Sydney, Australia Paper of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Network 50c Vol.35 No.1 (225) Mar. -April. 2016 Baird NSW Govt. Sharpens Knives to Carve- Up Public Transport for Privatisation! Only Direct Action with Community Support Can Counter this Onslaught! SOLIDARITY FOR IMPRISONED FRENCH GOOD YEAR WORKERS; NSW RAILWAY NEWS; STATE TRANSIT NEWSFLASH; VICTORIAN RAILWAY NEWS; NSW FIRE BRIGADE UNION NEWS; SOUTH KOREAN LABOUR NEWS; GREECE; INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT WORKERS NEWS; BRAZILIAN SYNDICALISM; IRISH CADBURY WORKERS’ STRIKE; BOOK REVIEW CORNER; NEWS & NOTES; RUDOLF MICHAELIS 1907-1990; 2 Rebel Worker had deemed the plant out of date and made from the example of the workers at Rebel Worker is the bi-monthly modernization of the facility contingent Goodyear-Nord, who were not afraid to Paper of the A.S.N. for the propa- on concessions in work rules and shift confront the power of the bosses and the gation of anarcho-syndicalism in structure. state. Australia. The fight came to a head when union Speaking at a rally in Paris on January 23 Unless otherwise stated, signed members occupied the plant and tem- against the State of Emergency, Daniel porarily detained two members of the Gluckstein, a national secretary of the In- Articles do not necessarily represent plant management. The Confederation dependent Democratic Workers’ Party the position of the A.S.N. as a whole. Generale du Travail (CGT) was able to (POID), stated: Any contributions, criticisms, letters negotiate a severance package for the “If we do no succeed in imposing our de- or almost 1,200 workers displaced by the mands from the top, in the National As- Comments are welcome. plant closing. Fifteen percent of indus- sembly, we will impose them from below. REBEL WORKER trial jobs in France have been lost in the “Yes, we will impose them from below past decade. P.O. BOX 92 — that is, through the mobilization of The prosecution of the 8 Goodyear work- BROADWAY 2007 NSW millions and millions of people, through ers is politically motivated and comes in strikes, through mass protests around E-mail: Via our Web Site: the context of a general offensive against specific objectives. It will take the com- www.rebelworker.org workers in France, Europe, and world- bat in unity in support of clear slogans SUBSCRIPTION RATES: wide. The “Socialist” president, François and a clear objective — to defeat this AUSTRALIA: $12 a year Hollande, used the aftermath of the Paris government in the service of the reac- OVERSEAS terror attack to impose a State of Emer- tionary forces and the European Union, gency, which limits the right to speak and and to defeat it as it seeks to impose each $25 (Aus.) by Air protest, as well as advocating for an and every one of its plans. $20 (Aus.) by Sea mail anti-worker Labor Code “reform.” “We must defeat this government to force Free to Prisoners Claiming that the Code du Travail is the release of our Goodyear comrades, to Supporters Subs. $40 pa overly complex and an obstacle to invest- preserve the Labor Code and workers’ Receives copies of RW & ASN ment by foreign capitalists, Hollande is rights. .” Pamphlets as published. pushing for the gutting of traditional protections workers have won through de- Demand justice Send to the above Money Orders cades of struggle. The Editorial Board of The Organizer made out to Rebel Worker. newspaper demands justice for the Goodyear workers. No prison sen- Defending working-class tences, not one day in jail! We call on methods of struggle U.S. unions to show solidarity with the Solidarity for workers of France as they resist the State of Emergency and the assault on Factory occupations are a traditional the Code du Travail. We say no to the French Goodyear method of working-class struggle, along prosecution of Air France workers, who with strikes, general strikes, and mass are under threat of prosecution for an Workers actions. In the United States, we look incident where bosses were stripped of back to the Flint sit-down strike their shirts and forced to climb over a (1936-37), the Toledo Autolite strike fence to escape angry workers. (1934) and the Minneapolis Teamster strike (1934) for inspiration. Our class France: 8 Goodyear has to relearn the lessons of the past in * Free the Goodyear 8! Not one day in order to reverse the retreat of our un- jail! Workers Sentenced to ions. We should also take inspiration Prison * No Labor Code Reform! By the Editorial Board of The Organizer newspaper ASN APPEAL Eight former Goodyear workers in Amiens, France have been sentenced to The Anarcho-Syndicalist Network requires suitable 9 months in prison in a so-called cost effective permanent premises. A$750,000 is ur- “boss-napping” during the occupation of the Goodyear-Nord tire plant in Jan- gently sought to buy premises for the proposed Rebel uary 2014. The sentences were origi- Worker-Anarcho-Syndicalist Network Media Centre. nally set at 24 months, but a portion of the terms were suspended. Philippe Martinez, a leader of the CGT, called Please make out Cheques to Black Cat Media & send the decision “scandalous and unjust.” Workers at the facility fought for six years to P.O. Box 92 Broadway 2007 NSW. to stave off the plant closing after bosses 3 Rebel Worker N.S.W. RAILWAYS NEWS the private operation of Sydney Ferries According to the Government, efficiency, A Hard Slog Ahead Unless which is claimed to have saved the Gov- customer satisfaction and productivity has ernment $100 million since 2012. This is been massively improved in the rail net- We Fight Now! small cheese considering the wreckage work. That is a very subjective opinion. that has been left behind in the after- However, if we hold them at their word, by Crimson Coconut math of the move to private operation. then the sackings of 2000 people since the The privately operated Sydney Ferries, introduction of the last E.B.A., has been In a fit of neo-liberal, privatisation, now Harbour City Ferries, has become for nought. If things are on the up, as they madness the New South Wales Baird fragmented as time has gone on. Uneco- say, it shows that State run enterprises can Government is intent on removing the nomical services have been cut, large be as “efficient” as those in private sector. last vestiges of government services to swathes of the workforce have also been Then why privatise or outsource? the private sector. In their place we will cut. Other operators have entered the If the truth be known the whole exercise have a privately owned, expensive, Ferry business and are managing the lucra- is not about improving the running of user-pays system of exploitation that tive express runs such as Manly to Circular railways or the buses, it’s simply about will not be able to fully meet the needs of Quay. In the last month the N.S.W. Gov- flogging them off. For the Liberals (and the community. As I write this article, ernment announced plans to privatise the Labor) the “profit motive” is the ideo- N.S.W. Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian is whole of the Sydney trains network. This logical fulcrum around which these de- about to deliver her case for massive job should come as no surprise considering cisions revolve. Nothing else matters. cuts to the public sector. When Liberal that already the North West Rail Link will They couldn’t give a frig about workers Government’s talk about “leaner, conditions, nor about providing a more efficient” State Organisations public service. The only concern they are talking about job losses. is that corporations and their We have already seen the gutting of the mates get their own way and R.T.A. and other Government services shareholders get a dividend. For which have been morphed into a Govern- the public, privatisation is a bad ment Service Desk at your local Shopping deal. In the long run there will be Mall. Everything else has been moved into less people to give customer ser- an online shop where you cannot interact vice. Many are already finding this with a human. The system does not work out when they go to the station well and requires a login that tracks ticket window, if it is open, to be your life history of interaction with the told to go across the road and buy an Government. Much of what is being Opal Card. Public security will also done is a sop to multinationals as pro- suffer on stations that will be unat- posed in the T.P.P. agreement tended and on dark suburban streets (Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, a se- when buses do not come. There are cret trade deal between nations around already proposals before the the Pacific which puts huge multina- be operated via a consortium of private Government to lift transport tional corporations in charge of work- companies linked to M.T.R., the operator fares beyond the C.P.I. Pensioners will ers’ wages, privatisation of government of the Hong Kong Metro. The original have their fares lifted by something like services to pharmaceutical prices and proposal was to run trains without a 30%, and the $2.50 Sunday Funday everything in between). These Multina- driver or crew on the refurbished line. tickets are to be abolished if, as pre- tional Corporations are lining up to get There has been some concessions dicted, the proposal gets adopted. A their hands on State businesses such as granted to allow a driver/observer on massive rise in general fares from outlying Public Transport, Health etc.
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