INDE-X the Rank Shown After the Surname Is the Highest Attained

INDE-X the Rank Shown After the Surname Is the Highest Attained

INDE-X The rank shown after the surname is the highest attained. A page number followed by n indicates that the reference is to a footnote. Ships in the Australian coastal service, ships of the Commonwealth Government Line, and ex-enemy vessels which traded for the Australian Government are marked with an asterisk. Abbreviafiorrs: A.M.C. Armed Merchant Cruiser. m v. Motor Vessel. B. Battleshim S/M. Submarine. B. Cr. Battle Ciuiser. S.S. Steamship. Cr. Cruiser. S.V. Sailing Vessel. G.B. Gunboat. T.B. Torpedo Boat. I. Cr. Light Cruiser. T.B.D. Destroyer. A 1 to A 74 (Australian transports), AE 1, Austln. S/M (Plate p. 76), I, 2. for naines ore 529-39 4, 6, 9. is. 61. 63. 76, 78. 80. 81. 101, ABADAN,313 149. 239, 473, 508% 555; loss of. I4 Abbosswk 8 s., 397. 503. 511n Sept. 1914, 96-7 Abdiel, hrii. Flotilla Leader, mine-lay- AE 2, Austln. S/M (Plates pp. 100, in?; 2 3 231). I, a, 4, 6. 9. 1s. 62, 63. 76, 78. “A BEACH,New, Suvla (Sk. p 80, 81. loa. IO..$, 123. 149, 233, 413. ,, 39;?), 473, 555 accompanies Second A &&H, OLD, Suvla (Sk. p. i%’o4r;voy, 23 , fikt submarine to make 393). 393 passage OB Dardanelles, 241; her ABERCROMBIER. (of Hawthorn, Vic.; commanders report on activities in b. Mount buneed, Vic.), 43591 Sea of Marinora, 241-8: Turks sink, ADERDEEN,5ga 2399 247 ABERM AIN. 45 7 EGEANSEA, xv, 3a7, 3a8, 391. 4a1, AIILINCIHARUOLIR (Sk. p. 1171, 116 426, 428. 434 ADROLHOSROCKS, 46n Aeneas. 5.9, 537 ACAPULCO.210 *.~rOIJ, S S., 363. 594 ACCRA 428 &JC, s.s., 562; sunk, 12 Frb. 1917, Acorn‘ Brit TB.D 31qn 420, 531 ACTO; Re~r-AimiraiAlfredo. 587 AFRICA. Jee EAST AFRICA, SOUTH ADDU’ATOLL 194 AFRICA ADELAIDE(hdaps pp. 159, 379). 46. 150. AGULHAS CAPE (M P. 345), 337; 377,. 388, 408, 561, 568; wireless ttolf iays mines 02 344 station at 387 AIRCRAFTsee BALLOONSURITISH Arm Adelaidc, Austln. L Cr., building of, FORCE,’CERYANAIR F~RCE,Wolfchrn, 429. 474. (plate) 429 ZEPPELINS Aui LE l~iZNLI 354 AIR RAIDS, on Cbatham naval dockyard, ADEN (Sk p.’ aoq), 17, 52, 63. 65, 96, a SFpt. 1917, 299; over London, 427 100. 150, 171% 17% 179. 193, 23% AITKEN,Lt.-Coninir. (E), 1) I), 476 313 331 340 3449 390s 4139 426, Alana, S.S. 41jn, 50Sn. 533 441: Fir; Co;voy reassembles at, 25 NOV. 1914. a04 *Alar, as., 388 ADEN, GULP OF ‘(n4’a’pS pp. 311, 345), Akashi, lap. Cr., 541 193; Iltis lays mines in, 744 Alarm, Brit. T.B.D., 319, 311% 581 ADMIRALTYsec BRITISHNAVY ALBANIA(Map p. JI~),3a1 AKIMIRALTY’ISLANDS(Map p. IO; Sk. p. ALBANY(Maps pp. 159, 160. 379; Sk. 147). 6 113 137% 145 P. XXXV), 5, 6, 1541 227, ’39, 378. ADOLP~A~EN (Sk. p. 1161, 114 180, 385, 412, 414. 459, 561; First Adria s.s., 503, srrn, 535 Convoy assembles at, Oct. 1914 158. A~TICSEA (~app. 315). 332, 58.1: leaves I Now. 161, 409-10; Second nervice of Australian destroyers in Convdy assembjcs at 28 Dcc. 1914. 313-17; plans for blockading leaves, 31 Dec.; 413; base for 314-7, 320.1. institution of ?;A filtralian destroyers, 1916, a28 barrage acrois Otranto Strait. Apr, Albert, Vie. G.B., xvin 1918, 323-4 Alconda, B.s.. I 5 613 614 INDEX ALEXANDER,R. H. J. (of Waverley. ARARIA,462n N S.W.; b. Darlinghurst, N.S.W.), ARABIANSEA. 347- Arabic s s., suiI4 274n ALEXANDRETTA,427 Arabis' Brit. Slodp, 287 ALEXANDRIA,313. 39991. 4a7; First ARAFU~ASEA (Map p. ao8; Sk p. .a(), Contingent disembarks at, 3 DcC. 1914, 204. 41 ; convoy work between A~f~%??Map p. 208). 218 hlarseilles and, h1ay.Junc 1918. 414-6 'Araluen, s.9, war service of, 5oa. 507 ALEXIS HARBOURsee PORT ALEXIS Arauia. s.8.. s6n Algcrine, Brlt. sloop, 542n Ardanyorm,. s.<, becomes Australport, ALLENBY, Field-Marshal Viscount, 485 522. 527 ALTA VELA (Sk. p. 1.5 ), a55 Ardanmhor, s a, becomes Australplain, Altono, s.s., 432, 543. tecomcs Conargo. 522, 527 Argyllshirc, s.s., 530, 562; submarines attack, 27 May 1915, 419, 5 Frb. 253 1917. 420 AYBOINA(Maps p 208, 438), I93 ARISH, EL, 405. 610; R.A.N.B.T. AMERICA, set ~NITEO STATES OF constructs piers off, 11-21 Dec. 1916, AMERICA 403-4 AYERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, Arnrodolc, SA, 561; sunk. a7 Junc. transport of, to England, 490, 501 19179 531 AMERICANNAVY, XXVII. 303, 3079 555; ARMISTICES,with Turkey 31 Oct. 1918 its annual manceuvres, May 1915, 583; with Germany, I I 'Nov., 308, 327: 257; mine-laying, 284 329 34711 3 2 581 AMLENS,424 A~~NAAG~,Lt.-kn,mr C. W. T., 475 AMMUNITIONSMALL AIIM, Germany Anvsiiiohc, Conimr. J. AI. 476 consigns t'o ~'acific colonies, 44-5. ARRAS,424 Australia sends to South Africa, 161~1 ARTAKIBAY (Map p 240), 246, 247 *Atiira, SA., 367, 494; war ServiLe of, ARTHURCapt 06 479 484 ARU ISLANDS(dip p 208; Sk p. 221). AMRL;MUANK, a86 111. ala ANAMDAISLAND (Map p. 345), 350 Asama, Jap. Cr., 37, 125. 540 Anchises, s.9 539 .4scanius ss., I~I,530, 561; collides ANDAMANI~LANUS (Sk pp 110, 215. with .fhropsliire 11 216). ZII, 212, 215.7, 219, 220 ASHBURNER Li.-?ommr. R. (of ANDLRSON,Lt.-Coiniiir. 1'. C , 476 !Vahroonga. N.S.W.: h. Barrow-in- ANDRESCN,Engr. Sub-Lt., 202 Furness Eng.) 361n ANGAURISLAND (Maps pp. IO, 438; Sk Ashold, R'uss. I,.' Cr., 164. 165, 174n. P. 101). 35. 36. 38, 63. 71, 96. 117% 542 118 120, 134, 166, 439. 462% 550; Aso, Jap. Cr.. 340. 540 posliion of. 11, wireless station at, 18, Atliene. s.v.. 543; becomes Cooroy, 506, 11 landing party from Sydney 517 deLtroys. 26 Sept. 1914, 101; .4thenic s.s., 563 Japanese occupy, 135-6 ATHCN; 311n 583 Angliin. SA, 38, 46211 .\ThINS ' 8214 'Chief Petty Officer D. J., Anglo-Egyptiotr, s.s., 412, 532. 5G1 R N.' (b. Battersea, London, Eng.), ANGOIIUM(hid p. 139), 13!, 141. 144; 564-5 Union Jack I)loisted at, I(, DEC. 1914, ATLANTICOCEAN, xv, 23, a4n 103 125. 149, 204, 210, 128, a33, 248: 250: a63, 286, 288, 310. 314. 336s 337. 339, 343. .. 355, 365 18 448 456n 459 54on ANNA DAY. 594 545: pairo? work 'of Mclbor& and ANNAhlARlA UhU. 109 Sydney in Norui Atlantic, I~~S-II,, ANNAM(hlao 1). 208)..- 210 253-61 Annie Lorsei. -s.v., ~IO,213, 215 Aunxu, Rear-Admiral E. 5. I. 160 .ANNING Capt. S. A., 50% 534 *Airchmish s s., 483 . ANTIGU;(Map p. a54; Sk. p. 254), ass. AucnLAND'(Map p. 438). 152, j:o, 346. 258 355. 3619s. 442 Antinour, 9.9.. 352n, see also fi'olf AUGAR, \Varrant Officer of Reserves R., Cr" ANTOrAGASTA., 467 JJ, ANTWERP,553 Airgsbxr.g, Cer. L. Cr.. 555 520, 212 *Australbrook, s.s., war service of, ANZAC(Map p. 140; SIC. p. 391). CI1 Anroc, 334n _I-* Austln. flotilla leader, *.4irstralbirsli, SA, war service of, 5a0, ANZACDAY, 421n 523; sunk 13 Now. 1917. 523. ANZACFELLOWSHIP OP \\'OMEN, 284n *Auslralcru~. s.s., war servicc 0i),'~520, *Aororigi, ss, 62, 76, 78. 430 523 APIA (hlaps pp. 30. 438; St. pp. 59. *.41rrlraldale. s s, war service of. 520. 103). 20, 21. 33. 43% 48, 49, 71, 72. 5234; sunk, 19 Oct. 1917. 524 93, 102, 103, 1x0. 114, 151. 154, 346, *Anctralficld. 8,s.. war service of, 510, 553, 554, 558, .597, 598; N.Z. force 24 occupies, 60-1, Germail squadron *.Iirstra~ford, s s , war service of, 511, appears off, 14 Sept. 1914. 100, 524-5 105.6; wireless station at, 106 "Austrolglen, s.s, war service of, sal, APPLEYARD.Capt. E. J. M.. 505 525-6 615 AUSTRALIA financial crisis in 1892-3 AUSTRALIANCOVERNYENT-COntinUcd. xix; federation of States, xix; nava contingent to Britain, 3 Aug. 1914, policy of in Pacific during war 150. 406; ado ts British proposal for XXXIX, 4-8, 10-11, 17-19, 47-55, 62 capture of terman pgssessions in 74. 103-4. 121-4, 337-42, 371-4 Pacific, 49; naval policy in Pacific criticisms of, 110-11, 116-7; coastal prc during war, xxxix. 4-8, 10-11, 17-19, tectioii of, 337. 368-9. 3 I 4 Japanes 47-55, 63. 74. 103-4, 121-4, 337-42, Navy assists, 3 o 2 d f Board' 371-4.. ciiticisni~ of, 110-ii, 126-7. report to Admir&;.;7 h%. 1917. r organises force to occupy German inadequacy of naval defence of..337-€ islands in N.W. Pacific, 130.5, project Admiralty's reply 339; examinatio abandoned 135-7; offers naval bridging of ships enterin; ports in, 377-81 train to ' Britain, 389, requisitions (plate) 384; numbers. of R.A.N. Bdc transports 406.9 attitude of British emDloved on examination Services shipowner;, 416-8' see ulso AUSTRALIAN guard;, etc.. 382-3; shipping strike in NAVY(NAVAL BOARD) 1917. 492, 523, 524 527' see 01s AUSTRALIANIMPERIAL FORCE. first Con- AUSTRALIAN GOVE~NMEN;, Aur tiiwnt, 6s; 74s 336, &,' 407, 444, TRALIAN NAVY 459, offered to Dritaln, 3 Aug. 1914. Austrolm. Austln. B. Cr. (Plates pp. 6 150, qob, escort arrangenieiits, 100. 76, 101, 260, 261, 272, 273, 333). v 150-7, assembles at Albany, 158. xv. xxxvii, I, 4. 6. 9, 14, 15. 16, 19 osed diversion wid Cape of 8;cd ion, 29%. 33, 34. 39, 41, 48% 51, Sa kooe. 161. leaves Australia. I Now.. 53, 54, 61, 63, 70, 90, 95. 96, 100 e 16;.

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