FluvannaReview.com March 15 – 21, 2012 | One Copy Free The Launch of Fluco Lacrosse Secret Raises Fluvanna’sFlFluvvannaanna’’s s BBQ,BBBBQBBQ BBestest HHope:ope: BBandsands aandnd DDisclosedisclosed TTourismourism BBrewsrews MARCH 15 – 21, 2012 • VOLUME 32, ISSUE 11 THIS WEEK IN REVIEW... Page 7 Page 10 Page 12 FOUNDED IN 1979 BY LEN GARDNER Secret Robert Flucos www.fl uvannareview.com raises Popowicz fi nally Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos rescinded. wants to put embrace carlos@fl uvannareview.com Fluvanna on lacrosse. Advertising: Karen Sheff ron and the map. Evelyn Inskeep, sales@fl uvannareview.com Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason diane@fl uvannareview.com Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle Quote of the week: “Essentially, whatever that department had that they lisa@fl uvannareview.com Web Administrator/Designer: Kathy Zeek thought they could move to salaries, they did.” Shaun Kenney – page 7 kathy@fl uvannareview.com Designer: Marilyn Ellinger Staff Writers: Page Giff ord, Jennifer Zajac, Duncan Nixon, Page 14 Page 21 Page 31 Kristin Sancken and Ruthann Carr Bringing Duncan Nixon Fluvanna’s Photographers: David Stemple, O.T. Holen Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, the pork to writes about own antique Palmyra, VA 22963 Fluvanna. the end of a road show. Address: 2987 Lake Monticello Road phenomenal Phone: (434) 591-1000 basketball Fax: (434) 589-1704 season. Member of the Virginia Press Association Circulation 6,200 General: the Fluvanna Review is published Display and web ads: For information includ- Submissions, tips, ideas, etc.: the Fluvanna weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. and covers ing rates and deadlines, call Lisa Hurdle at 434- Review encourages submissions and tips on Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Addi- 591-1000 ext. 29. items of interest to Fluvanna residents. We re- serve the right to edit submissions and cannot tional copies are $1 each payable in advance Legal ads: the Fluvanna Review is the paper of to the publisher. guarantee they will be published. Keep calendar record for Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at submissions to 50 words or less and letters to the Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the 434-591-1000 ext. 29 to place a legal ad. editor to 300 words or less. E-mail: carlos@fl u- subscription price of $135 per year or $70 per Classifi ed ads: $10 for two weeks for 30 words vannareview.com or mail to: Fluvanna Review, 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with or less. Mail to the Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Bryan Werley your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., Palmyra, VA 22963 or stop by our offi ce at 2987 is the captain of P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, Lake Monticello Road. VA 22963. the new boys’ CIRCULATION AUDIT BY Weddings, engagements, anniversaries: Call Lisa Fluco lacrosse Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29. team. Photo by Deadline: Advertis- O.T. Holen. ing due Wednesday 5 Paid obituaries: $50 for 300 words plus photo. p.m. for the following Call 434-591-1000 ext. 24. COVER Cover designed by Kathy Zeek and Lisa Hurdle. week. News hotline: 434-207-0224. If you see news hap- pening, call us! NNOO BBLARNEYLARNEY SSPOKENPOKEN HHERE!!ERE!! 555050 JJeffersonefferson DDriverive 1144 BBrassierassie TTerraceerrace 6655 AAmethystmethyst RRoadoad 7799 PPineine RRoadoad • 3B/2b; 1600 fi n. sq. ft. • 3B/2b; 1670 fi n. sq. ft. • 3B/2b; 1920 fi n. sq. ft. • 3B/1.1b; 2040 fi n sq. ft. • Sep. living and dining rooms • Hardwood fl oors, skylights • 2 level wrap decks • Nice front porch; back deck • Fenced-in level yard • 2-Car gar; deck & shed • Sold “as is” • Blue Ridge Shores MLS #495343 $149,900 MLS #495213 $229,000 MLS 496394 $84,900 MLS #491428 $189,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 Call Jo Ann 434-960-5121 Call Iris 434-981-9956 Call Adele 434-962-1928 MMerryerry OOaksaks SSubdivisionubdivision Check Out Our Rentals 17 Timber Road ....................................... $1,000 127 Timber Road ................................... $1,300 RREALEAL EESTATESTATE & PPROPERTYROPERTY MMANAGEMENTANAGEMENT 14 Brassie Terrace ................................. $1,325 264 Turkeysag Trail - Unit D 12 Vine Ridge ........................................ $1,325 Lake Monticello • 3 lots; $100,000 or less each 434-589-3958 • Fax: 434-589-1427 • All are 10+A; wooded 14 Years of Property Management [email protected] • Right off Rt. 53; near shopping OUR Experience is YOUR Insurance www.FirstVirginiaHomes.com MLS #478315 $100,000 Call JoAnn 434-960-5121 Certifi ed HUD Broker: Adele Schaefer GRI, SRS Iris Helfrich Delila Stone Jo Ann Sears OWNER/BROKER REALTOR BOOKKEEPER ASSOCIATE BROKER 434-962-1928 434-981-9956 434-589-3958 434-960-5121 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 15, 2012 March 15, 2012 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | 3 Come spend the day with us on Monday, April 2, 2012! Arrive at 8:45 a.m. that day to sit in on a morning of classes and get to know some of our teachers and cadets. Then have lunch in our dining hall, followed by a “question and answer” time with your parents and our school folks to learn more about our school. Have your parents contact our Admissions Department at 434-842-4205 to let us know you are coming. We look forward to spending the day with you! For more info: http://www.forkunion.com/middleschoolopenhouse 4 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | March 15, 2012 Fluvanna Business Council • The sustainable budget lets the We need to begin a new way of county tax even more of taxpayers’ Comments from fluvannareview.com and Facebook thinking about the economic future money at current over-infl ated real and how to realize its opportunities and estate values that expire after this year On a March 7 letter to the editor on lowering taxes address long-standing problems in the with the reassessment. This year of all I could not agree more. Here we sit in Fluvanna County, with the highest number economy with concrete solutions. Many years, we must not build any extra taxes of homes on the market in forclosure then any of our surrounding countys, residents who consistently state that the into the budget! Why should we give housing prices bottomed out, no strong solid business tax base brought in since county is “broke” is not a viable solution the county one last chance to tax more 2004, threat of increase tax and spend county supervisors, and Gasoline prices to real issues that exist: back and forth of our money at height-of-the-bubble going through the roof....... snipping on the budget process, building real estate values? So lets see....... Local Taxes going up to match other countys levels and higher, No water supply line from the James River • And about that promise not to raise new local jobs, nearest jobs of any substance in C›ville, Richmond or Cullpepper, to Zion Crossroads, education fi nancial taxes for another two years – how will Gas at $3.60 a gal. and going up.....Yup, buddy....Moving to Fluvanna County is a cuts, delinquent property taxpayers, a potentially changing board even be good fi scal choice for a family today! ( NOT) Great thinking BOS! – Karl maintaining rural preservation, and able to keep that pledge? gives the increase in eligible So . the “sustainable budget” What can one say to make the government (local, state, and federal) realize, supervisors more of our money upfront. It personnel in the SNAPS I can›t pay anymore for anything???. I am tapped out. Everything I pay for, gas, X 59 PAL O 2 M gives them one program. B . 2 963 Y groceries, clothing, electric, water and I can go on and on, have increased except . A R last chance to O V A Our elected . for what I make. No raise has been given in years and no hope of one in the P max out our taxes offi cials or a near future. I am constantly behind on the everyday bills and living paycheck to c m at infl ated 2006 business cannot a r o paycheck. What does the government suggest I do? How do I continue to put food l c assessment values. make the proper o . s w on the table and keep my lights on? I›m frustrated and angered that as each day @ ie It lets them take decisions unless fl ev passes, there is less money in my bank account and more hands out wanting every uvannar our money without they have all the dollar I have plus some. There is tax on this plus a different tax on the same thing. important facts available t o telling us how they›ll use it later. It lets them avoid raising There is a surcharge here and a fees everywhere. How can the average person keep them. One way to help provide this up??? I›m not even asking to get ahead, just want to keep up. – Baffl ed information is establishing a Fluvanna taxes again in an election year. And it spares Business Council governed by a cabinet them from having to tussle with citizens over taxes next year and the year after. On a March 7 letter about government programs: of volunteers from the county’s business In other words if you do receive government benefi ts and you vote Democrat and education community who lend Sustainable budget – great for because you do you have just been bought. Congratulations you are becoming a time, talent, and resources to support the supervisors, terrible for taxpayers! slave to the government. – Wakeup call county’s mission. Elizabeth Franklin, Co-chair, The Business Council would be an Fluvanna Taxpayers Association On a March 8 story about Alyssa Divers: alliance of business employees and We’d like to help Alyssa.
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