Seton Hall University eRepository @ Seton Hall The aC tholic Advocate Archives and Special Collections 8-20-1964 The Advocate - Aug. 20, 1964 Catholic Church Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.shu.edu/catholic-advocate Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons Encyclical Is Cautious Letter to Bishops By REV. EDWARD DUFF, S.J. ian with Christ through grace, mind conscious of tlie partici- infi, points in the _ encyclical NEW YORK (RNS) to aware Pope age the world following his of the achievements pation of the universal Cath- might be missed in The Advocate Paul’s first Eccla- a rapid encyclical, election His Holiness and perils of de- technology, it olic episcopate in the direction reading: the hint that Siam Suam (His Church), has the clared: "The chief task of our was recognized to be a mind of the Church. Council a may not .it all be near- surprising modest scope. pontificate will be the prog- unhurried in judgment. Official Publication ing its end and a frank of the Archdiocese of Newark. The world expected a pro- ress It was studious SENSITIVE to espou- N. J., and Diocese of Paterson of the Ecumenical Coun- a mind, alert the role of the sal of religious freedom. cil, Vatican II." to and avid of developments council, the encyclical deliber- Vol. 13, No. Thus, the council's merits 35 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1904 TRICE: 10 CENTS in theology, ately eschews More 4 philosophy, and treating themes praised "even at Comment, Page THE ENCYCLICAL, then this moment culture, hut also one that had that fall within its province. It when wc has a arc still awaiting the simple objective. It is been contents long exercised on the itself with major giam paper, detailing the pol- to “reveal the mind” offering part of its delibera- of the larger administrative prob- some "methodoligical consid- icies of his pontificate and in- Father, tions.” Morcver, "religious lib- Holy especially to his lems of the Roman erations." dicating the major orientations Church in erty" is listed the To Seek fellow Bishops in a "simple the among contemporary world. Although there is no it would impose on world Cath- conversational letter.” specific “common ideals” of all Advocate allusion to Price olicism. The “collegiality,” the theistic religions. mind of Paul VI was NOW IT APPEARS to he is These expectations a encyclical marked by a The were known to be an mind “methodological consid- acute, pro- made cautious by the striking deference to the col- based on forgetfulness. Paul found and erations ’ include a deeper subtle one. Of an complexities of the historical lective of the Support VI had set forth his authority Coun- awareness of the nature of the already intense interior Is spirituality, situation and made sober by cil Fathers and Going program and announced his by a touching Church, the proper character Up absorbed by the mystery of the responsibilities of the reliance on their aims. In his first radio pon- collaboration. of the reform of the The of The mess- the identification of the Christ- tifical office. It is likewise Church, price Advocate is going up. a Two significant, if pass- (Continued But On Smut on Page 2) don’t despair. Read on and we’ll try to make the raise as painless as possible. TRENTON Gov. Richard Because of rising costs the production and in- J. Hughes has endorsed the troduction of the weekly magazine Topic (which idea that the platform of the Father we will resume in October) we are Democratic Party in its At- Holy forced to in- crease the lantic single-issue price of The Advocate to City Convention next 15 week should take some stand cents, starting with the Sept. 3 issue. on the problem of obscene THE SUBSCRIPTION literature. price i* also going up Asks Peace —but from a The Governor expressed his only $4.50 year to $5. So. if you sentiments a have been used to the at meeting of the buying paper weekly for Name 10 Holy Societies of New cents ($5.20 a can year) you still get it for less Jersey Aug. 16 at Notre Dame than a dime. And home get delivery on Thursday High School here. The meeting besides. was called to discuss the prob- In lem of in the light Call our circulation department (MArket obscenity Cyprus of court decisions or which have 4-0700) use the handy coupon on Page 2. We’ll hampered the enforcement of VATICAN CITY (NC) - bill you later if you wish. pleased with the auspicious anti-obscenity laws. Paul VI Pope has urged Tur- signs of relaxation of tension key, Greece and the govern- which have HUGHES DEPLORED at- been manifested ment of Cyprus to restore har- lately and, while he tacks on the courts. He said recon- firms his esteem and that perhaps the best way to affec- Governor tion for all Bill curtail circulation of the interested Signs objection- Mor* on Pop*, Page 2 countries, he is confident able literature is through that thanks to the wisdom of their neighborhood pressure on governments, further newsdealers. This practice is mony to the strife-torn island grief will On School be averted and Streets under attack in North Jersey of Cyprus. a satisfactory from solution to the will TRENTON a group known as the In identical telegrams des- controversy Gov. Richard brought before authorities in be found Right to Read Committee. tined for all three govern- through peaceful ne- J. Hughes this week in- Trenton who refused to gotiations.” signed - ap- WARM GREETINGS Paul VI ments the Dr. William P. Reilly of Ja- Pope acknowledges the warm from crowds Pope said it is “the fo law a bill which will make an ordinance greetings as prove establish- he arrives in after 75-mile of his it maica, L.1., national vice pres- Orvieto, a helicopter from the duty apostolic ministry" possible for municipalities to ing any of the flight papal summer villa streets as a play to close off school ident of Citizens for Decent at Castelgandolfo. make known his anguish at play streets street. The objectors obtained with the Literature, also addressed the the internecine warfare on Cy- approval of the di- a court order opening the To 300 prus. rector of the streets delegates. He criticized the Clarify Division of Motor in question and moth- to the courts and such as the Contrary usual cus- Vehicles. ers of SC Mary’s children groups See American Civil Liberties No Race tom, the contents of the tele- The bill introduced a "walk-in" Bitterness was in promptly began to Unioh, American Jewish Con- gram were revealed by th« the legislature this term after prevent drivers from coming gress and American Book Pub- Vatican press office. Appeal an incident in Rutherford last through at times when chil- lishers Association, whose law- fail involving St. Mary’s Gram- dren were going to or coming THE TELEGRAMS, sent on yers, he claimed, were influ- mar from In and High School there. school. Two Latest Outbreaks the Pope’s behalf by Amleto Since encing the courts. On Clubs It was discovered that the the designation of play Cardinal Cicognani, papal sec- streets PATERSON - longstanding policy in the under the new law Without an contains a largely Negro hous- had retary of state, were ad- DELEGATES voted to ap- licity played some part in TRENTON must be apparent immediate to - The New Jer- State of closing off a street approved by the mo- cause, ing development, Pioneer the dressed the apostolic nun- point a 24-member committee magnifying troubles. As street sey Board of Education asked adjacent to a school for safety tor vehicle director, it is not fighting, looting and Homes. one cio in Carlo which would alert New Jersey put it, "After the first Italy, Archbishop certain it vandalism broke out representatives of the reasons had no legal will solve the prob- in the The Elizabeth Good Neigh- night, Grano and to the d’ major standing. citizens on the dangers of ob- the kids saw the play charge faiths for lem at section of met a “clarification" of St. Mary’s. Rutherford Negro this city last bor Council Aug. 16 ’o the papers affairs of the internunciature AT ST. scene literature. and TV gave it, thew MARY'S, a change will have draw week, on the if not the discuss the incidents appeal for recognition of to up a regula- pattern and ap so some of them decided to in Turkey, Msgr. Luigi Bel* In the designation of the recent religious clubs on the cam- play tion on use of the streets and extent of the violence pointed a seven-man commit- go down lotti. and see what it was street for the school resulted to to puses of the six state submit it Trenton. The same tee meet with Mayor Ste- all about." Archbishop Grano was colleges in complaints from residents. New at an Aug. 12 here. course will haVe to be Charter ven J. Bercik. One member with meeting fol- More Mayor Graves and Mayor charged making the mes- Rev. When borough authorities lowed in on Race, Page 14 of the committee William J. Daly, state any other city where is Msgr. Bercik indicated this week sage known to the ambassa- changed the street chaplain of the Newman designation objections arc raised to the Thomas J. Donnelly, pastor that they would seek funds dors of Cyprus and Greece in Clubs, new objections were raised. For Vietnam of Immaculate closing of streets near a in Harlem, Rochester and Jer- Conception from the new anti-poverty Rome while Msgr.
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