JRll JINANCING Your UP TO 1l MONTHS complete NO DOWN fitness and PA'fMENl recreation source, from design to completion CURRENT PROJECTS Fallsburg Hills Woodburne, NY Torah Academy for Girls Far Rockaway Little Friends School Sunnyside Mercy First Home Bay Ridge HIDEC Center Flatbush Yeshiva Ohavei Torah Riverdale ·-·-··-···-···-···----···-····-·····-..·--- .. _·-·····~-··-·····=-········-··-·_··-···~~- ·=-i !ewish IN THIS ISSUE ... 10 Rus AND HER VISION. BASED ON LECTURES Of RABB! .B.SE.ltVER (HAIM f'INCHAS 5CHEINBERG ~·,,,~." THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021·6615 !S PUBUSHEO MONTllLY EXCEPT JULY & AUGUST llY Rabbi Shlorr10 F'urst THE AGUOATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA 42 BROADWAY, NEW YOl{K, NY !0004. PERIODICALS POSTAGE f'AIO IN NEW YORK. NY. SUBSCRIPTION S25.00/YEAR: SIXTY YEARS SINCE CHURBAN EUROPA 2 YEARS, $411.00; 3 YEAllS, S69.oo. Otl'J'SIDI' OF TliE {JNITED STATES {US HiNOS DHAWN ON A lJS BANK ONLY) S15.oo SIJRCHAH(;~; PEil YEAR. S!NGl.E COPY $3.50; OUTSIDE NY AREA $3.95; FORUGN S4.50. 11 THE LESSONS TO BE LEARNED AND How TO TEACH POSTMASTER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Chaim Kupperv1osser THE JEWlS!-1 0!1SEl~VEI{ 42 l~noADW.'\Y, NY. NY 10004 14 HUMAN Robbi Meir Klugman fEL 212•797-9000. FAX 646-254-1600 Pt{lNTED IN THf'. lJSA 22 LESSONS FROM THE flAMES,Joseph Friedenson RABBI N1ssoN WOLPIN. f·.ditor H0Lf)(.IUJ5T STUf.HES W!TH A DtFFERENT /:diloria/ Board 25 RABBI JOSEl'll ELIAS. Chnirmon RAIHH ABBA l3!U.IDNY Airs. Yuta Moskovvitz JOSEPH Fl~!EDENSON RABfll YISROEL MEH{ Ktl!ZNER 11 RABBI NossoN Scl!ERMAN 29 Mm W1rn A MISSION! SURVIVORS AND THEIR P!~O!'. AAIUJN TWERSKI Rabbi Sl11nue! Dishon Nmmlcrs DH. E!{NST I.. BonENHE!Ml·:R Z"I, RABBI MOSHE SHERER Z"I. 34 GREATNESS IN SPITE OF ADVERSITY .., BECAUSE OF Ma11agrmrn1 fkwrd REVIEW OF BEACON OF .l\Vl f'JSHOF, NAl'TOU l1!RSCll i.<>AAC KIR/:N!CR, RAIUU SI-II.OMO L!:SIN. NACHlJM STEIN by Robbi Zev Manoging 1.:flitor RABii! YOSEF C. GOLDING PUBLISUED llY ,l\(;IJDATl-1 ISRAU. OF AMERICA ON THE AGENDA U.S. THADE DISTRllHITOI{ r·-- -··---~---. 36 DEFORMED n l'El.DHl"M PUBLISHEl~S Yonoson Rosenbluni •uJ8 Airporl Fxcrnti!'1· f'arh iVanuct. /1/Y 109s4 136 BRITISH REPl~ESl·:NTATIVE M.T. Bl BU.MAN READERS' FORUM <:rrmr·nor U'orlis I f\Jmml f'/msan/ /Iii/ J,011do111:5 ,9NI;'. l:NGIANU 39 "'WHEN AMERICAN fAMIUES MOVE TO ERETZ FRENCH Rf;PRESENTATIVE RABBI BAMflEl{Gl·:R Y!SROEL.,.H 21 /3011!c1'11rd f'aixhans 57000 Metz. FRANCf ISRAU.l Rl-:PRESENTAT!VE INTN!., MunA PLACEMEN'! l'Ofl 71.9.'> I .'J7 f1!/fi1 Road STATEMENT OF POLICY ]cniwilcm .94.140. ISRAU. THf·: 1EWT51-l Ous1-:uv1:R lli\S IJEVOTEO A Gli[·:AT DEAL 01:- SPACE ro THE BELGIAN REl'ttl·:SENTATIVE PF.RILS OF THE INTERNET AND TO TllE NEED FOR EVElffONE TO BE Mt{. E. ArT1·;1{ I angc Kif,'itstr. 2.<J t:XTREMTCLY VIGll.A!';T IN ITS USE. WF. HAVE t:CHOEI) THE P!.EAS 0!'01111 2018 A11lwc1p. flf:'f.(;fl tM (;EIJOUM THAT IT SllOIJJ.[) NOT fHC IN USE, \INLF.SS IT lS AN UNAVO!!J- SOUTH AFRl(;AN rn;PR:F.SE!';TATIVE ABLE NECESSITY, AND THEN ONLY \V!TH ALL -~UITABl.I·'. SAFl·.GIJAROS. THE JEWISH OBSERVI-:R DOl'S NOT ASS1'Mf-. MR. \I: TABACK WHILE ITS DANl>UtS MUST BE JHCCOGNIZED AND CONTROLLED TO EVERY !'0 !kix 51:;52. RESPONSJfl!l.lTl" FOR THE KASHRUS OF ANY !'RODlJCT. Racdc11t'. joharmcsbwv PIJBl.ICi\TlON, 01{ SFRVICF ADVE!~TISED IN ITS PAGES 2124 SOU/11 AfRlCA B!JSJNESSES RF.Q111RE ITS USE. AND 'lHEREFOHE IT HAS NOT BEEN BANNHJ. THIS IS WHY WE ACCEPT i\DVERTISl-:MF.NTS USTING WEIJ- A\J~lHAUAN REl'RESF.NTATIVF: © COPYRIGHT 2005 IJR. A. DtNNI-:N SITE AUDnESSEs. BUT IN NO WAY DOES Tl-llS IMPLY THAT THE 77 /3irriqa l?ood GHDOLIM 01( THE JIOW/81-1 00.~/:'UV/OR CONDONE CASllJ\L USE OF TIH: Lllnwlhl/ '51\~m AU\FRAllA -~y: -~L: X=II~0···-5-···--·· __'''''"~ ----·-----~··--··--·"·--··--···--··~---.1 M A Y 2 0 0 5 NOTED IN SORROW Since the prev10us issue of The the Bobov institutions. For over five His vast knowledge in every aspect of Jewish Observer, Kial Yisroel has suffered decades, he exerted an enormous influ­ Torah, both nigla (revealed) and nistar several irreplaceable losses among its ence over mesivta bachurim, as well as (mystical), was unexcelled. And his Torah leadership. While each of these per­ the entire Bobover community. He concern for fellow Jews was accompa­ sonalities is worthy of a lengthier trib­ combined in himself awesome humili­ nied by selfless dedication to helping oth­ ute, at this time we are mentioning each ty, untold acts of chessed, and an uncom­ ers in need. His impact on the talmidim with a brief description of his unique role pro1nising view that all human action of Mir was so profound that the pres­ within the Torah world. must be dedicated bilti laShem levado. ent Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Nasson Tzvi These were the motifs of his life. Finkel, yibadeil lechayim, would attempt Thus, while always modest, self­ to dance with Rabbi Kamiel on his shoul­ effacing and shunning the spotlight, he ders on Simchas Torah, since he viewed recognized the need to assume a pub­ him as "a living Sefer Torah." lic role with the passing of his father in He was niftar on Shushan Purim, 2000. He more than filled the task. Rabbi March 26. In the words of Rabbi Naftali Halberstam was niftar 12 Yissachar Meir, Rosh Hayeshiva of Adar/March 23. He is sorely missed. Yeshivas Hanegev: "lt is impossible for us to fathom the depth of his knowledge in Shas and poskim. His lofty, unusual middos, his yiras Shamayim and great­ ness were supports of Kial Yisroel. He achieved a status rare in our times - that of cleaving to Torah:' Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, the Bobover Rebbe ~ Rav Naftali was born to his parents, Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam and his Rebbetzin, 74 years ago in Bobov, when the family patriarch Rav Bentzion ( 187 4- 1941) was Rebbe. (They were of the Sanzer dynasty, descendants of the Divrei Chayim.) Rav Shlomo and his son were Rabbi Chaim Hakohein Kamiel ~ the only family members to survive served as Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas pogroms and round-ups during World Ofakim in the Negev of Bretz Yisroel for Warll.ln 1944, Rav Naftul'che (as he was close to 25 years, after having said shi- affectionately called) escaped to Bretz urim in the Mirrer Yeshiva for a num- Yisroe/, where he spent four years of inten- ber of years. Born in 5693/1933 to Rabbi sive Torah study under gedolei Torah of Yaakov Hakohein Kamiel in Rabbi Avrohom Menachem the time, including the Slonimer Rebbe. Yerushalayim, the extraordinary hasma- Danziger ~' the ninth Admor of He also maintained close contact with the da that he exhibited as a child in Aleksander Chassidus - the only surviv­ Satmar Rebbe, the Gerer Rebbe and the Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi was his hallmark ing son of the previous Rebbe, Rav Chazon Ish, and gained recognition as a throughout his years - as a bachur learn- Yehuda Moshe - passed away on 17 brilliant talmid chacham. ing under the Steipler Gaon in Bnei Brak, Adar/March 27. His father arrived in America in 1947, as a yungerman in Mirrer Yeshiva in Aleksander Chassidus was second in where he devoted himself to reestablish- Yerushalayim - indeed, until his last size only to Ger in pre-War Poland, and ing the Bobover Chassidus and its net- breath. His total involvement in Torah had established the "Beis Yisroel"Yeshiva work of yeshivas. Rav Naftul' che joined was uninterrupted by meals, errands, or network there; it was all but destroyed his father and, after several years, traditional bein ha'zemanim (interses- by the Germans \!l.. r.l'. Rav Yehuda Moshe had moved with his son, j assumed much of the burden of runnin_g __s_1· o_n_)_b_r_e_a_k_s. __ 4 1934. After the destruction of World War mussartradition that traces back to Rabbi foundly deep and analytical approach to !I, he assumed the leadership of Yisroel Salanter. Torah study, and in the full range of his Aleksander until his passing in 1973, During the War, he was in Sweden, knowledge - the entirety of Shas and its when Rav Avrohom Menachem succeed­ where he taught and was involved in co1nmentaries. ed him. He oversaw the growth of Yeshiva kiruv, and, with Rabbi Wolf Jacobson, He was born in 5679/1919 in Lodz, Beis Yisroel-Tiferes Menachem in Bnei established a seminary for women. where his father, Rabbi Shaul Yosef Brak; published his ancestors' famed After the War, Rabbi Wolbe joined Berman, a ta/mid of the Chofetz Chaim, sefarim, including the Yis1nach Yisroel, Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapiro and was Rosh Yeshiva of Yehivas Toras Akeidas Yitzchak, Emunas Moshe, and a opened the Yeshiva Gedola of Be'er Chesed. At the age of 14, he left Lodz to Haggada and Pirkei Avos with commen­ Yaakov, with Rabbi Shapiro as Rosh attend the Mir Yeshiva in Poland, where taries culled from the rebbes of Vorki­ Yeshiva, and Rabbi Wolbe as Mashgiach, he astounded the bnei yeshiva with his Alexander; and - along with incredible a position he held for over 35 years. Later, command of 1400 dapim of Gemara, hasmada and avodas Hashem, which he served as Mashgiach in the Lakewood both in analysis and verbatim recall. He began at 2:30 a.m. every day- serviced Yeshiva in Bretz Yisroel, as well as open­ developed a close relationship with the the needs of his n1any followers.
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