Serving fames Madison University Since 1922 Flurrlu/wlnd 41°/25• Vol. 86, No. 38 chance of pr.clpitatlon: 30~ T11WYday, F'tbnurry 18, 2010 .JMU ADMINISTRATION After 36 Years, Provost to Retire in June lloll.ll! flnown • N'ltl<~r 111 ~ flrt ldt'tll f~lr'CIIIlllnc'1'11110ac.1dm'i<'pn!8r.lm& •lh~(Aonrf!h'F4nrl~ lru"""""" •h.rr J.rrll,.. M4•L ... mllt\lwl"'l) h.n rMtlr ,_, lllllt aJkJ l""'u.t will r.·111~ otth<• r1M.I of htnt• IMJC!t .. IIM.' htolllb llcp.ll1ln.t~l. KJ'OI''Ih of "lirltlluulrlbco~ll IWI•od•il'•lhlwo tn It< ••lllknuo Jllu!Q'•rn• durlr~~t nl)' 1111 lkwnjeiMrl •fwr ;U.) t 1nuh•nlfrl<r•mwnuu f\1\J tlltht dt141nral prop!T\\ and the unpk! has~~ilt'Cldrorii!Mihi·IMI ..ho> 111~ 4~ f'""'""; lltuwn ,_,lei JMU 111974 n In I'P I lhul\lljull~t'<ithr IMU Loullr) rttt·nt.aU.m <•I thto Sd)Oo( uff.nglnt'\'tlnfl. ~ Jll'l\'kk.-.1 k."'ltkMJp '•I c.ltt< Ul<ldtonll 1\IN' u.tm•·tl l•ol) Ur·tt~lll l~lllt IPytiMIIfY iiSaprtofo•.-•lm!IIJl')'hoolcttn•lruln I'~'' to lho-.c JliiJIII'ftil\5 W'l' amfillly anw1Pd dMsk>n of tbl· '""'''!'!lily; IMI I l'w<ildt111 CYm'lll VU "I"'"""~ fill "lrtX·r, lt'thnO] ,,.ftiJtf I'J'H.llrown "·" tlw ht·•d t>ltht• f"Yt lwl 10 til~ lk't'tl~ or tilt! C'.umroonWI'~hh nnd UnWiklllllolt> \,)J(f 11111111 pr'l"<t rd<>'-'<' Ill!) rtll(tnet•rln~~o n~thrrnuut, healrh IIIII fill •~t~r dep;mmrmltt•lr•n• ht>Uifl npp<rtntt-d thlo Mllllll nnd ll'f1ert tht UMU'Qt)'lr mill llrmm t~1wd Ius b;M·Iwlt>r h rl'111l"' ln ~nd hun>.rn '''nllr~. .rnd rmt. '"' nl thlaWffll.. 10 _,..((' VM.I' fllr'•lllcfllflll lll.. oli.I\'IIUI •tun to Nltx"IC erllJW!IInt'd ctt17xolf"·ho P')'t.hofo«t lrum Moruoourh Cllll•l!" In fVIItiU•Ift Jl')dU!i<!t!Y - Ut rJt<• lllll'<VII Ill stttnrl Afloll"ln I'I'J.I truly mal.• • dllr~~ thlllUIIhow thrir llhnot h•m..,.1,-(•tlo.'f!ll't'IIU<IVII>IJ")' .. ,.~:~•• ""''11' ....,oolttl'ltlvt lltr>l\11 "·') ~I'IH•Irntd •I•~ il""ldt·nt c..rtt'l'l.. 111""1o..ud In a pm. rcle-. chtllot!Y &om \omdcrbth U111Wiioll)' .1nd IMU l~ Htm r·ll rl'l ntlllnR l>~r~<ltd.ltt" ""lllefts. fm arnil<'lflir ollLhl'o •nd JlMI"IIn 1'1'17 In •lldlll<rl\ lltiiWil npM(!Pd '!Udl'lll hl\ dClnor.d drgrt't' 11'1 r~nJc~l l~h<olc'f(l loof U... f'C"'IIIun rr<:r •MollllfiiO II••rd1 Ill' .u1<l ru11 ~kith• JMAUll•n ..n< r .1nd f"l'llhy kl'\1« prognuru tiUdl u llll' flnm lndl&nit Unl\!'l'lln llndn Bru ..n• kndrf'hlt 1~111 l~Prnfo;unandr"<'I'QW""'m'"'JIJII ·1am ,..,.,. plra"'tl ..uh th<' r••'ill< - SIIH ,.port1 No Need for Home Beyond the beard, pll s of clothln9 and eclectic accessories, Mike Kle n' " ck • y 'h many emotional layers. By RACHEL OOZitR TllP BrHn I ivtng in ,l COIIl'R<' 10\\'0 Jtl..l? llnrri\OIIburg. it\ caS} ror the homele..... llll'lll· bcrs of the rnmmunll) go unnouced. Om• W'iident refuse~ to accept th;tt poMiibllil) !hough many mny tnllr. to and lntcrau with ~likl! Klein, no one can really kmm what Ill'\ bt'l'llthruugh nnd c\tJl'rit·ncud I u~ tall~ are long and often unwnflablt• ~tudl'Ut\ nmicc thl' 'mall ~tad,, ol ll'gall)l.lth he -.<·rib ~ C4nrtll Adtr wu t ....... MIMI\' llf llll~ _...., t~~Ut.lliM. Adtr jtiiiM tilt lte...U INM t. tool llttf' lnu..,.. rr.t T..... ...,_..,..,. bles thought' tnto, the muhuudc of 'liver rlngs on hts \\1thered fi.ngen; and the Starbucks coffee ~ 1oppc1 poki ng out from hb full. gnt)' beard. t\s he limp& through the library. grlnnlnK at ,mymw who will look his Wn), those Stttdl'lllf> Running Back not 100 bu'y with worJ.. may lilkt'a "ccond tolhlnJ.. ahmn who hr Is and'' herr he came from. Mik<'. whosc ntcknnmes lnrludc homeless :>1LJ..e, gramps, Rind. Ace, roUy polly, gnaly and lhl? llulk. c-.u1 often be found deep in conveNHion Kicked Off Team wnl1 JMU \tudcms and community member~. .see MIKt, PIQt t2 A(kLIIV I t'tll ,•f \IL ,~fi,•r \lanJUtlllll Pvsscssiou Chtlrgt' 8y MATT IIITHI:IILAMD h lp Cllf\\rn lm)mi'OP arRdtml<'ally Tire BrHn and •rhiC1rll&ll\ • \IAnh<'" >~ ·wr mau., aU iU'I'U bffoR' 1\f dtVNU a ( (tU"Ill \~o.J.M il WflhlrtUCHC'" tun flU' '~• ,..,unnnnr~>d<IMol.ll"fl' nor~Jb.xl lo no ~·rq;rr altl<'nlbetof Ill~ fully, h~•lrarnt'CI Ill$ tr.lon • UuJ.tot' f<lOib.&lllt'DJn IMU •NlUUilt~ Matlh....., aaldWtdncad.o) aACI11CK>D Ac~..., ~ dt•nmul lu""la' llhrtnO<on thao \<~r ha> -.uhdnwn from 1\IU ~(41Utt' nf " \itollttun ul rht r~am And lion noc llrrtnd to rnn>U ll!illD- Nlf" 1hr h•c~up nmnona h.ac I. lrorn Ac1t·t "'•••h••ll•d Munday fur pc» I lyott>•tUc, \ld , wu thaq;ed Au~ :t!1 •ts-~un 1>f rn.tn)u.om M nu..Jr·m•~nur fnr rhr pu~ha•t and po•qos tlln of Ac~t·r ,.._, llhf'l"'d ao II :u p m at ;>lcuhol Alltr wu tU•~udPd ltom rh~ lnter•I'Cttnn ol 'ttm..... ru Orrw tht f<)Oib4tl ltlm Oct 26 bdOR lhl' and Brrd.,.,nnd~r- ( l>llrl for .rn f<!UIII Uul.r• j{oim~ IRJIUUI Dcla~ ltlf an mrm vmlenon pr•rtJinrna to hi• "off thr-hrld"l-.ut L>unn,ghl•o;u!JH'll vchlclt •"ordlng 111 llarrt ..onbUIII """ ~elM wu ~~ ch.tiJ!ed ...ub the Pohrt >JlOI<.~~wnm~n M~J) llup~ pun·h....,.anrl 1-•lnnohlrohol He \'aM. ..,,,. r~n•~t~d •1nro lbt ream Nuv 2. A II 9 umt nlt•nl'lllhr• 111fico'f ola"''' Ackcu rr~n,fmtd from remplt <lhll' pr,..rnu ul narcnUtt Jn Ad.tro Unl•rr•lt) In 2008 undt·o <!U~auon­ car \'a<< said Ahhlluj!)1 111lwr po•<Jplr "ble cnnc.IIUDn~ In Morth 200?. Atk('f '"''"In thr• coo Atk~r wu~othr onlv reo 1llrac.INI KUdty In the l.>l•tnu ofCulwn •on rhorsl.'d Oflkrr ( hnrt._., I rnrhht hoa !>lrJttrlur t11un to a mosdemeanor filed Atl.rr 's thMtte• lor II I'll ·1 ur'<l.a) il)WUh ouuldt 1 \\'uhlnl!lnn nlglll· In a •tarrmml rcltA'It'd hy IM II, l<kll cluh Ihi' f>lllly .VtWI·IIteord ft'JIMrd boll tr!ioth Mit ley M~nht'>l• C'lllt"")l'CJ that h•mplt rl!\"uktd ~cl..c•• $4hol.tr· .... llfla, llttll rtftfM II n '"""'"' Mlkt,' ,..wny ."" IIIII - wltll tlvrltftls. Hit '"""" ~ ~ eiiiM llu ..... ellrlt rh• Mfnn• 111.#n to lwlf> Ar~rr b4-lnrf !~hop b4-t ..1\l'lt' hc•fJtlf.'d ro norof) Ttmplr ..... .... ""llltlnalttt -Iff."' ..._to.,. ... u.. II Cln1lr IJWiry. rJr,flli~nflhlrn llf rlllt uan•wa•Jon. which e>c:cumd ·~wn)' Jlt'"rlr atl~tll anrmprr.lln -.-hal• hr ..-.-.uU In hlgtur:hool 2/18 INSIDE 3 Nlfttectlee UPBH as One Hand in the Snooki Jar Dr: plll'"-inllhl•~ ay .IOttM IVTnll ,, )\Ill ,1ft""'' h' orvk- '""' wmtf...ll ,., • cou•& allndmmenJ>tu..ton TMBI'Hl'f lfo"t'\t'f \1 T\ Ml} re<jllllt' SnonkJ Ill tnh•nitow Snot».l lor 45 mlnuots 'llln'hur uln on n\'W job IU bt ~I lUI r\Tnllhll d.J) , II<<~ 10 frjkMl'db) •ISmlnu•• quf!AAln and IOirbJ"l\111\<'l>lllfnoL.. MT\ lftlm IIQr !\knle .,!'IOnl.t CArmo M.&l'\ln IJPII\ edvl\01' _,.,.. >ftiiiQQ 1\llh din rmdlt11R' II"'AJS 111'11 Jocurrer>lly""W.~,.,.h ..,_. urn q~tl rhtlf m~mbcn hupe 10 OPINION f'oliai m.• be' ro comuoc "' I\IU 11 ._............... On \\ Pdn~ tit<· UM~I) l'ro kl• ecmt 111 worL• ,_ tkal for a litter bn113 a baLwu.• Ill t-duudon •nd ._..., Ott... ill~ IW 5 £kna pvtlloourl Cl~all'd. !'lin boo.rt 1'\Tfll dlr •lhi>~ ~t.rnln >tid >lito ~;WI tnh-ttJIIIIIII'hl to &be JMU cQinmwu llttlt!llftnnf 101!1\r <.h<lldtJ"CCIIAilcrR\ and '"'' • ptru re!Hk' .,lllfiA tht wrymnl¥! nr th.rr\no••IJwlllm.d.un f)' Alttr l'ftll infornt w ~ ,,"' bh• Oult.. a thallrnaeo. OUir:IJP>UI and unnmrll •JftW) '>hun-' Cl>l ll>rmbeJ wuuld ~l'l_..,..,..t' 111 J\1ll ~~,, tlu.. "-'"IrS'' r man htr ftnl UIIMt'tll) tpptauncr Aur>rcllnar" Ul'll _,. unn~mrd •• SMOOK I, o-q• -4 MASTER PLAN JMU in Talks to Purchase Rockingham Co-op Land ly AAROM KDf.l'l'llt dt~ I• clthPd Tilt Bretzt CnnnrcUnfl the two emmpu~1 •• lncludrd 111 IMU\ Muter Plan. 1he llocLmJ!h~ m Cnnpt•rauvr on W~·• unwt r>tl)' will won oiOctall) acquol'l' forotr \lffftl• hopln~ 10 ullrh~ J)f'(lp llnd..tnl!hAm MtmonalliO.f)llah•tuch rm ro J~lll hy th~ rnd of the ~rar, will br lo.nrnn1 " ~llnh Ctunll<l• wlrl< b 1\uuld pu! thr uru•rnrl) "norhtr lhl! \t.;,r~ti'IJin ~rwsnan olllltnr :iltp <lo,.,t·r 111 fuUilltnfll" l\1ii>ll't 1'1&11 roo IMU '~ (UIW<' ~IIJ.,.,_I on WD· l\111 and thr <WJH'fAIIVr h"'11 hc:c-n put Accllfdlng to • mAp rrl.
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