MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (Cent. > _MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. MISCILLANEOUS FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALI. MISCniANEOUS FOR SALI. MltCILLANIOUS WANTIP (Cant.). KNABE size, upright, medium mahogany, RADIO. 7-tube Philco, floor model, push STOKER, hard-coal, electric furnaeeman. TYPEWRITER. Royal de luxe: Quiet: with bench, $185 cash. After 0 porta- TWO TONS OF STOVE COAL, price, RADIO, (mail table, for serviceman, not plain, a.m., button, two-wave, excellent cond., $00. thermostat; very cheap. No further use. ble, with case. 1113 13th st. Adams 1258 n.w., Apt. *12.50 ton; other articles. No phone calls. over *20: good condition. AT. #108. 3134 28th st. s.e. TR. 8690. 21* 795 Oth st. or GE. 0420. 10. • MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. LIBRARY DESK, oak, .V<Tx2'4", with book 1325 Quincy n e., Brookland. RADIO. McMurdo. Silver Masterpiece No. 0004, MTS, ITC. (Con*.). RADIO—Philco, model; uphol- STOKER of standard make. 90 lbs. per ~* shelves. $10 Sfe cabinet, TYPEWRITER, portable. latest model DOMESTIC RUG, flower pattern, 6 by 9; 8 or 15-17. EM. .1881, CASH FOR DIAMONDS AND janitor, The Foreland. stered Duncan Phyfe davenport, used 3 hour capacity, one year old, soft Coal type, Underwood bicycles (2k OLD OOLD IRISH TERRIERS. • boy’s and girl’s; practically new. HO. 651(1. RADIOS, any make, table models only 28 2nd st n.c. months. HO. 5717. home or Diamond watches and discarded Jewelry B mlles from Fall for larse small apt. house: may 2 Pr. roller skates; kerosene heater. DU 220 us Church MONEL FREIGHT TRAIN O-GAUGE, SWIFT MODEL 70 Winchester Will pay from *20 to $45. Phone and Eraeit Burk. Inc., B14 13th n.w. PI, 2773. traffic.rJ8S* litht ,*£?"*• * RADIO, G. E. table model. 2 Rollaway beds be thoroughly examined in use. For quick 7622. • toward Leesburg. Route 7. transformer, electric switches, extra equipped with Liman telescope and 48 we will rail. Metropolitan Radio Co., 517 " pieces, with inner-spring mattresses; dinette set. sale, complete with controls, $250. Tem- □OLD—BRING HOUR OLD OOLD CHOPPER CANARIES. with or without plywood table. 2 417 TYPEWRITER Rental Service. 16th sight; 3 boxes ammunition. Shot less than Pet.n.w. ME. 7071. $12.95" afghans, 18th st. n.e,. Apt. 1. 21* ple 2424. 21* 5716 • SILVER. PLATINUM. TEETH. DISCARDED Guaranteed boiler n.w., QE. id times. *300 cash. Wisconsin 3169. ROCKER, platform, prewar con- satiafactory singers. coffee table, copper-bottom galvan- RADIO. Philco. end table. $35. Call Sun- STOVE, General Electric, in good condi- 1883. Underwoods, $1 85 mo., 3 maple JEWELRY WE PAY CASH HendrioksCages. • mo* adv NAVAL OFFICER’S UNIFORMS, rain- struction; sun lamp and heating pad. MX. *4.95 and *10.95. ized wash tubs, man’s blue wool suit, size day only. 1028 Connecticut. Apt. 700. tion; reasonable. HI. 1190, 13J4 50th Jn $5; no. del.. $3-$5 addl. dep re*, A. KAHN INC.. 81 YEARS AT 938 9 AVI. 2485. TYPEWRITERS. coat. blues, whites; almost new; size 32. I 785. -ATHERTONS PET SHOP. 40. RADIOS—lo-tube Radiola. model 32, ma- ave. s.e 21* Underwood. Remington: B19 F 8t. ROOM CHAIRS, all Call DI. EX. 2020, Ext. 581. week • SEWING MACHINES—Used, any make, CASH FOR OLD GOLD 4702. LIVING two, spring hogany highboy cabinet: excellent condi- STUDIO COUCH, velour cover: nice condi- $25. 8712 between 12 and 2 p m. days. N.W._NA. “* mohair cover. Also • ,32-CAL. auto, target Hi-standard; any bought for cash. Best price Silver, watches, diamonds and old dis- 000 construction, brown tion, $150: 15-tube G. E. console, perfect, tion: makes bed: $25. 1801 D st. s.e. Sunday. pistol, style, SWEATERS,'*2,S2.50. *2.95. one also elect, razor; RA. 10-12 oald NA 5220. Kxt Mr Slepak carded Jewelry; fall cash value S taffeta spread, mirror, one picture. $75. 001 D st. n.w 23* LI. 2449. • UNIFORM, officer's winter. 40 short. 36 *10. 0504, 310. paid. -ATHERTON PET SHOP, a.m. • elec : 818 F St. N.W. 9 F 3t N.W. Call after 10 a.m. 1117 Buchanan st. waist. 28 arm: new SEWING MACHINE, Singer portable: _SELINGER'S. _ _10 4702. RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS, table, floor STUDIO COUCH, inner-springs, fine con- inseam, short short _ 4_NA. n.w. Georgia 0507. overcoat, new wool round bobbin: will pay $50 ca6h. Write and portable models: over 100 sets to dition, maroon. Call after 10 a>n., AT. excellent shirts. 15‘A*- FURNITURE—-Special red velvet sofa, • LIVING RM. FURNITURE. 3-pc., 16: Box 443-J. Star. ELECTRICAL TRAINS. COCKERS, modern choose from. 1310 14th n.w. DE. 0013. 9511. zipper-lined raincoat; odds and ends, kneehole desk fireside sets, mahogany $20—$25—$35. SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types; AU gauges and Lionel accessories: we also design, figured tapestry, spring cushions; I RADIOS t2), new, snail and 3 ige., used STUDIO COUCH, Simmons. $15; dresser. khaki shirts, new major s insignia. Cali chest, dressers. 3-ptece maple living room Siamese only $129. Howard S. Held. NO. • repair; hemstitching, buttons covered buy electrical fans and electrical appli- Kittens, $15—$20. 5832 Georgia table sets. Sun. after 2 p m., King, 0300 $?: ice box. $5: kitchen cabinet, $15: 2- Sun- 2303. evenings after 7 p.m. suite oreaklast sets, occasional chairs. Dog Hotel. 7344 ave. ave. n.w. Sun., to pleating 017 F st. RE. 1000. RE 2311 ances. Call Superior Lock and Electric Georgia TA. 4321. Open i 0 pm. Oth st. n.w. burner cooking and heating kerosene UNIVERSAL DE LUXE electric mangle. Hollywood beds, secretaries, rugs, several LIVING ROOM SUITE, 3 SHOTGUN SHELLS. 20 gauge; will trade Co.. RE. 1027. RED pieces, large, RADIOS—We have a few radio combina- stove. $10. 1395 Harvard st. n.w. corner cabineth, SPECIAL HIGH-GRADE PERSiAN or Angora kitten overstuffed, $loo. 3040 Park place n.w. * 12 gauge Emerson 787t>. tions in such makes as Capehart, Strom- STUDIO COUCH, tilt back, coil spring, pre- UPRIGHT PIANO, case: 4-0 USED INNER-SPRING MATTRESS. LIVING ROOM SUITE. $30: oak bureau, mahogany good SILVERWARE—Private party wants serv- PIANOS. wanted. Phone OL. 9354. 21* berg-Carlson. Ansley and other:. Immedi- war kitchen table, two chairs. Warner steel condition: splendid tone. CO 3144. Lincoln Furniture Co.. _ave. n.w $5. plav pen. $5; boy's bicycle. 28-in no ate 807_Pa. ice for about 0; also phono, record cabinet. Highest cash price paid for grand, spinet, ^delivery Arthur Jordan Piano Co., straight edge. Ridgely trimmer, zinc strip, VACUUM CLEANER, hand size Univer- FUR COAT, PERSIAN tires. $15- 1322 B st. s.e. TR. 3307. 1015 * LAMB. BLACK. EX- 3H. •04.'I. small upright models. Get our appraisal ASPIN HILL 7th st. NA 3223. imported mah-jong set. Union 4742. make, brand-new. *15; card file. 3- CELLENT CONDITION: CEMETERY LIVING ROOM SUITE. 2 piece, with slip velour sal 0P.1GINAL COSi, SINKS, sas ranges, tubs, toilets, wash before you sell Write, nr phone. FOR RADIO-PHONOGRAPH recorder combina- STUDIO COUCH, covering, nice con- rirawer metal, with several thousand new *000; WILL SELL FOR *440 PET ANIMALS covers. $195. solid • DISTRICT basins, furnaces, refrigerators: bv private HUGO WORCH. Most mahogany knee-hole model. 7-tube dition: makes bed; $25. 1801 D st. s.e. •1x5 *10. * Beautiful animal * !.1?P’„table Silvertone; $75. cards, 1716 V st. s.e. FUR CO.. F cemetery in tha desk. $05 TE. 7483. * 002 ST. N.W. RE. 1211. party, no dealers. Glebe 7057. 1110 O 81 43:10. Cast, 32;> E. Capitol st. LI 2449. VACUUM CLEANER, Electrolux, in fine N.W._NA nauonalb Known: visitor* always LIVING ROOM SUITE, SLIDE RULE, log log duplex decitrig. Keuf- complete: maple RADIO PHONOGRAPH COMB., Philco STUDIO COUCH, $25: Leonard refrigera- condition, complete with dusting attach- RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER. welcome Call Kenamgion 162-M bedroom suite, trunk • l.>-lube and shor, fel A; Esser preferred. ME. 7840 after adding machine. auto, record channer. push-button tuning, tor. sofa-bed and club chair, $40: Philco ments. 624. Jefferson st. n.w. Philco. lone wave, DIAMONDS—OLD GOLD. Call GE. 8054. No console, 5:30 p.m dealers. 21* floor model: best offer. SH. tiSOl. radio, battery and electric, $25. 0,99 excellent. *125; Garrard, auto- Diamond pocket and wrist watches, in LOVE SEAT and matching chair, RADIO VACUUM CLEANER—Good condition; $25. changer mixer, ill and 12 inch records, SOFA-BED. In good condition: also table CATTLE fir antique; PHONOGRAPH, automatic record Eyt lffc. 21* * itlsled hirthstone diamond and wedding like new; tufted and ruffle 4022 3d st. n.w. GE. 0080. perfect. *76. or model radio-phonograph. Call TA. 4010. LIVESTOCK._ back around changer, short wave, walnut console. De- SUIT, boys' 9-nc.. blue. 14: brown corduroy both $190. WO. 4087 ring.-, any other tewelry and pawn ticket; PIGS, <i. for sale: 10 weeks old; no reason* bottom; $75 for both. Call JA. 1409. tro'.a. A-l trousers, woman’s size 10, VACUUM CLEANER, like new. Ohio; no after 1 p.m STENOGRAPH MACHINE and stand re- cond. $135. Also have portable dresses, like • __ purchased Highest prices raid New York Als° ,r0Wn h°“ * attach.: $45. Georgia 6631. porter model preierrcd cash. RE. 8100. C‘“ LUGGAGE—Wardrobe trunk, $40: fort- record player, automatic record changer, new RA. 5408. BICYCLE. IDEAL XMAS PRESENT! Jewelry Co 7S? 7th »t n Waern°uder73095ed- <2). man's, 96: Room 410. 710 ! 5th st. n.w. w_ night case. $25: Gladstone bag. $35: fitted complete with amplifier. $59.95. Call GE. SUITS gray, overcoat. 90. VENETIAN BLINDS (4). 673'4x27>V. gen- Western Flyer de luxe; pre-war model for sale.
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