IBM IBM i Connecting to IBM i Operations Console 7.1 IBM IBM i Connecting to IBM i Operations Console 7.1 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices for software topics,” on page 69. | This edition applies to IBM i 7.1 (product number 5770–SS1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until | otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) | models nor does it run on CISC models. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Operations Console ......... 1 Multiple local PC consoles on a network .. 31 What's new for IBM i 7.1 .......... 1 Changing from one console type to another .. 31 PDF file for Operations Console ........ 1 Switching from one console type to another Planning considerations for Operations Console .. 2 when the current console is not operational . 32 Planning considerations for your configuration .. 2 Changing from a twinaxial console to an Console planning considerations...... 2 Operations Console local console on a Planning considerations for your backup network (LAN) ........... 32 console ............. 4 Changing the console from a twinaxial Verification of Operations Console requirements 6 console to an Operations Console local Operations Console hardware requirements 6 console on a network (LAN) in a Operations Console software requirements . 8 nonpartitioned system ........ 33 Planning considerations for your Operations Changing the console from a twinaxial Console installation or upgrade ...... 8 console to an Operations Console local Preparation for your network environment .. 9 console on a network (LAN) in a logical Security of your Operations Console partition ............ 33 configuration ............ 11 Configuring the PC to use the new console Preparation for your Operations Console and type after changing from a twinaxial System i Navigator configuration ..... 15 console to an Operations Console local Scenario: Understanding your configuration 16 console on a network (LAN)...... 34 Scenario: Consoles for multiple systems or Changing from an Operations Console local partitions ............ 16 console on a network (LAN) to a twinaxial Planning considerations for your control panel 17 console .............. 35 Remote control panel ......... 18 Changing the console from an Operations PC preparations for Operations Console ..... 18 Console local console on a network (LAN) Completing the setup prerequisite checklist... 18 to a twinaxial console in a nonpartitioned Setting up a local console on a network ... 19 system ............. 35 Completing prerequisite checklist for Changing the console from an Operations Windows XP: Local console on a network . 19 Console local console on a network (LAN) Completing prerequisite checklist for to a twinaxial console in a logical partition . 36 Windows Vista: Local console on a network 19 Performing optional steps on the PC when Completing required prerequisite tasks .... 19 changing from an Operations Console local Installing IBM i Access for Windows .... 19 console on a network (LAN) to a twinaxial Applying IBM i Access for Windows console ............. 37 service packs ........... 20 Managing your local console on a network ... 37 Configuring Operations Console on the PC .. 21 Changing keyboard definitions ...... 37 Configuring a local console on a network Changing the mode of the emulator between (LAN) ............. 22 3179 and 3477 ........... 38 Managing Operations Console ........ 24 Starting the system using a manual IPL ... 39 Takeover or recovery of an Operations Console Using the console service functions (65+21).. 40 connection.............. 24 Using the OPSCONSOLE macro ..... 42 Takeover details ........... 25 Unlocking service tools device IDs in SST .. 43 Recovery details ........... 25 Operations Console simplification ..... 44 Enabling console takeover ....... 26 Considerations for changing the service tools Scenario: Takeover and recovery ..... 27 device ID passwords ......... 46 Scenario: LAN connected devices only with Changing the service tools device ID takeover enabled ......... 27 password on the PC and system ..... 47 Managing your console configuration..... 28 Changing the access password ...... 47 Connecting a local console to a system ... 28 Resynchronizing the PC and service tools Connecting to another system ..... 28 device ID password ......... 48 Changing a console configuration ..... 28 Resetting the service tools device ID Changing a local console on a network password on the system ....... 48 (LAN) ............. 28 Resetting the service tools device ID Deleting a console configuration ..... 29 password on the PC ........ 50 Using the Properties page ....... 29 Creating service tools device IDs on the Customizing the Operations Console window 30 system .............. 51 Management of multiple consoles ...... 31 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2010 iii Changing the value of the autocreate device Troubleshooting emulator problems ..... 61 ID option ............. 52 Troubleshooting system reference code data .. 61 | Changing the RCP privilege on autocreate System reference code A6nn500x ..... 61 | device IDs ............. 52 System reference code A6005001, A6005004, | Changing the value of the display console and A6005007 ........... 61 | status screen option ......... 52 System reference code A6005008 ..... 62 | Changing the value of the Console F18 System reference code A6005082 ..... 64 | takeover option ........... 52 System reference code A9002000 ..... 64 Configuring a service host name (interface IPL step C6004031 takes longer than expected 64 name) .............. 52 Troubleshooting remote control panel problems 64 Deallocating or moving the LAN adapter card Remote control panel fails to start ..... 64 from use by Operations Console ..... 54 Unable to use the mode function ..... 64 Changing network values for Operations Authentication problems ........ 65 Console (LAN) ........... 55 Troubleshooting configuration wizard problems 65 Completing the PC changes ...... 57 Old network data interfering with Troubleshooting Operations Console connection .. 57 reconfiguration of network connectivity ... 66 Troubleshooting status message....... 58 Troubleshooting other Operations Console Status messages when configuration is problems .............. 66 running normally .......... 58 Operations Console remains in QCTL ... 66 Status messages when you have connection System requests do not work ...... 66 problems ............. 59 Unable to sign on because of a lost or expired Troubleshooting connection problems..... 59 password or disabled user ID ...... 66 Local console connection problems .... 59 The user cannot perform the option selected 67 Network connection errors ...... 59 Related information for Operations Console ... 67 Error message: The connection to the system is not a secure connection .... 60 Appendix. Notices for software topics 69 Local console status remains Connecting . 60 Programming interface information ...... 70 Unexpected disconnections ...... 60 Trademarks .............. 71 Troubleshooting authentication problems ... 60 Terms and conditions ........... 71 Authentication errors ......... 60 iv IBM i: Connecting to IBM i Operations Console Operations Console The Operations Console acts as a system console for you to access and administer your systems. IBM® facilitates interaction with your systems by providing management consoles that can be accessed through terminals and PCs. The Operations Console is an installable component of the IBM i Access for Windows licensed program. Using Operations Console, you can access and control the console and control panel functions either locally or remotely through one or many PCs, which facilitates many administrative functions. | Operations Console uses 5250 emulation provided by either IBM i Access for Windows or IBM Personal | Communications to emulate a console. To emulate a system control panel, Operations Console provides a | graphical control panel. To enable communications between a system and a PC, Operations Console can | use a local area network (LAN) and TCP/IP connections. These remote PCs can then function as a | console, which allows easier system management and access. Enhanced authentication and data encryption provide network security for console procedures. Operations Console network connections use a variation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), that supports device and user authentication without certificates. If you plan to use Operations Console to manage System i® hardware, see the Managing Operations Console topic collection in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center. Related information: Managing Operations Console What's new for IBM i 7.1 Read about new or significantly changed information for the Operations Console topic collection. | v Support for local console direct attached has been removed. | v Support for Windows 2000 has been removed. How to see what's new or changed To help you see where technical changes have been made, the information center uses: v The image to mark where new or changed information begins. v The image to mark where new or changed information ends. In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the left margin of new and changed information. To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users. PDF file for Operations Console You can view
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