THE STJKDAY CALL. 11 Have a flannel waist This can b« bought for II25. Especially In tha Ban L'rancisco climate this willbe useful dor- ing a good- deal, of the summer. Havj a c^lor that will not soil easily, for th« cleaning of these garments is expenstY* iidone out and dinicult if done at home. if scarlet is becoming to you, a scarlet tlanner - wai3t will be both durable and pretty. When your husband comes boma tired to death the very sight of roar bright red waist ought to jollyhim op. Two wash waists should^oe bought^at a dollar apiece. Have these of light«un>- mery colors and wash out the cuffs your- self occasionally, forXthese often soil while the waist is otherwise fresh. White is becoming, soils no faster than blu* or pink and does not fade. Have, at any rate, one of these waists white. For $12 you can get your beat §*own— something that willdo for the UttU par- ties that you hope to attend with yotsr husband. Let the gown be of challU, which comes at 50 cents a yard. Use tucks for the trimming, and if you are lucky .enough to have good ribbons or lace on hand you can use them to excellent ad- vantage in making the costume more dressy. Buy a ready-made wrapper for £3. Have it of flannelette and it will be fairly warm. Your one new hat must be a trimmed one which will do to be married in, and you must exercise plenty of Judg- ment in choosing its color, as it has to harmonize with all of your gowns. Black and white is modish and convenient. A53 hat can be pretty and stylish if your mil- liner knows her business. Your underwear should be bought ready-made. Don't have it trimmed ex- cept with ruffles of the muslin. Good muslin is better than poor lace. Have four sets; two of them can be bought for $3 60 each, the other two for $4 10 each. This bring3 the whole amount to $13 40. which is decidedly less than $500, and yet Itis quite as possible to be daintily neat at that small cost. s.r-* --,¦ Two petticoats will do very well. Have a white one for best and a dark-colored sateen one for every-day use. These can be bought for a dollar apiece. The corset THEEASTERBRIDE willcost U 50. i Have a lightpair of gloves costing $1 60 and a pair for common wear at $L Half a dozen pairs of stockings can be had for $1 50. One dozen handkerchiefs will cost tho same. Shoes In any style you desiro can be bought for $3 50. Light- weight boots are the best for all-round wear. This allows you SI 83 for little things, such as neck ribbons and belts, and you have spent only |70. ctoj» of Easter brides Is as plen- judge advocate of the local army head- They quarters, willmarry Greta Chase of Des tiful as ever this spring. al- Captain ways Moines. Ormond Lissak of the spring up like the crocuses ordnance department will marry Alice end the violets—In such sudden Warrington in Philadelphia. profusion that you -wonder where On the 9th of April comes the famous' very N design, having few frills and fun' Tunon earth they all can have come from. Preston-Drown wedding that has been belows; and fine handwork is what costs. Some of weddings are to keeping San Francisco interested for a you these take long time. Miss Edith Preston and Wil- If have a skillful needle you can im- " place on Easter day Itself. Mary Virginia lard Drown willhave a swell church wed- itate this for yourself to a large extent. Shields Is to be ene of the Easter day ding that promises to be as elaborate an jj The set consists of four pieces, which, brides. She is that charming daughter of affair as anybody can anticipate. priced separately,- run in thiswise: the late Corporal Shields— she Is the Other brides' of the early part of April will be Lulu Kuhls, who marries H. L. Nightgown $30 daughter of an army man and is to be Drawers .. 20 Detjen, and Lottie Sharpe, who marries Chemise ;...... the wifeof another. Frank Hutter of An- Sidney Cavill, the popular swimmer of the . 15 gel Island is the groom and wedding Olympic Corset cover ....::..... ic the Club.* . • - Willbe a trulymilitary on*. Later In the month come some more This is a fair sample of the sets that . • ¦; Newman Is another Easter day weddings. Isabel Van Winkle's is one of our swellest brides have bought. You will in the -large picture, it Is worthy being Bel\e • will at' made the piece de resistance of the trous- bride. J. Lewis Abrams willcom* down these. She be married her notice little trimming. The lace is not lace, parents' home on Howard"street and Wil- very seau. The which covers it entire-' from hie home in Stockton and bear her person wide nor is it put on in great quan- ly ;exception gimp, away liam H. Thompson willbe the who with the . of the is from ber grandparents' home, plays second fiddle on the occasion, as tities. It 'Is of the finest Valenciennes, what makes the gown cost. ItIs a heavy where th© wedding will take place. Mr. the groom always must do for at least one which edges the dainty battlements that applique lace, a deep shade of, cream. and Mrs. Redllck are the grandparents. day in his career. trim the muslin. "-,._ •-^ . : The skirt, of dead •white taffeta, Is en- Passavant-Szontagh wedding will tirely covered from by Btlll wedding The The French petticoat shown in the pic- • waist to^hem the another to take place on April. Annie* lace. It f3 finished at the bottom over also be In late Mrs. Passa- ture' is |a fluffy dream. The sheerest > the thirtieth i» that of Flora Cohen and vant and Oscar Szontagh, the famous the taffeta flounce in deep points. mining expert, They muslin forms the basis of this. |The up- You can pay any that you Albert Baer. Itwillbe a home affair, and willbe married then. ¦ - amount thm are going to in Washington. per part is tight, as fashion demands;, please for a wedding trousseau. You can floral decorations planned will look north live run your bill "up a spring The last day of April will see the clos- over' the hips it'fits like a glove. ;A11 the into the hundreds and Ilk* flower-bed growing indoors. ing of these weddings when Miss Clara is hr-the deep thousands. You. can likewise get a sub- Easter Monday, Slot, will see a fullness flounce which flares stantial outfit- for $70 ;it you know how the Huntington becomes the bride of the ankles, ; - just above the and is edged with ¦ beautiful church wedding in the Church young Southerner, Gilbert Brooks Per- to economize. :. ... of tb*New Jerusalem in Brooklyn. home Jackson a deep lace at the bottom. Hand-sewing ..Take a :look at the matter. Perhaps This kins. The on street will again— and more hand-embroidery. This you have!an idea" that the thing can't be Interests Baa Francisco, inasmuch as the be gorgeous with spring decorations and easy, is Dr. the affair will be a grand finale. design is the very newest thing that ever done. It is not and the trousseau ¦, rroexa ;WiUlam Redwood Price was must be simple, but there is-no reason Clark of this city, who bring conceived. It is In accord with the you can't be, comfortably pret-v will the present fad for pearls. ropes why,; and bride back here to make her new home (T\HEEE are trousseaus and troUs- Festooned tllydressed for that amount of money.. -!>*^ of them, their embroidered among us. The invitations read: I seaus. that is like- In the first .place, let .your wedding "Mrs. I Georgia Hopkins, now Mrs. nesses, are looped with embroidered gown > be the tailor suit. This is James Frederick Goddard requests your Miss knots—all, bow- neces- . presence marriage I Fred McNear, paid five hundred of course, in pure white. -The sary. \You cannot have a wedding gown at the - of her daughter, with veil for any such small outlay. But Langdon." JL dollars for.the lingerie alone of her ckirt can be had for $25. Edith The Is another remember that some of the , Bwellest, trousseau. That needn't discourage you, rose corset characteris- weddings, any-< Th* second flay of April will see tically brides have tailor-made weddings Vome however.: You can get up a whole trous- Parisian part of the swell wedding way. This tailor suit will be appropriate in the southern part of town. a long you Church, seau, from hat to boots, for seventy dol- outfit. It has front— and two sets for the trip if. have one, and itwill At the Mission Dolores close to lars, and perhaps you willbe just hap- ofj^arters are attached pair, be the all-around, useful costume your front, ¦ the old Mission, as one in of1 which no doubt witnessed the sides, helping cop- •' wardrobe. It will do for matinees, call- many similar pilymarried as the several thousand dol- one at to hold the- ceremonies Inearly Califor- girls. In place. points ing, afternoon teas. It will do for church; • nia days, Sallle lar Your chances are even, any- set.down These are the it.will do for shopping; it can ba varied Lennon and Frederick "¦ Ruddock way.
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