MMAGAZINEAGAZINE OOCC August 31–September 27, 2018 • One Copy FFREER E E ORANGE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HHazelazel B.B. SedwickSedwick CommunityCommunity PParkark PPageage 4 CChamberhamber GGordonsvilleordonsville BBarboursvillearboursville TTammyammy CCollins:ollins: DDowntownowntown GGordonsvilleordonsville BBarboursvillearboursville VVineyardsineyards RRebrandingebranding TThehe IImagemage HHoldsolds FFallall FFestivalestival WWinsins TTopop RRankingsankings PPageage 3 PPageage 9 PPageage 1122 FALL SCHEDULE AVAILABLE NOW!! New Student Registration: September 4-7 (5-8:00pm) OSPA Classes Begin Monday – September 10th Call 540-672-9038 Or Visit us at 108 Belleview Ave - Orange, Va Or on the web at www.ospa.net 2• OC Magazine • August 31–September 27, 2018 OCMagazine A monthly publication Publisher C. M. Santos [email protected] Advertising Director Judi Price 434-207-0223 [email protected] Office Manager Edee Povol [email protected] Graphic Production Designer Marilyn Ellinger Correspondents Eric Paddock Contributors Orange Chamber of Commerce Barboursville Vineyards Sedwick Park Four County Players E-mail: [email protected] Advertising Sales: [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. An example of new membership plaques for the Orange County Chamber of Commerce. Office Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Road, Palmyra, VA 22963 Orange County Chamber of Commerce Phone: (434) 591-1000 Fax: (434) 589-1704 General: OC Magazine is published monthly by Valley Publishing Corp. A total of 6,000 copies are circulated throughout Orange County. One copy is free, additional copies are $1 each payable Rebranding Our Image in advance to the publisher. By Eric Paddock Display ad rates: For information including Correspondent rates and deadlines call Judi Price at 434-207- 0223. Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $40 per year. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: n January, Tammy Collins nance of its own: a new logo and a slo- OC Magazine Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, became the face of the gan that will be the public portrait of Palmyra, VA 22963. I Orange County Chamber the organization decades into the Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: OC Magazine encourages submissions and tips on of Commerce as its new future. items of interest to Orange County citizens. executive director. When Collins took the reins of the However we reserve the right to edit submissions as deemed necessary and cannot guarantee they Nine months later, the Chamber Chamber, one of her goals was to will be published. OC Magazine will not be responsible for returning submitted materials, itself is on the verge of a new counte- rebrand the organization in a way she please include S.A.S.E. if you would like items hopes will better represent its mission returned. Please keep Calendar submissions to fifty words or less, Letters to the Editor to 300 in the county’s business, industry and words or less and feature stories to 500 words or less. (Letters to the Editor, Community Calendar, The Cover agricultural community. etc.), E-mail [email protected] The first signs of that transition Classified ads: Classified ads are $10 per month. appeared last spring when the cham- Please send a written or typed copy of the ad with a $10 check to: Classifieds Department, P.O. Box 59, ber’s annual wine festival, known for 27 Palmyra, VA 22963. You can also email edee@flu- vannareview.com and pay by credit card. Please speci- years previously as the Montpelier fy the category it should appear under. Ads must be 30 Wine Festival and held in James words or less. Sorry, classifieds will not be taken by phone. Madison’s front yard, was renamed Orange Uncorked. It, too, received a Disclaimer: All real estate advertised in this publication The current Orange County Chamber new logo. is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it of Commerce logo, which has been in illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimina- The 28th festival remained on those tion because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial existence for at least 25 years. grounds, but next year will be moved to status or national origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law If you care to support the renova- also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness a location across the road from the (age 55 and over). This publication will not knowingly tion of Hazel Sedwick Park please send out between Montpelier and the Market at Grelen. accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of your donation to ODA, POB 283, Chamber, because it was not the case,” the law. All real estate advertised in this paper is available “Carrying out that name change and on an equal opportunity basis. Orange, VA 22960 with Park in the she said. venue change, you had to perfect a nar- memo. Illustration submitted It was the first gear shift in a plan Next Advertising deadline: Wed. Sept 19 rative, because we didn’t want any by Hazel Sedwick Park. that is gaining speed this fall. for September 28–October 25, 2018 issue. repercussions of less interest because © Valley Publishing Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. Cover designed by Marilyn Ellinger. of it, or it seeming there was a falling See Chamber Page 7 August 31–September 27, 2018 • OC MAGAZINE • 3 CCoverover SStorytory Franklin Higginbotham looks on as Andy Delgado spots Franklin’s brother Samuel on the horizontal loop climbing apparatus. Sedwick Park PPlaygroundlayground nneedseeds a llittleittle hhelpelp By Eric Paddock Correspondent eventeen years ago, Julia Sherman had a dream. S The long-time resident of Orange would pass an empty lot at the intersection of East Main Street and Taylor Avenue as she and a friend took an almost daily walk together. “Wouldn’t that be a great place for a playground,” she thought aloud. Many years before there had been a house on that little hill, but it had long since disappeared, leaving just an empty knoll “I shared my playground dream with H.B. Sedwick Sr.,” she said. He agreed with Sherman’s vision and gave permission for the lot to be used for a play area that would ultimately be named the Hazel Sedwick Community Park. Sherman set to work, and in the course of a year, she and some volunteers raised $33,000 to establish Julia Sherman gestures toward an area in the Hazel B. Sedwick Community Park where families have the playground. brought children for more than a decade to play. Russ Anderson, a good friend of Hazel and H.B. 4 • OC MAGAZINE • August 31–September 27, 2018 Sedwick, donated many hours of his year. “The Lions Club was putting in time building the picket fence around swings and this unit (pointing to a the play area and engraving the names horizontal ladder). “We were like ‘quick, The Boxley Place Inn of those who had donated $10 each to pour, quick, level!’ Because it was like a c. 1860 National Historic Register the project. hundred degrees.” Virginia Historic Landmark “The very fi rst time we built it, I would “The Lions Club and Junior Women’s A beautiful place for your event ask for $10 for hundred-dollars raffl e Club helped sell raffl e tickets, and a tickets, and no one turned me down...I local trucking company picked up the Wedding packages include all 5 rooms, mean everyone did it, tons of people, playground equipment for free and A Bed and Breakfast early check in plus an and I wrote a thank you for every one hauled it all the way from Alabama to Receptions • Reunions • Retreats elaborate continental of them,” she said as she sat on a park Orange. breakfast. ASK ABOUT OUR WEDDING PACKAGE bench admiring new mulch covering the “The Orange Lions Club also 5 rooms in main house. grounds on a day when the temperature donated many hours assembling the Plus Cabin Suite. fl irted with triple digits. Rooms from $119 per night off season. The sultry day reminded her of the See Park page 6 Photos and details at our website: installation of the swings in that fi rst www.BoxleyPlaceInn.com 540-967-1595 www.innovativehealthandlaser.com A signing board that exhibits the hand signals of American Sign Language shows the wear of countless youngsters learning and practicing the skill. 44UPSBHF4IFET$VTUPNJ[FEUPSBHF4IFET $VTUPNJ[FE 55XP4UPSZ.VMUJQMF$BSXP4UPSZ .VMUJQMF $BS 44FFUIFXPSMEōTTBGFTUFFUIF XPSMEō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ugust 31–September 27, 2018 • OC MAGAZINE • 5 Park from Page 5 On weathered pickets that surround the Hazel B. Sedwick Community Park are engraved the names of those Orange area residents who contributed to the original construc- tion of the park. playground structure and many, many local businesses donated services that brought the value of our playground to $75,000,” she said. It was all worth the work. But, as Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final.” Julia Sherman is turning to the generous Orange community once more. The years and the elements have taken their toll, and some things need to be refreshed and upgraded, and some new things are planned.
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