eufl>!X, unlike many ofms d:lSSmata' parents, JCIIT)': "It was an opportunity to make sure that Commission, and the new Vice-Chairman of many of whom had gone through the camps. in this generation we arc not going to make the the Yad Vashem Council, has of the Holocaust, "My parents, for a period ofthret: years, same mistakes we made in the last. We wanted was as a three-year-old child in his fami ly's were actually saving as many of my fami ly's to show people that we wcren't going to be kitchen in Williamsburg, Broo kl yn. "My relatives as they could, and got them to America. victims, and that we were not going to allow grandmother, who su rvived miraculously, " 'as They hm absolutely no guilt whatsoever with other people to make us \'ictims." Within the lighting 113 regard to WWll beause they were acrually vcr)' frame\.\uB ofhis WJC acmity, he made the first candles on this active at the beginning of and during the war, official lisjt by a representative ofan international small ta ble, on when they were invoh'ed in sa\'iog people's lives, Jewish organisation to the Former Soviet Union. H oshana and not JUSt themselves. I believe that most of There, he negotiated \lith the highest authorities Rllbbllh. I asked my friends' parents didn't tell their children in Moscow and was insOllmental in the release why she was because they unnecessarily felt guilty or were of well-mown Prisoners of Zion. making such a embarrassed about their survival." Dr. Singer was rea:ntiy named a vice· big fi re and she In the last 10 years, around IS million chairman of the Yad Vashem Council. Although said that the firc American documents have come to light in the Yad Vashem's home is in Israel, he feels it is also is for all the quest for the truth about what happened in the important to give the organization anon· Israeli relatives in our Holocaust. Singer sees as important, the work. orientation. "The Je\.\ish people who liye outside family who wcre which the scholars will carry out over the nm Israel also have a role in Yad Vashem. They, tOO, killed on that fifty years-investigatory work to ensure that deal \lith the tragedy which affected the lC\\ish day, in th eir the whole truth is exposed. His overriding people, not JUSt the Jewish people li\'ing in town, Galicia. interest, how(\'Cf, is in discovering why European Israel. I plan to add various aspects, such as to All thcse Jewry was abandoned. take all the documents existing outside of Israel child ren , Singcr believes that the Holocaust is a and bring 3t lcasta eopy 10 Yad Vashem, where brothers, subjC(tive, rather than an objective Story and it Ol'er 55 million pages of documents are stored sisters-I 13 is therefore the obligation of the Jewish people in its archives. This will help make Yad Vashem people. So I to teU it and not thai of the Germans, Americans, the home of the Jewish people's history. The or other groups, who inevitably recall Holocaust II".IS a Jewish e... ent, about ideologically mnts from their own perspectiV(5. killing lC\\'s, and this needs to be tol d by Jews. He feels that the Holocaust is a We need to protect the uniquc telling of this c a n d 1 e s history An Interview with Dr. Israel Singer from a J ewish always felt that the HolOGlust was a kitchen continuum of Jewish history, as Jews hal'e to perspectin: table with 11 3 candles; that was my first Jearn hoI'.' to defend themsc:ka.
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