INSIDE:• Interview with Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Jemilev — page 3. • Kuzmycz Center dedicated in Kyiv — page 8. • The Year 2020 Conference: major addresses — pages 9-11. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVI HE No.KRAINIAN 43 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1998 EEKLY$1.25/$2 in Ukraine EuropeanT Union grantsU Ukraine a loan, National BankW of Ukraine chairman but defers associate membership under fire from Verkhovna Rada by Pavel Politiuk Kuchma after his meeting with the by Roman Woronowycz the Verkhovna Rada Adam Martyniuk, and Roman Woronowycz Austrian leader. Kyiv Press Bureau told a press conference on October 19: In their joint communiqué, the “We listened to a report on the year 1997, KYIV — President Leonid Kuchma European Union and Ukraine expressed KYIV — A routine annual report pre- when [the NBU’s] activities were more met with European Union leaders in agreement that the strategic partnership is sented to Ukraine’s Parliament on the or less open, not for this year, which has Vienna, on October 16, looking for finan- a major factor in strengthening peace and activities of the National Bank of seen a financial crisis.” cial aid and associate status for the coun- stability in Europe. Ukraine in 1997 turned into a protracted Much of the criticism heaped on the try within the European structure. During the summit – the first since two-day debate that ended with the initia- NBU has been for its perceived non- The European Union was very forth- Ukraine and the European Union signed a tion of an investigation into the bank’s transparency, and for the overwhelming coming with the money – granting treaty on friendship and cooperation in investment procedures. authority that its chairman retains. Mr. Ukraine a $182.5 million balance of pay- May 1997 in Kyiv – Ukraine expressed Leftist forces in the Verkhovna Rada Martyniuk said that it is time the NBU be ments loan to encourage economic concern that EU enlargement would let it be known on October 16 that their reforms and strengthen the country’s cur- made accountable to the Verkhovna throw up barriers for travel and trade with search for a culprit in Ukraine’s financial Rada. rency reserves, and agreeing to provide Poland, its western neighbor and strategic crisis was not over, when they turned the $203 billion for the Chornobyl Shelter “It has become obvious that the NBU partner, which is due to join the EU. report by the NBU Chairman Viktor is a body responsible to no one and as Fund – but less so with President “The problem does exist, and it trou- Yuschenko into an examination of the Kuchma’s request for associate status. such its actions are not transparent,” said bles us from the point of view of this new bank’s financial maneuverings to support Mr. Martyniuk. European Commission President splitting of Europe,” said President the hryvnia in its recent downslide. Jacques Santer said the EU would con- He announced that the Verkhovna Kuchma. The week before, a coalition of Rada would initiate a bill in the next tinue to support closer ties with European President Santer assured Mr. Communists, Socialists and members of Ukraine, but stopped short of proposing week to change the structure of the NBU Kuchma that travel and trade agreements the Hromada faction had failed in an to have its activity directed by a council. associate membership. “We are building between Poland and Ukraine would be effort to bring down the government of and deepening a genuine cooperative The next day, however, the well considered as Poland moves into the Prime Minster Valerii Pustovoitenko for Communist faction, along with the partnership relationship with those EU sphere. “We are not building dividing its failure in stemming Ukraine’s eco- countries with whom we are not in an Progressive Socialists and the Peasant lines in Europe,” said Mr. Santer. nomic problems and the recent financial faction, showed up at the general session enlargement process at the moment,” Mr. Santer said the EU is prepared to crisis. said Mr. Santer. with a resolution that would have con- continue financial support for Ukraine Responding to criticism that his demned the actions of the NBU in its The meeting was attended by President and to help the country achieve member- Communist Party had unfairly attacked Kuchma, European Commission President ship in the World Trade Organization. Mr. Yuschenko, First Vice-Chairman of (Continued on page 17) Santer, EU Foreign Affairs Commissioner Hans van der Broek and Austrian Chancellor Victor Klima, who currently presides over the European Union. U.S. Congress passes resolution on Great Famine During the one-day state visit billed as a Ukraine-EU summit, the two sides dis- by Michael Sawkiw Jr. The resolution expresses “the sense of olution, Rep. Gilman stated: “Soviet dic- cussed economic and trade relations as Ukrainian National Information Service Congress that the 65th anniversary of the tator Joseph Stalin and other Communist well as the chances for Ukraine to secure Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 should leaders knew people were starving to WASHINGTON – Members of both serve as a reminder of the brutality of the death as a result of their policies. The associate membership status. houses of Congress have passed a con- “Ukraine will not change its European government of the former Soviet Soviet regime and its leaders did nothing current resolution commemorating the choice,” said President Kuchma. Union’s repressive policies toward the to help the famine’s victims, instead 65th anniversary of the Ukrainian “Ukraine’s priority is to reach associate Ukrainian people.” using it as a means to better subdue Famine of 1932-1933 in which 7 million status first, and later full membership.” Copies of the resolution will be trans- Ukrainian resistance to the Communist perished as a direct result of Soviet poli- He added that there is no other way for mitted to the president of the United regime and the rule of Moscow.” cy. The resolution was passed by the Ukraine. States, the secretary of state, and the co- The chairman of the International Senate on October 21 and by the House Although Ukraine sees integration into chairs of the Congressional Ukrainian Relations Committee, a long-time sup- of Representatives on October 10. European structures as a strategic goal, Caucus. The secretary of state is further porter of Ukrainian issues, expressed his with associate membership in the EU as During the Columbus Day weekend, instructed to transmit a copy of the reso- opinion that, “it [the resolution] serves as an initial step, Ukraine has not yet met a members of Congress were in legislative lution to the government of Ukraine. an important reminder, not just of the key minimum requirement that it show it session to deliberate and negotiate the Prior to the official passage of the reso- innocent victims of the Famine, but of has completed the transition to a market federal budget for Fiscal Year 1999. The lution, during a private luncheon for the reasons why the United States and its economy. legislators cleared a few moments from Prime Minister Valerii Pustovoytenko democratic allies engaged in a Cold Before the EU could even consider their busy schedule, however, as Rep. with members of the Ukrainian American War.” Ukraine’s request it would have to give Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.), chairman of community, UNIS Director Michael Democrats and Republicans were Ukraine market country economic status, the House International Relations Sawkiw Jr. informed the head of the given 20 minutes each on the House an acknowledgment that Ukraine has fully Committee, introduced the commemora- Ukrainian government about the work of floor to provide their comments on the reformed its command economy, a legacy tive resolution on Saturday, October 10, the U.S. Congress regarding anniversary resolution. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), of the Soviet period. thanked the co-sponsors of the resolu- commemorations of the Great Famine. a member of the International Relations President Kuchma’s press secretary, tion, and commented on the brutality of The Ukrainian government will offi- Committee, also expressed his views on Oleksander Maidannyk held out hope that the former Soviet regime toward the cially recognize the tragedy of the the message the resolution sends: the process would be completed quickly. Ukrainian people. The resolution was Ukrainian famine with a special day of “Congress condemns the former Soviet “The president has no illusions that the passed that same day. observances on Sunday, November 8, government’s disregard for human life, integration process will be rapid,” said House Concurrent Resolution 295 the same day as has been designated by human liberty and self-determination Mr. Maidannyk. (H.Con.Res. 295) was sponsored by the Ukrainian American community for during the Famine, ... Congress sees Ukraine received a boost for its cause Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), co-chair commemoration of the famine in the today’s Ukraine moving toward democ- when Austrian President Thomas Klestil of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. United States. racy, a free-market economy and full expressed his support for Ukrainian mem- Supported by the other co-chairs and During deliberations on the House respect for human rights and supports members of the Congressional bership. “We note with great joy that floor, several members of Congress the United States assistance to Ukraine Austria, as we have learned from the Ukrainian Caucus, the Ukrainian Famine expressed their support for the Famine Austrian president, supports our efforts to Resolution attracted 71 co-sponsors. resolution. In his introduction of the res- (Continued on page 8) be integrated into Europe,” said President 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1998 No.
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