
Itegd. No. NE 907 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Authority \01. XV Aiz.":,v! Friday -IOTI9�6----pausa;---2o. SL I �()i I><ue NO. 2 Government of Mizoram PART I Appointments, Postings. Transfers. Powers, Leave and other • Personal Notices and Olders. RUERS BY THE LT. GOVERNOR ("DMINISTR \TOR) NOTIFICA nONS �o: A. 1902.'11/83-P&"R (C). the 9th January. 1986. The l.t. Governor (Admi­ _ �rator) of I,S � Mlz�ram pleased to g�ant E<1rned Le�ve for 10 ,(thirty) daylol to SIHI'b.aJt�anmawla, Junior Analyst, Mlzoram Secretarmt Oil medical ground under C.C.S (L'C..ave) 8ules, 1972 al amended from time to time commencing from 5. 12. 85 to 4. 1'136. 2. Certi�ed th;) the Officer would have continued fa hold the po.;;t of Junior Analyst but for hi!;' rroceeding on ie(lve. 3. Certified that the Ofticcr. on expiry of leave is likely to return to the \ame post and place from where he procC'eded on leave. Go. A. 19014123 84-P&AR lei. the 10th Janunry. 19R6. The Lt. Gov<rnor (Admi­ nic;trator) of o\.lizoram ill pleased to grant Earned Leeve for 31 (thirty one) days "':"0 Smt. ya r hm ingliani, Under Secretary. Mi70ram Secretariat on private ground u�l1dcr c.�r .s (Leave) Rules, 1972 "as amended from time to time commencing from 9. I. 86 to 10 2. 86. 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post of 11n<.l('r Sccrclnry Home btlt for h�r proceeding: on ka,,:,e. 3, (!ertified that the Ornerl". 011 t "(piTY of leave is likely to return to the same po�t andi place from \\ here she pf('1ct?edcd on lctlVe. R-2;86 2 No. A. 19014/1/30 ·APT (Al. the 9th Jan.ary. 1986. Th. 1.-, par;l&raph or this Department's Notification of evef.1 number dt 19th Dec. 19�5. granting L. T. C. to Shri F. Hmmgthanga, Under Secrectary Health and Family Welfare Depart­ ment for block year 1982-85 for vi�jting Christian Medical College and Ho�pital, Vellore with his family consisting of his mother plus himself i� treated as cancelled No. A. 19015.'6-'/83-P&AR (D). the 9th January. 1986. The L t. Governor (Admi­ nistrator) of Mizoram is pleased to stinetion 30 da)s commuled Leave \\ilh effect from 11. 12. 85 t09. 1. 1986 to Sml Youna Val ·ncia. Superintendent. Education Oeptt., Mlzoram, Aizawl on medical glOund lInder the C.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 1971 as amended from 1 ime to time. 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the post of Superinten· dent but for her proceeding on leave. 3. Certified that the Ollicer on expiry of Jcave is likely to return to the saline p o;t and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authMi �ed to draw durin?, le�lVe period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. .. No. A.19015/20/81-P&AR(D). the 10th Januar�. 1986. The 1.1. Governor (Admi­ ect nistrator) of Mizoram is pleased to sanction 15 days E"rn�d Lefl.Ve \'.Ith eff from 13.1.198610 27.1.1986 to SOlt Siatlaii. Surerintendert, r'jr�clOrate of I.P.R on private ground under the c.C.S. (Leave) Rules, 197� a!' �mended fr W'i� / 2. Certified that the officer would have continued to hold t�"f post of Supe· rintt"d�nt but for her proceeding on leave. /" 3. Certified that tbe officer on expiry of leave is likel)'""to return to the same post and place from where she proceeded on leav.c: and is a uthorised to draw I during leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. 4. On ex.piry of leave, the Supedntendent will have a balance of J 20 days ......_ £arMed Leave at hlr credit. 5. The officer is hereby allowed to avail L.T.C. duri ng tile leave for visiting Trivandrum with 4 (four) adult rnembus of her family for the n�!\v bloc!.: year or 1986-89. , . No. A.1901Ij52/82-P&AR(D). the 9th January. 19&6. The L t. Governor (A�mi­ /lIstrator) of Mlzoram 1'5 pleased to sanction 50 days EaJ ned Lea\c with effect fr�m J.IO.19�5 to 19.11.1985 to Shri C. La1l..huma, Superintendent, Home Deptt.. Mlloram. AlzawJ on plivate ground under the C.C.S. (Lemc) Rules, 1972 as amended from rime to time. .. Cerlified that the officer "auld have continued to hold the post of Supe- rinlendent bUi for his proceeding on Ic?\e. 3. Cenified that the ofllcer on expiry of leave is lik.e1y to return to the same post· and place from \\ here he proceeded on Jeaye .and is aUiho! ised to draw during IC<lve penod the pay and a1!owances as adollsslble under the Rules. 4. On expi ry of the Leave, the Superintendent will have a hnlance of 50 dayS L a v at EarneJ e e• his credit. No. A.19QII/30/P4 PERS(R). Ihe lOth bnuary. 1986. The U. Govern o r (Admi­ nistrator) of Mizoram is pleased to grant 19 (nineteen) d..JYs C('llllnuted Le'-I\e on Medical ground to Shri"Y.A. Va�udevaraju. Secretary. Home etc. Dept! with fron- 1n.I:.19�' In 17.1.1986 (both days inelu'i") unde. A.I.S. (I eo,,) 'elfcct Rules, 1955 as amended from lime to rime. Certified that officer would have continued to hold the same post but for his pl oceedin� on leave and on expiry of leave there is every li�elihood of his retur­ ning to the c;ame post and place from where he proceeds on leave . No. A.22012/5185-P&AR(C)Pt. Ihe 6th January, 1986. The Lt. Go>ernor (Admi­ nistrator) or Mizoram is pleased to appoint Shri Lalrozama Sailo, Unde r Secre­ tary to the Government of MilC'rarn, Personnel & Adlllini.;;trativc Reforms (C) Branch as Deputy Secret1ry to the Govt. of Mizoram in the scalr of pay of Rs. 120Q-:50-1600/-p.111. plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules from time to time with effect from the date of t1king Over charg� temporarily on acthoc basis and until further orders Jnd is posted in the Political Departme nt and Vigilance Department. This appointment is made nn adhnc basi, for a shan period subject to regu­ laric;3ti(\ n III accordance with RecruitJl'len! R'ulcs hy Ihe Regultlr Selection Board in due course and that such appointment will not bestow on the person a claim for regular appointment and that the service rendered on ad hoc has!s in the grad\! would not count for the purpoc;e of seniority in that gradt'o This supersedes this Department's earlier Notification of eVen number dt. 27.11.1985. J. \>1.alc;awma, Deputy Secretary to the (; ovt. of MizolClnJ. R-2/�6 4 0.A.19018/92/82-HFW. the 7th January,1985. Ea rned Jeave for.1 period "f 30 days with .]feet from 6. I 1986 to 4. 2. 1986 is granted to Dr. Gordon ZohmingthangB, A.S-I Lunglei Civil Hospital on medical grOund under c.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. During his Leave period Dr. Liantluang8 will lOok after :lis \\Qrks. He would .have continued to hold the same po�t but for his procl!eding on leave. No.A.19018/S2/82-HFW. the 7th January, 1986. Earned Leave for a period of 17 days with effect from 14.11. 1985 to 30. 11.1985 is grantod 10 Dr. Hming­ Ihankaia AS-T Medical Officer icjKav.rthah Sub� Healt h Centre on priv;:lte affairs under C.C.S. (Lea ve) Rules. 1972 as amended from time to lime. He would have continued to hold the same post but for his p roceeding on Icave. No AI2031/5,83 HFW, 30th December 1985 The Lt. Governor (Administrator) of Mizorall1 is plca('cd to appoint the following Doctors to the posts of specialJiit . in the scale of pay of Rs. ')()()-40-IIOOEB-50-1401/-p.m. plu, all other al1owance� as admissibJe under the rules from time to time with effect from the date of taking T over charge and posted in the places shown against thei name. • 1. Dr. R. Lalzauva Physician in Aizawl Civil Hospital 2. Dr. P. SangzuaJa Anaesthetist in Ail,I\\1 Cj\il I:-l ospital 3. Dr. _Rothan�liana In the DHS Oflice 1') be in charge of Mew Programmes and also in c.:h�rge of Po;;,t Partum Unit (aa!inst the po�t of Gynaeco­ logist). The aJ'Pointll1ent� are made on adhoc basis for a short period subject to regularisation in accordJnce with the Recruitment Rules to be approved by Govt. in due course, that such an appointment will not oestuw on the person a claim for regular appointment and that the service rendered on adho{" hasis ill the grade would not cou nt for the purpose of seniority in that grade. The a ppointments are made agai nst the vacant posts of Physician. Anaesthe­ tist and Gynaecolooist retained under letter No. A.IIOII/I/84-HFW dt. :8.3. 1985. No.A 19018/69t82-HFW, the 7th January. 1986. loT.C. granted to Dr. Malsawma ! and 4 members of his family vide th=s DEpartment's notification of even number d.! teJ JO.9.
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