i m YJ'I fj,.'~ m~ 1/ / .(:::i ':)',,~"",.I U L.," / ~f .,,4 || 2~" Jl |a mtm :: :: :: me |a mole all a| me imam am :: am aim |S |,.~ ~ all / m i m i i mmmHmm m i am m me m m ll]EMAIqI)ICAPACITV Airport Master Plan Chapter5 In the previous chapter, forecasts of AIRFIELD CAPACITY unconstrained aviation demand were METHODOLOGY presented for Scottsdale Airport through the year 2015. These forecasts An airfield capacity analysis for include airport operations, annual Scottsdale Airport was conducted to enplanements, based aircraft, peaking determine the existing capacity of the characteristics, and aircraft fleet mix. airfield and to identify any present or With this information, the capability potential deficiencies in the airfield of the airfield can be evaluated to system. Capacity and delay will be determine if it is adequate to accom- examined in this master plan using modate the forecast aviation demands FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5060- without significant delay or deteriora- 5, Airport Capacity and Delay. The tion of service levels. methodology presented in this adviso- ry circular and utilized here produces The demand/capacity analysis pro- statement of airfield capacity in these vides a basis to assess the capability of major terms. the existing airport facilities to accom- modate current and future levels of * Hourly Capacity of Runways: activity. Analysis of this relationship The maximum number of aircraft results in the identification of deficien- operations that can take place on cies that may be alleviated through the runway system in one hour. planning and development activities. 3-1 I Annual Service Volume: rl~ .~T~3OROLOGY i annual capacity or maximum level of annual aircrafL operations that Weather conditions can affect runway may be used as reference in plan- utilization due to changes in cloud ceil- I ning the runway system. ings and visibility. When weather con- ditions deteriorate below Visual Flight Annual Aircraft Delay: The total Rule (VFR) conditions, the instrument I delay incurred by all aircraft on the capacity of the airport becomes a factor airfield in one year. in determining airport capacity. i As indicated on Exhibit 3A, Demand/ During Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) Capacity Methodology Factors, the conditions, separations between landing I capacity of an airport is determined by and departing aircraft increase in several factors, including airport layout, length and the capabilities of the air- meteorological conditions, aircraft mix, field system to accept operations is i runway use, percent arrivals, percent reduced. touch-ahd-go's, and exit taxiway loca- tions. Each of these elements and their The Airfield Capacity and Delay Advi- I impact on airfield capacity are dis- sory Circular (AC 150/5060-5) recog- cussed in the following paragraphs. nizes three categories of ceiling and visibility minimums. VFR conditions i occur whenever the cloud ceiling is at AIRPORT LAYOUT least 1,000 feet above ground level and the visibility is at least three statute The airport layout refers to the location miles. IFR conditions occur whenever and orientation of runways, taxiways the reported cloud ceiling is at least 500 I and the terminal area. The layout of feet but less than 1,000 feet and/or Scottsdale Airport, as illustrated on visibilityis at least one statute mile but Exhibit 1B, consists of a single runway less than three statute miles. Poor i oriented northeast-southwest. Runway Visibility and Ceiling (PVC) conditions 3-21 has a full length parallel taxiway exist whenever the cloud ceiling is less on the west side of the runway with 13 than 500 feet and/or visibility is less I connecting taxiways. The runway also than one statute mile. has a partial-parallel taxiway on the I east side, with five connecting taxiways. At Scottsdale Airport, VFR conditions All terminal area landside facilities are occur approximately 98 percent of the located on the west side of the runway/ time and IFR conditions occur the re- I taxiway system. ! i I 3-2 I 'm i i HI a ml m n' m m ,m m m m i i 93MP13-3A-4/5/95 m iS i m~ , :'~i¸¸¸ ,/~iS!~iilq maining two percent. PVC conditions small propeller aircraft and jets weigh- generally do not occur at Scottsdale ing 12,500 pounds or less. Class C Airport. These annual percentages of consists of business jets and commuter VFR, IFR, and PVC conditions for aircraft while Class D consists of turbo Scottsdale Airport were estimated from jet and propeller aircraft generally historical weather data for the area. associated with airline and military use. The aircraft operational mix used in calculating the capacity of Scottsdale AIRCRAFT MIX Airport, based upon the forecasts of aviation demand, is presented in Table The airside capacity methodology iden- 3A, Aircraft Operational Mix Fore- tifiesfour classes into which aircraft are cast. categorized. Classes A and B include TABLE 3A Aircraft Operational Mix Forecast Scottsdale Airport ~~~ Class A 69% 67% 65% 63% 61% Class B 19% 19% 19% 19% 19% Class C 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Class D O% 0% 0% 0% 0% Class A: Small single-engine, gross weight 12,500 pounds or less. Examples include: Cessna 172/182, Mooney 201, Beech Bonanza, and Piper Cherokee/Warrior. Class B: Small, twin-engine, gross weight 12,500 pounds or less. Examples include: Beach 1300, Cessna 402, Lear 25, Mitsubishi MU-2, Piper Navajo, Rockwell Shrike, Beech 99, and Cessna Citation. Class C: Large aircraft, gross weight 12,500 pounds to 300,000 pounds. Examples include: Beech King Air 200, Gulfstream III, Citation II, DeHavilland DH-8, Lear 35/55, Swearingen Metro, and Beech 1900. Class D: Large aircraft, gross weight more than 300,000 pounds. Examples include Lockheed L-1011, Douglas DC-8-60/70, Boeing 747, and Airbus A-300/A-310. 3-3 II PERCENT ARRIVALS lower the service volume. At Scottsdale i Airport, there was no information that The percentage of arriving aircraft also indicated a disproportionate share of I influences the capacity of runways. In arrivals to departures during peak most cases the higher the percentage of periods; therefore, it was assumed that arrivals during the peak period, the l arrivals equal departures for capacity off the runway ends qualify as exit analysis. taxiways in the capacity analysis. Us- ing the mix index criteria, there are I three qualified exit taxiways for ap- TOUCH-AND-GO OPERATIONS proaches to Runway 3 and four for approaches to Runway 21. These num- ! A touch-and-go operation refers to an bers of exit taxiways resulted in the aircraft which lands then makes an maximum multiplier to be utilized for immediate takeoff without coming to a capacity analysis. I full stop or exiting the runway. These operations are normally associated with ! training and are classified as local oper- AIRFIELD CAPACITY ations. Touch-and-go's currently are ANALYSIS estimated to comprise approximately 33 i percent of general aviation operations The preceding information was used in at Scottsdale Airport. This percentage conjunction with the airside capacity is expected to decrease during the plan- methodology developed by the FAA to I ning period to approximately 30 percent determine airfield capacity for of total general aviation operations. Scottsdale Airport. From these results, it is possible to determine the adequacy i of the current airfield to accommodate EXIT TAXIWAYS potential demand scenarios and to de- I termine the range of aircraft delay In addition to the runway configuration, associated with each demand level. the most notable characteristic consid- l ered in the airside capacity model is the number and types of taxiways available HOURLY RUNWAY CAPACITY to exit the runway. The location of exit I taxiways affects the occupancy time of The first step in capacity analysis in- an aircrafL on the runway. The longer volves the computation of an hourly a plane remains on the runway, the runway capacity during VFR and IFR I lower the capacity of that runway. The conditions. Because of increased sepa- aircraft mix index determines the dis- rations required between aircraft under I tance the taxiway must be located from IFR conditions, VFR hourly capacity is the runway end to qualify as an exit normally much higher. From these taxiway. At the mix indexes deter- calculations, a weighted hourly capacity i mined for the planning period, only can be calculated. those exits located 2,000 and 4,000 feet I 3-4 I I ! The airfield capacity is also influenced ring during the peak hour. The data I by the runway configuration. Parallel used for these ratios were based on the runway systems provide greater airport peaking characteristics developed in the capacity than a single runway or two previous chapter. intersecting runways. The weighted hourly capacity for the existing runway The ASV for Scottsdale Airport's exist, system is 99.9 operations, as depicted in ing configuration was determined to be I Table 3B, Airfield Demand/Capacity 199,000 operations. This ASV indicates and Delay Summary. Due to the that the airport is currently operating combination of the previously defined at approximately 84 percent of the ASV ! capacity factors, the hourly capacity at and would be expected to reach an ASV Scottsdale Airport is expected to de- of 180,000 operations or 139 percent by crease by the end of the planning period the year 2015. ! to 89.5 operations, if no further airfield improvements are provided. ANNUAL DELAY ANNUAL SERVICE VOLUME Even before an airport reaches the ASV, it begins to experience certain amounts Once the hourly capacity is known, the of delay to aircraft operations. Delays annual service volume (ASV) can be occur to arriving traffic that must wait determined. The ASV was calculated in the VFR traffic pattern or in the IFR using the following equation.
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