f amily ■ units Retirement-of Senator Herbert Jr left and that the demand is great As a result of mutual agreement rhe possibility nf nMaining snr- Will Petition Zone -Rascoe to coinpbro'Her1 -Btdding-Ctt-the housing that, is avail­ between the United Service Organi- ^ ^ “goveimmenfhousingfcriise'of or some other similarly important able, they said, is limited to puouc ■zatluijv Acreage Assessments Board For Extension officer in Trenton-(will uncork a veterans here from the War Assets Sees Employment Administration, at Fort Henry, N. Y., institutions ■ until September 15, of ‘Eastern Union County the USQ, For Sanitary Sewer Xo^ OfResideneeCZone lively struggle for the" Union^Goun^ as not regarded as too bright fol- when it will be throWn open .to campaign *for 1947 funds will ;ndt be A.V.C. To Continue Holtfihg^fior their former stand ty seat in . the upper house, al- lowing a -v isit roeently to -Foi-t- Uiidividual- veterqnsi—There are buf included in the. Comifiunltv CHe'st' B e Voided, For Some Bias Costly Item though today only one- name has HenTy by two ;officials of the -Finding a wor-kable-and equltabler- f apposition..to construction of any twelve two-family unite left. Each drlye this fall in Elizabeth, Linden, Vet Housing Effort —Ctaft PQQnrtmln rfisl.lW. nf appeared on the "political horizon—. istol-Myers Company, William leans of solving th e 1 16-year-Ol^ f p5nf5^^^se™in™theiF:Miglll5op: JEi.ce,..assistant to the personnel half unit contains three' bedrooms, Hillside, Roselle and - Roselle Park, Wih for the co* problem of deferred sanitary sewer nation in em ploym ents an in- Assemblymah X h a r i i s G e d d e s ; 4ectof in- New York, and David according““t& an - announcement by- II II I III I..... M imMS uIi III III, a k i t ^ S c_combiriatibii^ainii^ mid veterans’—graupa isments, a Considerable portion ^ —G^sddsg^-has-^-itbheld--uny ::;Ma(^i±neyrr--ioreman— the- —^EQniti, -hath— andr—-h^a-t-in^- Murruy D. W elchPresident of the [fere- to obtain ed housing for hicb may be 'deemed never col-"' trnim urn ly—Associa.ti.on .last Thuis- Division Against DiseFl'mirintlnn rjp formal aritiouncprriprit. although it maintenance . department of the ^quipment.. Tt. was estimated that Community Chest Board of Trus- fermer—serv-ioei ;, v night ‘ turned down a second the State Eduoatton Detiattmott is reported^ that numerous Repub- HUllside plant. \ The company is in- jlles,- the Hiilsldj told the jnilside Rotary Club-all ownship Committee in-confer- rgppS&l at a meeting at the home.' llcati leaders have discussefHt -with terested in -th ^ housingr UCGording -the complete cost of erecting a fu ll Veterans Committee, will go last night in municipal7head- ‘ f ‘Walter M. Ceglowski, of 1066 Its meeting Tuesday' a the HillsidA Him. to Raymond^ .1 Leonard,, public rela­ unit would be-in. the neighborhood During the 194 cessa^,itwasindieated quarters. Presbyterian Church.; He estimated y Nor has Pascoe said that he will tions representative and .assistant to of $6,000, ■ $3,000 fdr a half unit. ' until-la ing of/ the executive board iboraas Street. The new plan, pro- the increase ip cost as much as a l When all ^appeals In g . that there are certaih leave the Senate, but the consensus William M; /Bristol Jr., because indicated th a t. ^ristol- were cofnbmed in the CdStoUnity at the deferred levies which; definitely are .jiim for a $200.000 garden .apart • ^35,000,006 annually. is 'Chatthe office of the ’comptroller quarters are required for -some of lcind, .which would be William Zimmer, of 1410 Maple Minorities against whom discrimi­ and WaiycilbsL of EasternUnion not collectable, the committee .must wni in the vicinily O'f- Vooi'nees or the ABC commissions: fche-ft-rm^ veteran-employes—^ — eJiousmg^iLit. becomes the local American have si survey made of the assess- iij»pi, would require extension of nation- is -practiced, Lett declared, ership^t $ might tempt him Fana MacCartney found there UountyT“USoVwkis a participating 16,000 F.W; FoitS^had--re- meTrte to determino'TUBt-what p iffg “Residenc e zone-intoHfteeidepce- usually -find themselves- forced -to tor_abandfin—^the-i oustings-rof county member of tbeWnnual Chest drive, /ith the A.y.G. in a ■MVe in overcrcmdecl- slum - areas Funds cels they are before, they can be l The plan was presentted~by Ar- campaigns.'fpr "the dignity ■ and quie.t the Com- ,‘cancetied,,;jgainst existing re- nir T. Lee, of Real Estate Asso- where Are hazaraa are. greater and of a major . executive post. The. Wins Mention iales Inc., Elizabeth, for the Kade necessitating additional police pro­ Edge administration can bestoW- Handhooklssued • iiporation of Newark. tection -He pointed out that dis­ several good. jobs, on Republicans T'he committee also directed Under the present plan, the apart- crimination aiso results to making I and Pascoe is one of those who have the end of 1948.1 | Township Attorney Emil A.. Herri- ■ i gel to draft a possible amendment -,cni house would/^accommodate 38 large numbers of employables Jot) - 1 qualified for 'party largesse. By H. S. Students USO Drive In January less with the consequent increased Named In Poll wover, a final appeal far fundi to the-existing sanitary sewer or­ UOJumilies^A previous plan;sub- With the. opening, of the public dinance of 1928, setting up gradu­ H+Uiti Iasi spring for the same firm drain on toe'relief regia....- Geddesr—renommated—in—Jtine—for- schools here yesterday, copies of a hich will be: the last for the USD, ------ Cites Relief Costs------ ■arrother ter m in fthe assemblyr-wil^ hi~~b;e conducted—by—USQ—as a ated fees for entrance into the mu- rovided for seventy dwelling Units, new handbook were distributed to nldpal lanttary sewer system, based cost $300i000. Illustrating this. - point Lett as­ have, had the training of three years students at the high school. The puirJiLe • campaign In Jantiai^vJ-947^ serted .that While Negroes, constitute0 In the interests of both USO- and oh a theory or benefits derived by Plans Presented .legislative Experience in addir handbook is designed to make in*| such connections. The graduated five percent of the state’s popu­ tion-to-two terms, six years, in the formation about the school readily Lee appeared at the meeting With lation,. they are receiving 25 per-- scale, as discussed last night as a on is Deutsch, president or the- Rqsp.Up Parlr Cnijncil prior to his available to students. Published by depending delegation from the .Hillside cent of the relief funds. Another ■fdeuce in Union. He was. elected th"'e""National'~Honor"Socieiy^Htj-is lity. Che -lor IppQ possible solution',, would cover.one, i nir-with a of architect's plans. result of . -their- low Incomes, he Lt-l——dluh1—unmpnaBd nhtefly of. two ahd iaur family homes, apart-, i(*Tifscir also constructed" the one- tp.the_House of Assembly in 1935-36 .planned, to issue the booklet an- felt, Mr, lyelch pointed servicemen, informed the A.V.pr said, is the use of pUfoiic institutions on seven major commit^ nually, as certain'Un-fohmtion in 'K would be ’best for the- Cornu men.ts housing larger numbers of imilv homes in the1 Liberty* Park for health facilities, further increas­ L the -miembprs approve the pro- and rea. Members of the association, tees. A -newspaper poll.named him is, subject to change each, year. Chest and USO lo conduCt se m -outlined and wuj cooperate in ing government costs. seven legislators “oul> The iJooklet is of handy size, with campaigns -for f unds to bp ui owever, presented the same, obr The practice • of the Division! ry way possible. The A.V,C. bases, ■ciioi-vs -as-vihey—did_ to., the - original standing in championing sound leg- gray cover -printed in maroon, the 1947. irs obtaining emergency hous- iarrrthat-they--wented--to-keep-it Againjt Discrimination, Lett stated, islation in the interest of the peo- school colors. • The inside frpnt This de To Replace Old Method is to attempt to educate employers Until more permanent housing The plan‘for a graduated seale of one-famLlv neighborhood and- to cover page contains the school’s bell I ex of the Cc available,' while the two other away from discriminatory employ­ Geddes, not ^ yet a formal candi­ schedule while the inside back W; fees, if finally put. into workable roteet the value of the property ment .methods and to hire quallfledi Iran- group® -prefer waiting feff. shape and- if considered then -as Iready there. date, has revealed no platform, but coyer shows a sketch of the school’s | a : alt of the combined __mpaign. permanent type; persons on the 'basis of their ability he has declared bluntly that he is moor plan. th( equitable in proportion to benefits, "ft~;was indicated-by Lee-that he- and give them an. opportunity to nother meeting of the A.V.C. Would replace bases for assessments i 11 seek an extension of the zone pposed to sales and ;iheome taxes t Contents of the; handbook include -to both the local I be held Monday evening In prove their worth. Employers are I Dr New J ersey. He also is stalwart a history of the school, rules gov- agi as .set up under the 1928 ordinance. efore the Zoning Board of Adjust- n ot coerced into engaging anyone rgarlan Hall, White street. J The- assessments as computed then lent when it meets on Tuesday, Kv his defense of free enterprise. erning Its operation and administra* Nn they do not want, h e.
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