ThE Messenger Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A February 16, 2020 Serving the Catholic Parishes of Sacred Heart, Villa Grove, Illinois & St. Michael’s, Hume, Illinois I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Matthew 5:33 CHURCH CENTRAL OFFICE MASS SCHEDULE 206 N. Pine Street Daily Mass at Sacred Heart Villa Grove, IL 61956 Tuesday—Friday: 8:00 a.m. Phone Number: (217) 832-8352 Fax Number: (217) 832-8354 Saturday Vigil at Sacred Heart: 4:00 p.m. E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.sacredheartandstmichael.com Sunday Mass at St. Michael’s: 8:00 a.m. Pastor: Father Aloysius Okey Ndeanaefo Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart: 10:00 a.m. PASTORAL STAFF CONFESSION Secretary: Amy Walch Saturday at Sacred Heart: 3:15 p.m. DRE/Youth Coordinator: Mike Stauder Sunday at St. Michael’s: 7:30 a.m. Custodial Care: Jim Balmer Or by appointment Maintenance: Scott Albin & Jim Balmer OFFICE HOURS HOLY DAY MASSES Monday — Friday: 8:30 am — 1:30pm 6:30pm: Vigil Mass at St. Michael’s (Closed on Holidays and Holy days) 8am & 6:30pm Holy Day Masses at Sacred Heart. Mass Intentions Ministry Schedule Feb 15 4:00 pm Lloyd LeMere by Jo LeMere February 22nd and February 23rd, 2020 4:00 pm LECTORS: Christine Conner Feb 16 8:00 am Gene Partenheimer by Phillip & Erin Partenheimer COMMUNION: Judy Cler, Dennis Mitsdarfer & 10:00 am Ursula Calvert by Belinda Beccue Mike Stauder SERVERS: Jobella Crafton Feb 17 8:00 am NO MASS Feb 18 8:00 am Ursula Calvert by Roger & Karen Schweighart Feb 19 8:00 am Jim Staub by Tony Kramer 8:00 am LECTORS: Brian Smith Feb 20 8:00 am Brigit Pegeen Kelly by Michael Madonick Feb 21 8:00 am John Schweighart by Ruth Schweighart USHERS: David Smith COMMUNION: Penny Cook & Steve Williams Feb 22 4:00 pm Ursula Calvert by Mary Ann Mayhall SERVERS: Lily Brown & Leah Wood Feb 23 8:00 am Anna Travelstead by Steve & Martha Williams Gifts: Lily Brown 10:00 am Dorothy Boyd by Marc & Mary Hildreth 10: 00 am LECTORS: Sarah Hosler COMMUNION: Mike and Madeline Gibson & Mass Intentions Requests Barb Vandeventer Submit Mass Intention requests to the Parish Office and PASTORAL CARE: Mike Stauder prayer chain requests to Amy Walch: [email protected] COLLECTION COUNTERS: Tom Schuett & Prayer Requests Barb Vandeventer SERVERS: Zane Hosler & Ella Schweighart We pray for the following: Teresa Balmer, Kay Barrett, Doris Birk- ner, Pat Carr, Margaret Czerwonka, Jerry Derby, Pat Dillon, Tita Sacred Heart: Fleener, Malea Fonner, Kim Franzen, John Gilles, Faith Grave, Saturday, 4:00 p.m. & Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Denise Griffith, Daphne Grise, Greg Gulick, Vicki Harmon, Julie Harrison, John Hawkins, Bob Jones, Christina Kappes, Tyler King, St. Michael’s: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Debbie Koberlein, Marge Koeberlein, Kiley Kramer, Meghan Kra- mer, Dorothea Lasley, Albert Ledford, Sally McNamara, Micheal Weekly Collection Madonick, Doris Miller, Amy Mitsdarfer, Yair Flores Molina, Mark Mooney, Betty Mulcahey, Ezinne Theresa C. Ndeanaefo, Michael Week Ending Sunday, February 9, 2020 N. Ndeanaefo, Mike Pangburn, Robert Phillips, Rosemary Raes- ke, Phyllis Rund, Mary Margaret Rund, John Rotheker, Louise Schmidt, James Smith, Joseph Smith, Matt Smith, Mary • Sacred Heart Church Tipsend, Susan Wilkey, Cathy Weatherford, and Mike Webb. Weekly Collection: $ 1646.00 Building Fund: $25.00 Loose Cash: $175.00 Utility Fund: $50.00 Daily Scripture Readings Easter Flowers: $25.00 Eastern Europe: $25.00 Online Giving: $220.00 Feb 15: R1: 1KGS 12:26-32, 13:33- Gospel: MK 8:22-26 Total Deposit: $2166.00 34; Gospel: MK 8:1-10 Feb 20: R1: JAS 2:1-9 Feb 16: R1: SIR 15:15-20 Gospel: MK 8:27-33 • St. Michael’s Church R2: 1COR 2:6-10 Feb 21: R1: JAS 2:14-24, 26 Weekly Collection: $ 595.00 Church Bell: $20.00 Gospel: MT 5:17-37 Gospel: MK 8:34-9:1 Loose Cash: $50.00 Easter Flowers : $50.00 Feb 17: R1: JAS 1:1-11 Feb 22: R1: 1PT 5:1-4 Online Giving: $40.00 Gospel: MK 8:11-13 Gospel: MT 16:13-19 Total Deposit: $755.00 Feb 18: R1: JAS 1:12-18 Feb 23: R1: LV 19:1-2, 17-18 Gospel: MK 8:14-21 R2: 1COR 3:16-23 Feb 19: R1: JAS 1:19-27 Gospel: MT 5:38-48 St Michael’s ACSA Report Sacred Heart ACSA Report 2019/2020 Annual Catholic Service Appeal Goal: $6,735.00 2019/2020 Annual Catholic Service Appeal Goal: $15,695.00 Total Pledged: $5000.00Total Paid: $5000.00 Total Pledged $8850.00Total Paid: $815.00 Still Needed: $1735.00 (45% family Participation) Still Needed $6845.00 (34% family participation) Pastoral Reflections Tradition holds that Jesus ben Sirach dedicated his life to another in a profound way that surpasses that of the giving instruction in the ways of God. For Sirach the law scribes and the Pharisees. of the Lord was the only true source of wisdom. This passage neatly captures Sirach’s basic convictions Anger and adultery. Here Jesus shows that there is more about the bond between God and humanity. to these two topics than a simple literal interpretation. Today’s Gospel continues Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Notice how he phrases the challenge involved: “You have now addressing law, anger, adultery, divorce, and oaths. heard that it was said . But I say to you.” Each one con- Jesus emphasizes that the teaching of the law and the tains a deep internal aspect going beyond the literal un- prophets has an internal aspect that surpasses the simple derstanding. Anger is a form of killing, and adultery be- literal interpretation. This is true for all the topics Jesus gins with thoughts of lust. This is what Jesus means by treats in this sermon. His teaching offers a view of these fulfilling the law and the prophets. It requires one to get topics seen from the perspective of the kingdom of heav- below the surface of the teaching and to be challenged by en. Furthermore, the challenge that Jesus offers his disci- its deeper meaning. ples is focused on righteousness. “I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, Divorce and oaths. Jesus is stricter with divorce than the you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (v 20). Mosaic law was. He does have an exception clause that scholar’s debate. Catholics read the exception to be an The continued validity of the law and the prophets. unlawful marriage. For Jesus, marriage is a covenant expe- Some in Matthew’s community felt that, because Jesus rience that cannot be easily dissolved with a simple bill of has come and fulfilled the law and the prophets, those divorce. Finally, Jesus does not argue about which oaths teachings are obsolete and need not be observed. Jesus are permitted and which ones are not. Oaths imply the quickly confronts that attitude by declaring that his mis- need to verify truth. Jesus wants truth to stand on its own, sion is not to do away with the law and the prophets but thus making an oath unnecessary and undesirable. to fulfill them in a particular way. Jesus understands the law and the prophets to teach people how to love one Franciscan Media. www.FranciscanMedia.org.©2020. All rights reserved. Saint Conrad of Piacenza ~c. 1290-Feb. 19, 1351~ Coming Soon ~23, February, 2020~ Born of a noble family in northern Italy, “The Lord is kind and merciful” [Psalm 103]. Jesus still Conrad as a young man married Euphrosyne, teaches on the mount today. He moves from the “blessed are” daughter of a nobleman. One day while hunting to the “I say to you.” He says today: Do hot hate. Do not get he ordered attendants to set fire even. Do not retaliate. Do not insult. Love your neighbor, do- to some brush in order to flush out the game. mestic and foreign. He ends with this: “So be perfect, just as The fire spread to nearby fields and to a large your heavenly Father is perfect.” Clear. To the point. Hard but forest. Conrad fled. An innocent peasant was doable with God’s help. imprisoned, tortured to confess, and condemned • How will I be kind, be merciful today? to death. Conrad confessed his guilt, saved the man’s life, and • Whom shall I stop hating? paid for the damaged property. Soon after this event, Conrad and his wife agreed to separate: she to a Poor Clare monastery • How can I shape my less-than-perfect behavior in the per- and he to a group of hermits following the Third Order Rule. fection of God? His reputation for holiness, however, spread quickly. Since his many visitors destroyed his solitude, Conrad went to a more The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter remote spot in Sicily where he lived 36 years as a hermit, pray- ing for himself and for the rest of the world. Prayer and pen- Grant, we pray, Almighty God, ance were his answer to the temptations that beset him. Conrad that no tempest may disturb us, for you have set us fast on the rock of the died kneeling before a crucifix. He was canonized in 1625. Apostle Peter’s confession of faith. Francis of Assisi was drawn both to contemplation and to a life Through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, of preaching; periods of intense prayer nourished his preaching. who lives and reigns with you Some of his early followers, however, felt called to a life of in the unity of the Holy Spirit One God, greater contemplation, and he accepted that.
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